There's no revisionist history going on, other than WWE finally deciding to give Lex credit instead of burying him. What they're saying now - that Lex's appearance on Nitro was impactful - is the actual truth.Seems like a pretty accurate comparison to me. Lex was pushed as the next big star, repeatedly couldn't win the big one, and then was bussed down to the mid card, before forming a tag team that didn't go anywhere while being mostly a JTTS. Lex being a former WCW Champion didn't matter a whole lot, as many people tuning into WCW when Hogan showed up had never heard of WCW and wasn't aware of Lex's history in the company.
I was just pointing out how hilarious it was that WWE went full on revisionist history on Lex's WWF run because that makes it sound like more of a blow to them after burying Lex and that whole run for the past 20 years.
"They stole away Hogan and our Hogan replacement" sounds a lot better than "They stole a guy who was a main eventer a year and a half ago that we don't really use for anything more than to make other guys look good now".
Your comparison sounds good on paper, but it's spoken like someone who wasn't actually around back then and only learned of Lex's run later on. Regardless of what you may think, Lex was not seen as a midcarder by fans back then - even if his big push did dwindle a bit (Bulldog team, etc.). You also erroneously act like there were no existing WCW fans watching Nitro, only new ones who weren't familiar with Lex, but that's a ridiculous statement to make.
Either way, Ryback is still a terrible example. He's never been a World Champ. He's never been a true main eventer or top star. Lex was both for many years. There's no comparison between Ryback's cup of coffee in the main event picture and Luger's many years of headlining against Flair, eventually becoming WCW World Champ, getting the massive Lex Express push in the WWF, etc.