huh, wonder if dana signed off on her doing a match anytime over the next few years
maybe they'll start sharing talent too.
Oh god now I have to look at that section lol
Either Taker is selling incredibly well, or he's in an insane amount of pain.
Tapout has been rebranded and will be moving towards hard body, fitness.So wait, what the fuck are they going to do? Seriously just move to WWE?
Should have ended at 20-0 when he walked out with HHH and HBK tbh. Was a fantastic ending.
Everything Taker does seems to hurt him more than anything.
You're forgetting about Roman ReignsIf Taker wins every match tonight would have favoured the last gen stars lol
Everybody kicks out of the Tombstone you chimps.
You mean like Bellator and TNA?
This match is just...meh. Feels off.
Is it me or has actual wrassling been kinda poor this year.
That was the 5th finisher kickout of the night, not including submission finisher escapes
Undertaker has Dolph Ziggler stamina right now.
Please retire, Taker