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WWE Mafia |OT| Royal Rumble Superstars of Wrestling MMXVI


OK, today's been a rough day, but I'm back.
Hey, still only one vote on me, so that's nice. But I'm showing up on a lot of suspect lists. That's... less nice.
First - If you think I'm scum, and you want to kill me, that's fine. I deserve it after how bad I played this morning. There will be consequences, of course, if you go that route.
Town, for the good of the people, let me do my thing.
But, in case that turns out not to be the case, here are my reads from today, such as they are. While I know that there's been a lot more going on than is usual for day one, there are still a lot of players and shockingly little information.

Batsnacks - Revealed his power in the early days of Day 1, which I did make fun of, but given the limitation of his power, it makes sense to get that info out early. If he did it as a hammer, it would raise undue suspicion. LEANING TOWN.
Blargonaut - Blarg is Blarg, and I'm sure we'll spend the better part of a future day discussing what that means. He's not really causing trouble right now. It's really hard to read Blarg, and there's a very fine distinction between Town Blarg and Scum Blarg. So far, this feels like Town Blarg. LEANING TOWN.
Bowlie - Kind of fluffy, TBH. I want to see more real thoughts out of you, Bowlie. I've only seen a few superficial thoughts on Squidy and Bats. That might get you into trouble. NEUTRAL, BUT SUSPICIOUS.
Burbeting - A good bear with a bad role. I don't disbelieve your claim, but I do think it will need verification at some point. For now, I think you're working very hard to find scum, and I'd applaud if it were someone other than me in your crosshairs. LEANING TOWN.
Cabot - Cabot's putting in work, trying to find scum. I think he's reading some stuff that isn't there, but he's pretty solidly TOWN in my book.
CornBurrito - Something is wrong here, and I can't put my finger on it. It might be his eagerness to lynch Squidy. Something also seems off about his interactions with Scrafty. I don't know, but he feels scummy to me. LEANING SCUM.
Kalor - He's been pretty quiet. Commented briefly on Burb and Bats, then said he wanted to lynch me or Bowlie. Not enough to go on. Please post more. NEUTRAL, NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION.
Kawl_USC - Feels town to me. Could go either way, but I think he's probably one of the good guys. LEANING TOWN
MagnumBoy20xx - Too quiet. Feels like he's trying to post just enough to fly beneath the radar. LEANING SCUM
Matt Attack - Also very low activity. Pick it up, Apollo! Let's see those chords of steel! NEUTRAL, BUT SUSPICIOUS.
Nukedeggs - I don't really have much to say about Nuked. I can't get a good read on her, but she doesn't seem scummy. LEANING TOWN.
Palmer - Palmer seems like town. Palmer ALWAYS seems like town. I will never not suspect Palmer. He's too good at this. TOWN, LEANING SCUM. I'M WATCHING YOU.
RetroMG - I had a rough day today, but I think I'm back on track. Please don't lynch me. ^_^
RobotNinjaHornets - I'm okay with you. I feel like there could be more substance, but it's day 1, and you gave a reads list. So you're OK for now. LEANING TOWN.
SalvaPot - What do you want from today? No Lynch? Blarg? Who are you voting for? You're all over the map, amigo. The No Lynch bothers me, but I don't know what to make of you. NEUTRAL, NEED MORE INFO.
Scrafty - I've seen Scum Scrafty. This isn't Scum Scrafty. And the Heels and Faces thing is nonsense - She knows wrestling, did you really think she wouldn't include it in her persona? LEANING TOWN.
Seath - I totally forgot that Seath has the Diva avatar, and for a brief moment I was surprised to see he was in this game. Not much to report here. Going after Burb and Squidy strikes me as off, but not something I can really call scummy. LEANING TOWN.
Splinter - Ehh. Not a lot here, but it reads like town who's trying to find scum and maybe is being a little too fluffy. LEANING TOWN.
Squidy - I don't know that I believe his single-shot cop claim, but I do think Squidy is town. But hey, Squid, if you ARE a single-shot cop, I invite you to use it on me. LEANING TOWN.
StanleyPalmtree - Has been quiet, but at least explained why. I don't see anything egregious here. LEANING TOWN, BUT PLEASE POST MORE.
Terrabyte20xx - If I had to guess, one of the 20xx brothers is scum. I lean toward Terra more than Magnum. Seems like he wants under the radar. Feels bad, man. On the other hand, he did have a short argument with CornB, who I also suspect as scum. So, I could be wrong, but for now: LEANING SCUM.
What makes the difference between Terra and Magnum, who seem like they are flying under the radar, and Kalor, who just seems quiet? I dunno. Just a feeling.
Ultron - Ultron is in this game? POST MORE, PLS

Feel free now to watch and see who comes after me. Ideally, I'd like to live to serve the town, but if that's not the case, maybe these reads will help.

Oh, and one more thing.

Vote: CornBurrito


I don't like reads lists though. Town and null reads are not useful at all unless you're defending someone from a lynch for specific reasons. Just say who is mafia and vote them.

I mean I get trying to organize your thoughts and show progression on your reads over time but e.g. in Retro's case people are accusing him of feigning activity and contributions and he responds with a Reads List™. The only part of that post I wanted to know about are the LEANING SCUM pieces and the vote. It's more effective to just focus on the important pieces.

Like before the Reads List™ Retro just seemed awkward to me which isn't alignment indicative but now he's responded to accusations of feigned activity with what could legitimately be feigned activity.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I don't like reads lists though. Town and null reads are not useful at all unless you're defending someone from a lynch for specific reasons. Just say who is mafia and vote them.

I mean I get trying to organize your thoughts and show progression on your reads over time but e.g. in Retro's case people are accusing him of feigning activity and contributions and he responds with a Reads List™. The only part of that post I wanted to know about are the LEANING SCUM pieces and the vote. It's more effective to just focus on the important pieces.

Like before the Reads List™ Retro just seemed awkward to me which isn't alignment indicative but now he's responded to accusations of feigned activity with what could legitimately be feigned activity.
I agree with this sentiment, especially on day one. They tend to be useless and change drastically over time. When some one flips scum the first thing to trash is their reads list because they can't be trusted. That's why I never post them.

I feel the same on top 3 scum/ town lists, they rarely help out, and more importantly aren't ever used as proof for why someone is town or scum. It just feels pointless and adds another weapon to the mafia's arsenal.


I have issues with the scum leans too.

If he thinks there's something wrong with corn he should say what. All I really remember about corn is him saying that squid is lying which... I think there are good reasons why someone might think that and be concerned by that.

Terrabyte discrediting corn seemed awkward at first but I could see how someone might think that corn's "heavy handed(?)" tone might seem manufactured like terrabyte said. That's not what retro said though I don't fully understand his scum read on terrabyte, that's just the only reason I can see why terrabyte might be suspicious.

The magnum read is better, magnum is under the radar but having played with magnum I sort of don't expect that to change regardless of magnum's alignment.


I'm sorry you don't like my list, but my first game here taught me to take the long view. Try to avoid death if you can, but if it seems certain, then try to make your death worth something.

If I die, and when I flip town, I like people to know who I suspect. Terra and Corn in particular, with Magnum and Palmer as secondary targets.

But I'd really prefer to not die. I know my role, if you smell what I'm cooking?


Don't be so morbid yo. but yeah I hate your list.

I'd like your list though if you clarified your scum leans. I just want to feel like I understand like you do.

The corn read is very vague, please "put your finger on it" if you can. All I remember from corn, and this is probably the case for most, are the comments on squid lying and corn's frustration with that.

The terrabyte read I'm lost on.

Magnum, yeah under the radar... BUT having played with magnum I just don't see it changing regardless of magnum's alignment. If you have a problem with magnum now that problem isn't going away. ( personal meta)


I'm still 100% down for a squidy lynch, for the record. I still find it astounding that we're just assuming he's lying for some pro-town gambit. If I had to guess I'd say he's trying to draw protection roles towards himself so a watcher/tracker scum buddy can get a good list of targets. And again, its obvious as fuck he's lying.

I just came from a game where someone pulled a stupid gambit six minutes into Day 1, everyone got really upset and wanted his head but if you thought about it, it didnt make sense for scum to claim.

The parallels are there: early day 1 claim, claim that can be easily provable, and unable to see scum motive for doing said claim so far.

You've not convinced me of a reason why a scum would pull it, other than 'Well he could have guessed we would all buy it'

That's a big leap to make.


But now that I think about it, maybe Kawl's quick defense of Retro was the reason why there seems to be so much of a consensus about Retro's scumminess. I could definitely imagine a situation where a scum Kawl tried to defend Retro, got called out on it, and now scum doesn't want to try again and appear to be too desperate to keep Retro alive. Hmm...

I don't really read into it too much, apart from maybe there's a chance Kawl and Retro are in cahoots of some form. I do think Kawl would be smarter than sticking up for his scum team mate after a single vote and some comments.

Last thing tonight for me, Love Boat taught me one thing. Bus your teammates ruthlessly. If I was scum and Retro was scum I wouldn't come close to defending him in the case that bussing him later would prove effective. But I have no idea of Retro's alignment I just saw like 3 pretty high profile players jumping on some posts by him that I felt were relatively harmless. Not good posts, but nothing damning.

I don't think you should have intervened, certainly not at that point. Getting a reaction from Retro is important, you've talked a lot today we have a good amount of stuff to take from you. You may not agree with the motives but it was a single vote and he was saying weird things. You only should throw your hat into the ring when a guy/gal is under serious pressure (by pressure i mean votes)

1) There will be consequences, of course, if you go that route.


Blargonaut - Blarg is Blarg, and I'm sure we'll spend the better part of a future day discussing what that means. He's not really causing trouble right now. It's really hard to read Blarg, and there's a very fine distinction between Town Blarg and Scum Blarg. So far, this feels like Town Blarg. LEANING TOWN.

Burbeting - A good bear with a bad role. I don't disbelieve your claim, but I do think it will need verification at some point. For now, I think you're working very hard to find scum, and I'd applaud if it were someone other than me in your crosshairs. LEANING TOWN.

Kawl_USC - Feels town to me. Could go either way, but I think he's probably one of the good guys. LEANING TOWN

Matt Attack - Also very low activity. Pick it up, Apollo! Let's see those chords of steel! NEUTRAL, BUT SUSPICIOUS.

RobotNinjaHornets - I'm okay with you. I feel like there could be more substance, but it's day 1, and you gave a reads list. So you're OK for now. LEANING TOWN.

Scrafty - I've seen Scum Scrafty. This isn't Scum Scrafty. And the Heels and Faces thing is nonsense - She knows wrestling, did you really think she wouldn't include it in her persona? LEANING TOWN.

Seath - I totally forgot that Seath has the Diva avatar, and for a brief moment I was surprised to see he was in this game. Not much to report here. Going after Burb and Squidy strikes me as off, but not something I can really call scummy. LEANING TOWN.

Ultron - Ultron is in this game? POST MORE, PLS

1) Well gee, there are always consequences to actions buddy, good or bad. I don't need reminded.

2) I've left the reads that stand out to me in the quote and have some questions on them, so here goes:

a) You identify that it's difficult to tell Scum Blarg and Town Blarg apart, but then you say you think it's Town Blarg, can you elaborate a bit more on why you feel like this? I've seen nothing to read either way yet. No Miller Tracker BOMBs, but yeah I was reading that as town back on day 1 in LB.

b) Just want to clear up: by verification you mean a lynch, right? cause i can't think of much other verification for a Miller.

c) I don't feel Kawl is a threat so far today, he's reacting mostly as you'd expect to a rabid squidy being on your sweet ass. I'm highlighting this more because there isn't any clear reasoning for your thoughts.

d) Why are you suspicious of Matt Attack? Despite his inactivity, I think in the posts he has made, he has shown a strong view on issues, such as the discussion on making batsnacks do a single vote and see the repercussions. I'm more on his stance than what appears to the majority of the game. That's a rather bold opinion for a scum to make. Not impossible, but I lean town more than suspicious. Why do you feel this way?

e) RNH has been alright so far, but yeah he posted a reads list on D1, who cares! I know you do this Retro, I remember you doing it in the other games we've played in, so your read list isnt really out of the ordinary, but I wouldn't read it as a town marker on others lol ;)

f) I'm suspicious of your Stone Cold (3:16 fuck yeah) certainty on this not being Scum Scrafty. From what I've seen of Scrafty both in the same game and spectating, she's a super smart cookie, I can totally believe she would change up her game if she was Scum again. I just want you to know that I think you're sureness here could be a mistake.

g) Why are you leaning Town on Seath? All I see just now is classic Seath, which is a bunch of provocative retorts with little reason or thoughts. Not really scummy, but more irritating to me personally. What sways you town on them?

h) He is in this game, and so far I'd say he's playing as I'd expect. I actually think despite his low post count, he's said a few things that are interesting and contributive. Highlighting the difference in opinion.



it seems that when the Palmtree is away, the superstars will play.
but seriously timezones suck, i sleep straight through the vast majority of activity.

anyway heres what iv pieced together after a quick scrub through everybody's rambling:

Squidy- i dont like his attitude, and hes probably lying, but i dont think its toward a scummy end. waiting to see where this goes.

Corn- strikes me as the old man yelling at a cloud. hyper agressive tunneling, but then he did that in PW and was right the whole time, so who the duck am i too judge?

Blarg- hey! hes actually speaking words now, i love it when people do that!

Batsnacks- no real reson to doubt him, and its a power that dont matter all that much till later in the game, as every individual vote becomes more valuable. although one thought about this, is that if he is town but stays alive for a long time, it may because he is being fooled and is (unknowingly) supporting scum. just something to think about.

also the usage of 'face' and 'heel ' makes total sense to me, especially given Scrafty's character play. hell i even made a joke about heel-turns when signing up.

also Retro acting shadier than people though i was after making one too many puns in PW.
but he hasn't actually done anything scummy, its all just talk, so less of a founded suspicion, and more of a *shifty eyes from across the room* kinda thing.

This was alright but you seem to be reacting to the topics at hand. I'll join with my racist friend Hulk 'batsnacks' Hogan over here and ask who are you suspicious of, who do you feel could be scum?
This was alright but you seem to be reacting to the topics at hand. I'll join with my racist friend Hulk 'batsnacks' Hogan over here and ask who are you suspicious of, who do you feel could be scum?

so batsnacks asked me that same thing, not very long ago, but i guess i can just repeat myself

retro is the one im feeling the scuminess from the most right now, and his more recent posts have not really changed that.
I just came from a game where someone pulled a stupid gambit six minutes into Day 1, everyone got really upset and wanted his head but if you thought about it, it didnt make sense for scum to claim.

The parallels are there: early day 1 claim, claim that can be easily provable, and unable to see scum motive for doing said claim so far.

You've not convinced me of a reason why a scum would pull it, other than 'Well he could have guessed we would all buy it'

That's a big leap to make.

I've presented one hypothesis.

He makes his role seem useful (and it is, if he actually had that power). But then refuses to use it D1. Our Doctor/Tracker/Watcher/Bodyguard (we have to have at least one of those I think) then swoops in to protect him. Squidy gets to claim he lives thanks to protection (half truth), and then scum may very well have a Watcher who then gets a nice list of who the bodyguard is.

Though having slept on it, I realize there's a huge issue. Which is there is no reason for scum to do that because batsnacks claimed first. And they can use batsnacks for this purpose. Which would be my guess for why he isn't able to single vote. He's a negative/positive utility. A genuine double vote, but we'll be tempted to protect him, and if scum has a watcher we'll be fucked.


also Retro acting shadier than people though i was after making one too many puns in PW.
but he hasn't actually done anything scummy, its all just talk, so less of a founded suspicion, and more of a *shifty eyes from across the room* kinda thing.

probably retro

so batsnacks asked me that same thing, not very long ago, but i guess i can just repeat myself

retro is the one im feeling the scuminess from the most right now, and his more recent posts have not really changed that.

That's a scum read? Damn it's tentative.


Though having slept on it, I realize there's a huge issue. Which is there is no reason for scum to do that because batsnacks claimed first. And they can use batsnacks for this purpose. Which would be my guess for why he isn't able to single vote. He's a negative/positive utility. A genuine double vote, but we'll be tempted to protect him, and if scum has a watcher we'll be fucked.

Are scum watchers common?

I mean if we trust batsnacks, the only way he would've ended today without his power confirmed would be by not voting at all. Which is unlikely from a guy like him.

So at the very least he'd have to announce his power, and a protective role would do the thing you should do and protect the role claims. If scum had a watcher, wouldn't that be too easy?
Are scum watchers common?

I mean if we trust batsnacks, the only way he would've ended today without his power confirmed would be by not voting at all. Which is unlikely from a guy like him.

So at the very least he'd have to announce his power, and a protective role would do the thing you should do and protect the role claims. If scum had a watcher, wouldn't that be too easy?

Scum watchers are possible. Idk if one is actually in the game. Scum had one in PW as did town. Maybe both sides have one this game as well.
That's a scum read? Damn it's tentative.

yeah it is, hence the lack of a vote.

you're asking for a scum read on day 1. even on a day 1 as eventful as this there really isnt a lot of suspect behavior to draw from.
im really not sure what you were expecting here.


I've presented one hypothesis.

He makes his role seem useful (and it is, if he actually had that power). But then refuses to use it D1. Our Doctor/Tracker/Watcher/Bodyguard (we have to have at least one of those I think) then swoops in to protect him. Squidy gets to claim he lives thanks to protection (half truth), and then scum may very well have a Watcher who then gets a nice list of who the bodyguard is.

Though having slept on it, I realize there's a huge issue. Which is there is no reason for scum to do that because batsnacks claimed first. And they can use batsnacks for this purpose. Which would be my guess for why he isn't able to single vote. He's a negative/positive utility. A genuine double vote, but we'll be tempted to protect him, and if scum has a watcher we'll be fucked.

Eh, bats role doesn't exactly scream huge utility or 100% town to me. Combine those two facts and I doubt every protective role was champing at the bit to flock to bats. Besides some scum wouldn't stop a perfectly good gambit just because someone else has claimed before them on day 1....


We will just have to disagree, with how fickle day one can be a slow build of consensus that something is suspicious can easily be the foundation that the ultimate lynch is built on. I'm gonna comment on a rising tide on someone if I don't think it's legitimate. If it had been one person person and voting fine, but it was 3 or more prolific posters voicing pretty damning opinions. I threw mine in to at least show those on the sidelines not everyone felt so strongly that way.


Eh, bats role doesn't exactly scream huge utility or 100% town to me. Combine those two facts and I doubt every protective role was champing at the bit to flock to bats. Besides some scum wouldn't stop a perfectly good gambit just because someone else has claimed before them on day 1....

It isn't a huge utility now but it would be pretty huge as we get closer to endgame (if town), so keeping him alive makes sense.


yeah it is, hence the lack of a vote.

you're asking for a scum read on day 1. even on a day 1 as eventful as this there really isnt a lot of suspect behavior to draw from.
im really not sure what you were expecting here.

I dunno a little conviction maybe, I read your first post and it doesn't even seem to be a scum read it's more a 'I'm a little weary of this guy'.


It isn't a huge utility now but it would be pretty huge as we get closer to endgame (if town), so keeping him alive makes sense.
If anything I see it as more of a liability as we get closer to end game. Again, it would be different if they were confirmed town. But they aren't.


I'm rather confused by everyone giving a pass to Magnum. I understand that he is a generally not-so-active player (unless he's scum according to batsnacks, in which case apparently he's quite active over at Outer Gafia), but when he does post, it's unhelpful to Town for reasons I've explained in this post. This is unlike the activity of the other low-key posters, who at least contribute new things when they post.

I've never played with town magnum but last game I was on his team and we were not town. He was very active in our private chat but was quite and unreadable in the game thread.
That is a really good magnumboy20xx.gif
I meant that it reminded me of you like I could see magnumboy20xx up in the stands like keeping a watchful eye like you do.
The magnum read is better, magnum is under the radar but having played with magnum I sort of don't expect that to change regardless of magnum's alignment.
Magnum, yeah under the radar... BUT having played with magnum I just don't see it changing regardless of magnum's alignment. If you have a problem with magnum now that problem isn't going away. ( personal meta)

Batsnacks, why are you defending/buddying up with Magnum so much? From your own admission, you've only played with a scum magnum. Why are you so convinced that he won't change his behavior if town? Wouldn't it be advantageous for him to help town out by being active? After all, he was active with his alignment last time, right?

You got your double vote and stuff which makes you more Town by itself, but I still think this stuff with Magnum is weird, maybe even scummy. Here's someone who has been inactive and posted nothing substantial, and here you are defending him based on meta, which I don't really like that much, left and right. Not only that, but he straight-up goes and says that he's not going to be so active and watching, yet he hasn't contributed anything meaningful in his two posts to Town, and you responded to that in a positive way that remarks on nothing in his actual post other than a praise for his gif.

All of this can be explained by 'oh magnum's just like this', but this doesn't sit right with me personally.


That's a good point you've raised there nukedeggs, magnum has been awfully quiet, he slipped by in Love Boat because bats was actually helping Town, but not here in this world of no pairs.

Care to stop watching and start yapping, sunshine?

I agree with this sentiment, especially on day one. They tend to be useless and change drastically over time. When some one flips scum the first thing to trash is their reads list because they can't be trusted. That's why I never post them.

I feel the same on top 3 scum/ town lists, they rarely help out, and more importantly aren't ever used as proof for why someone is town or scum. It just feels pointless and adds another weapon to the mafia's arsenal.

The other 20xx brother isn't so hot either. With regards to the bolded, I don't agree because I don't use top town top scum posts for determining how right someone is. I like them because they help me have an insight into their thinking and whether it makes sense. Pushing away from it under the 'it helps scum more' guise isn't very useful.


Oh, and burbetings role was actually a REVERSE miller that was actually town. Of course the PM didn't said that, lol, but town cop would check him town, and scum cop would check him scum. The clue was there between lines but burb sadly didn't catch it.

This is always a question of POV. From player pov, it was hard to see any hints, other than that one cop would see me as town (And frankly, the neutral cop did play for the town so it could have screwed us up anyway). But that's enough of that for the meta-aspect.


Why hasn't Scrafty answered the question I gave her back on page 9? She has posted after it.

Why has all of Salva's posts so far been so useless?
Why hasn't Scrafty answered the question I gave her back on page 9? She has posted after it.

Why has all of Salva's posts so far been so useless?

LA DIABLA missed your question entirely, little bear.

Squidy's role seems fake (unlike this GLORIOUS SPORT) because it's too perfect. The threat of being publically revealed can easily be used to manipulate and coerce heels into messing up, and squidy knows it. His real role is likely different, because the only reason anyone would claim what he claimed so early is to create discourse and ELECTRIFY the ring.

In retrospect, LA DIABLA also feels uneasy about Corn but we will LEAVE HIM FOR LATER as he seems to at least be helping spur discussion.

Until then, LA DIABLA will grab a mic and join in this public calling-out of one of the 20xx brothers, OH YEAH

VOTE: Magnumboy20xx


Neo Member
I'm rather confused by everyone giving a pass to Magnum. I understand that he is a generally not-so-active player (unless he's scum according to batsnacks, in which case apparently he's quite active over at Outer Gafia), but when he does post, it's unhelpful to Town for reasons I've explained in this post. This is unlike the activity of the other low-key posters, who at least contribute new things when they post.

Batsnacks, why are you defending/buddying up with Magnum so much? From your own admission, you've only played with a scum magnum. Why are you so convinced that he won't change his behavior if town? Wouldn't it be advantageous for him to help town out by being active? After all, he was active with his alignment last time, right?

You got your double vote and stuff which makes you more Town by itself, but I still think this stuff with Magnum is weird, maybe even scummy. Here's someone who has been inactive and posted nothing substantial, and here you are defending him based on meta, which I don't really like that much, left and right. Not only that, but he straight-up goes and says that he's not going to be so active and watching, yet he hasn't contributed anything meaningful in his two posts to Town, and you responded to that in a positive way that remarks on nothing in his actual post other than a praise for his gif.

All of this can be explained by 'oh magnum's just like this', but this doesn't sit right with me personally.
I know that I haven't been very active, nor very helpful right now. I don't want to make excuses, but I had a lot of homework to deal with and when it comes to focusing on a game or focusing on college, college comes first.

As for your arguments against me, your right to a point. As Cabot has already said, batsnacks and I were neutral not scum in Love Boat. If you read the metal chat, you would know that we played town for most of that game. What batsnacks is doing right now is giving me the benefit of the doubt and saying that my playstyle is not indicative of my alignment. Honestly, I have trouble getting reads in the early phases of mafia games. It happens to me in HP. That's why I was glad that I had batsnacks to rely on in LB. If you really need me to tell you my gut feelings on who I suspect as being scum, I would have to say retro and mabye sqiudy. I can't really explain why well, it's only really a gut feeling that I get while reading their posts but that's really all I can say. I do still want to know squidy's reasoning for claiming, that's probably the biggest thing that is keeping him on My gut feeling radar. So I guess I poke him for information.

vote: squidyj

Also, I noticed as I typed this that scrafty called me out as well, and while I know that it was probably just a coin toss, it did seem a little interesting that she did right after nukedeggs and Cabot. Just something for me to think about is all.


I want everyone to pay attention how her last few posts have been identical in nature. Scrafty has lately only come to post, when people have been calling her out from disappearing/not responding to questions, just for her to post almost instatly after. This happened in this page, and last time in page 12, where she posted only after CornBro called her out.

She is laying low, but clearly keeps reading the thread, as she arrives as soon as someone posts about her. Only Scum is afraid in posting in the game.


Aka. my vote has nothing to do with how she has voted. It's how and when she has posted lately.

She clearly keeps keeping close tabs on the thread, but not actually posting unless someone calls her out. Town should not be afraid in posting in the thread.


That's why I was glad that I had batsnacks to rely on in LB. If you really need me to tell you my gut feelings on who I suspect as being scum, I would have to say retro and mabye sqiudy. I can't really explain why well, it's only really a gut feeling that I get while reading their posts but that's really all I can say. I do still want to know squidy's reasoning for claiming, that's probably the biggest thing that is keeping him on My gut feeling radar. So I guess I poke him for information.

Also, I noticed as I typed this that scrafty called me out as well, and while I know that it was probably just a coin toss, it did seem a little interesting that she did right after nukedeggs and Cabot. Just something for me to think about is all.

Can you indulge me a little here, friendo. You have a gut feeling on squidy being scum right now. Can you walk me through a scenario with the claim squidy has made in mind and it's timing (after batsnacks) and try to give me your thoughts on why scum squidy would do this particular claim.


Also Scrafty, you vanished after poking me a bit. I'd like to hear more from you.

If you've nothing else to contribute I'll ask this: Would YOU be comfortable with having squidy use his power on you?

Scrafty responded to this 15 minutes later. Her next post is responding 15 minutes later to my post, where I pose a question at her. No other posts.


Can you indulge me a little here, friendo. You have a gut feeling on squidy being scum right now. Can you walk me through a scenario with the claim squidy has made in mind and it's timing (after batsnacks) and try to give me your thoughts on why scum squidy would do this particular claim.
Ooh! Pick me! I know this one!
Scrafty responded to this 15 minutes later. Her next post is responding 15 minutes later to my post, where I pose a question at her. No other posts.

A wrestler is never late, nor is she early, she arrives precisely when she needs to.

LA DIABLA sees no point in flapping her luscious lips without reason, and will not clutter the airwaves with unnecessary blather!


hey buddy, you think squidy is scum?

cause I'll ask you the same question after Magnum!
I don't, which is why I'm waiting for MagnumBoy20xx to answer first.

I do have a hypothetical on squidy though.

Also, I agree with Burb to some extent, but for now I'm more interested in MagnumBoy20xx and how he brought Scrafty up.


A wrestler is never late, nor is she early, she arrives precisely when she needs to.

LA DIABLA sees no point in flapping her luscious lips without reason, and will not clutter the airwaves with unnecessary blather!

So you admit you only post as reactionarily, only if someone asks you to post?

Aka. like how Scum would usually post?

Magnumboy's strange accusation seemed like a PRIME DEFLECTION TACTIC meant to draw suspicion away from himself. LA DIABLA agrees that there is no plausible scenario in which squidy's lie is the result of HEEL BEHAVIOUR, and so far the most suspicious people have been the ones suggesting that squidy has to go.
So you admit you only post as reactionarily, only if someone asks you to post?

Aka. like how Scum would usually post?


Don't put words in LA DIABLA's mouth, jabroni. LA DIABLA is most likely to appear when the crowd hypes her up, but is also eager to debut new smackdowns when they come to her.
VOTE: RobotNinjaHornets

You posted a big thoughts posts and touched on Squidy and Cornb, but what do you think about Squid's apparent beef with me? Was my play this first day so far shifty enough to warrant the full court squidy press?

I think we should all take a moment to remember what Darryl said when squidy joined Animal Crossing:

you're hot out the fucking gate sherlock

Squidy's aggressive, I'm not sure we should read too much into it. I'm at work atm so I don't have too much time to go back over your old posts but nothing about them jumped out at me on the first pass. I'll give the whole argument another go around when I get home
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