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Xbox Series gonna win the next generation - and I'll tell you why

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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Apple stopped to give sales of iphones and ipad too I'm sure someone "STOMPED" them hard too right?

Not stomped (not more than usual vs the Android ecosystem, but they know they are a rich niche), but they were starting to show decline and more and more people not updating at the cadence they wanted and being one of the core pillars of their multi trillion dollar valuation well you can see why they want to change the narrative.

Especially now that they are moving to services more and more as they prop up another pillar. So yes, when the news on HW stopped being as rosy as they used to, Apple stopped giving exact numbers and is changing the narrative.
Not every company waits for disaster level numbers to do that.


we don't know Ms stopped to give hw sales from years they shift to other parameters. Why important if their business is done in a different way?

You know they stopped giving out hardware numbers because they performed terribly against Sony. There's a ratio of at least 2:1 between sold PS4s and sold Xbox Ones, so they started giving out silly numbers like MAU.
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You know they stopped giving out hardware numbers because they performed terribly against Sony. There's a ratio of at least 2:1 between sold PS4s and sold Xbox Ones, so they started giving out silly numbers like MAU.
And since Switch has already outsold Xbox One by probably somewhere around 25 to 30 million units despite Xbox One having been on the market almost 40 months longer, Microsoft has an even larger incentive to keep those numbers private for as long as possible.


This gen? the ps5 will win in number of hw sales. Ms will earn more money (gamepass + pc + xcloud sales). The consoles will end up much closer than what happened between ps4 xbox but ms after shifting his focus on services and retrieving users from other platforms seems to give a great fu*k about beating Sony in the number of consoles sold.. The gen after this one? Sony as today seems not to have a chance in a console agnostic future

op. don't know what you expecting from gaf about this thread .
We'll never know how much Microsoft makes because they won't release the figures for the gaming divison.

But there's no way they will earn more with GamePass costing what it currently does (even Greenberg basically admitted it's a money sink), the fact that it will almost certainly sell significantly less hardware units, not to mention that $7.5bn investment they just made.

X-Cloud will be a minor addition for the foreseeable future, people arent going to subscribe for the sole purpose of playing AAA games on a phone/tablet. Most PC games are sold on Steam and Microsoft sees no money from there, except MGS games. And it should be mentioned that Zenimax had an estimated annual revenue of $500m, so that deal really isn't going to add much to the bottom line, especially when you consider the overheads.


In the meantime in the real world Xbox Series is tracking behind Xbox One in the US (their main market by far) and they'll need a price cut for Series S as soon as this year if they actually want to sell that model once the production ramps up.
Delusions are bad.
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I think the console war will be more competitive than before, but I’m not seeing how Microsoft can win when there are like 115 million PS4 owners worldwide sold and most owners are seemingly happy with it. Also, aren’t Microsoft only really strong in very few regions worldwide like the US and UK?
Wouldn't even say UK. UK is Playstation. As is most of the world is Playstation.


TL;DR: Cheapest console + LATAM Support + Gamepass

Every start of a generation is an amazing Cold War, where information and hype are practically directly converted into money.

The company that keeps their hand hidden for the longest and keep the image of being the owner of the answer about what's the best console to play is the one that takes the lead on the generation. Whoever gets the lead gets the priority of the small and medium gamedevs, since their resources are scarce to invest on all platforms at the same time, thus generating small exclusives that may or may not become the next Rocket League. Or, like now at the end of the current generation, Fall Guys.

Being known as the company that discovers the best games is ludicrously profitable. It generates memes like "non-PlayStation consoles", so desperate that gaming websites get to put keywords that pull the attention from the public, and their clicks, be it in favor or against.

As a matter of fact, the true winner would be Nintendo, but there's something like 3 generations that it decided to start the race by itself and keep running alone. The Switch is a money-printer (after the failure of WIi U) that fits alright to this argument, but let's be honest, it's not part of the Console War anymore.

That being said, we're in a race with two plastic opponents: Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, either side champions. Virtually we have Google Stadia and Amazon Luna, but no one really knows if their investment gonna have any success, or if it's gonna be the next Zeebo (old console that had two buyers and a raffle over there in Rio de Janeiro. The winner complains about the prize to this day).

but there are some new elements to this next generation. So that their champions can show their true power, their Sargeants must go first and battle for the same point, obsessively. It's the troop's success that's gonna define the success of the monsters in performance.

Console War: Artistic reproduction

At this aspect, the Playstation 5 driveless is technically ahead, since it has the same hardware as the drive-included edition. Compared to the Xbox Series S, also driveless, it has more than double the performance, not even considering the PS5's super-mega-atomic-quantic-SSD

But then let's talk about History

Featured: How to destroy your opponent with three words

Sega Saturn had just announced their western release price, US$399. The lack of communication with western retailers made some companies even refuse to sell the console. If it wasn't enough to stumble with their own legs, here comes Steve Race, Sony representative, speaks "299" and leaves the stage, thus setting the any% speedrun record for destroying your opponent's hopes and dreams.

The consoles were pretty much technically equivalent, but the Saturn was pricier to produce. Sony's strategy was simple: facilitate games licensing at most on Playstation (Epic's doing the same thing, but that's for another article). This technique helped in vaporizing the Nintendo 64, by the way.

Moving Forward: Playstation 2 vs Dreamcast vs Xbox.

Xbox was by far the most powerful console, but Playstation 2 was still the home for new games. Hell, even to this day it's still the biggest game library that ever existed and that's why there are pirate copies of PlayStation 2 being sold at Brazil's Mercado Livre like new consoles

Next generation: Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360

PS3 took a beating the entire generation, no questions asked. It took the leadership at the end of the race, but whoever lived at the time saw the 360 strength and how fun were the wars.

And finally, we come to the main point of my argument: Playstation 4 vs Xbox One

Of the 26 years that I game, I think that this generation was the most lukewarm. I lived by the "PlayStation side", and I only saw the price of the console being justified when I got Bloodborne. The console in November 2013, the game in March 2015. The first AAA kinda cool before that was Infamous Second Son and the fabulous Knack BAYBEEEE

Xbox, aside from being on this same lukewarm period, still had the insignificant detail of hearing everything that you said and registering what you were doing with your hands late at night. After all, privacy is for normies.

But there's a point that never left my mind, at the time. The then Sony CEO, Shuhei Yoshida, gave an interview to Eurogamer (I've read on gamesindustry), saying that he didn't have the slightest idea of why that plastic thing almost without games was selling roughly one million units per month

From here on out is my proposal for the answer that they couldn't get in 2014, and it's just one word: Piracy.

Piracy is so ingrained and part of gamer culture as console wars, no matter which official statements being made.
But what I'm about to tell you comes from the perspective of a poor black young male, that didn't even see himself as black because he believed the term would only be applied to people with the darkest of skins.

I was born and raised in Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My father left the family when I was 6 years old and he only left me one thing: a Master System that was gave as a birthday gift, with Sonic at the memory. I loved that and it was by far the game that i've finished most times in my life. Never had money to be part of the Mega Drive / Snes generation without being visiting the house of the neighborhood rich kid. Didn't know who Zelda was. Spent my time drawing Lemmings digging through the different surface structures in geography lessons. I was the youngest of a family of 5 brothers, from different fathers.

Skipped the Mega/Snes generation. My older brother entered the army and a year later took a course to graduate as a career Sargeant. Gave me a Nintendo 64 because I was getting straight A's. Then I was formally introduced to miss Zelda and spent more time in Hyrule than at home.

My brother got transferred to Recife, Pernambuco (still Brazil). My grades kept being A's. He gave me a Playstation

And then my life changed.

Before that, I could only have access to a few games. Two or three bought, the rest we rent at the weekend to have one more day until handing it back.

At Playstation my brother could buy games instead of renting (everything pirate, obviously). I had never been happier in my life

We came back to Rio. Me still with my PlayStation. I started working in a small lan-house of the neighborhood (like those that have different consoles for you to play). Earned R$1 hourly. Worked from 7pm to midnight. Took a test for a preparatory course and got 90% discount from my grades. My biggest pride was paying my course with my own money.

All this still completely neck-deep in piracy. The lan house didn't have a single original game. But it was there that I've played PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast. Hundreds of titles that I would never reach. It was working there that I improved my English learning and writing, that I've learned by played videogames, and I've started my learning of Japanese, that I still study.

Then it was my turn and I did like my brother. Enlisted, but didn't enter. Took the course for Sargeant, entered the same school as my brother, almost 10 years after him. My first paycheck with the first bank account that I ever had. Didn't have the slightest idea on how to use a debit card.

For a year and a half, along 332 mates and friends, I've got through the experience of becoming a professional. First São Paulo, then Minas Gerais. You know the value of your friends when you starve with them.

Graduated, came to Campinas (Sao Paolo). First thing I did with my Sargeant paycheck?

Bought a Playstation 3. Used, but works to this day. Created my PSN ID. Created two, by the way. One Brazilian to record trophies, that still didn't have PS Store, and one US to buy games.

That was 2010. Playstation 3 was released in November 2006, 4 years before. And 4 years later it still didn't have a Brazilian PlayStation store. It was released one year later. And didn't change much. It was the only store that copied the same Plus games from US. I bought used games from Ebay, once I was already at the middle of the generation and had an immense backlog to play. But it was the first time that I was in the generation. Playing everything original, with case and manuals (I miss them)

One thing that was common practice, not just mine but with all my gaming friends, was to buy games that I finished pirate copies at the past. My PSN is full of PSX games for this exact reason. Many I didn't even open on the ps3. But we feel the need to give something back, even being so ridiculously late, to games and franchises that gave us so much joy.

2012 I've married the woman of my life. We ordered our first son to the stork (not necessarily in that order).

2013 my boy was born. A mini version of me. We ordered our daughter

2014 my little girl was born. mini mother. Bought my Playstation 4 at the gray market, Santa Efigenia, because Sony thought it would be funny to release the console for R$3.999 (roughly $2000 at the time)

If you can't see what happened, I can repeat: piracy is a temporary state. As you improve your life, the tendency is to legitimize your pastime with more commitment

K, cute story told. What that has to do with the title?



Support, warranty, local factories, games localization, you name it.

Enters Gabe Newell

Think about this my story as a cycle. Something that has been happening since Pong got released. Brazil is the country of Piracy. And yet officially it's the fourth major consumer of games of the world. What this means is that while generations come and go and new consumers enter piracy, those who started on piracy and grew choose which is going to be the legit platform that they'll adopt.

Videogame is already an absurdly hard hobby to have when you're poor.

and then enters the differential of this generation: the driveless.

With the cheaper version of the consoles, you won't have the option to buy used games. Either you buy at Store price (that Sony just raised to the base price of R$300), or you won't play.

And guess which one of the platforms has a service that has an initial signature cost of R$1 and 100+ games?

Sony's trying it's best with the Plus Collection, but the cheaper version of the service is R$24,99 for a month. And that's for a console that's already US$100 more expensive.

LATAM gamers fidelity with PlayStation brand grows thinner every time that word of mouth tells how well treated Microsoft consumers are

Everything that the Xbox Series S, and subsequently X need to do to win the generation is to deliver whatever good games that the 23 Studios from XGS are producing. The disposition to run under the wings of the brand is already there.

Source: SavePoint

I understand your arguments but doesnt change the fact that the console is still third place.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
In the meantime in the real world Xbox Series is tracking behind Xbox One in the US (their main market by far) and they'll need a price cut for Series S as soon as this year if they actually want to sell that model once the production ramps up.
Delusions are bad.
Not really, because for this time MS didn't prioritize stock in USA before other countries.


Neo Member
Xbox has made some really good moves for gamers. As games get more expensive gamers will need to find creative ways to engage within the eco system. Sony will have little choice but to follow suit. That being said it’s almost impossible to get gamers to jump to the other side. Really both products are so damn good this time. You don’t hear many complaints from those who own either. This will truly be about the games in the end. Sony will begin with Gamepass competition and more acquisitions. Honestly it’s better for gamers this way. Society changes and we are often the last to accept it because we are so ingrained in our ways it’s hard to give up. For Xbox gamers it seems more a place of the future model of gaming and we all should expect Sony and Nin will follow suit.


Not stomped (not more than usual vs the Android ecosystem, but they know they are a rich niche), but they were starting to show decline and more and more people not updating at the cadence they wanted and being one of the core pillars of their multi trillion dollar valuation well you can see why they want to change the narrative.

Especially now that they are moving to services more and more as they prop up another pillar. So yes, when the news on HW stopped being as rosy as they used to, Apple stopped giving exact numbers and is changing the narrative.
Not every company waits for disaster level numbers to do that.
You know they stopped giving out hardware numbers because they performed terribly against Sony. There's a ratio of at least 2:1 between sold PS4s and sold Xbox Ones, so they started giving out silly numbers like MAU.

We'll never know how much Microsoft makes because they won't release the figures for the gaming divison.

But there's no way they will earn more with GamePass costing what it currently does (even Greenberg basically admitted it's a money sink), the fact that it will almost certainly sell significantly less hardware units, not to mention that $7.5bn investment they just made.

X-Cloud will be a minor addition for the foreseeable future, people arent going to subscribe for the sole purpose of playing AAA games on a phone/tablet. Most PC games are sold on Steam and Microsoft sees no money from there, except MGS games. And it should be mentioned that Zenimax had an estimated annual revenue of $500m, so that deal really isn't going to add much to the bottom line, especially when you consider the overheads.

As much as I try, I don't see how selling 50 million consoles is a disaster. But yes, comparing Xbox One generation to Ps4 it's clear that Microsoft seems to be a disaster. You guys obviously glossed over the rest of the post. I repeat, For Microsoft it is no longer essential to be able to sell 100+ millions of consoles because their model is completely different from the one they had in the past, they can reach that user base easily utilizing their platform windows10 + xbox consoles and on top of it xcloud. The motivation that made them change 3 years ago their model is not anymore important today, or if it makes you happier, we can say that Ms did it because continuing to play using the pitch that Sony preferred was not convenient for them. As now, instead, is important to see if their model is a success and at today everything is pointing to say absolutely yes. That the long-term gamepass plan, is not economically feasible, is at least laughable, and I'm sincere. A game like The medium or Returnal cost around 7/10 millions,the last God of War or Gears cost around 100 millions and we know that a DEV cannot release more than just two (taking into account that very few devs are granted a budget of that type) games of this caliber during an ENTIRE gen. So with just 20 millions of subs Ms would make monthly 200 millions. I think without exaggerating that during this generation, as soon as Bethesda and their First Parties start churning out exclusives they will easily reach 50/60 million users (I'm keeping low we'll probably be more 80/100) easily reaching 600 million monthly and this just counting subs from 9.99€. And since I know that you are going to hide behind the usual "but everyone will pay 1 euro" or other urban legends,we will divide, exaggerating, that number by two, without a real motivation, to make everyone happy. That's something like 300 million this excluding the sales of physical games, dlc, add-ons, mtx etc. etc.
So I go back repeating that counting the number of hw sold, after the model switch, it's ridiculous but I understand why the usual people still don't want to see the reality of the facts and keep looking to the past.
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You know they stopped giving out hardware numbers because they performed terribly against Sony. There's a ratio of at least 2:1 between sold PS4s and sold Xbox Ones, so they started giving out silly numbers like MAU.
And since Switch has already outsold Xbox One by probably somewhere around 25 to 30 million units despite Xbox One having been on the market almost 40 months longer, Microsoft has an even larger incentive to keep those numbers private for as long as possible.
So what should they do? Add worldwide Windows 10 sales numbers to the Xbox numbers instead, would that be better? 🙄

Think about it for a minute, they aren’t just on Xbox now and they have Gamepass and Xcloud, All Access too. Old numbers are kinda pointless, Xbox hardware and software sales could look like a joke but Xbox games could still be the hottest thing on the planet. For most of last gen people said that Xbox isn’t needed because you could play MS exclusives on PC but here we’re supposed to go 🙈🙉 and ignore all that and pretend that Microsoft is failing terribly even though more people than ever and probably most of this board are playing their games.


As much as I try, I don't see how selling 50 million consoles is a disaster. But yes, comparing Xbox One generation to Ps4 it's clear that Microsoft seems to be a disaster. You guys obviously glossed over the rest of the post. I repeat, For Microsoft it is no longer essential to be able to sell 100+ millions of consoles because their model is completely different from the one they had in the past, they can reach that user base easily utilizing their platform windows10 + xbox consoles and on top of it xcloud. The motivation that made them change 3 years ago their model is not anymore important today, or if it makes you happier, we can say that Ms did it because continuing to play using the pitch that Sony preferred was not convenient for them. As now, instead, is important to see if their model is a success and at today everything is pointing to say absolutely yes. That the long-term gamepass plan, is not economically feasible, is at least laughable, and I'm sincere. A game like The medium or Returnal cost around 7/10 millions,the last God of War or Gears cost around 100 millions and we know that a DEV cannot release more than two games of this caliber during an entire gen. So with just 20 millions of subs Ms would make monthly 200 millions. I think without exaggerating that during this generation, as soon as Bethesda and their First Parties start churning out exclusives they will easily reach 50/60 million users (I'm keeping low we'll probably be more 80/100) easily reaching 600 million monthly and this just counting subs from 9.99€. And since I know that you are going to hide behind the usual "but everyone will pay 1 euro" we will divide, exaggerating, that number by two, to make everyone happy. That's something like 300 million this excluding the sales of physical games, dlc, add-ons, mtx etc. etc.
So I go back repeating that counting the number of hw sold, after the model switch, it's ridiculous but I understand why the usual people still don't want to see the reality of the facts and keep looking to the past.
100m GamePass subscribers - I'm sure it's just around the corner 😁. You do realise not everyone wants the currently cheap and cheerful offer with a set slate of games. Many gamers have enough money to just go out and buy the games they want and own them. Especially with the sales you get once games have been out for a number of months/years.

The money GamePass brings in is peanuts when you take into account the huge development costs of their 23 internal studios, the associated sales and marketing costs, and the money paid to third-parties to host their games and make them available for download. Hence Greenberg's statement. It's also why GamePass will be getting a price hike soon.
Just logged into Best Buy, no PS5s, no PS5DE, no XSX, buuuuut... XSS has Add to Cart and has it every time I log in for the past month.

Nobody wants it like some have thought they would.


That's a good sign. The less it sells the sooner it will be discontinued by MS.

We need to get rid of that underpowered least common denominator as soon as possible.


100m GamePass subscribers - I'm sure it's just around the corner 😁. You do realise not everyone wants the currently cheap and cheerful offer with a set slate of games. Many gamers have enough money to just go out and buy the games they want and own them. Especially with the sales you get once games have been out for a number of months/years.

The money GamePass brings in is peanuts when you take into account the huge development costs of their 23 internal studios, the associated sales and marketing costs, and the money paid to third-parties to host their games and make them available for download. Hence Greenberg's statement. It's also why GamePass will be getting a price hike soon.
Not everyone will want it for sure, but I kept myself low by saying that they will reach easily 60 million in fact but most likely it will be more. Do you realize that we should already be over 20 without any Bethesda exclusives or new first parties as important as halo or other? don't you?. Again i have already mentioned the costs of two types of production ... God of War/Gears level of AAA and something done well AA like The medium/returnal. How many God of war do you see over the course of a gen? 2? ..200 million, but let's say 300m (lol) But how many games have that kind of budget? )))...do your calculations it's not difficult.
I'm sure on your first Halo or Bethesda game you will see a incredible increase of subs on gamepass.
Sure, selling more consoles is great but it's clear that Ms don't give a shit anymore to follow Sony race over the last console sold.
Gamepass is a long term plan and it will definitely have a raise but ironically at the moment the only one tthat increased costs and charge AA production 70 euros is Sony, not sure if it was the right argument
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TL;DR: Cheapest console + LATAM Support + Gamepass
Series S is nowhere to be seen in sales charts....

Switch #14 (to be fair everyone just bought one for themselves and their dogs).
Series X #24
PS5 DE #49
+ Some more switch bundles in the top 100
No series S

Note that the last week PS5 was #1 ans the switch series X were not very far behind (#3 & #5)... Series S was never seen in the top 10as far as I can tell.


And I don't think that gamepass is a console selling argument, once you have the console it could be something to consider if it makes sense to you... Maybe
Just logged into Best Buy, no PS5s, no PS5DE, no XSX, buuuuut... XSS has Add to Cart and has it every time I log in for the past month.

Nobody wants it like some have thought they would.

I have seen the seriex available a couple of times last week, just briefly... But even if I keep monitoring, registered to get restocking alerts, etc. I've never seen the "add to cart" button long enough on a PS5 page to have the time to actually get it in the stupid cart.
Why would that upset me when I've never once uses cold storage or external USB drives on any of my consoles and have always opted to delete games I don't play and download the games I do want to play? Which, by the way is also an option available to everyone.

You're barking up the wrong tree here, but hey focus on what you need to focus on to make yourself feel better. Yes the Series S will get knocked for it's smaller storage but thank god you're here to constantly remind us of this "cold storage" thing that "the competition doesn't have!!!1!“. Oh what ever will you do once the competition open up solution's for this fabled cold storage? Will you be ok then in admitting the Series S would have been better had it had a larger internal drive?
Sure man you are above it above it all and never cared about cold storage or internal storage options which is good because XSS has ways to deal with both.

With regard to one day other more expensive consoles gaining an ability to gain things the XSS had one day one? That's great! The XSS can and will be sold with larger internal storage just like the consoles last generation did. The memory is modular and all it would take is the installation of a bigger drive. But why would you bring that up since storage is something you don't care about? Unless you just like knocking consoles that have options other more expensive devices lack. But you would NEVER do that. 😉

Series S is nowhere to be seen in sales charts....

Switch #14 (to be fair everyone just bought one for themselves and their dogs).
Series X #24
PS5 DE #49
+ Some more switch bundles in the top 100
No series S

Note that the last week PS5 was #1 ans the switch series X were not very far behind (#3 & #5)... Series S was never seen in the top 10as far as I can tell.


And I don't think that gamepass is a console selling argument, once you have the console it could be something to consider if it makes sense to you... Maybe
Trying to be clear. Is the XSS super available and a failure or is it constantly sold out? You showed Amazon. In the US you cannot buy a XSS at all on Amazon and I haven't seen it be sold on ANY major retailer. Your anecdotal evidence of not getting alerts about the PS5 means nothing about the ease of buying an XSS.

I don't doubt the PS5 is the more popular brand so if you are worried about it for some reason don't. I believe Phil Spencer said initially the XSX would be produced in higher numbers and the XSS would be increased later on. Makes sense to focus on the hard core gamer first. Same is true of the standard PS5 vs the PS5 DE but that is more to save Sony money.

Many Sony fans dislike Gamepass for whatever reason but to say it isn't a console seller is silly especially with regard to the XSS where price of games could be a concern. There is a reason the MS game subscription service is performing much better than the Sony alternative.
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Sure man you are above it above it all and never cared about cold storage or internal storage options which is good because XSS has ways to deal with both.

With regard to one day other more expensive consoles gaining an ability to gain things the XSS had one day one? That's great! The XSS can and will be sold with larger internal storage just like the consoles last generation did. The memory is modular and all it would take is the installation of a bigger drive. But why would you bring that up since storage is something you don't care about? Unless you just like knocking consoles that have options other more expensive devices lack. But you would NEVER do that. 😉
You take Xbox losing very personally. Take a break.


Somewhere, someone is putting lots of effort in posts explaining which supermarket is going to win. Saying their first party potatoes are superior to the other ones! And there are going to be replys mentioning well, this potato has more mass appeal then those other ones! And others will in return mention rival brands saying ours is more for selective dishes and ...

Imagine lurking on a forum on which the supermarket wars are as highly debated as videogames are here lol

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Gold Journalism
Somewhere, someone is putting lots of effort in posts explaining which supermarket is going to win. Saying their first party potatoes are superior to the other ones! And there are going to be replys mentioning well, this potato has more mass appeal and those other ones! And others will in return mention rival brands saying ours is more for selective dishes and ...

Imagine lurking on a forum on which the supermarket wars are as highly debated as videogames are here lol

Hey, that's me.



Man I'm dying at that analogy. The cruise missile doenst help matters haha

Bro.. our potato is fast cooking. We must win this gen.

Btw I would sincerely consider a potato pass system.. to bad it would only be available at one particular supermarket chain..

But maybe.. Just maybe! If that potato pass would be something, people just would be using it as ammo on social media to persuade us to use a certain chain of supermarkets.. that would be insane right
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So what should they do? Add worldwide Windows 10 sales numbers to the Xbox numbers instead, would that be better? 🙄

Think about it for a minute, they aren’t just on Xbox now and they have Gamepass and Xcloud, All Access too. Old numbers are kinda pointless, Xbox hardware and software sales could look like a joke but Xbox games could still be the hottest thing on the planet. For most of last gen people said that Xbox isn’t needed because you could play MS exclusives on PC but here we’re supposed to go 🙈🙉 and ignore all that and pretend that Microsoft is failing terribly even though more people than ever and probably most of this board are playing their games.
Microsoft clearly doesn't want people to know how many consoles they're selling despite the competition having no problem letting people know how they're doing. They'll tell the public how many people subscribed to Gamepass but neglect console sales. Console sales still do matter, no matter what they try to tell you. No company spends billions in R&D, manufacturing, shipping, and marketing to not care if the device sells or not. Especially when that device is the driving force behind the service they keep propping up. I can assure you that the moment Gamepass stagnates or declines, they'll focus on other metrics.

It's not a bad strategy either. Microsoft wants to maintain an image of very much being in the race. So if they can get people to look at other things instead of what they're not accomplishing, it'll make them look a little better. It's deceptive but it's not like they're alone in that practice. If I were a prudent businessman, that is what I would do. Personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant. The facts are simple; Xbox is currently far behind its competitors in the console space and they don't want people to know for sure how big the gap is. It allows them some control over their own narrative.
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Wholefoods clearly doesn't want people to know how many potatoes they're selling despite the competition having no problem letting people know how they're doing. They'll tell the public how many people subscribed to Potatoepass but neglect potato sales. Potato sales still do matter, no matter what they try to tell you. No company spends billions in R&D, manufacturing, shipping, and marketing to not care if the device sells or not. Especially when that device is the driving force behind the service they keep propping up. I can assure you that the moment Potatopass stagnates or declines, they'll focus on other metrics.

It's not a bad strategy either. Wholefoods wants to maintain an image of very much being in the race. So if they can get people to look at other things instead of what they're not accomplishing, it'll make them look a little better. It's deceptive but it's not like they're alone in that practice. If I were a prudent businessman, that is what I would do. Personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant. The facts are simple; Wholefood is currently far behind its competitors in the potato space and they don't want people to know for sure how big the gap is.



Wholefoods clearly doesn't want people to know how many potatoes they're selling despite the competition having no problem letting people know how they're doing. They'll tell the public how many people subscribed to Potatoepass but neglect potato sales. Potato sales still do matter, no matter what they try to tell you. No company spends billions in R&D, manufacturing, shipping, and marketing to not care if the device sells or not. Especially when that device is the driving force behind the service they keep propping up. I can assure you that the moment Potatopass stagnates or declines, they'll focus on other metrics.

It's not a bad strategy either. Wholefoods wants to maintain an image of very much being in the race. So if they can get people to look at other things instead of what they're not accomplishing, it'll make them look a little better. It's deceptive but it's not like they're alone in that practice. If I were a prudent businessman, that is what I would do. Personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant. The facts are simple; Wholefood is currently far behind its competitors in the potato space and they don't want people to know for sure how big the gap is.

Lol why you so cheeky?
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I take lying seriously and I will push back against it. Xbox 'losing' has no relevance to me seeing how Xbox has 'lost' every previous console generation and I survived just fine. Maybe you need the break since you couldn't understand my simple point.
We all know this, it's the number one reason why you like to get involved when developers criticise XSS, right?

Those lying, pesky and conniving developers how dare they speak ill of the XSS - the saviour of casual, inexpensive gaming (that ironically no casual gamers know about, it doesn't seem to sell and is it even being marketed anymore?). They certainly shouldn't be bringing up their personal experiences of having to change their development process to overcome its limitations.

You sure like to push back against those lying developers. What do they know.
We all know this, it's the number one reason why you like to get involved when developers criticise XSS, right?

Those lying, pesky and conniving developers how dare they speak ill of the XSS - the saviour of casual, inexpensive gaming (that ironically no casual gamers know about, it doesn't seem to sell and is it even being marketed anymore?). They certainly shouldn't be bringing up their personal experiences of having to change their development process to overcome its limitations.

You sure like to push back against those lying developers. What do they know.
Show me a developer who came out and said that their game can't be created because the XSS isn't powerful enough. That is the ongoing narrative. Every comment is how the XSS itself can't run games with better graphics which is the entire point of the console. No dev has stated if they were using the features of console designed to mitigate RAM and lower resolution and still have problems. No dev has come out and stated they contacted MS for support and were rebuffed. That would be news. There have also been devs that say the XSS has caused no problems for them at all. Do you believe those devs or just ones complaining? I never said any developers were lying no developers made any posts on this forum about the XSS.

It is certainly a lie of omission to complain about storage on the XSS when other more expensive have even fewer options. Maybe you can tell me as a Sony fan why you even care about the XSS. The existence of the XSS doesn't prevent Rachet and Clank, or God of War, or Last of Us from coming out yet Sony fans keep on claiming the XSS is holding everything thing back. People buy PlayStation for Sony games. If anyone should be complaining it should be XSS customers yet the ones that post here like the console. It's curious...
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Golden Boy
Somewhere, someone is putting lots of effort in posts explaining which supermarket is going to win. Saying their first party potatoes are superior to the other ones! And there are going to be replys mentioning well, this potato has more mass appeal then those other ones! And others will in return mention rival brands saying ours is more for selective dishes and ...

Imagine lurking on a forum on which the supermarket wars are as highly debated as videogames are here lol

But but, one of the supermarkets has Potatoe-pass, so it must win!
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Show me a developer who came out and said that their game can't be created because the XSS isn't powerful enough. That is the ongoing narrative. Every comment is how the XSS itself can't run games with better graphics which is the entire point of the console. No dev has stated if they were using the features of console designed to mitigate RAM and lower resolution and still have problems. No dev has come out and stated they contacted MS for support and were rebuffed. That would be news. There have also been devs that say the XSS has caused no problems for them at all. Do you believe those devs or just ones complaining? I never said any developers were lying no developers made any posts on this forum about the XSS.

It is certainly a lie of omission to complain about storage on the XSS when other more expensive have even fewer options. Maybe you can tell me as a Sony fan why you even care about the XSS. The existence of the XSS doesn't prevent Rachet and Clank, or God of War, or Last of Us from coming out yet Sony fans keep on claiming the XSS is holding everything thing back. People buy PlayStation for Sony games. If anyone should be complaining it should be XSS customers yet the ones that post here like the console. It's curious...
This is absurd to me, for you to take their comment seriously they have to list everything they have done to troubleshoot the situation. Come on, surely you realise you have taken this too far now.

Devs, are saying they have to change their game development process to compensate for the XSS. So yes, if we take their comment at face value (which we have no reason not to) it is affecting next generation games.

Which part of my post warranted to bring up Sony yet again. :messenger_unamused:


Microsoft clearly doesn't want people to know how many consoles they're selling despite the competition having no problem letting people know how they're doing. They'll tell the public how many people subscribed to Gamepass but neglect console sales. Console sales still do matter, no matter what they try to tell you. No company spends billions in R&D, manufacturing, shipping, and marketing to not care if the device sells or not. Especially when that device is the driving force behind the service they keep propping up. I can assure you that the moment Gamepass stagnates or declines, they'll focus on other metrics.
It’s not some shady conspiracy, they just want to show figures that show how things are for all things they’re doing instead of just Xbox. Xbox hw numbers is interesting if you want to compare consoles. But since a lost Xbox sale isn’t a lost customer for MS if they choose to play on PC instead it would instantly look bad compared to the competition even with the same number of users.
This is absurd to me, for you to take their comment seriously they have to list everything they have done to troubleshoot the situation. Come on, surely you realise you have taken this too far now.

Devs, are saying they have to change their game development process to compensate for the XSS. So yes, if we take their comment at face value (which we have no reason not to) it is affecting next generation games.

Which part of my post warranted to bring up Sony yet again. :messenger_unamused:
You said I said devs were lying. This wasn't true and your strawman was refuted. Devs needing to optimize their titles to run on ANY console has been true since the dawn of programming of video games. I take a dev complaining without any commentary of efforts to fix the issue as seriously a person complaining about how hard it is to eat steak without using a knife and fork. The XSS has features to deal with its shortcomings and it also has a multi trillion dollar company available to support any dev that needs it. MS is making XSS titles too.


You said I said devs were lying. This wasn't true and your strawman was refuted. Devs needing to optimize their titles to run on ANY console has been true since the dawn of programming of video games. I take a dev complaining without any commentary of efforts to fix the issue as seriously a person complaining about how hard it is to eat steak without using a knife and fork. The XSS has features to deal with its shortcomings and it also has a multi trillion dollar company available to support any dev that needs it. MS is making XSS titles too.
Got it. They should list everything they have tried to remedy the situation before anyone should take them seriously. What a great example of a straw man argument in action.

Is it any wonder why no one takes you seriously?

And the cheek to say my straw man argument was refuted? .. bloody hell.:messenger_tears_of_joy: what has changed in my argument exactly.. yet more of your BS or just deluded?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
you can imagine that and I'm sure lots of people on here like to think the "STOMP" must be the reason. Apple stopped to give sales of iphones and ipad too I'm sure someone "STOMPED" them hard too right?. The truth is that Nadella just likes subscriptions models and if xbox division is today receiving loooots of money is because is investing in gamepass not because microsoft care about hw sales. Luckily for them gamepass is skyrocketing and the xsx is always sold out. Also for sony that likes hw sales ..the ps5 is always sold out. Both VERY happy
The comparation between console hw sales would work if they both had a closed system and used individually sold games as their main entrance. The Xbox abandoned that model joining their Windows platform to the Xbox user reach and even on top of that also xcloud users. They are not anymore primarily interested in selling the single game but that you subscribe and remain a subscriber to gamepass. For this reason they have acquired many studios, to have a continuous stream of games on the pass. Comparing the hw sales when you have such different models is so simplistic that it becomes stupid. Or you have to be biased to do it intentionally, as @James Sawyer Ford did before.
As you say it is clear that potential consoles sold increase the reachable user reach and it is precisely to overcome this problem (and also that of the reset of generations) that Microsoft has unified the Windows10, Xbox and xcloud platforms. The possible user reach is for xbox games and gamepass probably already higher now just with the pc users only three months after the release of the consoles than Sony will have with the ps5 100/120 millions at the end of the generation. Sony understands it (or is understanding it) and this is why it is slowly trying to change the model by releasing games on PC too
Did you know when Apple was catching up to Blackberry and eventually passed them, they talked about sales alot.

They only changed tunes when they couldnt boast about that with Android. Sales of previous iPhones and profits all of a sudden became more important.

Sometimes, its that simple. MS cant use console sales vs the competition right now.

because this is and always will be (as resetera) a playstation centric forum ?

I guess the 360, Wii didnt happen. Could have sworn it was different back then. This forum existed before the PS4, XBO.
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Did you know when Apple was catching up to Blackberry and eventually passed them, they talked about sales alot.

They only changed tunes when they couldnt boast about that with Android. Sales of previous iPhones and profits all of a sudden became more important.

Sometimes, its that simple. MS cant use console sales vs the competition right now.

I guess the 360, Wii didnt happen. Could have sworn it was different back then. This forum existed before the PS4, XBO.
i was here and believe me even during the time of x360 it wasnt all roses. It's called sonygaf out here for a reason but there's nothing wrong with being the center of PlayStation fans.Its super okay like it is Just know it and know how to behave accordingly, not expecting to change the mentality or to convince anyone. It will never happen here.

the "stomping" part as the initial part of my answer was the irrilevant one. Ms doesn't care anymore about console sales (at least definitely not as are fundamental for Sony)
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Got it. They should list everything they have tried to remedy the situation before anyone should take them seriously. What a great example of a straw man argument in action.

Is it any wonder why no one takes you seriously?

And the cheek to say my straw man argument was refuted? .. bloody hell.:messenger_tears_of_joy: what has changed in my argument exactly.. yet more of your BS or just deluded?
I said they should work with the platform owners vs complaining On Twitter. It's clear YOU don't like the XSS and I'd suggest you not buy one. I promise it won't affect your love of the PS5 and Sony exclusives won't be hurt by the XSS existence.

I won't lose too much sleep over you taking me seriously but if you are taking dev comments seriously I'd see you mention more than the detractors which shows how sincere your 'concerns' are. I'm certain Xbox fans are comforted by your concerns. Be well.

what fud exactly?
If you aren't singing the PS5's praises you are spreading FUD. Comments about the NVME bay not working is apparently FUD despite the fact last time I checked it really doesn't work.
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I said they should work with the platform owners vs complaining On Twitter. It's clear YOU don't like the XSS and I'd suggest you not buy one. I promise it won't affect your love of the PS5 and Sony exclusives won't be hurt by the XSS existence.

I won't lose too much sleep over you taking me seriously but if you are taking dev comments seriously I'd see you mention more than the detractors which shows how sincere your 'concerns' are. I'm certain Xbox fans are comforted by your concerns. Be well.

If you aren't singing the PS5's praises you are spreading FUD. Comments about the NVME bay not working is apparently FUD despite the fact last time I checked it really doesn't work.
It's okay, i been silenced in the dieshot thread even though I was right on everything I wrote about the ps5 soc. My posts are all there...if someone wants check..i got also Locuza confirmations on my assumptions and we got also Stanard Twitter against Ethomaz (which I respect anyway and with which I enjoyed speculating before the experts had their say on the dieshot). After all this you saw me silenced and probably SenjutsuSage SenjutsuSage warned too. After this people restarted happily speculating (officially spreading fud) about ps5 (non-existent) rdna3 features and whatnot and I can not understand how it is allowed since now the dieshot is there and we know what is and what is not inside. As you see ....if you are not on their side you are an enemy;)
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I said they should work with the platform owners vs complaining On Twitter.
You don't know that they haven't done that.

You have no idea what they have done.

That. Is. The. Point.


It's clear YOU don't like the XSS and I'd suggest you not buy one.

Actually, no, it's clear some developers don't like it. Hence the public comments.
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