This topic is a great example to explain why the xbox is the way it is.
This obsession with everything that the Xbox has problems boils down to "Sony too" or/and "Sony is the one with the rubbish console that makes it difficult to make games", this complacency of the press that thinks it needs to "praise the Xbox" when it praises the Playstation, talking bad about the Playstation when the Xbox has problems and the Xbox fanboys who think they need to "win" arguments on the internet is the reason the Xbox is going bankrupt.
In the end, the xbox fan's problem has always been looking at a topic like this and not being able to understand that the xbox's problem is this retarded thing of "winning on the internet by denying reality and delusional" in some way it's victory
And of course, no Xbox fan will realize how ridiculous this topic is, how lunatic it is that it scares away any intelligent person in the real world.
Playing the game for a fanatic doesn't get you very far and that's what the retarded Xbox sect can't understand
The more you, an Xbox fan, defend the Xbox, the worse it is for the Xbox and you.
Winning the competition for who is the most fanatical and retarded fan is not victory.