Au contraire... it only serves to highlight the resolution disadvantage... but i guess it could be worse.
lol for the people who truly care, that's wonderful, More power to them. But from my perspective, there's a lot more important things to be excited about.
It's merely an example of highlighting an issue over a virtue... it just seems weird to me... but whatever... i didn't drop in to poop on your parade... merely pointing out the fact that the title could've been better.
And i'm out.
It's cause we aren't overly sensitive about it. It is what it is. Some, or even most of us, have accepted it and just moved on, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it. It also doesn't mean we don't appreciate a great looking game at higher, even 1080p, resolutions, but there's far more about the Xbox One to appreciate than just what resolution everything is running at. The system genuinely looks to be coming together about as well as Microsoft initially envisioned it. Many skeptics thought, and still think, nobody would care about the OS and what Microsoft were doing with regards to features and services, especially stuff that includes Kinect. Kinect has gotten a lot of flack for being packed in, but I must say, the Xbox One wouldn't look nearly as exciting for me right now if not for some of the impressive things that Microsoft are doing with Kinect to add to the experience. It feels and very much looks like what you would expect of a next generation system. The OS and various pieces of Kinect integration practically scream it.