Helpful hint for anybody having trouble turning their console on, don't plug it into a surge protector, it won't work (for some reason).
Fun times...
Is that a unique case or is that for every body?

"Oscar, I'm now going to be prone to surges!"
Helpful hint for anybody having trouble turning their console on, don't plug it into a surge protector, it won't work (for some reason).
Fun times...
Its the feature I'm most excited about, and I have not read a single impression of it ANYWHERE.
Helpful hint for anybody having trouble turning their console on, don't plug it into a surge protector, it won't work (for some reason).
Fun times...
anyone else getting this?Every time I put Dead Rising 3 into my xbox its giving me the following message "if you have the game disk insert it now, if you don't have the game disk make sure you are signed into Xbox live. If you do not have the rights to this game then you can purchase it from the store". Then it gives me the option to go to the store to purchase the game or to exit.
What the fuck?
A friend of mine made this trailer and wanted me to post it here.
Is this new? Is there a thread for it ?
They choose the Xbox One
Fuck the making video clips with picture in picture is so easy. So is the editing and uploading. Loving this!
They choose the Xbox One
Every time I put Dead Rising 3 into my xbox its giving me the following message "if you have the game disk insert it now, if you don't have the game disk make sure you are signed into Xbox live. If you do not have the rights to this game then you can purchase it from the store". Then it gives me the option to go to the store to purchase the game or to exit.
What the fuck?
No idea. Follow Stinkles advice and use the xbox help feature.Quick question: How many clips can be saved locally before you have to work with them in Upload studio and how many can you join together with the multiclip template?
Is this new? Is there a thread for it ?
More rumors to the Walmart deal includes FM5 and DR3 for $49 too.
Helpful hint for anybody having trouble turning their console on, don't plug it into a surge protector, it won't work (for some reason).
Fun times...
Disk is clean, all updates downloaded and nothing. It recognises the disk tries to install it and then that message pops up and it stops installing. Strange.I assume u have all the updates? Clean the disk is all that is coming to me. Install option should be there somewhere if it was reading it right I assume.
Helpful hint for anybody having trouble turning their console on, don't plug it into a surge protector, it won't work (for some reason).
Fun times...
I always assume there is a thread made about something by the time I get a hold of it but I searched and didn't see anything so here is a thread
and its locked, was it posted before?
Me too, especially for Battlefield 4. Strange we have had NO impressions of it from anywhere yet.
I mean, I'm more than happy to test it out myself, but how has not one single videogame news outlet or early-adopter tested shown it yet?
I guess so. I'll never be a real gaffer.
Giantbomb talked about it a bit a few weeks ago although they mostly focused on using kinect to lean in bf4. They seemed impressed.
can someone post impressions about the Kinect Rivals: pre season?
Nope. Killer instinct got queued while Ryse is installing.
I am so bad at Killer Instinct.
Also when I sometimes press down on the d-pad it makes a weird noise like a spring is broken. It still works though.
Anyone know how many units Best Buys are supposed to get in for non-preorders? BB employee wouldn't tell me, of course.
discovered? they talked about this at hotchips months ago
discovered? they talked about this at hotchips months ago
it takes 2 days and you can get ok at it. Try the training mode.
opener (Special) autodouble - Linker - auto double, ender.
Use 2 punches or kicks for specials and you will use your bars to do some great finishers. IT is a very accessible fighting game.
Saying that, i am terrible with glacius and thunder but good with orchid and jago .