That was actually a really good match.
They should have done a Snickers advert where Gillberg is hungry and then turns into Goldberg.
Upcoming mystery youtube sensation???
I'm still shook at Shane doing a legit SSP.
AJ/Shane was Shane's best match, and it was a fucking regular match with no stip.
Jesus Christ, AJ is the greatest ever. Good shit by Shane too, he brought it
Legit thought it was gonna be him too. I wouldn't be able to roll my eyes enough if it was.JonTron
Wow. The set looks so nice at night. KO's entrance is dope.
That's way too clever for WWE to ever think up.They should have done a Snickers advert where Gillberg is hungry and then turns into Goldberg.
That's because he's phenomenal.AJ Styles is ridiculous he looks like he can still go another 60 minutes after that match.
I can'tits page 148 and I saw Shane do a shooting star press, you know what that means.
automatic 5 stars
Youtube stars are getting plugged.
its page 150 so its time to ask, how do the big haters feel about how the match ended up