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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|

Brb, writing a new story.


FINALLY. First story down! I have to do some formatting for the book but the story is done. All 7800 words of it. I'm bizarrely proud of it, I actually think it has a pretty nice character arc. I just hope readers will stick with it.

Wait, no, that's my niche! "Girls that write erotica and then show it to their sisters."


That aside, nice work on finishing the first short! Well ahead of schedule. If you're starting formatting, that template I linked is pretty nifty (and easy). Have you started your cover yet?


Super useful tool to keep track of your sales.

Oooh, thanks, sirap. I'll add that to the big post when we get to the next page.


I wrote a fairly extensive (3,500+ word) article about my decision to self-publish my book, some of the lessons I've learned, and how my opinion of self-publishing has evolved.


It might be of interest to those of you thinking of self-publishing. I also discuss cover art, tools for publishing, how much I'll have to sell to cover my costs, etc.

Will definitely check it out, A~

EDIT: Conker > One down, but not a bad one, as you said. Not much you can do about the idea. If they don't like it, they don't like it, but def better than other stuff they could have noted. Better luck on the next one.
That aside, nice work on finishing the first short! Well ahead of schedule. If you're starting formatting, that template I linked is pretty nifty (and easy). Have you started your cover yet?
Yeah, I'm using that template, with a few minor modifications.
I'm probably going to leave covers until after I'm done with the first three stories, then do them all in one go. It also gives me a little bit more time to procrastinate on my pen name :\
For scrivener, there are lots of discount coupons floating around from Nanowrimo (50%). Unfortunately I don't have one, but you could probably get a good deal.

I've finished the first short... This is a very odd thing to do. But at least I'm doing something, so thanks HP
So is anybody using a, I guess, "ethnic" pen name? Most of the pen names I see are pretty "caucasian" sounding. I wonder if that's just the market.

For scrivener, there are lots of discount coupons floating around from Nanowrimo (50%). Unfortunately I don't have one, but you could probably get a good deal.

I was planning to jump on that when I attempt NaNo again this year, since I figure there will be another discount. Are you seeing the coupons on their boards, or elsewhere?


Ugh, I already know I'm probably going to have to add some chapters and add some details and scenes into my story once the first draft is finished.
So is anybody using a, I guess, "ethnic" pen name? Most of the pen names I see are pretty "caucasian" sounding. I wonder if that's just the market.

I'm a minority, but I have a Caucasian sounding pen name. I did it on purpose. There is a certain...freedom I noticed when you have a white name versus a minority one. That's just my preference.
I'm a minority, but I have a Caucasian sounding pen name. I did it on purpose. There is a certain...freedom I noticed when you have a white name versus a minority one. That's just my preference.

That was sort of what I figured. I totally understand why somebody would do that.


well tbh I should probably focus on writing this thing.

My current work environment is NOT CONDUSIVE to writing erotica during weekdays. (I don't think any 9-5 work environment is probably)
For scrivener, there are lots of discount coupons floating around from Nanowrimo (50%). Unfortunately I don't have one, but you could probably get a good deal.

I've finished the first short... This is a very odd thing to do. But at least I'm doing something, so thanks HP

Nice! You guys are killin' it. It is sort of an odd challenge, but it feels nice to set goals and meet them whatever the topic. Plus the real fun will come once they're all up and we can see which kink will be king of the hill. :D

You guys started already? Aw. :(

Why the 'aw'? You've got loads of time still! Get movin', Nudull! I expect at least 2000 words out of you by Friday. Your theme is due Tomorrow. :)
Short 2 complete at 4.5k words. Awkward wording aside, I think this is a premise people can get behind. Feel like I should release this one first since, as far as the bizarre goes, this is probably among the more widespread kinks.
Whew. Today was my "off day" which means I wasn't going to write, I was just going to polish up my last story and come up with ideas for new ones. Now I've got 14 ideas sitting ready to go! Feeling pretty good about this.

Short 2 complete at 4.5k words. Awkward wording aside, I think this is a premise people can get behind. Feel like I should release this one first since, as far as the bizarre goes, this is probably among the more widespread kinks.

Nice. Don't forget to get in touch if you want me to take a crack at a cover for you.


I might just join in with a new pen name. 5k shorts a day sounds like a fun break from my current publishing schedule.
sirap, do you do the whole website and social media thing too, or do you just publish? How critical would you say maintaining all of that is?


sirap, do you do the whole website and social media thing too, or do you just publish? How critical would you say maintaining all of that is?

Yes, i think it's important to have all three (Website, Facebook and Twitter)

I use a website for mailing list sign ups, beta readers and street team recruiting, and also where readers can find my publishing schedule.

Twitter is useful for interaction with fans. It might seem silly or sad when you're just starting but every single reader counts.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Quick question: how does the "What Are You Reading" thread take to GAFfers popping in to talk about their books?
Yes, i think it's important to have all three (Website, Facebook and Twitter)

I use a website for mailing list sign ups, beta readers and street team recruiting, and also where readers can find my publishing schedule.

Twitter is useful for interaction with fans. It might seem silly or sad when you're just starting but every single reader counts.

Beta readers for erotica?


Been using white smoke. 25$ every four months for a decent editor and redundancy checker is way too nice to pass up. Since I don't have work Friday, I might pour some more into it.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Penalty of catapult.

*Puts on a rubber suit*

I would say that posting about your book in there once now, and maybe again on the actual release, would probably be fine. If people have questions about your book or want to discuss, it's probably fine to respond. Whereas, say, bringing it up in every new reading thread would be viewed as spammy self-promotion.

It probably helps to have some stature in the field. :p

Thanks, Cyan. That was more or less the idea I had. A pre-release announcement and then another post in the May thread when it's released (possibly alongside a Goodreads giveaway.)

(I dunno about stature in the field, but I've got some friends in the reading thread, so that might help. Plus, like, I've been reading the book like crazy as I've been creating the eBook and doing edits!)


Nah, no point for 5k shorts. Spell check is all the editing I do for those.

EDIT: So yeah, I'll be joining in the erotica challenge. Werewolf billionaire stepbrothers kink, serial with 3 5-10k books.

Only spellcheck? Interesting.
Okay, I think I've decided...

Theme: Cyberpunk Heist Caper
1st Title: So Fell Sophia
2nd Title: ???
3rd Title: ???

Pen Name: (haven't decided yet)

Progress: nothing (will start tonight) :eek:

Oh jeez this is gonna be like NaNo but sweatier :I

mu cephei

Oh jeez this is gonna be like NaNo but sweatier :I

It really is :( But at least with Nano I could pretend to myself I'd go back and fix all the bad writing. Here, half the bad writing is deliberate, and for the rest, it's not only just sitting there, mocking me, but it's going to be made public as well.
Nah, no point for 5k shorts. Spell check is all the editing I do for those.

EDIT: So yeah, I'll be joining in the erotica challenge. Werewolf billionaire stepbrothers kink, serial with 3 5-10k books.

But twitter, Facebook and a website are necessary? Or are you just talking about your non-erotica romance?
EDIT: So yeah, I'll be joining in the erotica challenge. Werewolf billionaire stepbrothers kink, serial with 3 5-10k books.

Yup, sounds like it checks all the boxes of the biggest erotica stuff right now. This is why you're the pro around here!

Thanks for the info on the social network stuff too.

But twitter, Facebook and a website are necessary? Or are you just talking about your non-erotica romance?
Pretty sure he means for erotica. I've noticed the big name erotica authors all have them. Apparently people actually follow their favorite erotica authors too. Crazy world, man!
*Puts on a rubber suit*

Thanks, Cyan. That was more or less the idea I had. A pre-release announcement and then another post in the May thread when it's released (possibly alongside a Goodreads giveaway.)

(I dunno about stature in the field, but I've got some friends in the reading thread, so that might help. Plus, like, I've been reading the book like crazy as I've been creating the eBook and doing edits!)
Maklershed is pretty good about it. He'll add you to the OP he maintains of GAFfers who have published. I do pop in and let folks know if my book is on sale and everyone seems cool with it.
I do have this old and weird idea...but would the world be ready? :p

Go for it! What is it?

Nah, no point for 5k shorts. Spell check is all the editing I do for those.

EDIT: So yeah, I'll be joining in the erotica challenge. Werewolf billionaire stepbrothers kink, serial with 3 5-10k books.

Awesome! Curious to see if the current trend is still going strong.

Angmars, you sure you don't want in? It's practically a community event at this point. ^_^

Updated List

Me - Medieval
Nappuccino - Friends and Benefits
Gaz_RB - Doctor-Patient Fling
Delio - Superhero
Blargonaut - Cyberpunk Heist Caper
Jintor - Lesbians?
timetokill - Virgins/Daddy Issues
toddhunter - Theme? What theme? Sex!
Nudull - ???
mu cephei - ?????
FlowersisBritish - Historical/Dinosaurs?
Cyan - Tiger/human love
cosmicblizzard - The Strange and Bizarre
Petit Melon - Vampire/Paranormal
besada - Housewives/Occult
Fiction - Heaven and Hell
sirap - Werewolf billionaire stepbrothers kink (serial)


I loooooove post it notes, such a great tool to jot down my ideas while I am working on my book without disturbing the flow.

Still debating if I want to go with a pen name or not since my real name might hurt the book sale but eh that's a problem for future me.


I wrote a fairly extensive (3,500+ word) article about my decision to self-publish my book, some of the lessons I've learned, and how my opinion of self-publishing has evolved.


It might be of interest to those of you thinking of self-publishing. I also discuss cover art, tools for publishing, how much I'll have to sell to cover my costs, etc.

Cool, I will check it out later as I might find it useful.
Go for it! What is it?

Awesome! Curious to see if the current trend is still going strong.

Angmars, you sure you don't want in? It's practically a community event at this point. ^_^

Updated List

Me - Medieval
Nappuccino - Friends and Benefits
Gaz_RB - Doctor-Patient Fling
Delio - Superhero
Blargonaut - Cyberpunk Heist Caper
Jintor - Lesbians?
timetokill - Virgins/Daddy Issues
toddhunter - Theme? What theme? Sex!
Nudull - ???
mu cephei - ?????
FlowersisBritish - Historical/Dinosaurs?
Cyan - Tiger/human love
cosmicblizzard - The Strange and Bizarre
Petit Melon - Vampire/Paranormal
besada - Housewives/Occult
Fiction - Heaven and Hell
sirap - Werewolf billionaire stepbrothers kink (serial)
My brain has written three stories. My fingers have not been involved.


I've actually written quite a bit, but want to edit the hell out of it before I share it with any of you. At least in terms of grammar and stuff.


Finally have a cute pen name settled on and a possible title for story one. Story two is coming along which is kind of evolving into a Superhero trilogy that stand on their own as well.
700 words into the third short. There is literally only ONE other story on Amazon utilizing this kink, at least with the search I used. Probably means this one is a terrible idea, but I already started it, so....


I'm coming up to 5k on my sequel (that I started today) and I'm not finished yet. The first one was only 3k, but it's looking to be more of an intro looking back at it and where the story is heading. I have have vague ideas of where the third and final will head.

My story is getting really perverted and I'm not even doing the challenge! I don't know if I could ever go erotica graphic. But never say never.

mu cephei

God, I find it hard enough to get down to writing stuff I do find interesting. It's so much harder writing stuff I find silly and boring :(
Well, I have next week off work, so I'm planning on getting the three shorts done then. In one quick thrust, as it were.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm jumping on this train. Wish me luck. I got 1,500 words or so down in a day, including editing. If I give up on this before it's done I might literally shoot myself in the foot to teach myself a lesson. Is there a separate thread for feedback?
2,100 words. This one's a bit slower (sex only just started), but I'm actually more motivated to write this one for some reason. Gonna try to have it finished before I go to sleep.
5k on first short, 700 words on the next...I'm not sure about my second one, I think I might change the premise to something else, but that something else seems like it'd be a longer piece. Hm. I'll keep it in mind, I suppose.
2,700 words. Bah, wanted to finish this tonight, but I got caught up looking at stupid internet things.

At least I wrote 2000 words today, which is unheard of for me while writing "legit" stuff.
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