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Xbox Series gonna win the next generation - and I'll tell you why

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It does though. Sony may be "winning" in the minds of Sony fanboys but you better believe that Sony wishes they were winning like Nintendo or Microsoft are.

What's the OPs topic? "Xbox series gonna win the next generation". Yeah Microsoft shits money, I love that they make me money. But it's not related to the premise, apart from a stronger financial position.
What's the OPs topic? "Xbox series gonna win the next generation". Yeah Microsoft shits money, I love that they make me money. But it's not related to the premise, apart from a stronger financial position.

I'd say it is related. Microsoft have demonstrated that they are going all in on gaming this generation. All they have to do is keep it up and Sony won't be able to counter them. They just don't make any money over at Sony.


Gold Member
You punks should at least read the entire OP and gain some goddamn perspective on a reality that's awfully different from the North America / Europe scenario you're used to before memeing OP into oblivion. OP didn't get his consoles for his birthday/Christmas like many of you surely did, let alone his games. What he has to say is surely more sincere and interesting than the dozen daily concern threads that've been sprouting up like mushrooms since the Bethesda acquisition from MS. I love this forum, but console warring is a disgrace.

Thanks OP, I appreciate your story and the time it took you to write it down. Just today I've been reading a book about the Master System and it's always fascinating reading about the video game market in Brazil. Feels like another world. And of course piracy is a big part of it (like it was in Italy until the 7th gen, when pirating games became a lot harder and the market changed enough that most people started buying original games, albeit probably less games on average than in other countries).


Gold Member
Weell I started reading it. Then I remember I'm gonna die someday. Put things in perspective for me.

Can someone break it down please. I got bucket list items to complete.
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Thanks for writing that mate.

I think you're affected by the current prevailing message that Xbox are somehow really nice to consumers. The xBox one was arguably the single user least friendly console ever launched.. don't believe the hype, Sony are just fine.
Thanks OP, I appreciate your story and the time it took you to write it down. Just today I've been reading a book about the Master System and it's always fascinating reading about the video game market in Brazil. Feels like another world. And of course piracy is a big part of it (like it was in Italy until the 7th gen, when pirating games became a lot harder and the market changed enough that most people started buying original games, albeit probably less games on average than in other countries).

I wouldn't even be able to write and understand you guys if it wasn't for piracy. The truth is that none of the big three are concerned with releasing entry-level priced consoles again. Every generation it just gets more expensive. The first modern try of that is the Series S. And the Game Pass simply fits like a glove to that system.


They’re gonna take a big chunk of the market share they lost with the 360 for sure, but they won’t “win” the gen. That’s probably their realistic expectation anyways. In 10 years Is when they go in for the kill.
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I mean, you’re wrong OP, PS will still sell more, but it’s all but guaranteed MS will do better this gen and shrink the gap a bit which means both sides are gonna do well so ... who cares? I guess. I wanna play games, not read sales figures.


Gold Member
You punks should at least read the entire OP and gain some goddamn perspective on a reality that's awfully different from the North America / Europe scenario you're used to before memeing OP into oblivion. OP didn't get his consoles for his birthday/Christmas like many of you surely did, let alone his games. What he has to say is surely more sincere and interesting than the dozen daily concern threads that've been sprouting up like mushrooms since the Bethesda acquisition from MS. I love this forum, but console warring is a disgrace.

Thanks OP, I appreciate your story and the time it took you to write it down. Just today I've been reading a book about the Master System and it's always fascinating reading about the video game market in Brazil. Feels like another world. And of course piracy is a big part of it (like it was in Italy until the 7th gen, when pirating games became a lot harder and the market changed enough that most people started buying original games, albeit probably less games on average than in other countries).
Fine...I read it.

A touching story for sure, but looking at this objectively...the things he complains about from Sony's camp happened 15-16 years ago. Things change and though Microsoft having better service in countries not primary to its marketshare is definitely the moral thing to do, I fear it only puts a small dent in the overwhelming wave Sony has built in it's main markets..the US and the EU.

Microsoft does have the momentum right now. However I believe that will fizzle out unless 2021 is an absolute blockbuster year for Microsoft. I'm not just talking about holidays. I mean ALL YEAR. They will need to make inroads in Sony's market share any time Sony has it's thumb up it's ass. I don't know if that's possible.

Regardless, to make this a moot point altogether, Xbox's aim is not to sell the most consoles...so to say they are going to win this generation, we have to re-clarify what that means. Sony fans will attempt to stick to their guns and claim it's the console sales that define the victor, but ultimately I think winning will come down partly to profit, and overall mindshare. The metrics that define a victor this generation will be more obscure and less tangible than any other gen before it.


Not sure I’d agree if we are talking about hardware sales, but it will be interesting to see how the Series S/Series X does in Japan, because it’s always been a really hard place to sell xboxes. I want to see if the Japanese will embrace Gamepass and xCloud and curious if the S will sell more than the X, because I think for them, games are important but I imagine the size of the console is as well ...

but I’m so over this “this company will win next gen” stuff. It’s just kind of silly, especially when you plan on buying both consoles and aren’t arbitrary stuck to one brand because of “brand loyalty”

This same thread just got locked in Era, I guess here is gonna suffer the same fate.
There are worst threads that deserve to be locked, if we are gonna start locking threads because members give their opinion. Unlike Era, we aren’t a hive mind or echo chamber, so conflicting and contrasting opinions are welcome.

Microsoft is ready? With what games?
They do have 23 studios now, I’m pretty sure all of those studios are either finishing up past commitments or making games, not with their thumbs up their asses. Sony’s launch line up while first party speaking is better, it’s still kind of abysmal in terms of the amount of games. Thank God for third party studios and backwards compatibility...
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I didn't read that but I think Microsoft is in a good position. Mostly because Sony seems to be somewhat out of touch and will not get serious about PS Now in time. When MS has 50 million Game Pass subscribers they can afford to throw exponentially more resources at their service than Sony with a PS Now of 5-10 million. And building a base of subscribers takes time, as does improving the features and software.


Just think about this.....


Come on maann. Biden voice


TLDR lolno

Xbox just became a PC at this point. If you have a PC, you have an xbox... Same can't be said about PS.

Aaaanyway... just lolno, xbox ain't winning anything.
You're a moron or a diehard faithful (more or less a moron) if you don't realize XBOX, with it's staggering amount of to now be exclusive Game Pass Day 1 Launch titles is in an extremely threatening

The Next Elder Scrolls
The Next Fallout
The Next Doom
The Next Dishonored
The Next Fable
The Next Killer Instinct
The Next Forza
The Next Neverwinter
The Next Perfect Dark
The Next Age of Empires
The Next Banjo Kazooie
The Next Conker
The Next Bards Tale
The Next Mechwarrior
The Next Gears Of War
The Next State of Decay
The Next Wolfenstein
The Next Prey
The Next Rage
The Next Age of Mythology
The Next Crimson Skies
The Next Outer Worlds
The Next Icewind Dale
The Next Planescape
The We Happy Few Sequel
The Next Wasteland

The Next Brand New Ip from - Insert 23 procured Triple A Studios Here.

Undead Labs
Double Fine
The Coalition
Worlds Edge
The Initiaitive
Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Game Studios
Zenimax Online Studios

If you don't realize that it is a very threatening position to be in if you are competing with this new "Netflix of Games - by Microsoft" that is utilizing a prospective 23 Triple A Studios to pump out new franchises at an unbeatable price - with a soon to be back catalog of thousands of games.

You are simply in denial if you do not see how extremely hostile and threatening the posturing here is.

You're a fan of the other hardware and in denial if you can't manage to see how much of a threat this is to both it's competitors.
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John Wick

If Microsoft continue the same support and services and expand more on Gamepass then they might win the next generation. Market will decide. Microsoft is ready and Sony clearly isn’t so it’s the opposite of last gen. It is going to be fun.
MS is ready? What with no first party games ready? While Sony isn't ready but has first party titles ready to go?
MS is ready? What with no first party games ready? While Sony isn't ready but has first party titles ready to go?
M$ is aiming it's guns at newcomers. It just so happens that third world countries are the majority on that.

Edit: Wii did just that and look at how that went.
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Gold Member
I can totally see it but on this site you'll be laughed at. I'm buying both but MS has the better game plan for me which is why most of my time will be on their console.

$299 casuals like but gamepass ain't moving any units.

That's a silly thought. Even casuals love Fallout, Doom, Skyrim, etc. Imagine when those games are out or close to coming out. I can get a Series S or X for $25 or $35 a month and have all of these games AND Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5, etc are included? Sign me up.
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Gold Member

However, it is too soon.

Sony, in my opinion, made some dumb decisions with the Ps5, while MS is doing everything they can to show how committed they are.

Yet, the gen has not even started, both companies can change their approach and with that "win" the gen.

The PS3 is the biggest proof of that. If Sony hadn't change their approach, the PS3 would ended being an epic fail, but turned out great thanks to Sony being able to change and adapt.


I don't know if it will win but I can see their userbase growing and the difference between consoles numbers be smaller compared with this gen. I think that the games price increase will affect massively the Industry. There will be way less people purchasing games day one. And sure, there will be discounts months (weeks?) later but not as good as we currently have.

There's where XGP comes in. Access to a lot of games for a "small" price (compared to purchasing x number of games). Now, this is things that might change, Sony may improve PS Now (doubt it, considering the price) and/or Microsoft decides to stop the money bleed and XGP becomes shit.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how things go in the upcoming years. I honestly believe that this gen both sides will have great stuff but like always, it will take one or two years to get there. Probably then I'll get a console.
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Gold Member
You're a moron or a diehard faithful (more or less a moron) if you don't realize XBOX, with it's staggering amount of to now be exclusive Game Pass Day 1 Launch titles is in an extremely threatening

The Next Elder Scrolls
The Next Fallout
The Next Doom
The Next Dishonored
The Next Fable
The Next Killer Instinct
The Next Forza
The Next Neverwinter
The Next Perfect Dark
The Next Age of Empires
The Next Banjo Kazooie
The Next Conker
The Next Bards Tale
The Next Mechwarrior
The Next Gears Of War
The Next State of Decay
The Next Wolfenstein
The Next Prey
The Next Rage
The Next Age of Mythology
The Next Crimson Skies
The Next Outer Worlds
The Next Icewind Dale
The Next Planescape
The We Happy Few Sequel
The Next Wasteland

The Next Brand New Ip from - Insert 23 procured Triple A Studios Here.

Undead Labs
Double Fine
The Coalition
Worlds Edge
The Initiaitive
Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Game Studios
Zenimax Online Studios

If you don't realize that it is a very threatening position to be in if you are competing with this new "Netflix of Games - by Microsoft" that is utilizing a prospective 23 Triple A Studios to pump out new franchises at an unbeatable price - with a soon to be back catalog of thousands of games.

You are simply in denial if you do not see how extremely hostile and threatening the posturing here is.

You're a fan of the other hardware and in denial if you can't manage to see how much of a threat this is to both it's competitors.

Yep, when you lay it out like that it seems insane. The beautiful thing is, those games don't go away. Those 23 studios will continue to add value to Game Pass over the years. They will snowball along with the Game Pass subs.
OP, Did you see the halo infinite gameplay reveal?

Let’s use some common sense here, until we see solid exclusives from MS it’s a bit foolish to make a claim like this.

When you think about it, what has MS really done besides gamepass and these acquisitions? Until we see actually great games come out of these moves it just doesn’t make sense to make these claims right now.


I can totally see it but on this site you'll be laughed at. I'm buying both but MS has the better game plan for me which is why most of my time will be on their console.

That's a silly thought. Even casuals love Fallout, Doom, Skyrim, etc. Imagine when those games are out or close to coming out. I can get a Series S or X for $25 or $35 a month and have all of these games AND Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5, etc are included? Sign me up.
Nope casuals don't like rental services for games.

$299 is a appealing thing to them though.


Gold Member
Nope casuals don't like rental services for games.

$299 is a appealing thing to them though.

Yep, Netflix is a failure. They must own it or it's useless, when in reality owning games you'll never touch again is useless. If one tickles you enough that you'll keep coming back to it, you can buy it on there at a discount...

Also, the All-Access program won't feel like a rental service because it seems like a monthly payment on an Xbox S or X. Game Pass will feel like a great perk/bonus.
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Thanks for writing that mate.

I think you're affected by the current prevailing message that Xbox are somehow really nice to consumers. The xBox one was arguably the single user least friendly console ever launched.. don't believe the hype, Sony are just fine.

Well, Microsoft has definitely switched their own narrative around; what remains to be seen is actual follow through. We shall see.
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