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Xbox Series gonna win the next generation - and I'll tell you why

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You do know Windows is an open platform? MS doesn't make any money from any Windows application, nor do they make any money from any digital storefront that isn't their own. Putting their titles or not on PC is irrelevant for them, as gaming on Linux or Macs is not an alternative to Windows, so Windows sales are unaffected. The reason why they are putting their games on PC is because they are trying to increase their userbase through Gamepass, as they know they can't beat Sony or Nintendo at the hardware game.

I don't think it will ever become profitable, given that aside from the daily losses, they had to invest 7 billion to acquire Bethesda. I could be wrong of course, but I doubt they will reach a 50 million paying subscribers. Gamers are a notoriously conservative bunch. The biggest change in 30 years in game distribution is that half the people are fine with not getting the boxes the games come in.

No. no. no. and again no
Do you know that Windows isn't an opensource OS? No one have the control over windows as their developer and owner Microsoft. They choose and build everything from the design to the API's and most important to the preinstalled apps.In fact there's the Xbox app in very computer sold everyday. Windows OS was here before steam before EGS and will likely be there after their failure, if it will ever happen. Did you heard about Windows core and c-shell I suggest you read something about it so maybe you will understand Microsoft's plans better.
I about gp profitability i think you are wrong. very wrong.
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You like to 'dunk' on your least liked brand but I haven't noticed the follow through when wrong. Talk to FrankWza FrankWza if you are looking for a good conspiracy though MS will have their pound of flesh! You are right of course; Sony will be just fine no matter what mean old Phil Spencer and the Xbox discord cabal says or does.
Expecting microsoft to get paid on their failed price hike attempt isn’t a theory. It’s a pretty good bet on what is likely to occur. It will be applied somewhere. You don’t earmark those kinds of funds and then just pivot. Gold is the most profitable part of xbox division. Possibly the only profitable game, service or system they have.
It's true they both will be fine. I have my Xbox, it's just in PC form, and I don't dunk on the XSX, just dunk on the 12 > 10 (or was it 8?) crowd that all of a sudden drops the power mantra when it comes to defending the the anemic XSS (in comparison to the XSX). You know, then power doesn't matter out the other side of the mouth.

The lowest claim that I've seen for the PS5 was 4TFs. No idea how they came to that conclusion though.


It won't. PlayStation is too culturally embedded to be overtaken by Xbox in per unit sales. That's why MS started with broadening their business model and revenue streams. While it won't win in per unit sales, it's value proposition is starting to become very clear. And that is fine.
Xbox doesn't need to outsell PlayStation to be considered a succes. If MS have come to terms with that, it's quite stupid that the fans haven't.
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That's a fundamental misunderstanding of the company you are a fan of. First of all, if MS makes a game primarily for Gamepass, then what they are hoping for is that the total investment of all games for it is less than the revenue they get from subscribers. If the game helps to keep subscribers then it could be called a success, but it doesn't mean it "sold millions", it just means that it was not mediocre enough to get people to leave the service.

Second of all, the service is in the red, they are not making a single dollar from it. You can't just say "oh, MS is just measuring things differently now", if they still are failing in your new measurement. They are just hoping the service gets to a point where it's profitable, though they are constrained by the dwindling Xbox install base and I don't know how many gamers want to stop buying their games so often on Steam and just subscribe to GamePass.
There's a fundamental misunderstanding about profits made and how they are made in the industry.
a) Bigger is the user reach, the greater the probability of selling your product (software), for this Microsoft has unified the Windows and Xbox platforms (and now xcloud which is still in beta. Hardware at the beginning of the generations almost always sell at a loss and past this period they are probably the smallest % of earnings for Sony and Ms.
Ps5 hw sales for example are in red. they are as right now just losing money over it.

b)The unification of the platforms eliminates the problem of resetting the user base when restarting the new generation. This because the games will be released on two platforms in a continuous cycle (win + xcloud) with millons and millions of possible users. I am convinced, for example, that naughty dog games like will never, ever be released at the launch of a Sony console precisely because they know that they would sell little given the small user base.

c) Important: Microsoft does not ONLY have Gamepass. They knows very well that not all users are interested in gp, however incredible the offer is, many prefer physical copies or buy the single game for example on Steam. Microsoft knows this and has no problem selling you the product that way. Although a user tied to a subscription is always preferable.

d) VERY IMPORTANT: We also know that the biggest part of the income come from MTX and DLC (we saw it with the PlayStation fiscal year). Like the software, bigger is the user reach bigger will be the % to earn with these.

e) It is inevitable, the industry is moving towards a future where having a closed platform will only be a limitation. Microsoft knew they was always in a deficit position with respect to the market leader (Sony) and also that one mistake when launching a console is enough to ruin the following 5 or more years. (examples ps3 / xbo)So they have accelerated this process because it knew it had a huge advantage over the competition. Precisely its Windows platform and especially Azure. If you believe that after this generation everything will still be played on the sale of hardware, I think you are deluding yourself by trying not to see the technological deficit (azure) and the inevitable lack of control over the Windows platform that afflict Sony. When physical consoles will become a thing of the past or at least not essential to access the gaming world Sony will be forced to release its games on Windows (they are forced to start already this gen) by giving Microsoft who own windows another huge advantage. For example with Windows core and c-shell we could see in the near future a Windows that automatically transforms itself into the Xbox interface as soon as we connect a controller a sort of Steam game mode but integrated into the OS .. you think that Sony would be given the opportunity to integrate this option into the operating system that Ms owns?

e) GamePass it's growing incredibly I don't know if you're realizing it. All this without having practically any hits or driving games. As much respect may have for The Medium o the old forza 4 and Gear 5 we know that the new Halo, Fable, Starfield, Indiana Jones, Forza 5, Forza Motorsport, Hellblade 2 etc etc etc are behind the door. Thinking that gamepass will not reach 50 million users when it is over 20 without games is particularly interesting as a forecast))))))
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I mean, SonyGAF tools apparently need to constantly self own about a console they *don't* own with such vapid, clueless regularity they are now reviving and trolling necro threads. Those of us who can afford to and enjoy gaming on all platforms can rightly look at these freaks like the hairy palmed clown show that they are.... 🤡 🤷‍♂️😅
No more than the defenseless Sony fans complaining about 'fud' with regard to a reasonable discussion about PS5 storage expansion and why it has been over 3 months and there is still no working solution. No its just the Xbox that has all the problems. I do agree owning all the consoles gives a different perspective for sure.

It would help if you can follow an argument.

I brought up Gears 5 because it uses VRS:messenger_tears_of_joy:. Which happens to be a cross gen title.

Ignorance without any kind of proof. To suit your straw man agenda.

Once again it's the DEVELOPERS who are complaining.

Nothing to do with Sony or its fans. Drop the silly conspiracy theory. It's utterly embarrassing and makes you come across as super desperate.

And I see you touched on storage. How is that revelant to this discussion? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Your argument is all over the place, especially when having to resort to PlayStationToo when run out things to contribute.

If you're going to try and attempt to justify your ignorant claims at least try and bring some facts. :messenger_winking:
Ah so you brought up Gears 5 because you can't follow the basic point that the developers complaining aren't using the features of the console they are complaining about? Ok.

The point about storage was brought up earlier in this very thread as another criticism of the XSS. If you had read a bit you'd know this thread is all over the place. People taking shots where ever they can. There was also a great point about how the XSS is in stock everywhere and a sales failure. It was then posted how it was out of stock in major retailers and the discussion switched to your point of devs claiming the generation is ruined because of the XSS. Which as I'm sure even you know is ridiculous and false.

Honestly I get it. Some people just don't like MS as company or Xbox as a brand. The great thing is you don't have to. But it is pretty silly to see people make up stuff. Storage, availability, performance of the XSX or XSS will be up to MS get right. Some will hate regardless but legitimate issues should be brought up. Challenges with XSS or XSX development will either get handled by MS or they won't.

The devs complaining about XSS development have an avenue to seek support. I have never called any one lazy or inept but the proof is out there of the XSS doing the things it was marketed to do. If those devs refuse to get the help available that is not the XSS's fault. I will look to see what MS does with the XSS. When they drop support prematurely or fail to use the system to its full potential then criticisms will have merit but forgive me for not asking Xbox detractors how they feel about anything Xbox does.
TL;DR: Cheapest console + LATAM Support + Gamepass

Every start of a generation is an amazing Cold War, where information and hype are practically directly converted into money.

The company that keeps their hand hidden for the longest and keep the image of being the owner of the answer about what's the best console to play is the one that takes the lead on the generation. Whoever gets the lead gets the priority of the small and medium gamedevs, since their resources are scarce to invest on all platforms at the same time, thus generating small exclusives that may or may not become the next Rocket League. Or, like now at the end of the current generation, Fall Guys.

Being known as the company that discovers the best games is ludicrously profitable. It generates memes like "non-PlayStation consoles", so desperate that gaming websites get to put keywords that pull the attention from the public, and their clicks, be it in favor or against.

As a matter of fact, the true winner would be Nintendo, but there's something like 3 generations that it decided to start the race by itself and keep running alone. The Switch is a money-printer (after the failure of WIi U) that fits alright to this argument, but let's be honest, it's not part of the Console War anymore.

That being said, we're in a race with two plastic opponents: Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, either side champions. Virtually we have Google Stadia and Amazon Luna, but no one really knows if their investment gonna have any success, or if it's gonna be the next Zeebo (old console that had two buyers and a raffle over there in Rio de Janeiro. The winner complains about the prize to this day).

but there are some new elements to this next generation. So that their champions can show their true power, their Sargeants must go first and battle for the same point, obsessively. It's the troop's success that's gonna define the success of the monsters in performance.

Console War: Artistic reproduction

At this aspect, the Playstation 5 driveless is technically ahead, since it has the same hardware as the drive-included edition. Compared to the Xbox Series S, also driveless, it has more than double the performance, not even considering the PS5's super-mega-atomic-quantic-SSD

But then let's talk about History

Featured: How to destroy your opponent with three words

Sega Saturn had just announced their western release price, US$399. The lack of communication with western retailers made some companies even refuse to sell the console. If it wasn't enough to stumble with their own legs, here comes Steve Race, Sony representative, speaks "299" and leaves the stage, thus setting the any% speedrun record for destroying your opponent's hopes and dreams.

The consoles were pretty much technically equivalent, but the Saturn was pricier to produce. Sony's strategy was simple: facilitate games licensing at most on Playstation (Epic's doing the same thing, but that's for another article). This technique helped in vaporizing the Nintendo 64, by the way.

Moving Forward: Playstation 2 vs Dreamcast vs Xbox.

Xbox was by far the most powerful console, but Playstation 2 was still the home for new games. Hell, even to this day it's still the biggest game library that ever existed and that's why there are pirate copies of PlayStation 2 being sold at Brazil's Mercado Livre like new consoles

Next generation: Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360

PS3 took a beating the entire generation, no questions asked. It took the leadership at the end of the race, but whoever lived at the time saw the 360 strength and how fun were the wars.

And finally, we come to the main point of my argument: Playstation 4 vs Xbox One

Of the 26 years that I game, I think that this generation was the most lukewarm. I lived by the "PlayStation side", and I only saw the price of the console being justified when I got Bloodborne. The console in November 2013, the game in March 2015. The first AAA kinda cool before that was Infamous Second Son and the fabulous Knack BAYBEEEE

Xbox, aside from being on this same lukewarm period, still had the insignificant detail of hearing everything that you said and registering what you were doing with your hands late at night. After all, privacy is for normies.

But there's a point that never left my mind, at the time. The then Sony CEO, Shuhei Yoshida, gave an interview to Eurogamer (I've read on gamesindustry), saying that he didn't have the slightest idea of why that plastic thing almost without games was selling roughly one million units per month

From here on out is my proposal for the answer that they couldn't get in 2014, and it's just one word: Piracy.

Piracy is so ingrained and part of gamer culture as console wars, no matter which official statements being made.
But what I'm about to tell you comes from the perspective of a poor black young male, that didn't even see himself as black because he believed the term would only be applied to people with the darkest of skins.

I was born and raised in Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My father left the family when I was 6 years old and he only left me one thing: a Master System that was gave as a birthday gift, with Sonic at the memory. I loved that and it was by far the game that i've finished most times in my life. Never had money to be part of the Mega Drive / Snes generation without being visiting the house of the neighborhood rich kid. Didn't know who Zelda was. Spent my time drawing Lemmings digging through the different surface structures in geography lessons. I was the youngest of a family of 5 brothers, from different fathers.

Skipped the Mega/Snes generation. My older brother entered the army and a year later took a course to graduate as a career Sargeant. Gave me a Nintendo 64 because I was getting straight A's. Then I was formally introduced to miss Zelda and spent more time in Hyrule than at home.

My brother got transferred to Recife, Pernambuco (still Brazil). My grades kept being A's. He gave me a Playstation

And then my life changed.

Before that, I could only have access to a few games. Two or three bought, the rest we rent at the weekend to have one more day until handing it back.

At Playstation my brother could buy games instead of renting (everything pirate, obviously). I had never been happier in my life

We came back to Rio. Me still with my PlayStation. I started working in a small lan-house of the neighborhood (like those that have different consoles for you to play). Earned R$1 hourly. Worked from 7pm to midnight. Took a test for a preparatory course and got 90% discount from my grades. My biggest pride was paying my course with my own money.

All this still completely neck-deep in piracy. The lan house didn't have a single original game. But it was there that I've played PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast. Hundreds of titles that I would never reach. It was working there that I improved my English learning and writing, that I've learned by played videogames, and I've started my learning of Japanese, that I still study.

Then it was my turn and I did like my brother. Enlisted, but didn't enter. Took the course for Sargeant, entered the same school as my brother, almost 10 years after him. My first paycheck with the first bank account that I ever had. Didn't have the slightest idea on how to use a debit card.

For a year and a half, along 332 mates and friends, I've got through the experience of becoming a professional. First São Paulo, then Minas Gerais. You know the value of your friends when you starve with them.

Graduated, came to Campinas (Sao Paolo). First thing I did with my Sargeant paycheck?

Bought a Playstation 3. Used, but works to this day. Created my PSN ID. Created two, by the way. One Brazilian to record trophies, that still didn't have PS Store, and one US to buy games.

That was 2010. Playstation 3 was released in November 2006, 4 years before. And 4 years later it still didn't have a Brazilian PlayStation store. It was released one year later. And didn't change much. It was the only store that copied the same Plus games from US. I bought used games from Ebay, once I was already at the middle of the generation and had an immense backlog to play. But it was the first time that I was in the generation. Playing everything original, with case and manuals (I miss them)

One thing that was common practice, not just mine but with all my gaming friends, was to buy games that I finished pirate copies at the past. My PSN is full of PSX games for this exact reason. Many I didn't even open on the ps3. But we feel the need to give something back, even being so ridiculously late, to games and franchises that gave us so much joy.

2012 I've married the woman of my life. We ordered our first son to the stork (not necessarily in that order).

2013 my boy was born. A mini version of me. We ordered our daughter

2014 my little girl was born. mini mother. Bought my Playstation 4 at the gray market, Santa Efigenia, because Sony thought it would be funny to release the console for R$3.999 (roughly $2000 at the time)

If you can't see what happened, I can repeat: piracy is a temporary state. As you improve your life, the tendency is to legitimize your pastime with more commitment

K, cute story told. What that has to do with the title?



Support, warranty, local factories, games localization, you name it.

Enters Gabe Newell

Think about this my story as a cycle. Something that has been happening since Pong got released. Brazil is the country of Piracy. And yet officially it's the fourth major consumer of games of the world. What this means is that while generations come and go and new consumers enter piracy, those who started on piracy and grew choose which is going to be the legit platform that they'll adopt.

Videogame is already an absurdly hard hobby to have when you're poor.

and then enters the differential of this generation: the driveless.

With the cheaper version of the consoles, you won't have the option to buy used games. Either you buy at Store price (that Sony just raised to the base price of R$300), or you won't play.

And guess which one of the platforms has a service that has an initial signature cost of R$1 and 100+ games?

Sony's trying it's best with the Plus Collection, but the cheaper version of the service is R$24,99 for a month. And that's for a console that's already US$100 more expensive.

LATAM gamers fidelity with PlayStation brand grows thinner every time that word of mouth tells how well treated Microsoft consumers are

Everything that the Xbox Series S, and subsequently X need to do to win the generation is to deliver whatever good games that the 23 Studios from XGS are producing. The disposition to run under the wings of the brand is already there.

Source: SavePoint

SERies s would have won as a handheld and if cheap prices sell consoles then it's the disc less ps5 that'll win because no matter how you put it series s isn't a nextgen console, and Microsoft can only keep lying to fans so far.

Cause besides the fast cpu and the new processor architectures like fast loading rdna 2 and whatnot it's not nextgen at all basically what your getting is fast loading screens and minor puddle raytracing and higher frame rates but the quality of graphics is still lastgen. This isn't more of a bottleneck on its ram. It's not just a solution of lowering resolution. There's so much bottlenecks of having less ram and even the gpu isn't as powerful as the xbox one x.

To cut it short Microsoft have simply blocked the manufacture of Xbox one x in favour of series s and forced developers to adopt the series s all the while knowing the one x is more powerful and they have to sell the series s. But they should have simply just removed the disc drive like ps5 and kept the same power. People buy home consoles for top notch performance and graphics on tv not mediocre machines that's a market for handhelds as far as I'm concerned. It's why people buy switch! They know it's not as powerful a home console but it's good enough on their hands. This was a big mistake by Microsoft. They never seem to get it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Xbox is a platform isn't anymore a box ppl have to start to accept it
I bought a £449 box from MS at launch, I expect it to work as such. Happy to buy Xbox games on PS6 and Switch 2 since it is a virtual platform / service eh ;)?
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I bought a £449 box at launch, I expect it to work as such. Happy to buy Xbox games on PS6 and Switch 2 since it is a virtual platform / service eh ;)?
Mine works flawlessly for the same amount;)
Who talked about ps6 and switch? It is a Microsoft platform that includes their PC operating system their two consoles and a streaming service based on their cloud servers Azure. There is very little virtual, most likely on the contrary you will have the chance to play ps6 games on their microsoft windows;))))
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See DarkMage619 DarkMage619 responded again. Let's see what we have here.

No more than the defenseless Sony fans complaining about 'fud' with regard to a reasonable discussion about PS5 storage expansion and why it has been over 3 months and there is still no working solution. No its just the Xbox that has all the problems. I do agree owning all the consoles gives a different perspective for sure.

We have a conspiracy theory. We have him bringing up PS5 storage again, when he knows that we haven't been talking about storage. Even slightly.

The devs complaining about XSS development have an avenue to seek support. I have never called any one lazy or inept but the proof is out there of the XSS doing the things it was marketed to do. If those devs refuse to get the help available that is not the XSS's fault.

We have a post displaying his customary ignorance towards developers.

Why don't you get this.. You don't know what they have or haven't done! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You're absolutely sure they haven't tried anything, they just straight away complained in public. You're absolutely sure, without a whiff of proof, dude.

Can't believe someone will ignore all common sense and be that paranoid/deluded to defend a company. Bet you even defended the price hike. Sensational.

Some more advice, how about you take them at their word, until you know otherwise? Like you and your noisy PS5. Everyone took you at your word, right? At least the majority. In this scenario, right now, you are the minority here, acting paranoid and crazy.. and disagreeing with multiple, knowledgeable developers... Because you like Microsoft better? Or hate Sony more.

Absurd argument.

Can anyone else help? Does DarkMage have a point at all, and he is just unable to explain it properly? Epic troll? Extreme fan boy/deluded?
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No. no. no. and again no
Do you know that Windows isn't an opensource OS? No one have the control over windows as their developer and owner Microsoft. They choose and build everything from the design to the API's and most important to the preinstalled apps.In fact there's the Xbox app in very computer sold everyday. Windows OS was here before steam before EGS and will likely be there after their failure, if it will ever happen. Did you heard about Windows core and c-shell I suggest you read something about it so maybe you will understand Microsoft's plans better.
I about gp profitability i think you are wrong. very wrong.

It's open in the sense of they have to allow competition i.e could be an app or web browser that aren't edge etc.. Sony could put out a gaming app on Windows and probably will do , i doubt ms could do much about it even if they own the overall platform.


It's open in the sense of they have to allow competition i.e could be an app or web browser that aren't edge etc.. Sony could put out a gaming app on Windows and probably will do , i doubt ms could do much about it even if they own the overall platform.
Im sure Ms will be more than happy if Sony leverage their own Os windows as definitive gaming platform over everything else putting their games on it. Bonus level is if old ps5 user also buy a office 365 and a gamepass meanwhile (you understand the differences?)
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Xbox is a platform isn't anymore a box ppl have to start to accept it
This. There is absolutely no chance that Microsoft sells more consoles, because of pc ports, Xcloud and the fact that Sony is the older brand with more (die-hard) fans as you can see here on GAF. But i can imagine that Microsoft makes more money with gaming in a few years while fanboys still fight over hardware sales.


No. no. no. and again no
Do you know that Windows isn't an opensource OS? No one have the control over windows as their developer and owner Microsoft. They choose and build everything from the design to the API's and most important to the preinstalled apps.In fact there's the Xbox app in very computer sold everyday. Windows OS was here before steam before EGS and will likely be there after their failure, if it will ever happen. Did you heard about Windows core and c-shell I suggest you read something about it so maybe you will understand Microsoft's plans better.
I about gp profitability i think you are wrong. very wrong.

Kid, just...learn to read. The sales of Windows as an OS don't improve or worsen based on Gamepass. Even if Steam and GamePass disappeared and did not sell a single game from today, there is no other alternative OS for gaming on PC. Not to mention that gamer PC sales are a small niche compared to how many copies of the OS MS gets from enterprise sales, as well as non gamer laptops.

I also did not say "open source", it is an open platform since you are welcome to create your executables, distribute them and for people to install them without having to go through MS. MS does not receive a single dollar from any transaction Steam or Oracle or whoever does.

I'll say it for a second time, my point is Windows is unaffected by whatever the Xbox division does, whatever benefit MS gets from putting their games on PC is directly linked to GamePass.
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Great but that's not what this thread is about
The thread is about hw sales and who will win the gen thanks to the latter. I tried to explain why the sales are not always the right unit of measurement of a winning generation and that those are certainly not the most suitable unit to evaluate the new business model adopted by Ms


Kid, just...learn to read. The sales of Windows as an OS don't improve or worsen based on Gamepass. Even if Steam and GamePass disappeared and did not sell a single game from today, there is no other alternative OS for gaming on PC. Not to mention that gamer PC sales are a small niche compared to how many copies of the OS MS gets from enterprise sales, as well as non gamer laptops.

I'll say it for a second time, my point is Windows is unaffected by whatever the Xbox division does, whatever benefit MS gets from putting their games on PC is directly linked to GamePass.
Kid? have you 5 years? I would like to be younger but I can probably come to you father. The absurd thing is that you think it's also an insult. reported do not deserve an answer. And happy to officially announce that you did not understand a bat of how the things are going in the industry .
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Im sure Ms will be more than happy if Sony leverage their own Os windows as definitive gaming platform over everything else putting their games on it. Probably some old ps5 user could also buy a office 365
Probably yes that would happen perks of owning windows I guess , I'd just see it as what Firefox is to edge/chrome the Sony storefront would be to ms' storefront that's the beauty of pc itself as a platform may different markets .


Probably yes that would happen perks of owning windows I guess , I'd just see it as what Firefox is to edge/chrome the Sony storefront would be to ms' storefront that's the beauty of pc itself as a platform may different markets .
the main point is that until we have closed box a gamer have to choose or PlayStation or Xbox. Playstation is lot stronger brand and have lots of advantages over ms until the things remained in the world of closed consoles. You will understand for yourself that even the most avid PlayStation fan who would never have bought an Xbox if in the near future he can play both games (PlayStation and Xbox) on Windows .. sooner or later could give way to try an Xbox game or to subscribe to gamepass for a month and then who knows maybe he remain in their ecosystem. Here it is. this could never happen if everything remained in the console world. for this reason ms if very happy to put xbox games on their os and sony is very very careful
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the main point is that until we have closed box a gamer have to choose or PlayStation or Xbox. Playstation is lot stronger brand and have lots of advantages over ms until the things remained in the world of closed consoles. You will understand for yourself that even the most avid PlayStation fan who would never have bought an Xbox if in the near future he can play both games (PlayStation and Xbox) on Windows .. sooner or later could give way to try an Xbox game or to subscribe to gamepass for a month and then who knows maybe he remain in their ecosystem. Here it is. this could never happen if everything remained in the console world. for this reason ms if very happy to put xbox games on their os and sony is very very careful
Yes imho there's advantages for both approaches the all-in (Xbox) and the cautious approach for Sony being mainly a hardware company hardware sales do matter to them and probably will for some time , expanding to pc markets will mean big growth for both eco systems that's for sure and it's quite exciting and should be embraced by all imo.


Kid? have you 5 years? I would like to be younger but I can probably come to you father. The absurd thing is that you think it's also an insult. reported do not deserve an answer. And happy to officially announce that you did not understand a bat of how the things are going in the industry .

I'm sorry for getting annoyed, but it's difficult to have a discussion with you because you don't read and understand what others are trying to say, you just want to console war because you think I'm attacking MS and you circle the wagons. It's not my intention to insult you and I apologise, but I would greatly appreciate if you read more carefully and actually engaged with the points, rather than cheerlead.
See DarkMage619 DarkMage619 responded again. Let's see what we have here.

We have a conspiracy theory. We have him bringing up PS5 storage again, when he knows that we haven't been talking about storage. Even slightly.

We have a post displaying his customary ignorance towards developers.

Why don't you get this.. You don't know what they have or haven't done! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You're absolutely sure they haven't tried anything, they just straight away complained in public. You're absolutely sure, without a whiff of proof, dude.

Can't believe someone will ignore all common sense and be that paranoid/deluded to defend a company. Bet you even defended the price hike. Sensational.

Some more advice, how about you take them at their word, until you know otherwise? Like you and your noisy PS5. Everyone took you at your word, right? At least the majority. In this scenario, right now, you are the minority here, acting paranoid and crazy.. and disagreeing with multiple, knowledgeable developers... Because you like Microsoft better? Or hate Sony more.

Absurd argument.

Can anyone else help? Does DarkMage have a point at all, and he is just unable to explain it properly? Epic troll? Extreme fan boy/deluded?
You haven't followed the thread but chime in regardless? Fine. Typical, but fine.

You think the devs have used the features available to them? Show your work sir. Show evidence of VRS, VA, and SFS being implemented on the XSS by those devs you hear complaining. You were quick to point out VRS being used... by MS and Codemasters. You might not know this but MS isn't complaining about the XSS and neither did Codemasters. Ubisoft was able to get raytracing on the XSS and they didn't complain either. I never doubted that XSX|S optimization might take some work but I do doubt they are using the features because there is no evidence of it. The console has the same features as any other new gen system but those features don't work automatically. I suppose there is little risk in complaining on Twitter about a company that isn't the market leader.

The XSS is a novel idea. There has never been a generation that started with both a low and high end console. That change has ruffled some feathers. The only opinion about the console that truly matters is the target audience. The XSS was not targeted at developers so it is not surprising some developers aren't happy. It would be easy if there was only one spec to code to. I am certain devs would love it if everyone had a 3090 GPU to code to as well. Since that is not reality developers will need to use the available features of the boxes they have and make the most of them. There is plenty of evidence to show the features are there if they choose to use them.

This forum has an abundance of Sony fans. That is not surprising seeing how Sony sold more boxes and has never really been challenged in the console space. Ever since the Xbox was created people had called for it's cancellation. Every generation people claim MS is right on the verge of dropping out the console market. I see some complaints about the XSS in that same vein. Haters gonna hate as Taylor Swift says. I don't mind being outside of the hive mind. It is funny to see you talk about fanboys and delusional thoughts but still can't prove the point you are making. You are no different that any other Sony fan that cries 'fud' when bad news comes out about Sony or anyone make any sentiment that is even the slightest bit critical. I have only pushed back on the notion that the XSS is a sales failure(no evidence of that), that the XSS is holding the console generation back(again no evidence of that), and that the devs complaining about XSS optimizations are fully utilizing the features of the box they are optimizing(no evidence of that either). You don't like Xbox games? OK! Don't buy them! Problem solved! There is no need to make up stuff.

You can choose to defend Sony when they release coil whining hardware or a half baked console storage option but me as a paying customer can call those issues out. The difference between those issues and your complaints about the XSS is that there proof those issues exist. There were plenty of videos and forums posts. It had nothing to do with taking MY word for it. I don't care if a Sony fan here or on any board believe me or not. I don't go to those people for opinions on Xbox and my PS5 experiences were first hand. I think it is sad you call it 'trolling' because someone doesn't love Sony as much as you do man. I think they are a fine company with issues just like all other companies. Perhaps you should look in the mirror if you are so concerned about delusions.


You think the devs have used the features available to them? Show your work sir. Show evidence of VRS, VA, and SFS being implemented on the XSS by those devs you hear complaining.

Another great straw man. Bravo sir :messenger_clapping:.

You're memory is pretty bad since you're the one disputing what they say. Therefore the onus is on you to prove it.

You've only proven that you're utterly ignorant and disrespectful to game developers who complain about your favourite console manufacturer.

The evidence for me is all in the articles, interviews and tweets about their respective experiences. But if you want to prove them wrong. Call them up, retweet them, ask for their MS support ticket reference numbers and get to the bottom of it, dude.

I mean, is it because it's Microsoft that defending this with your life?

You even defended their price hike of Live Gold, then applauded them when they revoked it after all :messenger_tears_of_joy: . They can do no wrong in your eyes.

A bricked XsX console, which you initially hid, even got applauded on here.

Fact is, I'm taking these developers At their word, they are the skilled ones, not me. Not you.

You disagree with them. Without a hint of truth = Idiotic argument.

You can choose to defend Sony when they release coil whining hardware or a half baked console storage option but me as a paying customer can call those issues out. The difference between those issues and your complaints about the XSS is that there proof those issues exist.

Bloody hell. Stop bringing Sony into this :messenger_tears_of_joy: Give it a rest already. You're obsessed with them.

Say something interesting for once. I'm sure there are lots of interesting things about Xbox can talk about here. Yet you focus on Sony all the time. Interesting.

Please join reality soon dude.
Another great straw man. Bravo sir :messenger_clapping:.

You're memory is pretty bad since you're the one disputing what they say. Therefore the onus is on you to prove it.

You've only proven that you're utterly ignorant and disrespectful to game developers who complain about your favourite console manufacturer.

The evidence for me is all in the articles, interviews and tweets about their respective experiences. But if you want to prove them wrong. Call them up, retweet them, ask for their MS support ticket reference numbers and get to the bottom of it, dude.

I mean, is it because it's Microsoft that defending this with your life?

You even defended their price hike of Live Gold, then applauded them when they revoked it after all :messenger_tears_of_joy: . They can do no wrong in your eyes.

A bricked XsX console, which you initially hid, even got applauded on here.

Fact is, I'm taking these developers At their word, they are the skilled ones, not me. Not you.

You disagree with them. Without a hint of truth = Idiotic argument.

Bloody hell. Stop bringing Sony into this :messenger_tears_of_joy: Give it a rest already. You're obsessed with them.

Say something interesting for once. I'm sure there are lots of interesting things about Xbox can talk about here. Yet you focus on Sony all the time. Interesting.

Please join reality soon dude.
I don't have to prove anything because I am not making outlandish claims about the XSS not selling or ruining console gaming. You think the developers complaining are using the full feature set of the XSS and still have issues, prove it. The evidence shows it they aren't.

I'll mention the PS5 or Sony as many times as I like. I own the system and every other Sony console so I can call out their issues as much as people here who don't have an Xbox call out MS. I'm sorry that offends your sensibilities.
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I don't have to prove anything because I am not making outlandish claims about the XSS not selling or ruining console gaming. You think the developers complaining are using the full feature set of the XSS and still have issues, prove it. The evidence shows it they aren't.

I'll mention the PS5 or Sony as many times as I like. I own the system and every other Sony console so I can call out their issues as much as people here who don't have an Xbox call out MS. I'm sorry that offends your sensibilities.
Not making outlandish claims? You said the developers cant be taken seriously as they didn't list out everything they have tried, they don't know how to do their job, or know how to seek out support. But no, not outlandish there at all 🤡.

You have evidence? Well you don't. Please quit lying. You don't know what these developers have or haven't done, do you. You say they haven't done X or Y because you want to believe they haven't.

It's pure delusional stuff. You're all caught up being a Xbox console warrior.

But unfortunately for you, the situation and more public criticism from developers looks like it's going to be continuing in the future as the generation matures.

I'm sure you can deflect it all the way you usually do... Ignorant claims, straw man arguments and PlayStationToo right? :messenger_winking:

Top contributor.
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