This isn't what I expected to go wrong. Pre-show ought to air free tomorrow after Raw.
What a great start for them, huh? The audio quality is terrible right now.
Hope they'll fox it soon.
They're actually not streaming sound right now, they hooked it up to Jimmy Hart's megaphone as an emergency solution.
They're actually not streaming sound right now, they hooked it up to Jimmy Hart's megaphone as an emergency solution.
I will get good use out of this!!
I will get good use out of this!!
I know the network launch and Mania were a hand in hand thing, but it might have been better to have started with EC just to work out the kinks.
I will get good use out of this!!
I know what happened to the sound guy.
I will get good use out of this!!
Trish Stratus says Ya Know?, right?, and ya know what I mean? too fucking much.
Vinny, a little more big knob