Violence Jack
ISIS wasn't around back then, unless there's a serious gap in my knowledge.
...This was way before ISIS.
Nevermind. You guys were right. This was before ISIS.
Still fucked up though in a post 9/11 society.
ISIS wasn't around back then, unless there's a serious gap in my knowledge.
...This was way before ISIS.
and Triple H takes over...oh wait
Don't worry, I'm sure HHH will never...
I remember this. This was during the week of the London attacks I believe. Wasn't Hassan suppose to be their next big thing? I still remember the heat he got whenever he came out.
and Triple H takes over...oh wait
I was in the arena that night. Had good seats for baseball, not so great for wrestling.
I have NEVER felt the energy flow out of a crowd the way it did when Booker lost.
I was in the arena that night. Had good seats for baseball, not so great for wrestling.
I have NEVER felt the energy flow out of a crowd the way it did when Booker lost.
Would this happen in Modern times?Can you imagine if the OG Goldust character debuted in todays climate? Watch some WWF circa late 95/ early 96 and I can't believe the shit that they would say.
Looks like another example of WWE desperately trying to get heat on a cold angle and going way too far.
This again? Philanthropy from big corporations is a win-win. Who cares who is giving the money and why? Charity needs donations. Let them give. Jeez.
Their mistake was airing it after the London bombing. Hassan got fucked for no reason.
Don't worry, I'm sure HHH will never...
It was terrible that Booker lost with all the shit he went through. What made it even worse was that finish. Triple H pinned him like 5 years after hitting the pedigree. It really shocked me at the time, even by Trips standards that such an obvious burial
I think he said it to Cena, Vince is such a idiot.Didn't vince himself once say nigga on a ppv to booker t?
Nothing will change until Vince dies.
Didn't vince himself once say nigga on a raw to booker t?
Then they wonder why attendance was so low...??
You guys are reminding how much Vince and H buried the WCW roster after their merge. That was a really bad run.
Didn't vince himself once say nigga on a raw to booker t?
and Triple H takes over...oh wait
Uh oh, what did I miss?
and Triple H takes over...oh wait
jeez that is pretty terrible, attendance is really that low lately?
Funny enough, I just watched the Ron Simmons, Mark Henry, Godfather episode of Table for 3 on the Network. They actually talked about this segment for a few minutes and their feelings on it.
and Triple H takes over...oh wait
What did they say?
To be fair Triple H wasn't married to Stephanie and still trying to make a name for himself in the WWF. He wouldn't have been in a position to say no to Vince McMahon or Vince Russo who was the writer at the time.
Can people bring me up to speed on the HHH vs Booker controversy. Use as much detail as possible!
Nothing racial. It was the simple fact that HHH didnt think Booker T was ready and used his backstage political powers to remain champion. I guess these stories are the reason why you hear about HHH and his golden shovel.
Yes. That was photographed last night. I believe it is the lowest numbers in history. Not even 40 percent full.
Nothing racial. It was the simple fact that HHH didnt think Booker T was ready and used his backstage political powers to remain champion. I guess these stories are the reason why you hear about HHH and his golden shovel.
Just watch thisCan people bring me up to speed on the HHH vs Booker controversy. Use as much detail as possible!
LOL he literally said "people like you" don't get to be champion.
Nothing racial. It was the simple fact that HHH didnt think Booker T was ready and used his backstage political powers to remain champion. I guess these stories are the reason why you hear about HHH and his golden shovel.
uhhh no, he cut promos calling booker a street dog and looked him up and down saying people like him don't win championshipsNothing racial. It was the simple fact that HHH didnt think Booker T was ready and used his backstage political powers to remain champion. I guess these stories are the reason why you hear about HHH and his golden shovel.