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WWE Fastlane 2016 |OT| Roundabout to Wrestlemania

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Cause they are having there lowest TV ratings in years.

Their ratings would still be low if Dean was "the guy". The people that boo and take to twitter to rant about how terrible the product is are pretty much the only bankable segment they can count on to still tune in.




LOL the crowd is beyond dead...they were for the finish too.

Thank God for the NXT show otherwise Mania weekend would be a complete joke....
It was a really good match. It didn't have a shit finish. A shit finish would have been Wyatt interference or some bullshit. All three guys worked their asses off and told a really good story. Yes the wrong guy won but I don't think the ending took away from the match.


the WWE doesn't care that you boo anymore. You all still buy tickets to the show. You all still buy subs to the network. Why should they?
It's a valid argument. Why in the world would anyone expect the WWE to change while still paying them money? If you don't enjoy the product, don't pay them money for it.

If you get shit service at a restaurant do you keep going back? No.


All I can hope for now is that Finn Balor makes his debut at Wrestlemania and that probably isn't fucking happening either.


Dean basically fucked Lesnar out of the title with those chair shots.

Maybe they really are going to do Lesnar/Dean at Mania.

Better than the fucking Wyatt's.
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