I'm enjoying this a lot, though I've just barely begun to scratch the surface. I like how workmanlike the art style is. I like a somewhat grounded Japanese Western-inspired fantasy art style. And I'd agree it looks like a lost Dreamcast game in the best possible way.
Perhaps it's just me, but it seems that was there some kind of hard break in their style after about Ys Origin. You have stuff like this and Brandish and Oath in Felghana and it's right in my wheelhouse. But then just before this title I believe they released Trails in the Sky, which ended up being very popular. And then with Ys 7 and onward everything seems to reflect that. Angular, primary-colored character portraits that look like anime cels rather than illustrations, and they shifted the balance away from mechanics and tight, brief, heavily replayable games to 90 hour long visual novels with lots of subquest box checking and item farming. And though this isn't really something I'd level at Trails specifically, they seem to have upped the pandering costumes and archetypes for the girls and thrown away the cool armor and stoic leads in favor of effeminate boys with soft eyes in what are basically street clothes. The art style choices are generally not as pleasing to me and the pacing is stretched all to hell.
Don't get me wrong, I still like their more modern stuff in its own way but I definitely like their vintage stuff a lot more. Am I imagining a hard break or just working with an incomplete understanding of their style changes from game to game or was there in fact a deliberate shift on their parts? I mean, I will immediately buy their back catalog at full price on release day, no questions asked, but I look at Trails of Cold Steel and Tokyo Xanadu and just kind of push away from the table with a, "Nah, I'm good."
I'd say maybe they should realize they still have an audience who leans toward grognard rather than otaku and could afford to throw some love that way, but if this game has only sold about 3,000 copies so far I guess that's probably a vain hope. Still, I'm elated this finally came out. The wait of years is over.