I have one coming from amazon. I wish the did something more.
How big is the update again, 500MB? I've been stuck at the green loading screen for over ten minutes. I'm starting to get a little scared. Hold me Gaf...
try the start(menu) button?Any way to check/see your download list? I want to make sure eveyrthing's on queue before going to bed..Killer Instinct (3.5GB), Ultra Edition updgrade (7MB), Forza install (??GB) and Forza 5 update (6GB).
Also exclusive content for The Division which I didn't know.
Any way to check/see your download list? I want to make sure eveyrthing's on queue before going to bed..Killer Instinct (3.5GB), Ultra Edition updgrade (7MB), Forza install (??GB) and Forza 5 update (6GB).
When you first put a game in it says it has to install, then it pops up and says it needs to update. Then the icon is installing. Does that include the update or is it just installing off the disc at first? Been waiting on Ghosts to install, it's been at 1% for about half an hour.
Morning fellas, today is the day. UPS on it's way - hopefully I can catch it, please...
But it's a day one edition
I need to track down a second controller to test that I think.
You just answered the question I was about to ask. Any idea how many day ones they had?
Getting sick of these spike tv/VGX teases. Jeff announced that there will be an exclusive announcement for a new game. Did it for both PS4 and Xbone. In the end, both disappointing. Ps4 got Uncharted announced but that could have been seen a mile away.Yes, they announced that they are showing something big in relation to Titanfall at VGX. They also showed a brief bit of new footage from Quantum Break.
Console starts (takes under 2 minutes), asks your to turn on the controller, I think something else and tells you about the update; then it starts.
Nope. First thing I tried.try the start(menu) button?
Yep, that did it; thanks.Think if you just goto my apps and games it tells you what it queued and what is downloading. If they are all queued you should be ok.
Well that sucks. My day one pad has a squeak when you push the right stick in, but the normal controller is fine.
Nba will drop in price much much faster than dr3I wish I could find the magical answer the lingering question: DR3 or NBA 2K14. I've been debating it for a week or so and I was hoping I'd have a decision. Well I don't. And I get my system tomorrow.
Nba will drop in price much much faster than dr3
the holy trinity
Guys, where do I put the kinect? I've never used one before. Seems too heavy to be on my tv
still stuck at the green loading screen. almost 30 minutes now.
the holy trinity
20ish day ones for preorders 14 standard for non preordersYou just answered the question I was about to ask. Any idea how many day ones they had?
You said earlier you had pulled the power cable out while doing the firmware update the first time (if i read that right)? If so you may have caused some issues... the PS4 has a safe mode you can boot into. I'm wondering if the XboxOne has something similar?
still stuck at the green loading screen. almost 30 minutes now.
Can you get achievements with the free version of KI?