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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|

Writing Mini-Challenge Update

Weekend checklist:

1) 1st book theme set (I'll be polling on Monday to see what kind of spread we have)
2) Book Title

- Remember that there are a ton of these out there. Pick something eye-catching, and search on Amazon to see if that title hasn't already been used.
- Warning: Be sure to read those Selena Kitt articles I posted because your title is one of those things that can get you banned. Be mindful of the words to avoid.

3) Pen Name

- Like with the titles, check on Amazon to make sure it hasn't been used before
- Research has recommended that you choose a name that is female or gender neutral
- Pick something that rolls off the tongue and is memorable but probably not too goofy (normal-ish names seem to present better)

4) Visualization

- If you need a little motivation and/or can't seem to quite nail down what it is you want to do, making mock covers on the site Soulfire suggested has been stupid fun and inspiring. Trying out titles and different themes might help spur you along if you're feeling stuck or are floundering a bit.

Canva - Book Cover design site
So, regarding erotic fiction. Can someone point me to a (hopefully) free example of the form? I have to admit never having read any, other than classics like Henry Miller/Anais Nin, which I presume isn't exactly what we're talking about here.

Tracey's Vampey and Racy Bookblog posts free stuff constantly. It's not so much PWP, but the thing about "free" shorts is that they're usually really really bad. I would not recommend reading them to "learn" anything tbh. A lot of authors on Tracey's blog are posting the first of their series as promo, so you can find a lot of decent stuff there. The best shorts I've read are super condensed romance novels. There has to be a HFN ending at the very least.

I probably would have discovered this sooner if it was in Community, since I visit Community more than the other sub-forums.
Getting some feedback from test readers on Amp, and so far all of it's been positive. I haven't gotten much, "CHANGE THESE THINGS" which is a bit annoying since I know it ain't perfect yet :p

Still, encouragement is nice now and then.


I've heard of Scrivener, what is Ulysses?

It's a distraction free word processor using markdown, similar to iA Writer. I usually write my first draft with Ulysses, and then import everything into Scrivener for editing, formatting and final export to Kindle.


It's a distraction free word processor using markdown, similar to iA Writer. I usually write my first draft with Ulysses, and then import everything into Scrivener for editing, formatting and final export to Kindle.

Sweet, I'll give that process a try with this challenge.

Nevermind, looks like its Mac only.

Mike M

Nick N
I organize and write a novel in Scrivener, export the manuscript to Word, and revise from there.

Shorts are just done in Word.


I write in FocusWriter, then throw longer stuff into Scrivener for editing. Shorts don't usually need to be Scrivenered (Scrivened?) since they're easy enough to manage as one long doc.
I'm not sure where to focus my writing right now. My ultimate goal is to own a game publishing company and I have to have working experience in the industry before I do that.

I got a bachelor's in media studies too which focused primarily on tv and film. Should I finish writing this novel, continue writing game articles on this blog, write game design documents, write tv and movie scripts? Those last two especially film seems hard to get anywhere with. I believe my advisor told me you have to become a part of the screenwriter's guild which has a high entry cost and pitch your scripts to studios. With tv your shit is not getting read unless you've been working in the company as an assistant writer or something.

I also been seeking work with indie studios around the net, but it looks like no one wants a writer, just musicians, programmers, and visual artists.
I'm not sure where to focus my writing right now. My ultimate goal is to own a game publishing company and I have to have working experience in the industry before I do that.

I got a bachelor's in media studies too which focused primarily on tv and film. Should I finish writing this novel, continue writing game articles on this blog, write game design documents, write tv and movie scripts? Those last two especially film seems hard to get anywhere with. I believe my advisor told me you have to become a part of the screenwriter's guild which has a high entry cost and pitch your scripts to studios. With tv your shit is not getting read unless you've been working in the company as an assistant writer or something.

I also been seeking work with indie studios around the net, but it looks like no one wants a writer, just musicians, programmers, and visual artists.
Well, it already sounds like you kinda ruled out writing TV and movie scripts.

Will time permit you to both finish your novel AND work on game stuff? I know I do both game work and creative writing. It leaves me little time to actually play video games, but oh well. Making them is kind of more fun in some regards anyways.
Well, it already sounds like you kinda ruled out writing TV and movie scripts.

Will time permit you to both finish your novel AND work on game stuff? I know I do both game work and creative writing. It leaves me little time to actually play video games, but oh well. Making them is kind of more fun in some regards anyways.

Well honestly I don't think trying to publish a book is any easier than trying to sell a movie script. I've written my first book back in 2008 and have been trying to get it published since then. Self-publishing as probably most of you know, is a good way to get black listed if you're not well versed in marketing. I know it's not feasible to do all of these things at once. Writing articles don't take up much time so I could do one of the longer ones like writing a script or finishing this book while also continue to write gaming articles. I'm not sure about design documents as I never written one to completion.
Well honestly I don't think trying to publish a book is any easier than trying to sell a movie script. I've written my first book back in 2008 and have been trying to get it published since then. Self-publishing as probably most of you know, is a good way to get black listed if you're not well versed in marketing. I know it's not feasible to do all of these things at once. Writing articles don't take up much time so I could do one of the longer ones like writing a script or finishing this book while also continue to write gaming articles. I'm not sure about design documents as I never written one to completion.
Well, if gaming is the thing you want to do most, I guess focus on that end of it, though writing gaming articles isn't going to lead to owning a studio. You have to make games to do that.

I figure selling a book is just as hard as selling a movie script, but since you can self publish a book and not a movie script, it seems the better route in case no one is biting.

The blacklisting thing I've only ever heard as some kind of rumor. I've never heard of any concrete "self publishers get blacklisted." Hell, when I was snooping around for agents/publishing houses, a few said they'd take self published books if you could determine that they sold really well without a publisher's help.

Edit: misread a bit. I guess I dunno how you go about owning a publishing company or getting into that side of gaming. being rich probably helps, I'd imagine :p

mu cephei

Making the covers for the erotica challenge is hard! Finding images is much more difficult than I thought, even with those linked sites. I was wondering about images of old paintings? As far as I was aware, anything over 70 years old was fair game (I looked it up a while back when making a website) but I don't know if that applies to book covers - I don't see any used for erotica covers, so I guess that kind of thing either doesn't work regarding selling? Or is it not allowed? I mean, there are lots of naked and semi naked people in old paintings.
RE: the book formatting stuff for Kindle

While nosing around for the mini-challenge, someone on another forum uses/recommended this template (OpenOffice & MS Word versions) to layout books. I downloaded it and gave it a glance and it looks pretty nifty so far.

I can't live without Ulysses and Scrivener.

Also, do check out Viola Rivard's blog : https://violarivard.wordpress.com

Oh, another nice resource. Thanks. Had to laugh at this bit, though.

On being cheap and not editing/making your own covers:

"Now, are you writing 8k erotica shorts? Are you a graphic designer or someone with a sound background in Photoshop (i.e. Sylvia Frost)? Then by all means, make your own cover! If you’re not, don’t."

Making the covers for the erotica challenge is hard! Finding images is much more difficult than I thought, even with those linked sites. I was wondering about images of old paintings? As far as I was aware, anything over 70 years old was fair game (I looked it up a while back when making a website) but I don't know if that applies to book covers - I don't see any used for erotica covers, so I guess that kind of thing either doesn't work regarding selling? Or is it not allowed? I mean, there are lots of naked and semi naked people in old paintings.

Yeah, I've found maybe two potential (but not great) options for mine, but it's slim pickings in the medieval sections. Not sure about it being kosher to use old works, but looking through the Amazon section, it seems they like photos not artsy stuff. Could be a good test case to see if it really matters, though.

Mike M

Nick N
Submitting stuff for publication is super stressful, it's like constantly applying for jobs where you have to massage your cover letter and resume over and over again and the smallest mistake can cost you your submission not even being looked at.

Meanwhile, Apex Magazine took a pass on Heavy is the Crow. Their loss, I frankly love that story, and now I just get to submit it again : P

Seriously, as long as they don't keep me waiting while not allowing simultaneous submissions, markets can reject me all day long. It's the inability to do a quick turn around on stuff that kills enthusiasm for me.
Submitting stuff for publication is super stressful, it's like constantly applying for jobs where you have to massage your cover letter and resume over and over again and the smallest mistake can cost you your submission not even being looked at.

Meanwhile, Apex Magazine took a pass on Heavy is the Crow. Their loss, I frankly love that story, and now I just get to submit it again : P

Seriously, as long as they don't keep me waiting while not allowing simultaneous submissions, markets can reject me all day long. It's the inability to do a quick turn around on stuff that kills enthusiasm for me.

While your cover letter is somewhat important, I think you're over estimating it as well. Most reputable publications will read a bit of what you've sent even if your cover letter isn't the greatest. Most just want something simple that briefly covers who you are.

Mike M

Nick N
While your cover letter is somewhat important, I think you're over estimating it as well. Most reputable publications will read a bit of what you've sent even if your cover letter isn't the greatest. Most just want something simple that briefly covers who you are.

I'm more referring to manuscript requirements where sometimes they want standard format, but don't want your name on it (for a blind reading), sometimes they don't want Courier, sometimes they want the full title on the headers vs not, etc. Cover letters honestly isn't much of a thing, I've got a boilerplate one where the biggest challenge is that sometimes they want contact information in the cover letter versus on the first page of the manuscript.
Trying something different for the novel I'm currently working on. In the past I've tried plotting scene by scene and then figuring out later where chapter breaks should be, but it always feels a little awkward. For this one I'm going to try writing it chapter-by-chapter instead. I'm only on the second chapter, but it feels slightly better to me. Maybe it's that writing a chapter in a chunk feels more like writing a story for the GAF challenge. :p
That's how I write too.
I'm more referring to manuscript requirements where sometimes they want standard format, but don't want your name on it (for a blind reading), sometimes they don't want Courier, sometimes they want the full title on the headers vs not, etc. Cover letters honestly isn't much of a thing, I've got a boilerplate one where the biggest challenge is that sometimes they want contact information in the cover letter versus on the first page of the manuscript.

Ah, that makes sense. Yeah, the little finicky things can be annoying.
Well, I've exhausted the list I got from Writers Market in terms of agents and publishing houses. Of the pages I was given, only about 25 agents seemed like good fits, and I suppose that isn't really enough to call this all done.

Back to searching next weekend, i suppose. Gotta go through all the rejections before I self publish :p


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Thats kind of how I feel. I'm trying to go through paying markets before free ones, and I'm a little afraid of missing an opportunity to make money. Although, seeing Mike try so hard is kinda making me want to up my game :p


I'm about only 42k words into my original story. So it's a bit tough, then I have to go back and edit it to hell and back. If it is too long, I'll just split it into two books. I'll maybe check what publishers are looking for later after this summer if I can actually get the story finished by the end of said summer.

Mike M

Nick N
Yeah, I'm not bothering with free markets. I can always put something up on my website if I wanted to get something out there without being compensated.

Though I'm becoming aware that I don't write quite as much SF/F as I might have thought I did, so some of my stuff warms the bench more than others.
Just finished the first draft of Doctor/Patient Privilege. ~6k words.

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Wow. You're really ahead of the game. Nice work!

Spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday writing. Ysssssssss :D

I am actually to publish a book, though I am currently in the early planning stages it's slow work. ¬_¬;

You might want to jump on NaNoWriMo or something if things drag. :) People tend to get bogged down in the planning stages instead of just writing. I thought it helped a lot, anyway. Good luck either way!
Well, if gaming is the thing you want to do most, I guess focus on that end of it, though writing gaming articles isn't going to lead to owning a studio. You have to make games to do that.

I figure selling a book is just as hard as selling a movie script, but since you can self publish a book and not a movie script, it seems the better route in case no one is biting.

The blacklisting thing I've only ever heard as some kind of rumor. I've never heard of any concrete "self publishers get blacklisted." Hell, when I was snooping around for agents/publishing houses, a few said they'd take self published books if you could determine that they sold really well without a publisher's help.

Edit: misread a bit. I guess I dunno how you go about owning a publishing company or getting into that side of gaming. being rich probably helps, I'd imagine :p
That's the part I was talking about and I doubt most could make their book sell a whole lot on their own without some marketing and advertising experience.
~1650 words into my first erotica story. I'm worried I'm not making it sexy enough in the intro! It should have a good payoff though so we'll see how it goes.
Thats kind of how I feel. I'm trying to go through paying markets before free ones, and I'm a little afraid of missing an opportunity to make money. Although, seeing Mike try so hard is kinda making me want to up my game :p
I hit the point where I'm sick of this project like two months ago, so that I'm still working on it is kind of gettin' me down. At the same time, I really, really want it out there.

I dunno. I'm sitting next to three envelopes I get to mail tomorrow because "send a cover letter and an SASE!"

My cast of characters are all talking animal people, so I kinda feel like I'm going through the motions for something that agents won't want, especially when I can self publish it and buy some cheap ad space on a few furry websites and deviantart and probably do alright.
That's the part I was talking about and I doubt most could make their book sell a whole lot on their own without some marketing and advertising experience.

What sucks about that is it's rarely a question of quality but rather advertising ability, which sadly a lot of writers just flat out don't have even if they wrote the perfect story.
~1650 words into my first erotica story. I'm worried I'm not making it sexy enough in the intro! It should have a good payoff though so we'll see how it goes.

I have this problem too. Right now I've just been establishing the character dynamic with some fun banter and episodes. Only about 1,200 words in though. I've been grading this weekend :/
The book said the standard for a lot of erotica is sexy time starting at 1000 words in, but there's no rule about it at all. My first short started around 300 and the one I'm working on now started at around 1100. If that book is really accurate, you guys don't need to sweat it.

Anyway, 1500 words into the second short. Is this fun? I want to say no since I don't have much motivation to fix typos or make the prose less redundant in places where I know it is, but whatever. At the very least, I think this scenario has potential. When I searched for it on Amazon, got around 150 results, so at least it's an actual niche.

Hope I can force myself to 4k with this one and then get started on the next.

This is still really stupid and I hate myself.
I have this problem too. Right now I've just been establishing the character dynamic with some fun banter and episodes. Only about 1,200 words in though. I've been grading this weekend :/

I've already gone back a few times to add a "sexy" sentence or two in there. Hopefully it will hold interest.

Shit starts at 79 words into mine. I'm taking no chances. :3

That's probably going to be my approach for the second one. I'll probably try and keep it to the same general kink so I can make a decent comparison.


hey cosmic you don't gotta do it if it's no fun. this is just for lolz, if you're not having lolz, not much point writing it
I wonder if a keyword generator would be helpful. I use one for my Youtube channel.

It's funny, a lot of the stuff outside of the actual content is pretty similar to the stuff I had to learn for the Youtube channel. Avoiding content ID on that is like avoiding the adult filter here. Then there's SEO/keywords/etc. Fun when experiences/industries mirror each other I guess?

hey cosmic you don't gotta do it if it's no fun. this is just for lolz, if you're not having lolz, not much point writing it

I'm actually kind of doing this separate from the challenge. It's just since everyone else entered it, figured I might as well too, but I'm going beyond it. Right now, the plan is to write 5 rather than 3, and possibly bring that up to more depending on how the bundling works.

I just got dollar signs in my eyes even though there's a good chance nothing will come of it. Some extra money would definitely solve like %30 of the nonsense going on in my life right now. And fuckin sirap posting his asinine KDP report with his $2,000 a day definitely ain't helping ;D

And to be honest, I do kind of want to see this through just to see if people really will click for curiosity's sake.
I've already gone back a few times to add a "sexy" sentence or two in there. Hopefully it will hold interest.

That's probably going to be my approach for the second one. I'll probably try and keep it to the same general kink so I can make a decent comparison.

I'll probably stagger things a bit more for the next short, but my strategy here is based on the 'Look Inside' feature. If the title/blurb interests people, the next thing they'll do is check that out, so I want the hook right there. It'll be titillating (it's not straight up sex but something fairly tantalizing IMO), but doesn't give them the full money shot right there. That way they'll have to buy or borrow to get everything. I think some build up is necessary for when that's delivered, but I'm hoping to get them on the hook with that.


So, my plan is to do three pieces set around the same subject, which is suburban housewives/occult sex magic. Think tantric sex and mind control spells instead of tupperware.

Haha. We'll see if it works.

Nice plan for yours too. I think that's a subject plenty can get behind. ^_^

I wonder if a keyword generator would be helpful. I use one for my Youtube channel.

It's funny, a lot of the stuff outside of the actual content is pretty similar to the stuff I had to learn for the Youtube channel. Avoiding content ID on that is like avoiding the adult filter here. Then there's SEO/keywords/etc. Fun when experiences/industries mirror each other I guess?

I'm actually kind of doing this separate from the challenge. It's just since everyone else entered it, figured I might as well too, but I'm going beyond it. Right now, the plan is to write 5 rather than 3, and possibly bring that up to more depending on how the bundling works.

I just got dollar signs in my eyes even though there's a good chance nothing will come of it. Some extra money would definitely solve like %30 of the nonsense going on in my life right now. And fuckin sirap posting his asinine KDP report with his $2,000 a day definitely ain't helping ;D

And to be honest, I do kind of want to see this through just to see if people really will click for curiosity's sake.

Shame it's not really fun for you, but it'll stretch your writing muscles regardless, so still a win. Plus sirap. Damn sirap. Haha.


Shit starts at 79 words into mine. I'm taking no chances. :3

Mine starts about 100 or so words in. Two superheroes chasing each other down then bam Telekinetic sex and super strength vibration. Enough dialouge to show they have a history together and bam.

I worry more about not putting enough detail or the sex scene being to fast but ah well.
Mine starts about 100 or so words in. Two superheroes chasing each other down then bam Telekinetic sex and super strength vibration. Enough dialouge to show they have a history together and bam.

I worry more about not putting enough detail or the sex scene being to fast but ah well.

Most of your readers will probably find that realistic.


A Japanese LN author got arrested for tax evasion and one of my first thoughts was "can't believe he got enough money to evade taxes with"

well he did have two series out there franchised to hell and back

I wonder if the LN market differs substantially from, say, the Western YA market, if at all. This guy originally wrote his stuff and released it on 2chan, which is kinda encouraging in its way.
A Japanese LN author got arrested for tax evasion and one of my first thoughts was "can't believe he got enough money to evade taxes with"

well he did have two series out there franchised to hell and back

I wonder if the LN market differs substantially from, say, the Western YA market, if at all. This guy originally wrote his stuff and released it on 2chan, which is kinda encouraging in its way.

Dude, Log Horizon is making bank. And as you said, it's been franchised to hell and back.


I wanna write a crappy light novel and make bank (okay his stories are good but LN translated prose sucks. it always sucks!)
I want to write an LN just because it seems like no other type of written fiction actually portrays shounen-esq battles the way I want them to.

Hell, that's pretty much what my second book is. If only I had an artist to place an occasional fight page in.


Mine starts about 100 or so words in. Two superheroes chasing each other down then bam Telekinetic sex and super strength vibration. Enough dialouge to show they have a history together and bam.

I worry more about not putting enough detail or the sex scene being to fast but ah well.
I was totally going to do superheroes until I saw you were doing them. So many crazy options for the sex.
Super heroes was originally one of the ten I settled on, but I realized it wasn't bizarre enough, so I scrapped that idea. Might do it anyway if I get frustrated with the other stuff.
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