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WWE forces wrestlers to work live RAW broadcasts on Christmas and New Years Day

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Unless they go all out with angles and matches, this is going to be the same bullshit filler Raw and Smackdown shows they always air during the holidays, and it's going to get low ratings like they always get.

Hell, even if they did load the show with stuff, they're still going to get low ratings so what's the point?
You guys put far too much stock into what day people tell you that you should be celebrating or whatever.

Everyday is one to be enjoyed, not just the ones they tell you.

Work is a means to enjoying life

Not everyday do most people have the same time off to have big gatherings with families and friends who can only see each other once or twice a year.


If they've taped holiday shows before so that they didn't have to work on Christmas or New Year's, I can understand their reaction.

People keep bringing up other sports and entertainment, but WWE doesn't really have an off-season. It's already its own beast as far as slavish devotion goes, so I can see why they'd begrudge being forced to work on days they had been previously promised could be spent with their families.

And then there's the production assistants, lighting, arena staff, etc. that have to work too.

I'm not saying WWE is in the wrong necessarily. Just that it's a shitty scenario.

And really, how many fans are going to want to spend their New Year's at a dingy arena? I guess we'll find out.

Wrestling has been the same for ages. Nothing has changed overnight. They are practically OTR drivers and they accept that. People are putting too much stock into a day that people say we should have off or celebrate. It will have just as good of ratings as any other program they put out just like the NFL games and such.


I don't get this logic so everything should just shut down and not function during Xmas? Why is it not OK to work on Xmas?

There are certain services that should still run on Christmas, as much as it sucks for workers.

A pro wrestling show is not one of them.

These people are already on the road, destroying their bodies ~300 days a year. It wouldn't be so bad to let them spend the holidays with their families. I'm sure fans wouldn't mind watching a pre-taped Raw those days.


Not everyday do most people have the same time off to have big gatherings with families and friends who can only see each other once or twice a year.

But not everyone gets those days off. Its not universal. If you want that to be a thing then have it for everyone.
Because you made a new thread that doesn't seem to have a proper perspective of things. So they have to work Christmas and New Years. So what?
Do I really have to spell out every detail in the OP though? Others posters here - including yourself - seem to be able to take the specific information presented in the OP and extrapolate the larger issues from it. This isn't WWE Working Conditions [OT] - Have a Z-Pak. That would take up several posts, unfortunately. You're welcome to make that thread though. I'd sincerely love to see it.

Edit: With that said, you raise a fair point and I'll add something to the OP. This thread can't be a catch-all for every WWE problem though. That really requires a more expansive thread. This one covers a specific situation/policy/news story that broke tonight.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
The only sad thing about Raw on Christmas Day is the people that are going to be here complaining about the show instead of spending time with their families.


What they need to do is a special episode similar to the snowed in episode from a few years ago. Just tape some stuff with some guys and we'll be good.
I've always viewed working on holidays as one of the few downsides to being a professional entertainer. If your career is in putting on live performances that people watch as a means of leisure, then days when most people are off work are going to be your biggest days. It's no different from working a weekend.

That said, I feel bad for the people deeper in the production - the ones who maybe just work for the venue, or are hired on for set deconstruction. That's a shitty situation.
I hate the "I get treated like shit so everyone should get treated like shit" attitude. It reminds me of boomers.

I don't consider having to work a holiday as "being treated like shit". Having to work 300+ days a year without much rest for your fucked up body, that's being treated like shit. Not having a union to look out for your interests, that's being treated like shit. Having questionable access to medical assistance, that's being treated like shit. Like, maybe on top of all that, sure having to work Christmas is like the shit cherry, but on it's own, it's not some inhumane thing.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Lots of people have to do this, no need to sensationalize it.


There are theater workers and retail people who are forced to work holidays for next to no pay. Millionaires having to work on holidays, well, i'll play the world's tiniest violin for those folks.

Dude Abides

If you're an employee who does not like that your employer forces you to work holidays you should elect to be represented by a union and demand concessions re holiday scheduling in a collective bargaining agreement. Having your wife complain on Twitter is unlikely to be effective, as we can see by the rough reception this OP is getting.


Ooof. The responses excusing the decision is disgraceful. Wrestlers are on a never ending US tour and they aren't just working televised events.

I don't get people being upset that others are excusing the decision. When you're working a dream job like these wrestlers are, stuff like this is one of the sacrifices you have to make. First responders don't get Christmas off every year. It comes with the territory. It's not like this is an every year thing, either. It's one year and apparently the first time it has happened in quite a while? Yeah, hard for me to personally feel sad for them.

Meanwhile, people are making peanuts in a retail job they hate on Thanksgiving day. I feel worse for them. At least a lot of people will get some joy on the holidays by watching these two shows. Assuming they aren't terrible.


Unconfirmed Member
At least it's a highly sought after job. I don't necessarily think it's right, but I'm way more concerned about the minimum wage workers working at movie theaters and similar places.


That really sucks since they have no union and get screwed constantly with "independent contractor" loopholes. Oh well, the price of doing what you love for a living, I suppose. At least Christmas doesn't fall on a Monday every year, so there's that, too.

Juicy Bob

Well I sympathise with them.

Wrestling is a fucking hard life. I wouldn't want to do it even if it is seen as a privileged position to be a WWE wrestler.

I am by no means religious but Christmas is perhaps my favourite time of the year because it's about family and fun to me. I would hate to miss out on that so I feel for everyone who has to work on that day.

And also it's not just the wrestlers - it's everyone involved in putting on a show who is affected by this.


Sucks for them, but people fail to realize that there are many jobs where people work on the holidays. I myself work in media and have to work either christmas or new year's every year. This is something that just comes with some jobs.
There are theater workers and retail people who are forced to work holidays for next to no pay. Millionaires having to work on holidays, well, i'll play the world's tiniest violin for those folks.

First off lol thinking all WWE wrestlers are millionaires. Second people like yourself seem to forget that a lot goes into the production of a live episode of Raw or Smackdown so not only do the wrestlers not get any breaks but the production crew and the rest of the non performer staff do not get that break that they usually get either.


No one should Have to work Christmas Day unless they are Emergency Services, carers, people don't actually celebrate Christmas so don't mind working that day

Thats it.


So not worth it
If the wrestlers showed some backbone and actually formed a union instead of just meekly following whatever WWE is selling them independently, then perhaps I'd feel bad. But they brought this upon themselves.

They've been swallowing whatever WWE has wanted for decades now. They're independent contractors, they have to pay and organise their own travel, their own accommodations, their own health care. And work dreadful schedules for little pay, unless you're one of the ten or so guys that got lucky. They've been on their knees for years and they'll continue to be for as long as they refuse to actually stand up to their bosses.


First off lol thinking all WWE wrestlers are millionaires. Second people like yourself seem to forget that a lot goes into the production of a live episode of Raw or Smackdown so not only do the wrestlers not get any breaks but the production crew and the rest of the non performer staff do not get that break that they usually get either.

While I do feel for the production crew, this specifically spoke about the wrestlers themselves and that's exactly who I spoke about, clearly. Perhaps the article would be better if it mentioned the crew instead.

As far as the wrestlers pay grade, I don't follow wrestling so I don't know. A quick google search seems to show the average wrestler making $500,000 base salary.If true, I'd wager most, if not all, are millionaires...At the least still very wealthy.
As far as the wrestlers pay grade, I don't follow wrestling so I don't know. A quick google search seems to show the average wrestler making $500,000 base salary. I'd wager most, if not all, are millionaires...At the least still very wealthy.

That salary doesn't include expenses that come out of their own pocket. Very few wrestlers are actual millionaires, and it's naive to think so.
But not everyone gets those days off. Its not universal. If you want that to be a thing then have it for everyone.

It is not possible for it to be a truly universal thing. At the very least, police departments, hospitals, and fire departments would need to remain 100% operational.


Lots of people have to work on Christmas and New Years.

aaaand we're done here.

At least WWE wrestlers are greatly compensated to work on Christmas and New Year Day. There's single-moms and low-income families who have to work those days just to keep food on the table.


So not worth it
aaaand we're done here.

At least WWE wrestlers are greatly compensated to work on Christmas and New Year Day. There's single-moms and low-income families who have to work those days just to keep food on the table.

WWE wrestlers get a yearly flat-fee. They're not getting extra to work those days, I'm sure.

And a lot of wrestlers went through a lot of shit before they got to WWE, they were low-income families for a very long time before they ever started making money.


They should just pre-record for Christmas Day if possible.
My job requires 24/7 monitoring, but I offer to do Christmas Day shifts for colleagues with kids/family etc.
Nobody needs a retail store, fast food place, or theatre open Christmas Day.
WWE wrestlers get a yearly flat-fee. They're not getting extra to work those days, I'm sure.

And a lot of wrestlers went through a lot of shit before they got to WWE, they were low-income families for a very long time before they ever started making money.

And now they earn very good money. I'm not about to start thinking of them as charity cases because some of them have to work Xmas and New Years Day. That's life.
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