Oh thank god, Kid Inc is here
When I was a kid, Kids Incorporated was a television show on PBS
If he does get a Taker retirement match next year, that match will be a lot less troublesome.
I dont' think Sting cares that much. I think sometimes fans can read way too much into these things. Sting has been in the same company as Hogan and Nash, he's lost big matches before, I think he knows how backstage politics work. I don't think the winner/loser of this match matters nearly as much as you guys try to make it seem.
Sting vs H was overbooked to TNA levels, but I still enjoyed it considering that we finally got Sting in a WWE ring. Just hope this wasn't his only match, would love for him to have maybe 2-3 more matches in the WWE and goes into the HOF next year. It's just a bummer that Sting lost his first match.
Dan Ryckert lol
oh yeahPaige <3
LL Cool J did the intro to WM...at least he could have sung Momma Said Knock You Out right quick instead of this shit :/
CM Punk is probably watching
Sting losing what is possibly his only match in the WWE shits on both him and WCW because of how they connected the entire storyline to the company.
It's Vince's final laugh.
Paige is my everything
That will be the most boring match ever, at this point Sting just needs to call it quits, along with Taker.
Dan Ryckert lol