Mortimer Brewster
The only reason Roman gets such a solid push is because of his relations in the wrestling business and specifically his cousin Dwayne who was the biggest kiss ass in the business, that's why people rightly say he hasn't earned it.
Although Dwayne tbh actually had talent irrespective of being a kiss ass, that's the difference.
The reason reigns gets shit on is because his rise hasn't been authentic, he is the very definition of "company man" and there are others (such as Strowman) that should be getting a huge push and they aren't.
Vince always says he likes guys that push him and try to "grab the brass ring" but the truth is he hates it and he specifically hates guys that question him, you listen to any shoot ever or watch any half decent documentary you will know there is only one guy he really took any form of shit from and that was Shaun Michaels, possibly Stone Cold as well but that's more because Austin was bringing in such high ratings at the time
If Vince actually listened PG would have been long gone by now as well, most fans want a more edgy product back aimed towards the group that primarily watches it, we have seen in the last 2 months it becoming a little more edgy again and especially with Hardy Boys being back and there being less restrictions with the promos it's starting to get interesting again and the reason we are seeing that is because the ratings are hurting I think.
But still, the booking is suffering and that's the main problem, the booking, PG is secondary in comparison, the overly scripted nature of the promos, not allowing wrestlers to mold their own character, the pushing of wrestlers that aren't even close to being over or being convincing heels.
The booking and creative is the problem, change that and it gets better, I think it has been improving lately but for every hit there are 2 misses.
After Sunday night I don't even think good booking can save Roman now. The vitriol he got from the crowd last night was nuclear. Roman has cleared X-Pac heat and is now in uncharted waters of nuclear heat. X-Pac himself would get huge face pops from crowds if he faced Reigns.
Reigns could face Shaun Michaels in Montreal and the crowd would cheer for HBK over Reigns.