Any last minute updates on betting odds?
so he's undefeated.
With how slow the crowd is filing in, seems like the first pre-show match won't start until 6 EST.
Yeah I kind of figured.It was never going too.
I'm very confused as to why I have to pay for the WWE Network with a Nintendo DS game
Shaemus randomly entering the battle royal or ladder match (and winning).
Cena did great work on Kimmel.
Because Cena loves anime.
what are the chances that, for some incredible reasons, Rusev's streak survives tonight?
between 0,1% - 0,2%?
Godammit Vince.
Honestly been hard to dislike himCena's been doing great work since Summerslam.
Because the hero shouldn't slay the monster if you don't like the hero, right?
That is one big stadium...what's the biggest crowd Sting has wrestled in before? Coz he didn't take part in that WCW show in North Korea in the mid 90's.
it really annoys me that i cant use a chromecast with wwen yet.
ROFL I totally read that in Vince's voice and could see it as a real conversation :/medics to vince bray is injured,
vince, no problem bryan last year did two matches in a night lets do same for roman that will surely get him over.
It's 9,99. What are you even waiting for?Damnit should I just renew and watch this shit live?
I've been away form Wrasslin' since 2003, but that promo didn't seem PG at all. Are we getting closer and closer to a different TV rating?
Sheamus should show up tomorrow to start an angle with Bryan for the IC.
Starting feuds at Mania doesn't sit well with me.
This Sting vs HHH really has no story.
I mean the story is that they want to save Taker vs Sting for next year but man. They couldn't come up with nothing substantial for this.
This Sting vs HHH really has no story.
I mean the story is that they want to save Taker vs Sting for next year but man. They couldn't come up with nothing substantial for this.
This Sting vs HHH really has no story.
I mean the story is that they want to save Taker vs Sting for next year but man. They couldn't come up with nothing substantial for this.