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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|


Glad that a lot of gaffers are giving this a shot. Work hard and this is what you'll get:

Happy writing folks!


Glad that a lot of gaffers are giving this a shot. Work hard and this is what you'll get:

Happy writing folks!

That looks cool. Looking forward to making that on my first go!

Book 1 Rank/Sales

  1. The Abs that Ravished Me by timetokill (1,000 sales/$10 gazillion)
  2. Yuri Rumble by Jintor (9,999 sales/$9 gazillion)
  3. My Dinosaur Lover by Gaz_RB (9,998 sales/$8 gazillion)

How does that sound?

Only 8 Gazillion for Dinosaur Lover? I feel underrated!


3 ft, coiled to the sky
Forgive the crosspost, but I haven't received many submissions for this!

So I've been working for a little while at a community magazine in Texas, we distribute in Dallas and Houston... it's one of those free magazines that gets delivered to households that is supported by advertising but still has a package of editorial content.

Anyway, I've been trying to beef up said editorial content, and have convinced the EIC to give me one page (the "parting shot" or a back page in the book) to devote to a sort of fiction/flash fiction/poetry page.

It's gotta be short (probably under 500 words or so), and there is no official compensation. That said, I'll pony up twenty bucks and a couple copies of the magazine for whoever's work ends up going in.

Important notes:
- this is a print publication with a large circulation, so your work will get out and get read
- we are a "family friendly" magazine with a mildly (very mildly) Christian slant, so no dirty words or stuff that talks bad about the g-man
- fiction that matches the magazine's theme (the issue this would be for is the May issue, the food issue) will earn brownie points
- message me if you'd like themes for upcoming issues
- we'll take non-exclusive one-time rights to run the story in our magazine, digital editions readable online, potentially the blog or a facebook crosspost/link
- no official compensation like I said, but I'll kick in 20 bucks and some copies to the story that gets picked for May's issue
- simultaneous submissions and previously published work are fine with me (as long as you still retain the rights to republish)
- we're not specifically looking for "life-affirming" stories, but they should ultimately at least have a message that makes you think and isn't horrifically depressing
- you absolutely will get a writer byline

I'd really like to be able to make this an avenue for people to get good fiction in print to a huge built-in audience... and it'd be fun to do, too.

Please PM me if you're interested or have any questions!


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Tide of Shadows and Other Stories is now on Goodreads! Yay for progress.

Also, I'm working on an article about my decision to self-publish. If there's anything in particular you'd like to know, I'll try my best to fit it in. :)

Great looking cover, aidan.

Yeah, the cover owns.

That cover is amazing, aidan.

And I see you're already ranking in a number of categories on pre-orders alone. Good luck!

Congratulations, cover sells it so I'll give it a go.

Thanks, all!

I didn't realize that it was ranking until I saw cosmicblizzard's post. It hit the top 50 in SF anthologies last night, and the top 10 in upcoming SF anthologies. So, that's cool!

Pht. It's okay. I guess.

Haha. I only saw the other part of this post when I quoted you. Thanks!

That is a lovely cover. All steamy and green and disturbing. *thumbs up* I really like the text style too.

Thanks! I love the artwork, and worked hard to make sure that the typography/design lived up for Leement's illustration.[/QUOTE]

Man, I really love the cover that was posted on this page. I know where I can find -that- particular artist now, but where can I go to find other artists like that for my own works?

Thanks! I find artists by trolling DeviantArt. Lots of great pro- and fan-artists there who are willing to license their art or take on commissions.

mu cephei


Table of Contents

  • “A Night for Spirits and Snowflakes”
  • “The Girl with Wings of Iron and Down”
  • “Of Parnassus and Princes, Damsels and Dragons”
  • “The Colour of the Sky on the Day the World Ended”
  • “Tide of Shadows”
Official Synopsis

These stories sound pretty cool. And nice cover :)

Updated List of Participants:

Please can you add me? I haven't written anything remotely approaching 'erotica' since my Berserk fanfiction days, but it definitely seems the market to write for at the moment!


Goddammit, that's so tempting. How many books is that over?

Quite a lot if I count my short erotica books, but I've got a dozen longer ones in romance and a couple in other genres.

Anyway, for those about to get into erotica, try to find the book I mentioned earlier. The author took it down from kindle, but I'm sure you can find a way to get it ;)

Also, check out Cassandra Zara. Study how she structures her story, does her blurbs, covers and branding.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I want to try and particapate in this erotica challenge. I am suddenly filled with visions of the erotic adventure of a velociraptor in victorian England. Although, I have a broken arm for that month, so writing has been difficult at best lately. I'll do what I can.

Aidan! Congrats on the cover and the collection. Looks amazing, professional, and I really want to pick it up now!

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras

My short fiction collection, Tide of Shadows and Other Stories was officially unveiled today and made available for pre-order! I owe a lot to the helpful community here on Writing-GAF for providing useful advice and feedback as I've figured out how to publish a book.

A few details about Tide of Shadows and Other Stories:

Table of Contents

  • “A Night for Spirits and Snowflakes”
  • “The Girl with Wings of Iron and Down”
  • “Of Parnassus and Princes, Damsels and Dragons”
  • “The Colour of the Sky on the Day the World Ended”
  • “Tide of Shadows”
Official Synopsis

In addition to the five stories (four originals and one reprint), Tide of Shadows and Other Stories also includes story notes for each tale. These give readers insight into the origins of the story and explore some of the ways they’ve impacted me as a writer.

Cover Art

Cover illustration is by Kuldar Leement, a wonderful digital illustrator and graphic designer from Estonia. I did all the design/layout/typography myself.

Pre-order & Release Date

If you're interested in fantasy and science fiction, or just want to support a GAFfer, you can pre-order Tide of Shadows and Other Stories on Amazon right now for $2.99! It will be released on May 4, 2015.

Cover is bomb as fuck. It all looks awesome.
Hmmm. It seems like it'd be easy to suss out whose was whose still, especially since I think most would want to at least share the general gist of their works here (easy track back). We could share the direct links privately, as you suggested, and just make it a rule to only talk about others works without mentioning title, pen name, etc. It would require people just all agree to not share publicly with anyone, here or otherwise, if they do connect the dots. If everyone was cool with that, I'd be fine to take all the links from people, jumble them up and then PM everyone with the full list. I would not disclose what came from who.

This sounds good to me.

Mike M

Nick N
The siren call of easy smut money is appealing, but I can't help but feel like it's a Bitcoin bubble that'll burst as soon as I can actually devote any time to it...
Yeah, I'm worried about the bubble bursting too. It already sounds like a super oversaturated market, and with more and more people learning about it, that's only going to get worse.

Will it still be financially viable in a month or so? We got any market analysts in here that understand this trend?


I'm mostly worried about the covers for this smut. I know most of them on amazon I see are goofy as all hell. Will we just get those done before we publish the first book?


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Glad that a lot of gaffers are giving this a shot. Work hard and this is what you'll get:

Happy writing folks!

Wow. Definitely inspiring to know it can be done and done to the moon. Amazing stuff, sirap. Do you think the method in the mini-challenge (first perma-free and/or KU and the other 2 @ .99) somewhat replicates a mini-version of what you've been doing here? Not that anyone is expecting to make more than a 6-pack off this little foray, but your model is definitely something to shoot for.

Will also check out the book you mentioned before and Cassandra Zara. There definitely seems to be a formula to this madness. :)

I'd really like to be able to make this an avenue for people to get good fiction in print to a huge built-in audience... and it'd be fun to do, too.

Please PM me if you're interested or have any questions!

I don't have anything to submit here, but cheers for offering the opportunity, lobdale. The chance to be published for a built-in audience is a pretty nice one. Might give it a go if it comes around again.

Please can you add me? I haven't written anything remotely approaching 'erotica' since my Berserk fanfiction days, but it definitely seems the market to write for at the moment!

Sure thing. Having written anything remotely close to erotica, I'd say you're well ahead of the pack as it is.

I want to try and particapate in this erotica challenge. I am suddenly filled with visions of the erotic adventure of a velociraptor in victorian England. Although, I have a broken arm for that month, so writing has been difficult at best lately. I'll do what I can.

I can't wait to tally people's genres/vague synopses. Sexy Victorian dinosaur adventures is not something I thought I'd ever hear.

I'd kind of like to because it sounds fun as hell. But I'm signed up for Camp NaNo with some of my writing group pals, and I'm supposed to write 20k worth of my novel by month's end. :/

Updated List of Participants:
mu cephei

The siren call of easy smut money is appealing, but I can't help but feel like it's a Bitcoin bubble that'll burst as soon as I can actually devote any time to it...

You could say the same about self-publishing online in general, really. Amazon is awash with ebooks. At least with erotica there seems to be a hungry audience (for now).

I'm mostly worried about the covers for this smut. I know most of them on amazon I see are goofy as all hell. Will we just get those done before we publish the first book?

Mmmm, I looked into this a bit last night. It seems stock photos of half-dressed people is key, but that means getting stock photos to use, and the halfway decent sites are all paid. Some aren't so bad, but I had been hoping to do my own cover from scratch on my end. I'm not so sure now. A lot of success of these erotica shorts seems built on first glance impulse, so having an attractive cover is really important. Don't want to gimp your chances out the gate, after all.
Does publishing on Amazon cost anything?

Not the actual publishing part, no. There are other costs with publishing a book of course, though. Cover, editing, formatting, getting an ISBN, etc. You could theoretically do all that yourself though (minus the ISBN if you want one).

Mike M

Nick N
You could say the same about self-publishing online in general, really. Amazon is awash with ebooks. At least with erotica there seems to be a hungry audience (for now).
Well, yeah.

I don't know how much it comes across, but I'm incredibly ambivalent about self-publishing. Everyone and their mother can and does do it, which means that trying to distinguish yourself is a Sisyphean task when a million people are doing the exact same thing. I don't have the time, energy, expertise, or money to market myself adequately. Everyone I know of that makes a living at self-publishing does so with a bunch of pen names by churning out mass quantities, which I am just not in a position to do.

Plus, most self-published books are frankly awful, which stigmatizes everything that goes the same route. The mentality is changing, but most people would still probably pick up a traditionally published book over a self published one (I probably would myself, honestly.).

I understand the many pitfalls and downsides of traditional publishing, but I would gladly trade a smaller cut for someone else to print and market the thing than assume all the risk myself.

Mike M

Nick N
just write what you know, don't go for "easy money" unless you actually want to do that.
(made that mistake before; never again)

You (of all people) should have no problem at all reaching people with your average short from the creative challenge thread. Though they would require some editing from a literary point of view, few readers will actually notice that these days. And even fewer actually care when it's self-published, if they care at all.

To be honest, I think you and other experienced "challengers" would benefit more from some coaching by a professional editor than by 'going rogue'.
If it's not too high in price, I would consider doing that instead of that writing group you have. Orson Scott Card even addresses that in 'how to write fantasy / sf' that at some point, a group has outlived its purpose for you and it's time to move on. This is my impression of your discussion on it though, not necessarily what you get out of it. If the group still has valuable new tricks and routines to display it's still useful.
But then I'm typing this while browsing GAF, so maybe I'm inconsistent in what I preach...
The current incarnation of my group has a great deal of value to me, but yeah, I feel I'm at the point I need a professional editor to make forward progress. I'm not going to pay for it for my shorts, but I will probably end up hiring a structural editor once I get my novel manuscript as far as I can take it on my own.

to boot, Twilight and Fifty Shades were written by people with NO writing experience whatsoever. Literally none, nada, zip.

I'm pragmatic enough to realize those are literally one in multiple million occurrences. I don't invest in lottery tickets as a retirement strategy either : P


Wow. Definitely inspiring to know it can be done and done to the moon. Amazing stuff, sirap. Do you think the method in the mini-challenge (first perma-free and/or KU and the other 2 @ .99) somewhat replicates a mini-version of what you've been doing here? Not that anyone is expecting to make more than a 6-pack off this little foray, but your model is definitely something to shoot for.

Will also check out the book you mentioned before and Cassandra Zara. There definitely seems to be a formula to this madness. :)

I've never actually done an erotica serial with the Permafree/0.99/0.99 model. From my experience readers of erotica actually hate it when you include too much story. They just want to get off, and get off fast. 2.99 seems to be the standard price for erotica shorts, but I don't really think it matters because most of your royalties will come from KU.

Permafree/0.99/0,99 works well with romance and other genres though.
I've never actually done an erotica serial with the Permafree/0.99/0.99 model. From my experience readers of erotica actually hate it when you include too much story. They just want to get off, and get off fast. 2.99 seems to be the standard price for erotica shorts, but I don't really think it matters because most of your royalties will come from KU.

Permafree/0.99/0,99 works well with romance and other genres though.

2.99 for something that could be 2-5k words? Damn, I priced my 83k word novel at that.
2.99 for something that could be 2-5k words? Damn, I priced my 83k word novel at that.
Yeah, that seems crazy, but I guess if people will pay for it. If I cant get my novel published, then I'll price it at like 4.99 or something.

I've seen self published novels go for ten dollars though too, so I guess people pick whatever feels like the best idea at the time. Dunno. Crazy world.
So is making a dedicated Amazon account for erotica the way to go? Can you post with a pen name on your normal account? What are the steps for getting your payment ducks in a row for that?
Congrats, Aidan! Looking forward to checking it out. I really like the cover, too.

I am tempted by this whole erotica thing but not ready to commit to it. I actually have an idea but my writing time is so varied and random that I can't say for sure that I'd be able to do it in this timetable.


Here's my rough idea for the challenge. I'm happy to allot more time and shift dates if this seems too tight. I have no idea how hard it is yet to set up the pen name account or format the shorts to Amazon specs, so maybe we'll need more time there.

Anyway, thoughts?


Price-wise, is there a better way to do this, sirap? First permafree, then paid, or all three free-shared...?

Looks awesome. I wanna tell all my friends I'm doing this....but then again I don't. Now to brainstorm a pen name.

Lisa Luxuria
Reading through the how to book sirap recommended and honestly, this is a bit disheartening. I actually had around 10 premises in mind, but they seem to be too bizarre to sell. Damn mainstream audience and their vanilla tastes :/


Reading through the how to book sirap recommended and honestly, this is a bit disheartening. I actually had around 10 premises in mind, but they seem to be too bizarre to sell. Damn mainstream audience and their vanilla tastes :/

Which book is that again? Could you link me?
Noooo my own weapon, turned against me!

Can't wait to see what you come up with! :3

I've never actually done an erotica serial with the Permafree/0.99/0.99 model. From my experience readers of erotica actually hate it when you include too much story. They just want to get off, and get off fast. 2.99 seems to be the standard price for erotica shorts, but I don't really think it matters because most of your royalties will come from KU.

Permafree/0.99/0,99 works well with romance and other genres though.

So that's more the romance model, huh? I think the erotic shorts will be stand alones (at least mine will) with some similar themes, not necessarily serials, and more PWP than story intensive. With that in mind, do you have any thoughts on the best set-up, then? 2.99 seems high for a bunch of unknowns starting out, but if that's more the norm and will project better to readers then it might be the better course. Should all three be on KU and priced at 2.99? Or just the first on KU? Or #1 perma-free and the rest 2.99/KU...? I confess I'm not sure what the best method for this is now...

So is making a dedicated Amazon account for erotica the way to go? Can you post with a pen name on your normal account? What are the steps for getting your payment ducks in a row for that?

I believe (as sirap said) you have to have your pen name linked to your normal account but that it wouldn't show as linked to your real name or anything. It's something we need to look into more. ^_^

Congrats, Aidan! Looking forward to checking it out. I really like the cover, too.

I am tempted by this whole erotica thing but not ready to commit to it. I actually have an idea but my writing time is so varied and random that I can't say for sure that I'd be able to do it in this timetable.

I think I'm going to push everything back a week because we're still sort of sussing out the best set-up for the publishing part once everything's done, plus doing the covers seems more challenging than expected. So, no need to commit yet, really. If somehow people are able to pump out and have 3 shorts ready to go by the pub date, then they can jump in any time. That's the real deadline.

Reading through the how to book sirap recommended and honestly, this is a bit disheartening. I actually had around 10 premises in mind, but they seem to be too bizarre to sell. Damn mainstream audience and their vanilla tastes :/

I'm really curious how bizarre your 10 must be if they don't seem sell-able since after checking out the reddit AMAs and random browsing tells me that there's an audience for almost anything (oh boy, is it ever anything goes) when it comes to erotica.
I'm really curious how bizarre your 10 must be if they don't seem sell-able since after checking out the reddit AMAs and random browsing tells me that there's an audience for almost anything (oh boy, is it ever anything goes) when it comes to erotica.

Pretty damn bizarre. Here's something from the How To book:

"First off, maybe if you didn't write about crap nobody wants to read, then you'd get a few more units
moved off the shelf! Werewolf tooth fairies and BBW bowling ball sex pins don't have a large
audience. These may not be your first kinks to choose..."

Let's just say they're potentially MORE bizarre than those examples.

There's no way I have the ability to write "normal" erotica. My fingers just refuse to type anything even if I know exactly what to do.
So that's more the romance model, huh? I think the erotic shorts will be stand alones (at least mine will) with some similar themes, not necessarily serials, and more PWP than story intensive. With that in mind, do you have any thoughts on the best set-up, then? 2.99 seems high for a bunch of unknowns starting out, but if that's more the norm and will project better to readers then it might be the better course. Should all three be on KU and priced at 2.99? Or just the first on KU? Or #1 perma-free and the rest 2.99/KU...? I confess I'm not sure what the best method for this is now...

That jives with what I had read, the $2.99 price point, which shocked me. But it's what I keep seeing.

I believe (as sirap said) you have to have your pen name linked to your normal account but that it wouldn't show as linked to your real name or anything. It's something we need to look into more. ^_^

Okay. I definitely want to know more -- can you have multiple pen names on one account, etc.
i think there's probably just a big gap between 'an audience' and 'an audience willing to part with money'

I might just have to bet on the curiosity aspect from the people with KU.

At the very least, I can say the ideas I have do not exist ANYWHERE else after a few quick searches.

Well, maybe some bizarre hentai has done them knowing how much weird stuff is out there, but the erotica audience don't need to know that!


I've decided the name of my first one.

Doctor/Patient Privilege.

She came for a check up...she left with a load more.

Mike M

Nick N
Been hitting the Submission Grinder hard the past couple days. Looking forward to accumulating my rejection letters.


I've decided the name of my first one.

Doctor/Patient Privilege.

She came for a check up...she left with a load more.

Love it. Thinking of taking my old Host club novel I did for one Nano and cutting it up for the erotica challenge. Should be fun.
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