The narrative in all the X-Com/XCOM games merely exists as a framework for you to create your own narratives in each playthrough.
The narrative in all the X-Com/XCOM games merely exists as a framework for you to create your own narratives in each playthrough.
Yeah, that only works for so long, though.
Still looks to be missing all of the atmosphere which made the orginal games great. First Firaxis one was a massive, boring disappointment.
Over 200 hours for me, and I haven't even played Long War!Yeah, that only works for so long, though.
It's not X-COM/XCOM until you find a sectoid hiding behind a hay bale in the back of a barn.There better be a level set on a farm.
I don't care if it's a future farm with hover tractors, just give me a farm
You're right. It works for so, so long.
Still looks to be missing all of the atmosphere which made the orginal games great. First Firaxis one was a massive, boring disappointment.
I'm not worried about moneyhatting so much as I'm disappointed in console gamers not giving turn based games the love they deserve.Like I said earlier, there is very little likelihood of moneyhatting or anything like that, and they do this out of their own volition relating to the game. Your assumption is that there is no gameplay or technical reason, which no one can know till tomorrow and is not something you can work out from the few screenshots available right now. I'd take a stab that if it isn't one of those, it will be the use of paid mods akin to CS:GO perhaps. It seems really clear that Soloman loves Long War, so it is possible they want to create that kind of stuff, perhaps tied to very frequent updating and iteration, building packs of content out of community mods / maps / weapons etc. Maybe they'll have events or an on going story to fit in with all those things, who knows.
What you can be sure of, is that if there is no reason to hold it from other systems - they will put it on other systems. There is nothing to stop them
Edit: Actually in terms of mechanics, I just made a random bullshit one up - imagine if the maps were much larger, there are no squares or limits to movements or actions but there are time constraints. So, say there is an alert status, perhaps the game will give you and the opposition 5 secs per turn for the entire match. By design, even with a mouse and keyboard, your choices are limited, as is your movement, and actions, but at least you could do them. To compensate for a controller, you would have to rebalance the entire game, change or even remove that kind of mechanic, and you are getting into the territory of actually forcing a change on what the game can be
It's not X-COM/XCOM until you find a sectoid hiding behind a hay bale in the back of a barn.
I'm down for more XCOM but if the RNG still causes a significant number of misses with max hit chance and enemies get a free turn whenever you find them I think I'll pass. Those two issues were immensely upsetting in the first game and became progressively worse as the enemies became stronger.
Yeah, that only works for so long, though.
90% chance to hit on 4 shots, all misses.
The quoted percents were such crap.
And the free move on finding the aliens was straight out AI cheating.
I can't really think of any gameplay reasons it can't work on consoles either, being turn based. So if it's not for technical reasons, and not for gameplay reasons...It's probably just for market reasons, and that's so disappointing now that we're actually starting to see turn based games on consoles again.
There better be a level set on a farm.
I don't care if it's a future farm with hover tractors, just give me a farm
Swing and a miss on two pitches there. The RNG was accurate and the free move was necessary. Why should you get free exposed shots on the aliens?
You don't get a free exposed shot. So I dunno why you're asking that.
Free move sucked. It made most movement options pointless; I don't think I have to argue that removing viable moves in a turn based strategy game isn't the best idea. Hopefully its out this time.
Also the RNG was, in my limited testing, literally inaccurate. As in I actually wrote down the percentages displayed and saw if they lined up with the results - they didn't.
If they didnt get the free move they'd generally be sitting out in the open. The free move lets them get into cover, which the player does anyways as a matter of caution. Also I dont know how it ruined movement options.
I'm not worried about moneyhatting so much as I'm disappointed in console gamers not giving turn based games the love they deserve.
Also the RNG was, in my limited testing, literally inaccurate. As in I actually wrote down the percentages displayed and saw if they lined up with the results - they didn't.
That's not a free exposed shot though, thats me finishing my turn.
Problem was you could never safely (and I'd argue smartly) do anything that exhausted even one of your units unless you had enemies onscreen. Its kind of a weird inverse of what you'd normally think. The best strategy was to slowly creep forward piece by piece, but you don't have to change any plans. You're just doing them slower. In the long run, this doesn't effect the position/use of any character - its not a strategic element. Its just killing the pace.
Its notable this mechanic doesn't go the other way. If the aliens stumble across you, their turn continues uninterrupted. It comes off as compensating, a cop out in which the game doesn't have to ensure aliens are realistically moving between cover themselves, since they'll always have an extra-legal move to position.
And the RNG was, in my limited testing, literally inaccurate. As in I actually wrote down the percentages displayed and saw if they lined up with the results - they didn't.
You're right. It works for so, so long.
i dont understand how you would do this without having a category for each individual %age and tried enough times
XCOM is at the disadvantage in the conflict and it makes you feel the same way by having to "move slow" vs. them not having to. At least IMO.
The RNG was tested for real a few times. Over thousands of samples, the actual percentages matched the stated percentages. This is one summary:
Damn seeing this I REALLY wish we were playing as the other faction and stomping the resistance.
The good news is that someone could mod that in.
Damn seeing this I REALLY wish we were playing as the other faction and stomping the resistance.
Yeah, that only works for so long, though.
That's not a free exposed shot though, thats me finishing my turn.
Problem was you could never safely (and I'd argue smartly) do anything that exhausted even one of your units unless you had enemies onscreen. Its kind of a weird inverse of what you'd normally think. The best strategy was to slowly creep forward piece by piece, but you don't have to change any plans. You're just doing them slower. In the long run, this doesn't effect the position/use of any character - its not a strategic element. Its just killing the pace.
Its notable this mechanic doesn't go the other way. If the aliens stumble across you, their turn continues uninterrupted. It comes off as compensating, a cop out in which the game doesn't have to ensure aliens are realistically moving between cover themselves, since they'll always have an extra-legal move to position.
Game is at its highlight when its a tense back and forth between the two forces, not when I have to constantly wait out enemies I know are just around the corner.
If there were no "free move" for the aliens, you'd have to expect the entire enemy force to be fully active and then you'd have situations like in the original games, where your first "sighting" of an alien might be plasma fire from elements that you had never even seen, or indeed, never even had a chance to see before they burned a hole in one of your lads.
Or one of the chryssalids would just burst from behind a corner and make a lunch of your forward scout before any of your guys even raised a gun.
I don't have any experience with the original game, but I think I'd actually prefer that system. I'll have to give it a try and see.
I'll eagerly await reactions from your first Snakeman terror mission during the night. Edit: This is the expected result:
pretty bold move to go pc exclusive.
I wonder if it'll last or if they will end up doing a console version later that compiles some of the best mods and community content.
Bold? The PC version outsold the 2 console versions combined by multiple times.
Bold? The PC version outsold the 2 console versions combined by multiple times.
XCOM is a grown man's way of playing soldiers vs. aliens with virtual plastic action figures like a seven year old. I still get surprised by the way things play out on virtually every mission.
Give me crazy emergent narrative and heroic feats and heroic fails any day over shitfest console gamer cutscene 'push forward for the feels' total garbage.
edit: +1 for farms. I hope they find a way to get a barn in one of the cities.
Are you like a master strategist by now?
Are you like a master strategist by now?