the game likes to pit multiple opponents against you but gives you crowd-controlling tools to actually deal with them without having to constantly roll-dance and it gives you them from the outset.
Also it has Falcom music and platforming controls that don't completely suck. >:|
Dancing enemy groups is easily my favorite part of combat. The skeleton arena halfway through Castle Strangerock, as well as most of Netherworld, is all about kiting and timing individual attacks to make your own attack priorities. I feel like Falcom has more they can do to expand on this idea, but they haven't made a game with systems like Xananext's in a while.
Now I want to go back and buy Sorcerian off of Project EGG as well just to scratch my Falcom itch, I see the pack they have available. >_>
Sorcerian's maybe not as good as it should be but worth a shot anyway. Maybe the Forever scenarios did better than the PC-88 games'.
So I guess the Chevalier des Chevaliers achievement has nothing to do with the level, but with that ranking instead?
Also, why was that ending so sad
That cheevo's bugged. Highest level rank is 20 (Last Knight), which is very hard to achieve since letter ranks are strict as can be.
The ending's surprising. Even a certain memoir didn't prepare for me exactly what twist the game pulls, and how that provides a sequel hook.
Righty-o then here is a quicky list of Falcom titles XSEED could publish in coming years
Dinosaur Resurrection
Whatever was the latest Sorcerian is
The half dozen other Legend of Heroes games that had PC versions
Popful Mail
Zwei 1 and 2
Ys 7 and MoC (4)
Nayuta no Kiseki maybe?
Brandish PSP, because I'll gladly buy it again
Brandish 1-4 because the world needs to experience the PLANET BUSTER
Pre-Win9x Falcom games need a PC-98/-88 emulator standalone each, which means XSEED would have to license a fan emulator and everything NEC would have to provide or they'd have to partner with Project EGG/D4 Enterprises the way Falcom does for compilations. You're also forgetting Shin Eiyuu Densetsu/New Legend of Heroes, a remake of the very first game which improves a number of things and has new/rearranged music. That could be a lot of fun (aka torture) to get running these days. I think Brandish 1 through VT/4 will get fan translations and lose commercial appeal quicker than Xanadu Next did over time, so XSEED will probably skip those out of prudence.
I never played the extra quest you get after you beat it. I should go back.
Dela Mode is quite challenging but not a stupidly big leap over Fortress in difficulty. Just be ready to analyze some tough sections and take your time attacking enemies to build up strength for her.