Some news on the WWE Network:
Regarding the network in Canada on Rogers, the reason there are so small archives is because this whole thing was rushed to launch because they have to show improved numbers over the next three months. They hadn’t gotten CRTC approval yet. Rogers is discussing offering the network to other cable systems covering the rest of the country.
A new season of “Tough Enough” earmarked for the WWE Network looks like the victim of budget cuts. It was originally scheduled for a July taping, but over the last week, its budget was heavily cut back, and at the last minute, the entire show was scrapped. There was talk of doing it in the fall, but there’s been no talk at all in recent weeks of a time frame or shooting schedule.
WWE is clamping down somewhat on foreign network subscriptions. One reader, from the U.K., who signed up as soon as it was launched, was canceled by WWE. He, like many, used a U.S. address to subscribe, but in paying by Paypal, it had his real address. WWE took the subscription up until recently. Others in the U.K. having used false addresses are not having any problems.