Having access to pretty much every PPV from WWE, WCW and ECW means we can now load up a VOD and jump straight to some of the very best matches from American wrestling history.
Here are the best matches from each available year, I will update the OP as often as I can and if there is a must see match not listed let me know and ill add it. There are so many legendary matches that many people may not have seen depending on how long wrestling has been an interest, so lets share the wealth of knowledge and let everyone get the most out of their WWE Network experience.
- The Quebecers vs. Bret & Owen Hart (Royal Rumble, January 22, 1994 - WWE World Tag Team Title Match)
- Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (WrestleMania X, March 20, 1994)
- Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania X, March 20, 1994 - WWE Intercontinental Title/Ladder Match)
- Owen Hart vs. 123 Kid (King of the Ring, June 16, 1994 - KOTR Tournament Semi-Finals)
- Bret Hart vs. Diesel (King of the Ring, June 16, 1994 - WWE Championship Match)
- Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (SummerSlam, August 29, 1994 - WWE Championship/Cage Match)
- Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart (Survivor Series, November 23, 1994 - WWE Championship/Submission Match)
- The Nasty Boys vs. Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne (Spring Stampede, April 17, 1994 - WCW Tag Team Title Match/Street Fight)
- Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat (Spring Stampede, April 17, 1994 - WCW World Title Match)
- Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys (Slamboree, May 22, 1994 - WCW Tag Team Title Match/Street Fight)
- Johnny B. Badd vs. Lord Steven Regal (Fall Brawl, September 18, 1994 - WCW TV Title Match)
- Big Van Vader vs. Sting vs. The Guardian Angel (Fall Brawl, September 18, 1994)
- Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes & The Nasty Boys vs. Terry Funk, Arn Anderson, Bunkhouse Buck & Col. Robert Parker (Fall Brawl, September 18, 1994 - Wargames Match)
- Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair (Halloween Havoc, October 23, 1994 - WCW World Title/Cage Match)
- Diesel vs. Bret Hart (Royal Rumble, January 22, 1995 - WWE Championship Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett (In Your House, July 23, 1995 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (SummerSlam, August 27, 1995 - WWE Intercontinental Title/Ladder Match)
- Bret Hart vs. Jean Pierre-LaFitte (In Your House, September 24, 1995)
- Bret Hart vs. Diesel (Survivor Series, November 19, 1995 - WWE Championship Match/No Holds Barred)
- Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith (In Your House, December 17, 1995 - WWE Championship Match)
- Johnny B. Badd vs. Brian Pillman (Fall Brawl, September 17, 1995)
- Ric Flair vs. Arn Anderson (Fall Brawl, September 17, 1995)
- Shinjiro Ohtani vs. Eddy Guerrero (Starrcade, December 27, 1995)
- Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger vs. Sting (Starrcade, December 27, 1995)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart (In Your House, February 18, 1996)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart (WrestleMania XII, March 31, 1996 - WWE Championship/Ironman Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel (IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies, April 28, 1996 - WWE Championship Match/No Hold Barred)
- Marc Mero vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (IYH: Beware of Dog, May 26, 1996)
- Savio Vega vs. Steve Austin (IYH: Beware of Dog II, May 28, 1996 - Strap Match)
- Steve Austin vs. Marc Mero (King of the Ring, June 23, 1996 - KOTR Tournament Semi-Finals)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Davey Boy Smith (King of the Ring, June 23, 1996 - WWE Title Match)
- Vader, Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith vs. Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson & Psycho Sid (IYH: International Incident, July 21, 1996)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Vader (SummerSlam, August 18, 1996 - WWE Championship Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind (IYH: Mind Games, September 22, 1996 - WWE Championship Match)
- Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (Survivor Series, November 17, 1996)
- Psycho Sid vs. Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series, November 17, 1996 - WWE Championship Match)
- Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage (SuperBrawl 6, February 11, 1996 - WCW World Title/Cage Match)
- Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (Great American Bash, June 16, 1996 - WCW Cruiserweight Title Match)
- Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan (Great American Bash, June 16, 1996 - Falls Count Anywhere Match)
- Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis (Bash At the Beach, July 7, 1996)
- Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko (Hog Wild, August 10, 1996)
- Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (Fall Brawl, September 15, 1996)
- Ultimo Dragon vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (World War III, November 24, 1996)
- Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Jushin Liger (Starrcade, December 29, 1996)
- Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin vs. Vader (IYH: Final Four, February 16, 1997 - WWE Championship/Final Four Match)
- Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (WrestleMania XIII, March 23, 1997 - Submission Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin (King of the Ring, June 9, 1997)
- Mankind vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (IYH: Canadian Stampede, July 6, 1997)
- The Great Sasuke vs. TAKA Michinoku (IYH: Canadian Stampede, July 6, 1997)
- Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Jim Neidhart & Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin, Legion of Doom, Ken Shamrock & Goldust (IYH: Canadian Stampede, July 6, 1997)
- Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart (SummerSlam, August 3, 1997 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (IYH: Ground Zero, September 7, 1997)
- Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Dude Love (One Night Only, September 27, 1997)
- Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker (One Night Only, September 27, 1997 - WWE Championship Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Davey Boy Smith (One Night Only, September 27, 1997 - WWE European Title Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (IYH: Badd Blood, October 5, 1997 - Hell In A Cell Match)
- Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero (Uncensored, March 16, 1997 - WCW US Title Match)
- Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho (Fall Brawl, September 14, 1997 - WCW Cruiserweight Title Match)
- Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero (Halloween Havoc, October 26, 1997 - WCW Cruiserweight Title/Mask vs. Title Match)
- Randy Savage vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Halloween Havoc, October 26, 1997)
- The Great Sasuke, Gran Hamada & Masato Yakushiji vs. TAKA Michinoku, Terry Boy & Dick Togo (Barely Legal, April 13, 1997)
- Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XIV, March 29, 1998 - WWE Championship Match)
- Steve Austin vs. Dude Love (Unforgiven, April 26, 1998 - WWE Championship Match)
- Steve Austin vs. Dude Love (Over the Edge, May 31, 1998 - WWE Championship Match)
- The Undertaker vs. Mankind (King of the Ring, June 28, 1998 - Hell In A Cell Match)
- Triple H vs. The Rock (SummerSlam, August 30, 1998 - WWE Intercontinental Title/Ladder Match)
- The Rock vs. Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock (IYH: Breakdown, September 27, 1998 - Cage Match)
- Juventud Guerrera, Super Calo, Lizmark Jr. & Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Psicosis, La Parka, Silver King & El Dandy (Souled Out, January 24, 1998)
- Chris Benoit vs. Raven (Souled Out, January 24, 1998 - No Holds Barred)
- Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Benoit (SuperBrawl 8, February 22, 1998 - WCW US Title Match)
- Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Benoit vs. Raven (Uncensored, March 15, 1998 - WCW US Title Match)
- Battle Royal/Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho (Slamboree, May 17, 1998 - WCW Cruiserweight Title Match)
- Booker T vs. Chris Benoit (Great American Bash, June 14, 1998)
- Chris Jericho vs. Raven (Halloween Havoc, October 25, 1998 - WCW TV Title Match)
- Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Halloween Havoc, October 25, 1998 - WCW World Title Match)
- Billy Kidman vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera (Starrcade, December 27, 1998 - WCW Cruiserweight Title Match)
- Billy Kidman vs. Eddy Guerrero (Starrcade, December 27, 1998)
- Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible (Heatwave, August 2, 1998)
- Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome (Heatwave, August 2, 1998)
- Steve Austin vs. The Rock (Wreslemania XV, 1999 WWE Championship Match)
- Triple H vs. X-Pac (Backlash, April 25, 1999)
- Steve Austin vs. The Rock (Backlash, April 25, 1999 - WWE Championship Match)
- Shane McMahon vs. Test (Summerslam, 1999 Street Fight)
- Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac (Unforgiven, September 26, 1999)
- The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian (No Mercy, October 17, 1999 - Ladder Match)
- Juventud Guerrera vs. Blitzkrieg (Spring Stampede, April 11, 1999)
- Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko vs. Raven & Perry Saturn (Spring Stampede, April 11, 1999)
- Raven & Perry Saturn vs. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman (Slamboree, May 9, 1999 - WCW Tag Team Title Match)
- Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn (Hardcore Heaven, May 16, 1999 - ECW TV Title Match)
- Lance Storm vs. Jerry Lynn (Anarchy Rulz, September 19, 1999)
- Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka vs. Taz (Anarchy Rulz, September 19, 1999 - ECW World Title Match)
- Triple H vs. Cactus Jack (Royal Rumble, January 23, 2000 - WWE Championship Match/Street Fight)
- Triple H vs. Cactus Jack (No Way Out, February 27, 2000 - WWE Championship/Hell In A Cell Match)
- Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz (WrestleMania XVI, April 2, 2000 - WWE World Tag Team Title/Ladder Match)
- Dean Malenko vs. Scotty 2 Hotty (Backlash, April 30, 2000 - WWE Light Heavyweight Title Match)
- Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (Backlash, April 30, 2000 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match)
- The Rock vs. Triple H (Backlash, April 30, 2000 - WWE Championship Match)
- Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (Judgment Day, May 21, 2000 - WWE Intercontinental Title/Submission Match)
- Triple H vs. The Rock (Judgment Day, May 21, 2000 - WWE Championship/Ironman Match)
- Triple H vs. Chris Jericho (Fully Loaded, July 23, 2000 - Last Man Standing Match)
- The Rock vs. Chris Benoit (Fully Loaded, July 23, 2000 - WWE Championship Match)
- Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz (SummerSlam, August 27, 2000 - WWE World Tag Team Title/TLC Match)
- Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (SummerSlam, August 27, 2000 - 2/3 Falls Match)
- Triple H vs. Chris Benoit (No Mercy, October 22, 2000)
- Kurt Angle vs. The Rock (No Mercy, October 22, 2000 - WWE Championship Match)
None Im aware of.
- Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble, January 21, 2001 - WWE Intercontinental Title/Ladder Match)
- Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. X-Pac (No Way Out, February 25, 2001 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match)
- Triple H vs. Steve Austin (No Way Out, February 25, 2001 - 2/3 Falls Match: Straight Wrestling/Street Fight/Cage Match)
- The Rock vs. Kurt Angle (No Way Out, February 25, 2001 - WWE Championship Match)
- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (WrestleMania X-7, April 1, 2001)
- Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz (WrestleMania X-7, April 1, 2001 - WWE World Tag Team Title/TLC Match
- The Undertaker vs. Triple H (WrestleMania X-7, April 1, 2001)
- Steve Austin vs. The Rock (WrestleMania X-7, April 1, 2001 - WWE Championship Match/No Holds Barred)
- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (Judgment Day, May 20, 2001 - 2/3 Falls: Straight Wrestling/Submission Match/Ladder Match)
- Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon (King of the Ring, June 24, 2001 - Street Fight)
- Lance Storm vs. Edge (SummerSlam, August 19, 2001 - Intercontinental Championship Match)
- Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin (SummerSlam, August 19, 2001 - WWE Championship Match)
- Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho (Unforgiven, September 23, 2001 - WWE Hardcore Title Match)
- Chris Jericho vs. The Rock (No Mercy, October 21, 2001 - WCW Championship Match)
- The Jung Dragons vs. Jamie Knoble & Evan Karagias (Sin, January 14, 2001)
- Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman (Greed, March 18, 2001 - WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Title Tournament Finals)
- Chris Jericho vs. The Rock (Royal Rumble, January 20, 2002 - WWE Championship Match)
- Kurt Angle vs. Edge (Backlash, April 21, 2002)
- Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam (Judgment Day, May 19, 2002 - WWE Intercontinental Title Match)
- Edge vs. Kurt Angle (Judgment Day, May 19, 2002 - Hair vs. Hair Match)
- The Rock vs. The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle (Vengeance, July 21, 2002 - WWE Championship Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (SummerSlam, August 25, 2002 - Street Fight)
- Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock (SummerSlam, August 25, 2002 - WWE Championship Match)
- Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge (Unforgiven, September 22, 2002)
- Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Unforgiven, September 22, 2002)
- Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio (No Mercy, October 20, 2002 - WWE Tag Team Title Tournament Finals)
- Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker (No Mercy, October 20, 2002 - WWE Championship/Hell In A Cell Match)
- Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero (Armageddon, December 15, 2002)
- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble, January 19, 2003 - WWE Championship Match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho (WrestleMania XIX, March 30, 2003)
- The Rock vs. Steve Austin (WrestleMania XIX, March 30, 2003)
- Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle (WrestleMania XIX, March 30, 2003 - WWE Championship Match)
- Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit (Vengeance, July 27, 2003 - WWE US Title Tournament Finals)
- Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio & Billy Kidman (Vengeance, July 27, 2003 - WWE Tag Team Title Match)
- Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar vs. The Big Show (Vengeance, July 27, 2003 - WWE Championship Match)
- Kurt Angle vs. John Cena (No Mercy, October 19, 2003)
- Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Scott Steiner, Christian & Mark Henry vs. Shawn Michaels, The Dudley Boyz, Booker T & Rob Van Dam (Survivor Series, November 16, 2003 - Elimination Match)
- Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble, January 25, 2004)
- Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar (No Way Out, February 15, 2004 - WWE Championship Match)
- Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle (WrestleMania XX, March 14, 2004 - WWE Championship Match)
- Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XX, March 14, 2004 - WWE World Title Match)
- Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley (Backlash, April 18, 2004 - Street Fight)
- Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (Backlash, April 18, 2004 - WWE World Title Match)