Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I find TV shows better than ever thanks to investments made by Netflix, Amazon and so on. Your comment about DLC and Forza Horizon 3 don't make much sense either. The game itself was good and the DLC made it even better. You're trying way too hard to now make it seem like any DLC from here on out will be needed more than ever to compensate for the low entry fee of the subscription. The service is going to live or die based on the content it provides and a free to play model you are implying wouldn't take too long for consumers to stop subscribing.
It's funny how some act like once they commit to something there is no turning back.
Anecdotal evidence and all that but... I played Super Lucky's Tale on Game Pass. The game was great and I had a lot of fun with it - got 100% on all the levels. And then it just kinda... ends. You're going about your business and suddenly, more or less unannounced, "here's the final boss". Beat him, credits roll, cool.
But then the game reveals "there is a whole extra chapter, that can be purchased separately to continue the story. Please buy this expansion pack for $5." In addition to having another hub world (the base game only has 4 so I can only assume it's 25% more of the game) and new levels (reading online it's another 7-8 levels) it also features new achievements that can only be unlocked by purchasing the DLC. $5 isn't a lot of money, and based on the scope of the DLC and the time I spent with the first part of the game I would have easily gotten a few more hours out of it and been able to "complete" the game. I couldn't bring myself to do it though. Sure, the base game was fun and I had a good time with it - and a normal sane person would absolutely rationalize their purchase decision against the fact that the base game was "free" and pay for the DLC to continue the story and keep playing. Personally I couldn't justify purchasing DLC for a game I didn't "own".
So the first game I play on the service confirms some of the fears I had about it personally. Did it take away from the fun I had playing the base game? Not really, but somewhat. Everyone's experience will be different based on how they look at these types of value propositions. I don't think it's crazy to observe that this seems to be the way the industry is trending and I have fears that it will continue until the point where Game Pass becomes something like a glorified delivery mechanism for service-based games.