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X-files DVDs

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I'm finally breaking down and buying all of the X-files DVD's Season 1-9. I've been looking around on ebay for deals and have noticed astronomically cheaper asian versions of these DVD's.

Sellers of these DVD's claim there isn't much of a quality difference but there is still indeed a difference in audio and video quality.

Does anybody know first hand how different the American/Asian versions are to each other? and is it worth it to save quite a bit of money with these versions?

Thanks in advance.


Well, it's ebay one can't be 100% positive. But most of the american sellers claim authentic chinese versions.


They're bootleg. Well, at least the ones for under $50 that I think you are talking about. That said, the quality is quite nice, like someone with a desktop burner made them. Sometimes the menus are screwy, but in all they are worth the money.


I'm hearing rumors from random places on the web that the seasons will all be dropping in price to 50 dollars each. I guess Fox is pulling a Sony and only allowing so many copies to be made and sold to retailers to keep the demand high.


I heard that Fox is dropping the price on the US editions, since most TV collections are coming out for so much cheaper now.

Just a heads up.
-i've got the US season 1 and the asian season 2. the quailty of the actual dvds aren't as good, one of the discs i had wouldn't play on several players i tried, although it was used and has some slight scratches. overall though for the price differance, it's not bad. what you might want to do is try buying one of the asian ones, just to give it a try, and if you like what you get, then go nuts an buy them all. just an idea...
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