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Xbox system linking help

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Okay I want to link me and my mates Xboxes together for some Halo, Halo 2, ghost recon Co-Op action.

Anyway all I want to do is link 2 Xboxes, I don’t think I need to buy a cable (please forgive my technical incompetence) because I have a cable that links my laptop to others (and it fit’s in my Xbox) Looks like a telephone cord head but wider.

Is it as easy as just linking the Xboxes with this cable? Also my old spare TV which we would use as the 2nd monitor supports RF switch only and it won’t support PAL 60hz.

Would the difference between the two sets effect the games performance?


You will need a "crossover cable"... it's just like a normal computer network cable, except it has a couple of wires switched around to allow devices to communicate directly with one another instead of having to go through a hub or something. You should be able to find one fairly cheap.
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