Voice command feature is a fucking beast. Now I want it for everything else in my house and car. FUCK.
No real finger tapping that I've seen works, but once one of your hands is registered on-screen, you can quickly or slowly push that hand forward about an inch or so to 'press' the tile and activate it. Works well enough, though nothing quite as articulated a movement as finger tapping.Does the "finger tapping" to select options in the menu works?
the kinect rivals jet ski demo is pretty awesome. gorgeous, fun, and kinect works well. you can get all the range of motion you need from subtle turns to huge massive turns and everything inbetween. hardly even a learning curve. really impressed.
Agree, I have had Zero issues with Comcast and my Xbox One. The only problem I had was the initial set up because I was not telling it which Model Number my Cable Box was, so it would not change channels. Once I did that, it was flawless.
There is also a nice option for SD and HD Channels within the Xbox One Settings. For most cable companies, there are 2 for example USA channels, one SD and one HD, you can tell the Xbox One to prioritize the HD channels, so when you say "Xbox Watch TBS" it will default to the HD one versus the SD channel.
I still haven't unboxed my xbox one day one edition yet. Honestly, I want to just for football sunday and the nfl app. The other side of me says I should sell it or return it and wait until some more appealing titles come around and they iron out the jankyness. First world problems I know.
I hate regretting purchases and im a big worrier. These things make me gun shy.
I still haven't unboxed my xbox one day one edition yet. Honestly, I want to just for football sunday and the nfl app. The other side of me says I should sell it or return it and wait until some more appealing titles come around and they iron out the jankyness. First world problems I know.
I hate regretting purchases and im a big worrier. These things make me gun shy.
Voice command feature is a fucking beast. Now I want it for everything else in my house and car. FUCK.
What are you even talking about? I have owned 3 360s and I wasn't even involved in the anti-drm talk.I see you bashing the XB1 relentlessly in damn near every single XB1 thread so why you decided to buy it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
You obviously have a TON of problems with the system & MS business practices so just go ahead and sell it while it's still going for $600-$700 on Ebay,etc...
I see you bashing the XB1 relentlessly in damn near every single XB1 thread so why you decided to buy it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
You obviously have a TON of problems with the system & MS business practices so just go ahead and sell it while it's still going for $600-$700 on Ebay,etc...
1. Sell it
2. Buy a PS4 if you haven't already
3. Go post in PS4 launch thread instead
4. Happiness for everyone.
(I actually doubt you bought one but hey ho)
I still haven't unboxed my xbox one day one edition yet. Honestly, I want to just for football sunday and the nfl app. The other side of me says I should sell it or return it and wait until some more appealing titles come around and they iron out the jankyness. First world problems I know.
I hate regretting purchases and im a big worrier. These things make me gun shy.
Too true lol. I was messing around with voice command pretty much all day on Friday and then having to reacquaint myself with the reality of ghetto non-voice friendly devices and appliances.
I might give it one more try but I've never had a great experience with those. If I were to try is there one to recommend?
Well you don't know what you are talking about. It's ridiculous to presume that I am lying just because I'm not super happy with what I have heard about the system so far.
I already have a ps4.
Seems like people are having a good time with Ryse.
Had my first real meltdown at Xbone yesterday. Was trying to use voice to get it to quit killer instinct. Fully quit so it wasn't still running in the home menu window with the music in the background. "Xbox quit game" "Xbox close app". And all possible imaginable variables with 'Xbox one' and 'xbox system'. My wife was dying with laughter.
Well you don't know what you are talking about. It's ridiculous to presume that I am lying just because I'm not super happy with what I have heard about the system so far.
I already have a ps4.
So is everyone setting their power settings to instant on or energy saver? Are there any downsides to leaving it as instant on? Like is it going to add more wear on the systems overall life than energy saver?
It certainly boots faster from instant on.
It certainly looks great. Best looking next-gen title so far imo. The fact that there are almost no jaggies really helps.
Gameplay isn't great but it's exactly what I expected.
I'm going to open the console. YOLO
I've made up my mind.
I have no games though. I'll probably grab KI.
Im thinking of returning the xbox one. Do you guys know if best buy will take an opened box console back? Killer Instinct is fun but I really feel like I am regretting spending so much for one game.
MThandedCan I get your gametag?
I'm going to open the console. YOLO
I've made up my mind.
I have no games though. I'll probably grab KI.
I guess I can always open the system and if it doesn't work for me I can send it back.
I need to check amazon's return policy for consoles.
I don't have some secret anti-MS hidden agenda. Loved my 360 and played a bunch. Preordered a bone when it was available. Just down on some of the missteps. No harm no foul.
Please don't pull that stealth console wars passive aggressive stuff on me.
I'll catch all of you on live. Once titanfall comes out I'll have to settle some scores.
Hawk269 said:Don't want to be the negative nancy, but any way you can make your own thread for your own impressions? I just fear that there is going to be a coming shit storm of complaints from you. Sorry to be mean about that, but anyone going in with such negativity it would have to make you breakfast and give you a hand job to overcome such negativity going in.
I'm going to open the console. YOLO
I've made up my mind.
I have no games though. I'll probably grab KI.
My guy!I'm going to open the console. YOLO
I've made up my mind.
I have no games though. I'll probably grab KI.
Thanks for this post.Don't want to be the negative nancy, but any way you can make your own thread for your own impressions? I just fear that there is going to be a coming shit storm of complaints from you. Sorry to be mean about that, but anyone going in with such negativity it would have to make you breakfast and give you a hand job to overcome such negativity going in.
I have a friend that was about to take back the game because he said it was way to repetitive and it was just a button masher type of game. Told him to crank the difficulty to the highest (Hardcore is locked). He loves it now. You have to be more strategic and time your blocks and shield usage to survive. When I started on normal, it felt like I was mowing through enemies and just tapping the buttons and it did not feel very rewarding. Once I cranked up the difficulty, it just seemed a lot more fun and not as repetitive because you have to be smart in how you play, instead of being a bit more mind-less.
I'm going to open the console. YOLO
I've made up my mind.
I have no games though. I'll probably grab KI.
Don't want to sound like such a noob, but can you completely close a game? If so, how and yeah, I did not know this! lol
I'm going to open the console. YOLO
I've made up my mind.
I have no games though. I'll probably grab KI.
exactly the same here. I just started playing it today(too many other games) and I just started on the highest it would let me. I've definitely died a few times, bur its really satisfying when you chain a bunch of blocks and hits together. Really liking it so far, its beautiful,liking the story, and combat is challenging st higher difficulty settings.
Don't want to sound like such a noob, but can you completely close a game? If so, how and yeah, I did not know this! lol
I would also like to know the answer to this question.