I am definitely going to have to find some kind of TV-top stand or mount for Kinect. I actually have the perfect place for it right under the TV but I also have a 16-month old kid who will just love that. The Wii U gamepad that usually sits there keeps disappearing.
Just woke up here in Europe. So did we miss an "ass storm" or is everything fine?
I don't have a surround system but come on now, that's gotta be there.
Just woke up here in Europe. So did we miss an "ass storm" or is everything fine?
Still early. Hope you bring your shovelJust woke up here in Europe. So did we miss an "ass storm" or is everything fine?
I am definitely going to have to find some kind of TV-top stand or mount for Kinect. I actually have the perfect place for it right under the TV but I also have a 16-month old kid who will just love that. The Wii U gamepad that usually sits there keeps disappearing.
Pleased with hardware reviews generally, not much I'm personally upset about.
Ms seems to have done well with the UI/OS just need to get the functionality that was delayed (Twitch streaming, real names ID, hard drive support) and add stuff like a proper hard drive management, considering how basic but effective it is on Xbox 360 I'm a little surprised they missed that out.
Hopefully we get regular updates in the first few months to put some of that stuff in
Yeah, I'm pretty happy with all the reviews. As expected, especially due to the 180, it's not perfect but for myself, as someone who is often an early adopter I'm used to dealing with hiccups. It's only going to get better over time, look at how far the 360 came since 2005.
The 5.1 thing sounds concerning though, I hope that's not true.
Giant Bomb has said a few things are in BETA form right now and not sure what will be out of BETA at launch but it is there and can be turned on.
One of the things I'm hoping for with the XB1 is that we won't get fall and spring updates any more, they should be iterating and improving all the time.
One of the things I'm hoping for with the XB1 is that we won't get fall and spring updates any more, they should be iterating and improving all the time.
Where is OG Xbox???
One of the things I'm hoping for with the XB1 is that we won't get fall and spring updates any more, they should be iterating and improving all the time.
So question because I can't find out the following answers in any of the reviews:
1) Can you turn off the one guide functionality on the WatchTV app so it really is just a pass through with the ability to switch to games or snap?
2) Can you turn off the IR commands (part of the above question). I have a TV + AV Receiver + Harmony Universal Remote. I don't want xbox controlling my tv, receiver, and/or cable box.
If the answer is yes to both of these, I may pick up an XB1.
White controller anyone?
They have a few others, too. http://www.evilcontrollers.com/products/custom-controllers/custom-xbox-one-controllers.html
Xbox Duke had a brilliant design for what it was, so damn 'Murica.
What was the deal with the Sessler review? He was only using his index fingers to press both the trigger and bumpers on the x1 controller? Do most people do that? I always use my index fingers and middle fingers to cover all four at once on 360 controllers.White controller anyone?
They have a few others, too. http://www.evilcontrollers.com/products/custom-controllers/custom-xbox-one-controllers.html
What was the deal with the Sessler review? He was only using his index fingers to press both the trigger and bumpers on the x1 controller? Do most people do that? I always use my index fingers and middle fingers to cover all four at once on 360 controllers.
The measure of how loud 40 decibels is could be described as the equivalent of a stream or a refrigerator humming. In comparison, breathing is 10 dB, whispering is about 20dB, a library registers at about 40dB, a passenger car traveling at 65 mph is about 70 dB, a garbage disposal is about 80 dB, a thunder clap is about 120 dB, an aircraft carrier deck is about 140 dB, and a jet take off is about 150 dB.
What was the deal with the Sessler review? He was only using his index fingers to press both the trigger and bumpers on the x1 controller?
What was the deal with the Sessler review? He was only using his index fingers to press both the trigger and bumpers on the x1 controller? Do most people do that? I always use my index fingers and middle fingers to cover all four at once on 360 controllers.
man this PQ degradation and no 5.1 audio? really bumming me out here... how can that not be what we have all expected it to be all this time, it' seems so simple and yet here we are wondering whether it is worth it to run the pass through for our systems... man, half the reason I was looking forward to this
There is 5.1 you just have to enable it which is a BETA feature and I doubt you would really notice PQ difference on live TV.
Your method is most common/logical with a PS2 dualshock. With Xbox controllers people were trained to use index fingers on the triggers since 2001.What was the deal with the Sessler review? He was only using his index fingers to press both the trigger and bumpers on the x1 controller? Do most people do that? I always use my index fingers and middle fingers to cover all four at once on 360 controllers.
What was the deal with the Sessler review? He was only using his index fingers to press both the trigger and bumpers on the x1 controller? Do most people do that? I always use my index fingers and middle fingers to cover all four at once on 360 controllers.
Well not if you have live TV by a dedicated box (television, internet,NAS capability) from your ISP provider (Freebox here in France).
HUGE bummer for me.
White controller anyone?
They have a few others, too. http://www.evilcontrollers.com/products/custom-controllers/custom-xbox-one-controllers.html
That's pretty impressive to me. Seems like there's specific commands to give and they're displayed in green.
Looks like there's probably a learning curve as far as when to say "Xbox" and when to just give a command as well.