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WWE Fastlane 2016 |OT| Roundabout to Wrestlemania

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At least there was this.

I still how no idea how the fuck they're gonna pull this one out of their ass. All it took last year was Seth cashing-in to delude the masses into believing WrestleMania 31 wasn't four hours of complete mediocrity. This year they don't even have that.

The amount of rose colored nostalgia people viewed that Sting/HHH shitfest through was amazing


Drunky McMurder
Preach. Dude sucks. His in-ring ability is ass.

His punches are terrible and his punches are 90% of his offense along with that contrived clothesline. He's shown he can do better and he's still one of very few people in WWE who could actually convincingly pull off the "Get the shit kicked out of him to win in the end" thing.


Well said. It's time to dispel the myth that Dean Ambrose is good. He's just Not Roman.

It really is a shame how much Ambrose has regressed.

Pretty damn much. Dude is not good at all in the ring.
And I was way off on Ambrose. I thought he'd be great after the SHIELD and wondered if Rollins would get lost in the shuffle as a talented wrestler with no discernible way of selling a character.

Swing and a miss.

Ambrose's strengths have disappeared and his weaknesses - actual wrestling - have gotten weaker.


It's a valid argument. Why in the world would anyone expect the WWE to change while still paying them money? If you don't enjoy the product, don't pay them money for it.

If you get shit service at a restaurant do you keep going back? No.

You people gotta catch on.


Matches I don't want to see anymore

Kalisto/Del Rio
Usos/Dudleys/New Day/Lucha Dragons (any combination)
I still how no idea how the fuck they're gonna pull this one out of their ass. All it took last year was Seth cashing-in to delude the masses into believing WrestleMania 31 wasn't four hours of complete mediocrity. This year they don't even have that.

I mean unfortunately, Lesnar & Reigns just can't have one of three best main events in WM history because Brock isn't involved. But, that just confirms the Reigns political hit for me.


Ambrose is way over.

He isn't talented and he lacks charisma. He's gotten progressively worse since the SHIELD ended. He gets cheered anyway because the "smart" fans are supposed to like him to identify themselves as part of the club.

He's fucking terrible when he's alone.

So, one for three.

Talented is a subjective thing, but I disagree with you on that point. I really enjoy his ring work. He has a natural sort of fluidity in the ring that reminds me a lot CM Punk. Yes, the rebound is stupid, but the clothesline that follows is great. He never looks lost in a match.

I really don't understand how you could say he's not charismatic. The only thing that carried this whole angle all month was the mic work of Dean and Paul Heyman, and it was a pretty fair split. He's on a promo level several tiers above 90% of the roster, including the guy that just won the match.

The whole "he's only over because smarks cheer for him" is a lame argument and always has been. It was wrong when it was levied against Punk, it was wrong when it was levied against Bryan, and it's wrong in this case, as well.


Ambrose is way over.

He isn't talented and he lacks charisma. He's gotten progressively worse since the SHIELD ended. He gets cheered anyway because the "smart" fans are supposed to like him to identify themselves as part of the club.

He's fucking terrible when he's alone.

So, one for three.

This pretty much nails it. Ambrose sucks. These crowds boo Roman at this point mainly because they know they are supposed to boo him to show what smarks they are.
AT this point I have to start to wonder if deep inside of WWE, Vince and his crew basically have convinced themselves (maybe justifiably?) that by being terrible they are somehow "meta-over" with the vocal, angry, unsatisfied portion of their fanbase, because in order to still participate in the zeitgeist of how terrible WWE is, they still have to watch RAW and buy the Network.


This pretty much nails it. Ambrose sucks. These crowds boo Roman at this point mainly because they know they are supposed to boo him to show what smarks they are.
Get that stuff out of here, they boo him cause they don't like him and don't want him to be the guy.


And I'm out. Consistently booking the most over face in the company to lose #1 contender and WWEWHC matches is fine as long as there's some payoff, but it's been about a year and eight months now of this bullshit and there's just no end in sight.


See you at Mania.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
If it makes you feel better, they actually failed to sell out this PPV
This pretty much nails it. Ambrose sucks. These crowds boo Roman at this point mainly because they know they are supposed to boo him to show what smarks they are.
What a stupid thing to say. But, I guess stupid is what you got to be to think Ambrose doesn't deserve that Mania main-event spot.
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