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XCOM 2 (PC/Mac/Linux, Firaxis, November 2015) announced [Up: New info/screens in OP]

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Weren't all the Aliens attacking Earth in Xcom EU slaves to a more superior Alien entity? Safe to say after the slaves were defeated the Aliens commanding the attackibg slaves took matters into their hands and got the job dobe, nearly anyway.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
What possible reason could they have to do a timed exclusive on PC?

PC was far and away the biggest platform for it. Not to mention if there is any actual way to get user generate content on the consoles I imagine they'd want that machine running by the time they launch it.
Y'know, 2K's recent track record makes me worry for the purity of the XCOM 2 experience. I really hope they don't pollute it with companion apps, pre-order garbage, or ill-conceived DLC. Stick to a core game and expansion(s), and leave the experience whole; no half-measures.


PC was far and away the biggest platform for it. Not to mention if there is any actual way to get user generate content on the consoles I imagine they'd want that machine running by the time they launch it.
That's what I thought, no significant reason that makes any financial sense.
I really enjoyed EU, it was one of the first games I've played on PC.

I always wondered what's the difference between EU and EW? I think it's time to replay it on EW.
Ahh, nice to see Snakemen return! I wonder if Enemy Within stuff will be incorperated into the game? Will we have gene mutation and cybernetic enhancments from the off or are we starting again from scratch?


Weren't all the Aliens attacking Earth in Xcom EU slaves to a more superior Alien entity? Safe to say after the slaves were defeated the Aliens commanding the attackibg slaves took matters into their hands and got the job dobe, nearly anyway.

They were able to enslave countrys in EU/EW and therefore diminish the support for XCOM. It seems like XCOM 2 builds upon that idea,


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm actually kind of excited that it's a PC exclusive. I'm not hugely into strategy games these days but I loved XCOM quite a bit.

It may be blasphemy but I do hope they support gamepads like the original. It worked very well and was more comfortable for a relaxed session.
Ahh, nice to see Snakemen return! I wonder if Enemy Within stuff will be incorperated into the game? Will we have gene mutation and cybernetic enhancments from the off or are we starting again from scratch?
Well probably starting from scratch regardless if it's a later upgrade or not. Gotta have those early poor dog days.

I wouldn't mind to see meld return in at least maybe a minor form, perhaps more minor gene therapy or cybernetics augmentations. Less total transformation and more just minor changes to vision, armrs, legs. Almost like cybernetics and cyberware in Syndicate or Shadowrun.

Though I suppose they could just leave it out. Meld was basically a nanomachine material created or left behind by the transhuman Exalt agents working with the aliens, right? So, if after the aliens won the war, maybe they're gone and no one is leaving meld around anymore. Doesn't really matter I suppose -- it'll be a gameplay design decision and the story will just be there so it makes a bit of sense haha and sounds like they may want to try things like stealth, cover, and momentum in new ways of skills or classes.


I dont see how the fog is any more risky than in the original. They are both scary. A lot of the complaints just seem to be people not thinking through why certain decisions were made, especially ones that disadvantage the player. Though Long War made it so aggressive movements, both before and after contact was much easier and more beneficial. XCOM 2012 base was a campfest. Felt like you were in the trenches of WW1 just with aliens.

It's not that it's actually riskier, it's that it's perceptibly riskier. With no way to anticipate a shot winging out of the darkness, you might as well go and scout; soldiers are largely expendable anyway. But when you reveal and activate in 2012-onwards, you think "Oh, well, I got punished for scouting, because this happened; if I had just turtled, that wouldn't have happened". Long War incentives initial engagement, but before mimic beacons or concealement it heavily disincentivizes fog exploration during combat - terror missions where one blue move from spawn activates four chryssie pods, for instance. You always want aliens to activate on their turn if possible, unless you're getting a shot in off the bat.

Regarding XCOM2, I'm wondering if there will be some kind of time limit factor at play like in Invisible Inc where you're going to get absolutely murdered if you stick around too long and Advent gets to bring in the really, really big guns.
We blew up a ship at the end, that wins a battle. We don't know what happens that causes them to lose the war. Xcom may just have been overwhelmed.

I think the first contact war took a toll on humanity and other alien races attacked us at our weakest, leading to the collapse and pseudo enslavement of humanity.


That's what I thought, no significant reason that makes any financial sense.

There might be plenty of significant reasons:
-much stronger sales of EU/EW on PC than PS360, which leads to...
-unknown sales dynamics of current-gen consoles when the development started. Now we know that PS4 and Xbone record historically very strong numbers, but no one knew it 3 years when they made the decision which platforms to target. Now imagine if those consoles flopped - you'd have a compromised PC version and an insignificant audience on consoles.
-making the game as good as possible on PC means potentially stronger sales on that specific platform than otherwise. Civilization V has sold 7 million copies and is still selling non-trivial amount of copies 5 years after release. Having XCOM achieve a similar evergreen status would be a big gain for 2K and Firaxis
-marketing campaign tailored for enthusiast PC strategy gamers is potentially much cheaper than targeting the mainstream console audience


I dont see how the fog is any more risky than in the original. They are both scary. A lot of the complaints just seem to be people not thinking through why certain decisions were made, especially ones that disadvantage the player. Though Long War made it so aggressive movements, both before and after contact was much easier and more beneficial. XCOM 2012 base was a campfest. Felt like you were in the trenches of WW1 just with aliens.
I never played OG X-Com but from what little I watched most of the time aliens were active and roaming the map but were never grouped in pods like 2012/EW. I think that's the problem, when all of a sudden you make a move and then 4 more aliens take up positions on your turn, suddenly half your men are flanked and have all moved ... it's something you have to work around and get used to, and seeing all the complaints about "free move is BS", it's easy to see people didn't play long enough to work around it.

Not to mention hit chances in OG X-Com seemed really low or distance really factored into everything where taking potshots never amounted to much cause you'd have like sub 40% chances to hit anyway.

Remember that EU2012/EW, at least on the tactical end, plays much more like a boardgame compared to how other games spawned from OG X-Com work using time units/action points for granularity. Just that alone drastically changes the entire fundamentals of everything. I'd be interested how far you could mod the game and if it is possible to "port" OG X-Com rules into the game, for instance.

Not sure if they'll keep the pod system or now that the lower limit of processing power is much greater, we might just have a mix of pods/always active solo or 2 roaming aliens instead of just the pod makeup.
We blew up a ship at the end, that wins a battle. We don't know what happens that causes them to lose the war. Xcom may just have been overwhelmed.

But did we? XCOM2 doesn't have to have the Good ending as canon. Actually, I think its canon XCOM ending is Earth getting infiltrated and XCOM getting shut down before the Mothership even appears.


But did we? XCOM2 doesn't have to have the Good ending as canon. Actually, I think its canon XCOM ending is Earth getting infiltrated and XCOM getting shut down before the Mothership even appears.
The good ending can be canon. It's just that the entire time you were fighting the aliens it was pretty much just a scouting force. You blow up the Temple Ship and then like 2 months later the real fleet arrives and you know you're fucked five ways to Sunday.


It's like if in Independence Day Jeff Goldblum hacks the mothership and it smashes to earth and then two weeks later IDay2 starts
Being PC exclusive is no excuse to not offer full controller support, honestly.

Yes it is. It's a very good reason. In fact, I hope they forget noob sticks exist while producing this game. If they don't take full advantage of what the keyboard and mouse offer that controllers can't. It would be a waste to produce the game for PC only.


Aliens only won because XCOM couldn't build more than one base / send a skyranger to more than one location. That was kind of a joke but I guess it made decision making have consequences overall but didn't make much sense since XCOM is supposed to be this global organization spanning the globe seeing as alien threats do also. Ugh, at least snakemen are making a return. First XCOM felt complete but the story didn't if being compared to the original X-COM which also kind of busts my balls about this sequel.

Take my money already!


Being PC exclusive is no excuse to not offer full controller support, honestly.

A lot of PC exclusives now offer full controller support, the times are changing.

Agreed, in both points, just that I won't be surprised if it doesn't have controller support. The first game controlled fine with a pad, maybe there is something that changes this one and it's part of the reason why it's PC exclusive. Personally I hope it does have support, but if not, I will give that Steam controller a go.


Aliens only won because XCOM couldn't build more than one base / send a skyranger to more than one location.
Aliens won because M/KB controls were half-baked.

So no they are training for the real alien invasion with a PC exclusive game. Good job!



Why it look like it was co-developed for iPad?
Does anyone know what numbers XCOM did on the consoles? I always assumed (baselessly) they bombed, but given the reactions here, it seems there was a pretty strong console audience.


thanks for the laugh
You realize when they release iPad versions they change the UI? XCOM Enemy Within is on iPad, along with Telltale games, etc.

so what makes it look like it's developed for ipad is a UI which is totally unsuitable for tablets but could potentially be changed?


You realize when they release iPad versions they change the UI? XCOM Enemy Within is on iPad, along with Telltale games, etc.

It's a strategy game, it'll target low specs. The look seems consistent with EU apart from a few artstyle changes.

The only strategy game series that pushes graphics is total war.
Being PC exclusive is no excuse to not offer full controller support, honestly.

Especially in November when both the Steam Machines and the Steam Controller will be available for sale. I expect controller support in general and Steam Controller support in particular to be a standard feature for PC games going forward.

Why it look like it was co-developed for iPad?

This is why developers feed us bullshots and "gameplay" trailers.

Does anyone know what numbers XCOM did on the consoles? I always assumed (baselessly) they bombed, but given the reactions here, it seems there was a pretty strong console audience.

Every available data we have seems to indicate that it sold poorly on consoles and great on PC. Maybe Firaxis believes that if they focus on the PC version and don't water it down they mave have another multi-million seller in their hands like Civ V and if, so, I very much agree. Xcom can absolutely become the next big strategy franchise, the core gameplay is timeless and addictive as hell.


Mine is pretty and pink
So how long until this thread isn't just a shithole where half the comments are about how it will surely come to console and comments like "Such douchebags releasing it on PC"?

Discussing the improvements and new mechanics that we know of at this point would be a lot more productive and fun.


so what makes it look like it's developed for ipad is a UI which is totally unsuitable for tablets but could potentially be changed?
What is this leap of logic? If I wasn't talking about the UI (clearly wasn't since I said it has nothing to do with how tablet UI turn out), then look at everything else in the pic. Literally everything else. The graphics, man.
So how long until this thread isn't just a shithole where half the comments are about how it will surely come to console and comments like "Such douchebags releasing it on PC"?

Agreed. Procedurally generated maps is a huge, huge deal, it is what will give the game longevity and replayability in the long term. I just need to know what are Firaxis' plans regarding destructibility of terrain. It's not X-Com until I can shoot a hole in the wall with my gun and drill the alien son of a bitch with my heavy thermic lance!

No sexual undertones intended


Mine is pretty and pink
Agreed. Procedurally generated maps is a huge, huge deal, it is what will give the game longevity and replayability in the long term. I just need to know what are Firaxis' plans regarding destructibility of terrain. It's not X-Com until I can shoot a hole in the wall with my gun and drill the alien son of a bitch with my heavy thermic lance!

No sexual undertones intended

Looked at a video of Hatred (don't kill me) but the destruction in that game is really great and something similar for xcom would be really cool.
I hope that missions (and maps!) can be larger and more elaborate now, with no restrictions on the game.
So how long until this thread isn't just a shithole where half the comments are about how it will surely come to console and comments like "Such douchebags releasing it on PC"?

Discussing the improvements and new mechanics that we know of at this point would be a lot more productive and fun.

Ranger class. Seems to be a rookie, I think? (Can't recall if that I on the class emblem denotes rank or not.) Uses some sort of pump-action shotgun with a back-up sword, which is presumably as deadly as the trailer showed. Hunker down and overwatch are present in the UI. Reload is there. Two airlift/drone abilities are there; presumably the ranger uses drones as their "pet." Drone probably doubles as an auxiliary unit; presumably it is either summoned into battle as a distinct unit or called down for an in-and-out attack as part of the ranger's turn. The slot 5 ability is what mystifies me.

Enemies are not in cover and have not detected the ranger - most likely a scout/patrol in typical "let's chat" mode. Difficult to tell if they're aligning to a grid, though it is highly likely. Four health, probably a low-tier enemy. No cover stuff mentioned at all, though it could explain the huge, flat aim score the ranger has. Both enemies flanked? Perhaps not - the enemy icons only denote one flanked enemy, and he is targetted by the ranger.


Bottom right: three TUs or three shots? An empty backpack with three slots. Lots of threes.
Gah, as much as I love this new XCOM being built around the PC, t'would seem this announcement has caused all the unironic PC Gaming Masterrace sperglords to come out of the woodwork on other forums acting like Enemy Unknown didn't belong on consoles or mobile.

...Ignorant of the fact that the first set of XCOM games with the exception of Apocalypse had console versions, as well as versions for whatever system with a microprocessor in it that Microprose could reasonably port them to.


There might be plenty of significant reasons:
I know, I was asking why it would supposedly come to console after launching on PC first. There is no first party marketing deal to make it a timed exclusive here. It's not going to come out on consoles.


that puzzling face
Y'know, 2K's recent track record makes me worry for the purity of the XCOM 2 experience. I really hope they don't pollute it with companion apps, pre-order garbage, or ill-conceived DLC. Stick to a core game and expansion(s), and leave the experience whole; no half-measures.

The move to PC exclusivity seems to suggest otherwise.

Especially DLC. DLC is a really hard sell when you can mod the game with official sanction.

(That didn't prevent some kooky Civ5 map pack DLC don't get me wrong)

Funky Papa

I'm still baffled by the fact that it'll be out by november.

Did the previous game have such a quick release?

The move to PC exclusivity seems to suggest otherwise.

Especially DLC. DLC is a really hard sell when you can mod the game with official sanction.

(That didn't prevent some kooky Civ5 map pack DLC don't get me wrong)

Yeah. If mod support is robust, this game is going to have some serious legs.
The move to PC exclusivity seems to suggest otherwise.

Especially DLC. DLC is a really hard sell when you can mod the game with official sanction.

(That didn't prevent some kooky Civ5 map pack DLC don't get me wrong)
You raise a very good point - one that I hadn't considered at all.

This is very good.


Yes please! Enemy Unknown/Within was absolutely fantastic old-school PC gaming.

Oddly, I do hope that it has decent controller support even being PC only. I spent most of my playtime with EW on the sofa.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm still baffled by the fact that it'll be out by november.

Did the previous game have such a quick release?

There were about 9 months between announcement and release. Long-term marketing campaigns are becoming increasingly unnecessary in this day and age, especially on the PC due to the overwhelming preference for digital distribution, so it's not entirely surprising that the game is only a few months out -- a few positive previews here and there is really all you need.
Especially DLC. DLC is a really hard sell when you can mod the game with official sanction.

You can mod almost anything in a Paradox game and those DLCs have an absurd attach rate. As long as the DLC improves on the core game and isn't some sideshow, people will buy it.


You can mod almost anything in a Paradox game and those DLCs have an absurd attach rate. As long as the DLC improves on the core game and isn't some sideshow, people will buy it.

Jep, i doubt mods negatively impact DLC sales, even cosmetic stuff sells if it's well made.

The game having a longer shelf life due to mods will arguably help selling expansions if anything.


that puzzling face
You can mod almost anything in a Paradox game and those DLCs have an absurd attach rate. As long as the DLC improves on the core game and isn't some sideshow, people will buy it.

We were discussing shitty DLC.

Like the Civ5 map packs

Which happened anyway



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
It's not that it's actually riskier, it's that it's perceptibly riskier. With no way to anticipate a shot winging out of the darkness, you might as well go and scout; soldiers are largely expendable anyway. But when you reveal and activate in 2012-onwards, you think "Oh, well, I got punished for scouting, because this happened; if I had just turtled, that wouldn't have happened". Long War incentives initial engagement, but before mimic beacons or concealement it heavily disincentivizes fog exploration during combat - terror missions where one blue move from spawn activates four chryssie pods, for instance. You always want aliens to activate on their turn if possible, unless you're getting a shot in off the bat.

Regarding XCOM2, I'm wondering if there will be some kind of time limit factor at play like in Invisible Inc where you're going to get absolutely murdered if you stick around too long and Advent gets to bring in the really, really big guns.

Nah. You use battle scanners for proactive fog movement.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I never played OG X-Com but from what little I watched most of the time aliens were active and roaming the map but were never grouped in pods like 2012/EW. I think that's the problem, when all of a sudden you make a move and then 4 more aliens take up positions on your turn, suddenly half your men are flanked and have all moved ... it's something you have to work around and get used to, and seeing all the complaints about "free move is BS", it's easy to see people didn't play long enough to work around it.

Not to mention hit chances in OG X-Com seemed really low or distance really factored into everything where taking potshots never amounted to much cause you'd have like sub 40% chances to hit anyway.

Remember that EU2012/EW, at least on the tactical end, plays much more like a boardgame compared to how other games spawned from OG X-Com work using time units/action points for granularity. Just that alone drastically changes the entire fundamentals of everything. I'd be interested how far you could mod the game and if it is possible to "port" OG X-Com rules into the game, for instance.

Not sure if they'll keep the pod system or now that the lower limit of processing power is much greater, we might just have a mix of pods/always active solo or 2 roaming aliens instead of just the pod makeup.

If it was possible to port the rules people would have done it already.
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