Ball so hard.
Twitch guy is running his PS4 through the X1. He is switching between Forza and Knack. Says there is no image downgrade on the HDMI pass through.
I am an amalgamation of all Flashes. And I don't care what Geoff Johns says, it's Captain Marvel not Shazam.
So what are the odds of going to a wal-mart tonight and getting an xbone? Do they even do in store preorders? Id imagine almost all their sales are walk ins no?
I think I read that the digital downloads are "Day One" editions for the next two weeks.
Got my number... 3rd at gamestop... so freaking excited!
Number 2 at my Gamestop.. Less than 4 hours to go!
The voice commands are also working perfect for him. It's pretty impressive.
I'm only number 9 but...
So frickin' excited! I got one of the last two Day One editions as well.
aegies: xbox one protip: "xbox record that" is 30 seconds. "xbox go to game dvr" will let you grab the last five minutes.
When's the Gametrailers show stream thingo?
I'm only number 9 but...
So frickin' excited! I got one of the last two Day One editions as well.
It's weird. I've been so excited these past two weeks and now that we're here in the final hours I'm calm. No emotion. Am I broken?
the last 5 minutes or the next 5 minutes?
seems I watched a video last night where they had to start game DVR in order to be able to capture more than 30 secs.
The voice commands are also working perfect for him. It's pretty impressive.
finally got a tracking number
Returned my faulty console to the store, and got a replacement. Apparently only one other person had the same issue, doesn't seem like a big deal. I guess I'm just unlucky.
Yeah i havent seen anyone be able to go back 5 mins only 30 seconds.
I'm only number 9 but...
So frickin' excited! I got one of the last two Day One editions as well. have a looooong time to think about it. lol
I went to gamestop at 5pm waited in line for an hour and walked out with a preorder at 6:15 PM. Picking up in the AM.
Ball so hard.
finally got a tracking number
And just like that they came out and gave us tickets and said come back at 12.... To the gym I go.
Chyea! That was easy
He just opened a menu that had options how how far back you want to record. It defaulted to 30 seconds but went up to 5 minutes.
He just opened a menu that had options how how far back you want to record. It defaulted to 30 seconds but went up to 5 minutes.