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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|


I was totally going to do superheroes until I saw you were doing them. So many crazy options for the sex.

Power Perversion Potential. Phwoar!

Yeah I'd love to write an LN. Maybe I'll just do that some day.

maybe after I finish this gig I'll take half a year off and force myself to fucking write SOMETHING instead of just hobbying like I am atm


I didn't know how I was going to tackle the rape scene, so I took a couple days off it, wrote a 10 minute comedy. Then went back to it. Had to do some extra research.

So, now I've done a 2.5k skeleton draft for my short story/play. Thanks to its structure I can easily add or reduce content.

It's a 15min + play at the moment. I could I cut it down for a 10 minute format, but I'm feeling it would work better longer. Formatting wise, It's a duologue happening at the same time, so I'm trying to figure out how it would look in the short story. Do I just italic one character? Ahh.


I was totally going to do superheroes until I saw you were doing them. So many crazy options for the sex.

Yeah it's really nuts. The idea came to me and suddenly I had 1k words ready to go.

Super heroes was originally one of the ten I settled on, but I realized it wasn't bizarre enough, so I scrapped that idea. Might do it anyway if I get frustrated with the other stuff.

I think you can make it bizarre tho! Considering the powers you can use just think of the weird sex to come from it!
Aaaaaand updated list:

mu cephei

Any other takers?

Mine starts about 100 or so words in. Two superheroes chasing each other down then bam Telekinetic sex and super strength vibration. Enough dialouge to show they have a history together and bam.

I worry more about not putting enough detail or the sex scene being to fast but ah well.


So H. Pro lured me in with her challenge. Now I have to write porn. Woe.

I think you can make it bizarre tho! Considering the powers you can use just think of the weird sex to come from it!

See, I don't want to be using obscure weird powers unless I'm making a series out of it. Maybe under a different pen name at some point, but not this time.
Hit 2500 words. I guess that's okay for a day's writing but I really should aim to be writing faster.

Hey guys I totally found my pen name!

Yay, you're joining the fun! Are we going to be reading about Buenodick Cuminsnatch?

I'm sorry

edit: so thankful to be at the bottom of the page
I've got my book title (it's so bad), my pen name (sadly not Bendydick), and I've messed around with a hilarious (to me) cover. I am totally going to own this shit. The best part of all of this is that nothing has to make sense, so I don't have to constantly second guess myself. Whee!

....I haven't written a single word of porn. You are totally one up on me.

Well, on the other hand, I haven't figured out a title, my pen name, or worked on a cover yet. I'm overthinking the pen name, honestly.

And with that, I must retire for the night. Just hit 3700 words, a count I can feel a lot better about for one day's work. The part I can't feel good about? Haven't hit the sex yet, just a bit of teasing. I'm doing way too much character development and minutia. WTF if wrong with me?!

Oh well. At least I won't feel bad about charging $2.99 for it.
2000 words. Honestly, I'm starting to get into this a little bit.

Gonna try to have this one finished by tomorrow and then start on the next one.

Well, on the other hand, I haven't figured out a title, my pen name, or worked on a cover yet. I'm overthinking the pen name, honestly.

And with that, I must retire for the night. Just hit 3700 words, a count I can feel a lot better about for one day's work. The part I can't feel good about? Haven't hit the sex yet, just a bit of teasing. I'm doing way too much character development and minutia. WTF if wrong with me?!

Oh well. At least I won't feel bad about charging $2.99 for it.

See, I'm barely even trying to develop any kind of story beyond bizarre settings and context for the sex (and the bizarre methods of doing the sex).

Saving any actual good developments I come up with for books I actually want and plan to write.
2000 words. Honestly, I'm starting to get into this a little bit.

Gonna try to have this one finished by tomorrow and then start on the next one.

See, I'm barely even trying to develop any kind of story beyond bizarre settings and context for the sex (and the bizarre methods of doing the sex).

Saving any actual good developments I come up with for books I actually want and plan to write.

Well, sure, but the characters I'm writing I am not sure I would use in any "serious" work I do.

I think mostly this first one, when I finish it, will give me a chance to look back and see how to speed things up.

It's something of a dry run, if you will. But in the meantime I've got a bit of a mess on my hands.

Mike M

Nick N
So after slaving for months to bring back my old website, I realized at the 11th hour that it wasn't going to work as a platform for promoting my writing--a website whose central focus is to poke fun at things just isn't the place I want to make an earnest effort, and nobody visiting it is going to care much about my writing anyway.

So I threw together something that's just about me instead. It's still very much a WIP and starved for content at the moment, but I think I mostly like it so far. I'll probably just write posts as they occur to me... Thought about maybe posting rejection letters, but upon further reflection highlighting how few venues think I'm worth paying for seems a bad idea...

I guess if anyone has a vaguely superhero-themed book they want me to review, I can throw it up on Superdickery and see if that doesn't get you some sales?

mu cephei

Well, I've almost definitely decided on a pen name, genre, and kink. I read that d. bauch book yesterday, looked stuff up on amazon, and messed around with covers.

I have yet to do any actual writing :eek:
Of the (now) 15 premises I came up with, I've finally settled on the 5 I'll do this experiment with. Bizarre, but not the MOST bizarre. Obviously not going to reveal them since I do want to push my "legit" books, but I will say one is inspired by Katamari Damacy.

Now to get back to writing the second one :(


Of the (now) 15 premises I came up with, I've finally settled on the 5 I'll do this experiment with. Bizarre, but not the MOST bizarre. Obviously not going to reveal them since I do want to push my "legit" books, but I will say one is inspired by Katamari Damacy.

Now to get back to writing the second one :(
Haha, I don't even want to imagine what Katamari Damacy Erotica would be like.
My name was taken off the list. :/

The theme is vampires. Paranormal stuff sells the most per erotica pubs, so that's what I'm doing. I saw a name your own anime image macro and my result was Vampire Bride Academy, which was too funny for me not to use, and quickly inspired premises for the theme. I finished the covers for all three today. I'll probably keep working on them a little bit more before everything is pubbed because some of the kerning is still off, but I'm sick of looking at them. I also made a mock airport bestseller cover for lulz when I was frustrated with covers tho lol

I'm 500 words into the first short and 2K into the third. The three are vanilla with maybe like, a tad of normal-racy kinks for spice because I'm writing two other BDSM-tinged books already and I'm getting burned out on it. I'll probably finish the third today, then try to finish the first tomorrow. My pen name is Marvelle Petit. No bad puns here, outside of the titles.
Whoops. Sorry, Petit. I just copy and pasted from the full challenge thing right above where I'd added you.


mu cephei
Petit Melon

I miss anyone else...?

I'm also compiling everyone's themes, so if you haven't posted yours yet, can you give a quick word or two? Ex. Victorian dinosaur romance
Mini-Challenge Schedule Reminder

Deadline for the 3 shorts is May 9th. If you're not well into your first short by now you should pick up the pace. You'll want that extra time later down the line for editing, formatting, cover design, etc., so don't fall behind.

What you should have done by now:

1) Theme
2) Title
3) Pen name
4) At least 1500 words for short #1

Theme List:

Me - Medieval
Nappuccino - Friends and Benefits
Gaz_RB - Doctor-Patient Fling
Delio - Superhero
Jintor - Lesbians?
timetokill - Virgins/Daddy Issues
toddhunter - Theme? What theme? Sex!
mu cephei
FlowersisBritish - Historical/Dinosaurs?
cosmicblizzard - The Strange and Bizarre
Petit Melon - Vampire/Paranormal
besada - Housewives/Occult
Fiction - Heaven and Hell
The theme I'm doing for this first set of stories is basically "virgins and daddies" stuff. But with other people's dads. Incest: sidestepped!

I'm still waffling on pen names. :\

double-edit: oh my god I'm getting crazy deja vu for some reason, reading the last post and mine.

If H.Pro bows out soon for personal reasons then I'm clairvoyant.
1) Theme: Old friends getting it on for the first time
2) A Hotdog Love Story (Subject to change)
3) Louise Fletcher (Possibly subject to change. . . basically only if I think of something better)
4) 1002 words as of this post, but I'll be working on this some more tonight.

Edit: I'm basically running into a wall regarding the sexy scenes. I just need to go for it, but in my mind, they are going rather awkwardly . . . to say the least.
The theme I'm doing for this first set of stories is basically "virgins and daddies" stuff. But with other people's dads. Incest: sidestepped!

I'm still waffling on pen names. :\

double-edit: oh my god I'm getting crazy deja vu for some reason, reading the last post and mine.

If H.Pro bows out soon for personal reasons then I'm clairvoyant.

Mmmm? Did I bow out for personal reasons on something else? (NaNoWriMo 2013?) I don't think I'm bowing out. :)

1) Theme: Old friends getting it on for the first time
2) A Hotdog Love Story (Subject to change)
3) Louise Fletcher (Possibly subject to change. . . basically only if I think of something better)
4) 1002 words as of this post, but I'll be working on this some more tonight.

Edit: I'm basically running into a wall regarding the sexy scenes. I just need to go for it, but in my mind, they are going rather awkwardly . . . to say the least.

Got your info. Thankee~ People don't need to share their pen names unless they want to, by the way. I just think everyone should have them set by this point so they can focus on the writing.

Perhaps reading a few more of the KU erotica will help you figure out a way to segue into the sex stuff on yours?
Mmmm? Did I bow out for personal reasons on something else? (NaNoWriMo 2013?) I don't think I'm bowing out. :)

I think in my, uh, original "vu" it was work-related or something. I'm not saying it happened or is going to happen, it's just like I remembered an old dream or something. Weird.

Anyway, I hope you don't bow out, and I'm certainly not encouraging it!


i keep coming up with premises and then not wanting to actually write the actual erotica cos I can only... uh... sustain interest... hmmm. Okay, that's not the way I wanted to phra- look, I can only write for about like three paragraphs before I get super embarassed and put it away again.


To be fair most of my writing is like that anyway but not with embarassment just 'what the hell am i doing'. Unless I get on a roll.
i keep coming up with premises and then not wanting to actually write the actual erotica cos I can only... uh... sustain interest... hmmm. Okay, that's not the way I wanted to phra- look, I can only write for about like three paragraphs before I get super embarassed and put it away again.


I'm kind of the same way, only instead of embarrassed, I get really friggin bored and end up procrastinating. I know exactly the direction I want to take these in from the settings (which are actually pretty fun to me) to the content of the sex scenes. It's just a chore to actually write.

To be fair, it's mostly the same when I'm doing actual writing, but when I get to a scene I'm psyched to write, I'll just go nuts with it and actually enjoy myself. None of that here, though.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I'm kind of the same way, only instead of embarrassed, I get really friggin bored and end up procrastinating. I know exactly the direction I want to take these in from the settings (which are actually pretty fun to me) to the content of the sex scenes. It's just a chore to actually write.

To be fair, it's mostly the same when I'm doing actual writing, but when I get to a scene I'm psyched to write, I'll just go nuts with it and actually enjoy myself. None of that here, though.

Thats the benefit of working with a reptilian lead. Ever wondered what sex with a tail would be like? Or with something that can eat you halfway through...
I'm not a fury

Anyway I figured out the plot of the second book, where victoria will show a factory owner the workers plight!


As a bit of a tangent, one of the funniest things to me about Steampunk sorta stuff is that while authors tend to be more obsessed with gentlemen inventors and ladies with zeppelins or whatever sometimes you end up with some genuinely interesting social stuff going on in the working-class areas. Like in Arcanum where one of the orcs was trying to get the factory workers to unionise but getting shat on by mages constantly.
Mmmm? Did I bow out for personal reasons on something else? (NaNoWriMo 2013?) I don't think I'm bowing out. :)

Got your info. Thankee~ People don't need to share their pen names unless they want to, by the way. I just think everyone should have them set by this point so they can focus on the writing.

Perhaps reading a few more of the KU erotica will help you figure out a way to segue into the sex stuff on yours?

I don't mind sharing the pen name so people can tell me it's awful/dumb if it is :)

And I'm . . . familiar with sex scenes in erotic works. But it's strange to actually create them. I've never included the hint of one in any of my fiction that I've written, so this is rather uncharted for me.

Thats the benefit of working with a reptilian lead. Ever wondered what sex with a tail would be like? Or with something that can eat you halfway through...
I'm not a fury

Anyway I figured out the plot of the second book, where victoria will show a factory owner the workers plight!

You are apparently into vore though, which is much more disturbing :p


I've unintentionally left a direct sequel open. I can capitalise on that when I'm feeling twisted.

And damn you guys, all this sex has crept into my story. It was always a part of it, but I've gone in more detail, though it's not explicit.
As a bit of a tangent, one of the funniest things to me about Steampunk sorta stuff is that while authors tend to be more obsessed with gentlemen inventors and ladies with zeppelins or whatever sometimes you end up with some genuinely interesting social stuff going on in the working-class areas. Like in Arcanum where one of the orcs was trying to get the factory workers to unionise but getting shat on by mages constantly.

That sounds hilarious. Arcanum the RPG?


Yeah I'm really in love with the idea of a fantasy universe breaking medieval stasis. Unfortunately I just end up making what ends up as campaign settings instead of stories.

My current long-term project is "Medieval Fantasy makes it to the early 1900s so what's their first homicide department look like"


Mini-Challenge Schedule Reminder

Deadline for the 3 shorts is May 9th. If you're not well into your first short by now you should pick up the pace. You'll want that extra time later down the line for editing, formatting, cover design, etc., so don't fall behind.

What you should have done by now:

1) Theme
2) Title
3) Pen name
4) At least 1500 words for short #1

Theme List:

Me - Medieval
Nappuccino - Friends and Benefits
Gaz_RB - Doctor-Patient Fling
Delio - Superhero
Jintor - Lesbians?
timetokill - Virgins/Daddy Issues
toddhunter - Theme? What theme? Sex!
mu cephei
FlowersisBritish - Historical/Dinosaurs?
cosmicblizzard - The Strange and Bizarre
Petit Melon - Vampire/Paranormal
besada - Housewives/Occult
Fiction - Heaven and Hell

Crap I dont have a pen name yet or a title. Welp.
I think in my, uh, original "vu" it was work-related or something. I'm not saying it happened or is going to happen, it's just like I remembered an old dream or something. Weird.

Anyway, I hope you don't bow out, and I'm certainly not encouraging it!

I feel jinxed now. We are in the middle of a monster QA, you know. -_-

i keep coming up with premises and then not wanting to actually write the actual erotica cos I can only... uh... sustain interest... hmmm. Okay, that's not the way I wanted to phra- look, I can only write for about like three paragraphs before I get super embarassed and put it away again.


To be fair most of my writing is like that anyway but not with embarassment just 'what the hell am i doing'. Unless I get on a roll.

Haha. I'm not embarrassed really, but I do feel like a damn fool sometimes writing this stuff. This challenge is definitely out of the realm for most of us, I think.

I don't mind sharing the pen name so people can tell me it's awful/dumb if it is :)

And I'm . . . familiar with sex scenes in erotic works. But it's strange to actually create them. I've never included the hint of one in any of my fiction that I've written, so this is rather uncharted for me.

Yeah, same boat. I think what I'm writing is OK, though. Do you have anyone to give it a read for you? I'm going to try mine out on my sister and see what she thinks. She doesn't read erotica, so I guess she's just going to tell me if it's shit from your average reader perspective? Maybe I'll try some excerpts out on kboards or some other venue to get more seasoned feedback. <-- an option for you too if you want to gauge how you're doing.

Crap I dont have a pen name yet or a title. Welp.

Get your butt moving, D~
3000 words. Might not be able to finish this tonight like I wanted, but I am making progress at least.

Haha. I'm not embarrassed really, but I do feel like a damn fool sometimes writing this stuff. This challenge is definitely out of the realm for most of us, I think.

Yeah, I am 100% out of my element here for quite a few reasons. Can't even imagine how difficult it would be for me to write vanilla erotica when I'm having so much trouble with the fantastical.
3000 words. Might not be able to finish this tonight like I wanted, but I am making progress at least.

Yeah, I am 100% out of my element here for quite a few reasons. Can't even imagine how difficult it would be for me to write vanilla erotica when I'm having so much trouble with the fantastical.

Seems like you're making really good progress, regardless!


Average reader perspective is probably the best response to seek out there.

I dunno. From what I've gleaned during all this research is that the readers for erotica really want, ah, pretty hardcore stuff and a lot of it. Your average reader is going to find even Dean Koontz stuff kind of naughty, I think. I suppose that means if I can't even get a blush out of my sister, then I'm doomed.

I can't imagine showing my sister the shit I'm writing right now, and honestly I wouldn't want to know her reaction at all XD

Haha. Mine paused for a while (hard to really tell mood via messaging, though) and then said it sounded hilarious. She also said my blurb was pretty funny (as in stupid raunchy) and that she'd give it a go. If I had a brother I imagine I'd be a lot more reticent to share this kind of thing. :p
Haha. Mine paused for a while (hard to really tell mood via messaging, though) and then said it sounded hilarious. She also said my blurb was pretty funny (as in stupid raunchy) and that she'd give it a go. If I had a brother I imagine I'd be a lot more reticent to share this kind of thing. :p

Yeah, I think the genders involved makes a big difference here :)
FINALLY. First story down! I have to do some formatting for the book but the story is done. All 7800 words of it. I'm bizarrely proud of it, I actually think it has a pretty nice character arc. I just hope readers will stick with it.

Brb, writing a new story.

Wait, no, that's my niche! "Girls that write erotica and then show it to their sisters."


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor

I wrote a fairly extensive (3,500+ word) article about my decision to self-publish my book, some of the lessons I've learned, and how my opinion of self-publishing has evolved.


The benefits of publishing in pro- and semi-pro markets is very real, and I will continue to submit my future stories to all of my favourite magazines&#8202;—&#8202;no doubt collecting hundreds of more rejection letters along the way. However, once I embraced the idea that self-publishing wasn’t an admission of failure but an opportunity to forge my own path&#8202;—&#8202;to find validation in my own confidence that these stories are good and deserve an audience&#8202;—&#8202;I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders.

I hadn’t realized it, but I’d been holding onto these stories for years, buried under the frustration that they wouldn’t sell to pro markets. This frustration had been holding me back as a writer&#8202;—&#8202;instead of focusing on all of the new stories bouncing around in my head, I was continually looking for new markets for my old stories. I was looking for closure.

I wanted to be excited by these stories, not discouraged by them.

It might be of interest to those of you thinking of self-publishing. I also discuss cover art, tools for publishing, how much I'll have to sell to cover my costs, etc.
Got my first rejection note for The Ninth Life. I'm actually not super bothered, since the agent said, "I don't like the idea" and not "your writing sucks" which would have been bad. She did ask for the first three chapters, and I imagine she at least skimmed them.

I can't expect everyone to like my dumb ideas, but as long as I'm not getting lambasted for bad grammar and writing, then awesome.


I wrote a fairly extensive (3,500+ word) article about my decision to self-publish my book, some of the lessons I've learned, and how my opinion of self-publishing has evolved.
Solid, and thanks. Though my blog only has like 70 followers, and most don't read what I write, so I'm not quite in the same boat as you :p

I'll have to invest in Scrivinor though, since I dunno how I"ll put an anthology together with word and calibre. I'm guessing I'll need some knowledge of HTML or whatever. Sounds like a bitch when a quick fifty will get me something much easier to work with.
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