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WWE Mafia |OT| Royal Rumble Superstars of Wrestling MMXVI


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Ok what did I make up?
I didn't say that to accuse you of lying. I meant it like someone who has to find little pieces to create a picture right in front of someone.

That's why I compared you to Darryl, his whole game plan revolves arround tunneling someone until either they crack or he moves on. To do that he has to grab at every loose end possible no matter how dumb it could be. This is often seen as scummy becasue that's all the mafia can do. They can't actually look for scum so they try to act like they are. And to be honest that's the feeling that your lost give of to me, which I find to be confusing at times since I can't tell if it's town or scum.


If you're saying that I made a good GIF, thanks but I didn't make it. It was made by an old member of Wrasslgaf named strobogo. Sadly, he got himself permaband, however slot of his best gifs can be found with his text reviews of WCW Monday nitro on this website: http://www.legitshook.com
I meant that it reminded me of you like I could see magnumboy20xx up in the stands like keeping a watchful eye like you do.

Vote: Blargonaut

I like blarg. Don't know about his alignment but he's cool and funny and that's better imo than someone who is neither funny or cool or posting.

That is a really good magnumboy20xx.gif

No joke, I would paypal you 20 bucks. $5 are courtesy of Czartim. Pay it forward.

I meant that it reminded me of you like I could see magnumboy20xx up in the stands like keeping a watchful eye like you do.

Oh, well then thanks for the complement!


How cuuute :3

How cuuuuuuuute


so cute

Not like we're viciously competing or anything

Y'all come back later, like, when you wanna, you know




Someone high-five me





I mean it, I suggest everyone goes for a No Lynch for Day 1, wait for the results of Night 1 and then I'll happily put forward suggestions on who to lynch based on that and the reactions to Day 1.
Hmmm, why do you want a no lynch D1 again? To get a no lynch, a lot of people have to be ready to commit to it, which takes away a lot of the pressure that votes provide D1. We'll also lose out on stuff D2, like analyzing the wagons on the D1 lynch, be it a town flip or a scum flip, and looking at the N1 death in context of D1 discussion.

Squidy...squidy squidy squidy


So I think you are Shane, there's no reason to not believe you're Shane, but I think that role is totally made up. What that actually means, I don't know, but I'm willing to give you a bit of time for it to play out. But not too long. Because it's ridiculous. You're ridiculous.

Moving onto Seath: Give us something! You've basically said "I don't like Burbeting because reasons", fluffy-fluffed your way around for a bit then moved onto voting Blarg. Come on. Don't get in the ring if you're afraid of the fight! What's wrong with Burbeting?

Corn: Reminding me of Werewolf 1. Aggressive as fuck, but I apparently misread that as you being a wolf. At least you're being aggressive about something that I actually understand this time though. Conclusion: I am bad at reading you

Cab: ...eh you seem fine



Fuck knows

Batsnacks: Interesting. I could go either way on this. I mean if you are a face, it initially seems like something the heels would want rid of fairly quickly, but thinking about it it wouldn't negatively affect them as much as some of the other possible roles - it doesn't confirm anyone, it just gives one person an extra bit of power. Extending that out though, if that one person is wrong all the time then it really doesn't help us. Plus the longer you stay alive the more suspicious it becomes, which I guess the heels could leverage. That said not all face roles do help us (hi Burb), so...yeah. I don't know.

Palmer: Still not liking the idea of policy lynching Burb. On top of that, you seem waaaay too trusting of squidy.

Yeah? Have you really read all my posts? Because I feel like maybe you missed something.

...*looks through your other posts*

Scrafty: While I appreciate the strong adherence to flavour, you're not really saying much. It's coming across a bit Lollipop Dave in Werewolf 1: Flavour, but hollow. Like a Kinder Egg. Without a toy. No-one wants a Kinder Egg without a toy.

Bowlie: Why did you bail on Stardust?

Other people: Either I've got nothing or you're fine. This post has already taken far too long so I'm not gonna split them up.


VOTE: StanleyPalmtree

Can i get a little more input from you please. Maybe a top town top scum early impressions, that'd be nice.


Hmmm, why do you want a no lynch D1 again? To get a no lynch, a lot of people have to be ready to commit to it, which takes away a lot of the pressure that votes provide D1. We'll also lose out on stuff D2, like analyzing the wagons on the D1 lynch, be it a town flip or a scum flip, and looking at the N1 death in context of D1 discussion.

Most of the times the D1 reads are based on nothing, so even if you could read a flip its meaningless without more information. That said I totally expect Gafia to go ahead and lynch the doctor, because that is what we do here

I am also not shy about lynching someone on Day 1 if necessary, for example in this day we have so far a couple townie claims and as you can see people are inclined to lynch them first, this always happens, because in this game you always have to assume people are lying, but only until late in the game you can actually realize why they are lying. They could be lying for the good of town. They could also be telling the truth, but chances are, not all of it.

Anyway, point is I still think town should vote No Lynch if by the end of the day we don't have a clear lead.

For now, I think I'll vote for Blargonaut because I want more info from him. Also because it makes me feel tingly.


Vote: Blargonaut
it seems that when the Palmtree is away, the superstars will play.
but seriously timezones suck, i sleep straight through the vast majority of activity.

anyway heres what iv pieced together after a quick scrub through everybody's rambling:

Squidy- i dont like his attitude, and hes probably lying, but i dont think its toward a scummy end. waiting to see where this goes.

Corn- strikes me as the old man yelling at a cloud. hyper agressive tunneling, but then he did that in PW and was right the whole time, so who the duck am i too judge?

Blarg- hey! hes actually speaking words now, i love it when people do that!

Batsnacks- no real reson to doubt him, and its a power that dont matter all that much till later in the game, as every individual vote becomes more valuable. although one thought about this, is that if he is town but stays alive for a long time, it may because he is being fooled and is (unknowingly) supporting scum. just something to think about.

also the usage of 'face' and 'heel ' makes total sense to me, especially given Scrafty's character play. hell i even made a joke about heel-turns when signing up.
also Retro acting shadier than people though i was after making one too many puns in PW.
but he hasn't actually done anything scummy, its all just talk, so less of a founded suspicion, and more of a *shifty eyes from across the room* kinda thing.


Alright! Finally back home! I want to return to this post, which I've been casually mulling over during work.

OK, just caught up.

I believe batsnacks claim, mainly because it's the easiest thing to prove/disprove. At the end of the day phase when the final vote count is made, we will be able to tell weither or not both of his votes counted for the majority. If he is lying, one of them shouldn't count.

As for squidy, I really confused about his claim. Why did he reveal his role, and then say that he doesn't have any intention of using it today? In fact, why reveal it at all? I don't think anyone was pushing him hard enough to warrant a role claim, especially this early in the game. I not sure what the purpose of it was, so I'll be keeping an eye on him from afar.

Yo this post struck me as scummy the moment I read it, but I wanted to wait until I was back home for easy typing before saying anything about it. Magnum merely regurgitated what Town has mostly been thinking - 'I believe batsnacks' claim', and 'Wow squidy sure is weird! I wonder why? Welp, I'll keep an eye on him!' - without contributing anything new.

Compare this to the other inactives who have chimed in today - Terra and Matt Attack. Both of them have had more thought and effort put into their posts than this. Terra talked at length about his suspicions regarding CornBurrito's tunneling and compared him to Darryl, as well as engaged with CornBurrito about his suspicions. He also put up two candidates that he would be good with lynching. Matt Attack brought up some good points about the batsnacks situation, points that I don't think have been brought up before, points that in other words would be good for Town to consider.

This, however, has no interaction with other players other than gif talk, no new insights, and no thoughts about the Kawl and Retro situation. I'll keep my vote on him.


Most of the times the D1 reads are based on nothing, so even if you could read a flip its meaningless without more information. That said I totally expect Gafia to go ahead and lynch the doctor, because that is what we do here

I am also not shy about lynching someone on Day 1 if necessary, for example in this day we have so far a couple townie claims and as you can see people are inclined to lynch them first, this always happens, because in this game you always have to assume people are lying, but only until late in the game you can actually realize why they are lying. They could be lying for the good of town. They could also be telling the truth, but chances are, not all of it.

Anyway, point is I still think town should vote No Lynch if by the end of the day we don't have a clear lead.

For now, I think I'll vote for Blargonaut because I want more info from him. Also because it makes me feel tingly.


Vote: Blargonaut
Thanks for responding. I feel like you've kinda dodged the third sentence of my post. IMO there's a good amount of info in the wagon that leads to the lynch. Like with the whole Squidy/Kawl situation - for example, if we decide to lynch Kawl and Kawl flips scum, then we'd have to consider whether or not Squidy would be ballsy enough to go super hard on bussing Kawl D1, and if Kawl flips town, then we can look at who jumped on his wagon and how - quietly voting, or writing up something that seems to have good justification, and so on.

To be honest I'm a bit wary of your response. It kinda feels like what happened was that you've been talking about no lynching day 1 for most of the time, wasn't pressed much on it, and only after this exchange do you decide to back off and apply vote pressure. Why now? You've been active since Blarg stopped posting, so why didn't you switch your vote to him earlier?


it seems that when the Palmtree is away, the superstars will play.
but seriously timezones suck, i sleep straight through the vast majority of activity.

anyway heres what iv pieced together after a quick scrub through everybody's rambling:

Squidy- i dont like his attitude, and hes probably lying, but i dont think its toward a scummy end. waiting to see where this goes.

Corn- strikes me as the old man yelling at a cloud. hyper agressive tunneling, but then he did that in PW and was right the whole time, so who the duck am i too judge?

Blarg- hey! hes actually speaking words now, i love it when people do that!

Batsnacks- no real reson to doubt him, and its a power that dont matter all that much till later in the game, as every individual vote becomes more valuable. although one thought about this, is that if he is town but stays alive for a long time, it may because he is being fooled and is (unknowingly) supporting scum. just something to think about.

also the usage of 'face' and 'heel ' makes total sense to me, especially given Scrafty's character play. hell i even made a joke about heel-turns when signing up.

Yeah but who's mafia?


Thanks for responding. I feel like you've kinda dodged the third sentence of my post. IMO there's a good amount of info in the wagon that leads to the lynch. Like with the whole Squidy/Kawl situation - for example, if we decide to lynch Kawl and Kawl flips scum, then we'd have to consider whether or not Squidy would be ballsy enough to go super hard on bussing Kawl D1, and if Kawl flips town, then we can look at who jumped on his wagon and how - quietly voting, or writing up something that seems to have good justification, and so on.

To be honest I'm a bit wary of your response. It kinda feels like what happened was that you've been talking about no lynching day 1 for most of the time, wasn't pressed much on it, and only after this exchange do you decide to back off and apply vote pressure. Why now? You've been active since Blarg stopped posting, so why didn't you switch your vote to him earlier?

Don't read too much onto my vote, as you can see from Blargs response, I just like to pile on Blarg and I always do (We have a history). I still want to get a No Lynch vote by the end of the day, but I'll pressure for it harder when we are closer to the day end.

So for all purposes consider me still voting "No Lynch", I am not backing off at all.
Thanks for responding. I feel like you've kinda dodged the third sentence of my post. IMO there's a good amount of info in the wagon that leads to the lynch. Like with the whole Squidy/Kawl situation - for example, if we decide to lynch Kawl and Kawl flips scum, then we'd have to consider whether or not Squidy would be ballsy enough to go super hard on bussing Kawl D1, and if Kawl flips town, then we can look at who jumped on his wagon and how - quietly voting, or writing up something that seems to have good justification, and so on.

To be honest I'm a bit wary of your response. It kinda feels like what happened was that you've been talking about no lynching day 1 for most of the time, wasn't pressed much on it, and only after this exchange do you decide to back off and apply vote pressure. Why now? You've been active since Blarg stopped posting, so why didn't you switch your vote to him earlier?

Kawl's lynch would provide some good info about squidy. But I don't think that alone is really good reason to lynch someone. Especially since the general consensus seems to be that squidy is obviously lying for some ultra secret pro-town reason.

We should vote for whoever we actually think is scum. The whole debacle with Retro is interesting. He is initially fairly defensive, and then switches to a laid back "eh I fucked up I don't even care." Whether he did that himself or was told to dial it back by scum teammates I don't know. But that might be worth pursuing over Kawl.

Speaking of, squidy do you still feel that Kawl is scum?
Also Scrafty, you vanished after poking me a bit. I'd like to hear more from you.

If you've nothing else to contribute I'll ask this: Would YOU be comfortable with having squidy use his power on you?


Kawl's lynch would provide some good info about squidy. But I don't think that alone is really good reason to lynch someone. Especially since the general consensus seems to be that squidy is obviously lying for some ultra secret pro-town reason.

We should vote for whoever we actually think is scum. The whole debacle with Retro is interesting. He is initially fairly defensive, and then switches to a laid back "eh I fucked up I don't even care." Whether he did that himself or was told to dial it back by scum teammates I don't know. But that might be worth pursuing over Kawl.

Speaking of, squidy do you still feel that Kawl is scum?
I would like to clarify that I am not advocating for a Kawl lynch - it was just an example I was trying to use in response to Salva. To be honest I get a Town feeling from that whole exchange so I'm leaning towards not lynching either.

I agree. I am also currently voting for who I think is scum. In regards to Retro, everyone seems to be onboard with him seeming scummy, which is fine, but I feel a little nervous in regards to that. Feels like there's almost too much of a consensus on it.
Also Scrafty, you vanished after poking me a bit. I'd like to hear more from you.

If you've nothing else to contribute I'll ask this: Would YOU be comfortable with having squidy use his power on you?

LA DIABLA will allow anyone to try ANYTHING on her, because she is a TRUE AMERICAN FACE.

She does wonder however, why you were so quick to back off of squidy earlier once pressed a bit. Did you just lose interest in that line of inquiry?
Actually there is one thing that bugs me. I believe Kawl said something to squidy like "you're the most obvious lyncher ever."

This post: https://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198945558&postcount=308

This is after squidy claims his one shot day leader reveal alignment power (what is this power actually called because thats a fucking mouthful). And that fake claim isn't really something an Executioner would claim. So it seems weird that Kawl would think squidy was an Executioner.
LA DIABLA will allow anyone to try ANYTHING on her, because she is a TRUE AMERICAN FACE.

She does wonder however, why you were so quick to back off of squidy earlier once pressed a bit. Did you just lose interest in that line of inquiry?

Because everyone else seems willing to give squidy a day or two (which will turn into three, then four, but whatever....) despite him obviously lying. I voted for him, and pointed out how obvious his lies are, but that vote got no traction. And rather than waste more time trying to convince people to vote for him, I'd rather hunt for other potential scum.

I'm still 100% down for a squidy lynch, for the record. I still find it astounding that we're just assuming he's lying for some pro-town gambit. If I had to guess I'd say he's trying to draw protection roles towards himself so a watcher/tracker scum buddy can get a good list of targets. And again, its obvious as fuck he's lying.


Actually there is one thing that bugs me. I believe Kawl said something to squidy like "you're the most obvious lyncher ever."

This post: https://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198945558&postcount=308

This is after squidy claims his one shot day leader reveal alignment power (what is this power actually called because thats a fucking mouthful). And that fake claim isn't really something an Executioner would claim. So it seems weird that Kawl would think squidy was an Executioner.

I was ignoring his claim when I made that statement because I assume its a load of bunk. That was more with regards to his incessant "kawl is so scum" logic on which he seems so sure. I know my role, and I can't think of any other reason for why he would be so damned sure that I was scum. If having numerous posts while not taking super hard stances and being fluffy was a sure fire scum tell, I'm surprised he doesn't have 5 or 6 people who he just knoooows are scum every game start.


VOTE: RobotNinjaHornets

You posted a big thoughts posts and touched on Squidy and Cornb, but what do you think about Squid's apparent beef with me? Was my play this first day so far shifty enough to warrant the full court squidy press?


Actually there is one thing that bugs me. I believe Kawl said something to squidy like "you're the most obvious lyncher ever."

This post: https://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=198945558&postcount=308

This is after squidy claims his one shot day leader reveal alignment power (what is this power actually called because thats a fucking mouthful). And that fake claim isn't really something an Executioner would claim. So it seems weird that Kawl would think squidy was an Executioner.

Hmm...at the time I had just thought it was due to how certain squidy was in his convictions about Kawl. But on the other hand, it does seem to be a bit random. I wonder if there's something in Kawl's role pm flavor that might have indicated somebody might be out to get him?

Overall I still think he got through the squidyj exchange more or less ok, so I'll be keeping my vote on magnum.

But now that I think about it, maybe Kawl's quick defense of Retro was the reason why there seems to be so much of a consensus about Retro's scumminess. I could definitely imagine a situation where a scum Kawl tried to defend Retro, got called out on it, and now scum doesn't want to try again and appear to be too desperate to keep Retro alive. Hmm...


Hmm...at the time I had just thought it was due to how certain squidy was in his convictions about Kawl. But on the other hand, it does seem to be a bit random. I wonder if there's something in Kawl's role pm flavor that might have indicated somebody might be out to get him?

Overall I still think he got through the squidyj exchange more or less ok, so I'll be keeping my vote on magnum.

But now that I think about it, maybe Kawl's quick defense of Retro was the reason why there seems to be so much of a consensus about Retro's scumminess. I could definitely imagine a situation where a scum Kawl tried to defend Retro, got called out on it, and now scum doesn't want to try again and appear to be too desperate to keep Retro alive. Hmm...

Last thing tonight for me, Love Boat taught me one thing. Bus your teammates ruthlessly. If I was scum and Retro was scum I wouldn't come close to defending him in the case that bussing him later would prove effective. But I have no idea of Retro's alignment I just saw like 3 pretty high profile players jumping on some posts by him that I felt were relatively harmless. Not good posts, but nothing damning.
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