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Xbox vs. PS2 Vs. Gamecube for "first-party" games -poll-

Which had the better first-party output during the 6th generation?

  • Total voters
(First-party IPS only, licensed sports games excluded for simplicity as both have a ton)

The PS2's early release, previously successful predecessor, and a ton of third-party support (automatically and through deals) make it hard to say the Xbox was better than the PS2 just on sheer library unless you happened to have been a PC gamer instead of a console gamer during the that time.

However first-party titles are a completely different ball game. Between the big 3 console manufactures, which do you think had the better first-party output (for the time)? Here are some of the games exclusive to each console (not all of them):


  • Amped Series
  • Halo Series
  • Azurik
  • Blood Wake
  • Fuzion Frenzy
  • Project Gotham Racing Series
  • Blinx The Time Sweeper Series
  • NightCaster Series
  • Mech Assault Series
  • Quantum Redshift
  • RalliSport Challange Series
  • Wachked!
  • Brute Force
  • Crimson Skies
  • Grabbed by The Ghoulies
  • Kung Fu Chaos
  • Tao Feng: Fist of the lotus
  • Midtown Madness 3
  • VodooVince
  • Phantom Dust
  • Fable/The Lost Chapters
  • Sudeki
  • Conker: Live and Reloaded
  • Forza MotorSport
  • Double STEAL


  • FantaVision
  • Cool Borders 2001
  • Dark Cloud Series
  • Extermination
  • Gran Turismo 3/4 series
  • Ico/Shadow of the Colossus
  • Jak and Daxter Series
  • Sly Series
  • Ratchet and Clank series
  • Legend of Legaia 2
  • Twisted Metal Black/Head-on
  • Parappa The Rapper 2
  • Hot Shots Golf 3/4
  • Socom US Navy Seals Series
  • The Getaway
  • Mark of Kri
  • Wild Arms Series
  • Ape Escape 2/3/Pumped
  • Arc the Lad Series (PS2)
  • Eye Toy
  • KillZone 1
  • Siren Series
  • God of War 1/2
  • Sing Star
  • BUzz! Series
  • Tourist Trophy

  • Pikmin series
  • Metroid Prime Series
  • Luigis mansion
  • Smash Melee
  • Mario Sunshine
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Geist
  • Star Fox Series (GC)
  • Kirby Air Ride
  • F-Zero GX
  • Mario Party 4-7
  • Zelda: Wind-Waker/Twilight Princess
  • Custom Robo
  • Battalion Wars
  • Pokemon 3D series
  • Wario Series
  • Mario Kart Double Dash
  • Mario Sports series


IMO, Of the three I think First-party wise the Xbox has the edge over the PS2. Much of the PS2's FP output are several hybrid "platformers" and Jrpgs, and a lot of forgotten franchises that didn't hold much of an impression like "Siren", "Hot Shots", and "The Getaway" and franchises past their prime like "Twisted Metal."

Xbox had, at the time, the major force of Halo, a great urban racing series with Project Gotham, the MechAssault series was a blast, Blinx gave you a unique platformer with a time mechanic, Amped gave you superior Snowboarding action to SSX and Cool Borders, a cool Rpg series with Fable, and several single-entry favorites like Voodoo Vince, Crimson Skies, Phantom Dust, Conker, Brute Force, Blood Wake and more. The variety and quality were botht here.

The GameCube I would place last, it has some nice Zelda titles and really revamped Metroid, but other wise new entries in old franchises (outside Melee) were lacking. And the newer experimental titles like geist didn't really hit.
Xbox was just entering the market so they basically threw a lot of money at anything they though would stick to the wall. So the amount of quality FP games in RETROSPECT is indeed great. However, a lot of those games were commercial failures at the time. But I could see why one would vote Xbox just based on Microsoft thinking spending all that money trying to get in the door was necessary, its brought out some great games.

PS2 has the Triple platform threat of Ratchet/Sly/Jak. While they are all platformers they all have different themes. Sly takes the Hitman approach in stealth and is a more tactical game, Jak was exploration based, and Ratchet and Clank was basically a hybrid TPS. On top of that, they continued the Ape Escape series and God Of War, while late, was another big deal. But Sony also didn't take as many risks because they were comfortably ahead.

GameCube games basically did nothing for the console, Nintendo had to stop production due to poor sales. Wind Waker was ridiculed, Mario Sunshine was considered the worst in the series and in some cases still is, at least for main entries. Kirby didn't even have a real game, and Pikmin is a hit or miss series.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Clear GameCube win for me. F-Zero GX, Pikmin 1 & 2, Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Zelda TP, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Paper Mario 2 and Super Mario Sunshine are among my favourite games ever made, so it is an easy win.

Great Hair

Nothing comes remotely close to experiencing Ico and SOTC for the first time. Add God of War 1 and 2, Yakuza, playing Socom 2 online, Dark Cloud 1 ... not so much 2, wasnt Ace Combat 04 an exclusive?, King´s Field 4, Fatal Frame, Siren, teh Armored Core serie, etc.etc.

You have omitted nearly all of the PS2 exclusives, but added like nearly all outsourced xbox 2001 exclusives made by others. First Party Games/Studios and Publishing 3rd party games exclusively dont have the same meaning.

PS2 total close to 460
Xbox 2001 close to 100
making these kind of pools is useless you know the nintendo console is gonna always win. tho I do think the PS2 is better than the GC even in first party game lineup.

it doesn't even compare IMO.


  • FantaVision
  • Cool Borders 2001
  • Dark Cloud Series
  • Extermination
  • Gran Turismo 3/4 series
  • Ico/Shadow of the Colossus
  • Jak and Daxter Series
  • Sly Series
  • Ratchet and Clank series
  • Legend of Legaia 2
  • Twisted Metal Black/Head-on
  • Parappa The Rapper 2
  • Hot Shots Golf 3/4
  • Socom US Navy Seals Series
  • The Getaway
  • Mark of Kri
  • Wild Arms Series
  • Ape Escape 2/3/Pumped
  • Arc the Lad Series (PS2)
  • Eye Toy
  • KillZone 1
  • Siren Series
  • God of War 1/2
  • Sing Star
  • BUzz! Series
  • Tourist Trophy

  • Pikmin series
  • Metroid Prime Series
  • Luigis mansion
  • Smash Melee
  • Mario Sunshine
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Geist
  • Star Fox Series (GC)
  • Kirby Air Ride
  • F-Zero GX
  • Mario Party 4-7
  • Zelda: Wind-Waker/Twilight Princess
  • Custom Robo
  • Battalion Wars
  • Pokemon 3D series
  • Wario Series
  • Mario Kart Double Dash
  • Mario Sports series

like you'd have to be a fanboy to say the GC line up is better.
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I think the gamecube era was when Nintendos first party entries were the worst from their platforms but still a good second for me. The list is also missing Donkey Kong jungle beat. I only got to experience the game cube library in the wii era.

I voted Sony because they had some of the best entries to the series and I have fond memories of that era with God of war 1/2, SotC/ico, GT3/4, Rachet and Clank, etc
I think all three had must have games. I love nintendo but the gamecube might be my least favorite nintendo console excluding the wii. I was disappointed in practically every first party game released.


I think this was the time when all three consoles had compelling exclusives, but PS2 still eclipsed them by and large, but a second console or having all three consoles was something you could advocate for.....


Gold Member
Game Cube for me. Star Fox Assault, REmake, MK DD and Sonic Riders all get my attention there.
Funny, when I clicked this thread I thought to myself that the PS2 lineup is gonna be bare but... after reading the list I think it actually wins? By a lot? Sure a lot of overlap with genres, but for instance Jak/Sly/Rachet are so different and so good that they dont really feel like platformer overkill.


I voted GameCube. Though my favourite game on GC (Windwaker) now has a superior Wii U version, and Pikmin is on the Wii too.


Wow you really could make a case for any of the 3, depending on your tastes of course. I went for Xbox because of Halo and Rallisport Challenge (Halo 1 was my fave game for years, and the first Rallisport Challenge convinced me to buy a Xbox).
PS2 would be my no.2, so many good games.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
What?! Am I the only one who voted for Sega Dreamcast?

A quick run-through on Sega's first-party DC titles: Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Shenmue 1 & 2, Jet Grind Radio, Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2, Skies of Arcadia, Alien Front Online, Crazy Taxi 1 & 2, Ferrari F355 Challenge, Sega Rally 2, Sega GT, Daytona USA 2001, 18 Wheeler, Dynamite Cop, Zombie Revenge, Virtua Fighter 3tb, Chu Chu Rocket, Virtua Tennis & 2K2, NFL 2K, NBA 2K, NHL 2K2, Sega Bass Fishing 1 & 2, Sega Marine Fishing, House of the Dead 2, Confidential Mission, Typing of the Dead, Samba De Amigo, Seaman, Rez...yadda yadda.

Of course, this doesn't include second-party games published by Sega or third-party titles. Dreamcast has one of the highest quality software libraries of any system in history.

Seriously, kids. If you don't have a Dreamcast, get one immediately and start collecting some games.
Breadth and depth, nothing could touch PS2. (Xbox and Cube had some great exclusives too though. And the highs on Gamecube were brilliant.)
I owned a PS2 and only got to play the GameCube when I went home to visit my family.

Gamecube takes this easily. I couldn't afford both the GameCube and PS2 at the time, but I visited home more in the GameCube days than I did before or since. Metroid Prime, two Zeldas, Pikmin, Smash, Mario, Double Dash... I miss the GameCube.

The PS2 was the Gran Turismo and GTA:SA box. Most of the sequels like Parappa, Twisted Metal, and Ape Escape seemed to have lost their original charm by the PS2. New series like GoW and Killzone I didn't care for.

I missed out on the OG Xbox, but Halo is among my favorit series, as are PGR and Forza. Never got into Fable beyond the first couple hours,

I almost picked Dreamcast, if the console had a couple more years under it's belt I might have placed it higher. I had a bigger DC collection than PS2 collection.

I think if I could go back in time I would have told my younger self to dump the PS2 and get my own GameCube or the Xbox.


GC if we only count 1st parties but that's a bit unfair considering PS2 had many 3td party exclusives
If we count exclusives in general ps2 wins by a long shot


Have to give it to GC just for the multiplayer games. Mario Party 4 - 7, Mario Kart DD, Mario Strikers, Super Smash Bros, F-Zero GX, even Star Fox Assault got a ton of play out of us. We rented Battalion Wars back then and played that a lot but we never owned it. That game REALLY needed online play. Also, you forgot 1080 Avalanche.


That gen was just a blast all around, but if I had to pick I would say the GameCube. Unfortunately I didn't get to experience most of the OG Xbox's and PS2's first party library, but the GameCube's were pretty much all a blast.

Wind Waker was ridiculed, Mario Sunshine was considered the worst in the series and in some cases still is, at least for main entries. Kirby didn't even have a real game, and Pikmin is a hit or miss series.
I have half a mind and an open hand to slap yo face backwards.

Every one of those games is a gem on the cosmic maps of time. Anybody who says otherwise can meet me by the swing set at Recess.
. Anybody who says otherwise can meet me by the swing set at Recess.

Man kotor 1 and 2 were the best rpgs released that gen. Outside of eternal darkness and prime the gamecube sucked. Overall though ps2 had the most but for me halo and kotor made xbox the winner of that gen for me
It seems like people are voting PS2 just to counter the GameCube going by who's voting for PS2 and some comments on other threads.

Especially give it went from 0 to 15 in less than 1 hour during low forum activity.

Sneaky sneaky.
It seems like people are voting PS2 just to counter the GameCube going by who's voting for PS2 and some comments on other threads.

Especially give it went from 0 to 15 in less than 1 hour during low forum activity.

Sneaky sneaky.

Well, I voted for PS2 because I happen to be a proud Sony Fanboy but, also, actually think that the PS2's library of exclusives is better than the Gamecube's.

If we're being honest, the Gamecube's exclusives library is fairly weak and punctuated by too many niche titles. It's no wonder Nintendo took a hard left and made the Wii after the GC failed to keep up with Sony and Microsoft.

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
It seems like people are voting PS2 just to counter the GameCube going by who's voting for PS2 and some comments on other threads.

Especially give it went from 0 to 15 in less than 1 hour during low forum activity.

Sneaky sneaky.

Or maybe people just prefer the PS2 option and there's no anti-Nintendo conspiracy.
Or maybe people just prefer the PS2 option and there's no anti-Nintendo conspiracy.

Except that the people voting for PS2 voted GC in another thread.

And some of them posted recently they would vote PS2 in other threads.

Voting is public, you Can see who voted.

I'm sure some, I assume, are good pe- voters as well.


I voted PS2 but I don't think I have played many first party games on it. I have only played God of War 1 and 2 from that list.


GC was probably the worst console as far Nintendo's 1st party output goes so I'd only barely put it above the ps2 that gen.

DC easily had the best 1st party library despite it's short lifespan.


I'll be honest, I'm way too unfamiliar with the Xbox games (aside from Halo) to have any valid opinions on them.

Between Ps2 and Gamecube It's really hard.
I voted Ps2 because Shadow of the Colossus is my favourite game out of all of them (and I really like Gow 1 and 2 and Twisted metal too) but the gamecube was great too particularly with Prime, Smash and Wind Waker


I loved Wind Waker to bits but Mario sunshine and MK DD were the worst in the series for me.
Those two games would not even crack top 10 GC first party games to me. You cannot have played many of them. heck, Chibi-Robo had yet to be mentioned in this thread before I just did.
Also both doom 3 and half life came to the og xbox as well and not gamecube or ps2. Those were big. Resident evil remakes werr also exclusive to Nintendo for that gen


PS2 is an incredible machine, perhaps the best console ever for me. But if we are talking only about exclusives, it is the Game Cube. Very, very hard to challenge Nintendo head-on in this department.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Gamecube wins this by a mile.

XBOX and PS2 had much better 3rd party support, especially the latter.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
ICO + SotC + Primal + GT3 + J&D trilogy (and racer) + The Getaway + Ghost Hunter + God of War I & II + Killzone (good first FPS effort) + Twisted Metal Black... overall (even though GCN had WW, MP 1&2, SMS, Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion, etc...) I would think they managed to take a victory there too.

A generation that that successful was a perfect storm of phenomenal first party + third party support.


Poll misses "didn't like any of them" as an option.

Gamecube had the only Smash Bros game I've ever liked though so maybe I should vote for Gamecube then.
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Someone should learn what "first-party" actually means. Putting stuff like a Sega-developed F-Zero GX on the Gamecube list makes absolutely no sense...same with Sudeki which is a traditional third-party game, released on console and PC. Etc.


Just realised that this is about first-party games rather than being about which console had the best games. I mean it's clearly Nintendo then.

PS2 is probably behind Xbox in terms of first-party titles. Microsoft were putting tons of effort into their games during the launch of what was their first console.
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