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Writing-GAF: Writing, Publishing, Selling |OT|

mu cephei

New Year Challenge update: have come up with an outline and a pen name but that's about it. Will try to get something down this evening and get in gear next week.


tittycentral just posted a great 3-month breakdown on eroticaauthors.

Preface: This is a very late 90-day report as I was considering not posting one. As some of you may know, I recently deleted my 30 and 60-day reports out of doxxing paranoia. It was a knee-jerk reaction caused by a couple weird PMs and I feel really guilty because the progress reports in this sub have helped me so much. When I was writing my first full-length romance, my ability to truck on came like 99.99% from the progress reports. I referred back to them and pretty much used them as pleasure reading during motivation slumps. So in this 90-day (which I'm still weirdly nervous to post), I'm going to try and replicate all the information I had in my previous dataporn as well as give insight on days 60-90.
Total from days 1-90: $32,996.41
But let's start from the top!

Here's a link to the full post: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/comments/5mrfp5/dataporn_90day_report/

I strongly recommend looking at how he planned and marketed the launch of his book. A simple shift in strategy skyrocketed his earnings from 4-figures a month to 4-figures daily.
tittycentral just posted a great 3-month breakdown on eroticaauthors.

Here's a link to the full post: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/comments/5mrfp5/dataporn_90day_report/

I strongly recommend looking at how he planned and marketed the launch of his book. A simple shift in strategy skyrocketed his earnings from 4-figures a month to 4-figures daily.

Thanks for sharing! In all honesty that's the side of the business that I've always sucked so hard at. The whole "you need to promote yourself and dig in with ARCs and reviewers and GR and just help drive your work and yourself." Being successful here really is about building a brand around your name.


tittycentral just posted a great 3-month breakdown on eroticaauthors.

Here's a link to the full post: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/comments/5mrfp5/dataporn_90day_report/

I strongly recommend looking at how he planned and marketed the launch of his book. A simple shift in strategy skyrocketed his earnings from 4-figures a month to 4-figures daily.
Wow thanks sirap, that was some great detail. I'm really slack with Goodreads, I just make sure my books are there, clearly I should be doing a lot more.
Sorry but your charms are powerless against me ... although I do have something in that range that I have meant to edit for a while and it could be stretched out into multiple stories and oh my god I'm doing this now.

Aw, yiss~! Will be doing a challenge update later today, so stay tuned for your doom.

tittycentral just posted a great 3-month breakdown on eroticaauthors.

Here's a link to the full post: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/comments/5mrfp5/dataporn_90day_report/

I strongly recommend looking at how he planned and marketed the launch of his book. A simple shift in strategy skyrocketed his earnings from 4-figures a month to 4-figures daily.

Wow. Very, very cool to see it broken down like this. Thanks for posting it, sirap. Looks like it might be a good idea to shift the timeline a bit and work some marketing strategies into the challenge before the release of the first books. Hmmm....


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I was thinking: has anyone ever thought of doing an image based challenge? Like, here's an image, write a story based around it. It's an exercise I liked to do with my students while I was teaching. Most of the challenges I've seen here are straight writing prompts. The idea came to me because the book I just finished was born from a single image:


The sword and its wielder ended up becoming a central piece of the narrative. It became a sort of Excalibur meant for a chosen hero, but it ends up being used by the wrong person, who initially has good intentions, but later falls to evil and names himself The Sun King, after the stolen sword. (Here's an excerpt from the prologue)

Catching his breath, he glanced towards the giant, who was kneeling on the ground. He had unsheathed his sword and had it held out before him. It glowed a brilliant orange hue, and steam was releasing from its tip. It stood out like a sore thumb in the black and blue of the frozen landscape, and the smell of ash and burning flesh permeated the air.

I don't know, I love image challenges. A picture is worth a thousand words, quite literally in some cases. Seeing how people can interpret the same thing and run with it creatively in so many different ways is fascinating.


"Are you really going to stick that up your ass?" an onlooker asked.

"Yes," the man replied with a smirk. The crowd gasped. "Watch this."

I didn't mean literally with this image, but wow, lol


May contain jokes =>
"Are you really going to stick that up your ass?" an onlooker asked.

"Yes," the man replied with a smirk. The crowd gasped. "Watch this."
"Are you really going to stick that up your ass?" an onlooker asked.

"Yes," the man replied with a smirk. The crowd gasped. "Watch this."

"Welp, that s'more is ruined," he said, then turned to the bag of marshmallows.

Edit - by the way, I think the idea of a writing challenge driven by an image is a wonderful one. Obviously we are currently engaged on a challenge, but I actually like the notion of "a picture is worth a thousand words" and actually keep the story to exactly 1,000 words. We could then figure out, based on how many people are in the challenge, how many images we would base stories off of and then collect them into a Writing-GAF short story collection or something.

mu cephei

A few of the creative writing challenges have had pictures as secondary prompts/ objectives, although the most recent I remember we picked our own image.

tittycentral just posted a great 3-month breakdown on eroticaauthors.

Here's a link to the full post: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/comments/5mrfp5/dataporn_90day_report/

I strongly recommend looking at how he planned and marketed the launch of his book. A simple shift in strategy skyrocketed his earnings from 4-figures a month to 4-figures daily.

Wow, thanks very much for posting this!

Aw, yiss~! Will be doing a challenge update later today, so stay tuned for your doom.

Wow. Very, very cool to see it broken down like this. Thanks for posting it, sirap. Looks like it might be a good idea to shift the timeline a bit and work some marketing strategies into the challenge before the release of the first books. Hmmm....

I was wondering whether to create a goodreads account under my pen name (fun!). I think working at some sort of marketing is a good idea, though I don't know how aggressively I'll pursue it (depends on how bad my novella is!)


fleurs n'est pas britannique
A weird novel idea just came over me. A series of vignettes centering around a kid helping an elderly neighbor set up her increasingly more elaborate Halloween decorations in the style of The Summer Book. I've been messing around with it more and more in my head, and I'm really feeling this idea. Might be a fun project.


On the one hand I want to write because I'm only 1700 words away from 20k. On the other hand I would rather be playing Civ VI and reading in between turns. I'm trying to convince myself to make it to 19k then give myself a break and play, we'll see how strong my will power is.
I was wondering whether to create a goodreads account under my pen name (fun!). I think working at some sort of marketing is a good idea, though I don't know how aggressively I'll pursue it (depends on how bad my novella is!)

Yes, do it! I'm going to work some marketing strategies into this week's goals and a GR account for your pen name is one of them, so get to it!

On the one hand I want to write because I'm only 1700 words away from 20k. On the other hand I would rather be playing Civ VI and reading in between turns. I'm trying to convince myself to make it to 19k then give myself a break and play, we'll see how strong my will power is.

Dang, Soulfire. How do you do it? I made it to 9k this weekend and then spent the rest of my time playing Witcher 3 and photoshopping Nicholas Cage's head onto the new Belle doll. I don't want to advocate goofing off on a challenge that's supposed to get us writing everyday, but 1) you're way ahead and 2) you're about to pop, so I think you deserve the break once you hit 19k. Get playing!


Okay, I have this concept for a children's novella, and I even know how to start the story, and how it should end. But I don't know what to do with the filling in the middle. Do you guys suffer with that too? =/

EDIT: it's a story of a boy who finds out that his new cellphone can do something incredible, and he wants to use that to help his friends and teachers at school. It will be a very emotional story, I hope so. I think I should watch school stuff. Animes, movies, whatever. Do you guys have something to recomend? Children's stuff, not stuff like 'Dangerous Minds', haha!
Okay, I have this concept for a children's novella, and I even know how to start the story, and how it should end. But I don't know what to do with the filling in the middle. Do you guys suffer with that too? =/
I literally never know what the middle of my stories will be :p I discover that as I go.
Meanwhile, in one fucking day, this asshole delivers:


Writers hate him!
(well, the bad, procrastinating ones anyway)

Also, his cover design is actually good. And he now has 'hugo nominated' under everything. Take notes, y'all.


I literally never know what the middle of my stories will be :p I discover that as I go.

Things are getting clearer now :)D)
but it was really hard to start with it. :(

I've writen a vague script and something around 250 words for the story itself. D:

EDIT: added a lot of stuff to the script and now I think I have 99% of what I need. :D
Rejection? Fine. Insult to injury? Getting added to the mailing list for all the OTHER books coming from that house!

Too tired to actually be mad, so I just sighed and unsubscribed.
What happened, Conks? =/
Eh, basically what I posted. Sent a query to an agent, got a rejection of some sort, and then a month later I get an email about their new upcoming book! BEST BE EXCITED!!!! Exclamation points!!!!!!

I so did not sign up for their news list because idgaf, which is kind of important! <= that exclamation point is warranted.

I mean, rejection letters are par the course when trying to shop a book around to agents, but this was new :p

Edit: i imagine my being added to their mailing list was automated by either sending an email or based on words in my query letter. It was more annoying than offensive.


Edit: i imagine my being added to their mailing list was automated by either sending an email or based on words in my query letter. It was more annoying than offensive.

I don't blame you, it would be super annoying as to me it would feel like them saying "Sorry we rejected you but check out our newest book."


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Rejection? Fine. Insult to injury? Getting added to the mailing list for all the OTHER books coming from that house!

Too tired to actually be mad, so I just sighed and unsubscribed.
Same happened to me once. First thing they offered was a "how to write a successful novel" type of book. lol.


Eh, basically what I posted. Sent a query to an agent, got a rejection of some sort, and then a month later I get an email about their new upcoming book! BEST BE EXCITED!!!! Exclamation points!!!!!!

I so did not sign up for their news list because idgaf, which is kind of important! <= that exclamation point is warranted.

I mean, rejection letters are par the course when trying to shop a book around to agents, but this was new :p

Edit: i imagine my being added to their mailing list was automated by either sending an email or based on words in my query letter. It was more annoying than offensive.

Oh, I'm not a native English speaker, so I read the "insult to injury" part and I though some one was being a jerk, insulting with you. Sorry. =B
A rapper I'm following is looking for a personal assistant. I'm not even sure how to start this cover letter since I really have no experience. The artist just mentioned a resume in a post, but I feel like I have to include one anyway.
New Year's Resolution Challenge: Commercial Writing - Update

Sorry for the delay! Every time I get around to doing this it's post 10PM and my brain's already glazed over...

Anyway, this week is almost over, but hopefully the ball is now rolling and everyone has managed to complete a couple of pages. Ideally, by the end of this week you should have ~15k-20k complete.

As always: Remember, it's just a short book. You can drop at least a page or two a day without breaking a sweat, and even if you're inching along, the goal isn't that far, so you CAN do it. Don't get bogged down worrying that it's not poetry. Just keep things flowing and try to get a little bit done every day.

Week 2 goals:

- 15k-20k done by EOS the 15th
- set up Goodreads account under your pen name
- set up gmail account under pen name (for the trackback page at the end of your book, twitter, and if you decide to eventually do a mailing list)
- recommended reading (sirap's reddit breakdown link)

Should be started on and/or complete:

- General idea of what you're doing
- Silly pen name
- 5-10k down

Coming up in Week 3...


NYR Challenge Participants:
Dolla Dolla
Freeza Under The Shower ?
mu cephei
Valerie Cherish

Would love to hear updates on how people are doing. I know Soulfire is blazing ahead even as she's about to pop, Angmars has made some headway, and Todd is puddling somewhere as he goes all in. Anyone else? Progress? Panic? Alcoholism?


I didn't manage to write yesterday but somehow got out 1k today. I'm up to 21k. I was hoping to end the week at 25k but tomorrow is either date day with my husband or giving birth, so we'll see what I can get done Sunday. I can at least do the email address and Goodreads account.
I didn't manage to write yesterday but somehow got out 1k today. I'm up to 21k. I was hoping to end the week at 25k but tomorrow is either date day with my husband or giving birth, so we'll see what I can get done Sunday. I can at least do the email address and Goodreads account.

You should publish whatever you have as you go into labor, with a scribbling line trailing from the last word and down the page.

I'm at 7700 words. Pretty happy that I've basically averaged about 500 words per day during the work week. I've written every day since last Saturday. I plan on pounding the keys this weekend to, hopefully, get close to 15K by Sunday.

I will say that I love this journal format. I mean, what the hell, it's essentially a diary, so just ramble on and on and on. A scene that could take two sentences can be stretched to fill two pages.

It's sort of like going commando. Very liberating.

Edit - I mean, I'm sure it's no Domald Tromp, but it's kinda fun.


I havent started writing for the challenge but I do have my idea put down. Just gotta sit and start writing it down.
The publishing house that seemed so excited in my book hit me with an early Sunday rejection. Guess they're publishing something too similar this year.

Not necessarily a bad problem. If that similar book takes off, another publishing company will want something competitive. Think Divergent following Hunger Games. Another publisher might be happy to have it regardless. Keep shipping it around and hope someone buys.

I haven't had much luck with my longer fiction, but I've had two flash fiction pieces picked up by Eleven Eleven. I'm excited to have some of my work published online. So much easier to share :) Check them out, if you like: http://elevenelevenjournal.com/2016/11/16/alex-k-hughes/


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I haven't had much luck with my longer fiction, but I've had two flash fiction pieces picked up by Eleven Eleven. I'm excited to have some of my work published online. So much easier to share :) Check them out, if you like: http://elevenelevenjournal.com/2016/11/16/alex-k-hughes/

God there is nothing more annoying to me than other's well-earned success. Read through both and both were really really good. So much so it annoyed me, but I've just been having a bad month so ignore my grumbles. Congrats and best of luck with those longer short stories.

I've been havign a real problem just sitting down and putting in the work for some editing and finishing up some other projects. Haven't even started the writing OT challenge :/
Anyone have opinions on this: http://authorpage.com/ (sorry if it's been brought up before)

Not necessarily a bad problem. If that similar book takes off, another publishing company will want something competitive. Think Divergent following Hunger Games. Another publisher might be happy to have it regardless. Keep shipping it around and hope someone buys.
It's certainly a hope. The person who viewed my book was almost grossly excited to see the full thing, which got my hopes up pretty high despite me telling myself not to get excited.

That being said, I'm still sending the thing out to places every week, and I have half of predator and editors to go through before I'm out of options. Tempted to send it to Penguin even though it ain't sword & sorcery fantasy. Worst that happens is I'm out like $30.
God there is nothing more annoying to me than other's well-earned success. Read through both and both were really really good. So much so it annoyed me, but I've just been having a bad month so ignore my grumbles. Congrats and best of luck with those longer short stories.

I've been havign a real problem just sitting down and putting in the work for some editing and finishing up some other projects. Haven't even started the writing OT challenge :/

Thanks! It's awesome (and humbling) to hear you liked them so much!

I definitely share the same issues with just keeping the workflow going. I haven't written anything in about two months, really. I have such a hard time getting to work when the world is going to hell. :/

I'm hoping the school semester brings back a little bit of structure--is there any way to force structure back into your workflow?


Does anyone else have the problem where you start to plot out word counts and how if you hit a certain word count a certain project would be over so fast?

Haha, I'm 28,000 words deep on my novel, and I keep thinking that if I wrote 2,500 words a day I'd finish in a couple of weeks. But I keep hitting 500-800 words a day (on okay days --- some days I hit more) and feel like I'll never make progress.
All righty then, challenge moving along nicely. Actually sat down yesterday and added another 1000 to what I'd already done. Ended around 11.7K yesterday (4K total for the day).

Slept in today, though. Oops. Had some errands to do, then the football to watch. Managed to squeeze some in just before the Packer/Cowboy game, then managed to do some during the commercials (one of the great things about using Google Docs is using my Chromebook on my lap to just keep typing away), then after the games (yay, Steelers!) I just did some more and right now sitting at 15.3K. So another 3600 today after 4K total yesterday.

And it's all just flowing so smoothly at the moment. I know where things are going. I know the story laid out before me. I should be able to pull it to 30K and have it wrapped there before jumping into part 2.
Does anyone else have the problem where you start to plot out word counts and how if you hit a certain word count a certain project would be over so fast?

Haha, I'm 28,000 words deep on my novel, and I keep thinking that if I wrote 2,500 words a day I'd finish in a couple of weeks. But I keep hitting 500-800 words a day (on okay days --- some days I hit more) and feel like I'll never make progress.

Honestly, I'd value 500 great words over 2,500 sloppy ones. One author I know tries to write 300 words a day, though sometimes he gets more. None of his novels are very long, but he's had 3 come out in nearly as many years, as well as a book of poetry and a nonfiction work.

As long as you're pushing forward with words at all, you're doing so much better than most.


Honestly, I'd value 500 great words over 2,500 sloppy ones. One author I know tries to write 300 words a day, though sometimes he gets more. None of his novels are very long, but he's had 3 come out in nearly as many years, as well as a book of poetry and a nonfiction work.

As long as you're pushing forward with words at all, you're doing so much better than most.

I guess the question then becomes how one knows 500 great words versus 2,500 sloppy ones. I always question every word that comes out of me, even if it feels essential. But I suppose that's half the battle.


I guess the question then becomes how one knows 500 great words versus 2,500 sloppy ones. I always question every word that comes out of me, even if it feels essential. But I suppose that's half the battle.

Don't think about it, just write. Hesitation will only slow you down, save that shit for the editing phase.
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