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XCOM 2 (PC/Mac/Linux, Firaxis, November 2015) announced [Up: New info/screens in OP]

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It's okay guys, someone will just mod EU2012 or XCom94 back into XCOM 2 anyway

First mod will be the loadout music in EU for XCOM2
Maybe, but I suspect Rules of Nature and As My Body Dries (Don't Lose Your Way) will be high on the list, along with accompanying character models.

Maybe even Pillar Men theme music for the Ethereals.
This might not be the best thread for it but worth a shot.

So I loved the last XCOM game. And I ABSOLUTELY loved Shadowrun (getting HK when it releases).

What other games are in the same type of genre? PC only. Something not very old preferably.
This might not be the best thread for it but worth a shot.

So I loved the last XCOM game. And I ABSOLUTELY loved Shadowrun (getting HK when it releases).

What other games are in the same type of genre? PC only. Something not very old preferably.

Well, if you don't mind turn-based stealth, Invisible Inc. is currently a weekend deal on Steam. Might be worth a look.
This might not be the best thread for it but worth a shot.

So I loved the last XCOM game. And I ABSOLUTELY loved Shadowrun (getting HK when it releases).

What other games are in the same type of genre? PC only. Something not very old preferably.
Valkyria Chronicles, although there's some weird stuff (the game's scoring system is biased towards speed, odd hitboxes, gun tech trees that heavily favor accuracy over other attributes) that kinda get in the way, plus if you don't like anime, you might not get past that.

That said, there's a super heavy rebalance mod out for it now that fixes some of that.


This might not be the best thread for it but worth a shot.

So I loved the last XCOM game. And I ABSOLUTELY loved Shadowrun (getting HK when it releases).

What other games are in the same type of genre? PC only. Something not very old preferably.

I think Divinity Original Sin and Pillar's of Eternity are worth checking out if you love those games. Maybe Wasteland 2 as well, I haven't played that enough.


This might not be the best thread for it but worth a shot.

So I loved the last XCOM game. And I ABSOLUTELY loved Shadowrun (getting HK when it releases).

What other games are in the same type of genre? PC only. Something not very old preferably.

Legends of Eisenwald is a recent one that came out, and Lords of Xulima. Both were kind of overlooked. Otherwise Divinity and Pillars of Eternity or M&MX if you like first person stuff.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Arma Tactics is extremely janky but you should be able to find it cheaply. For what I paid for it, I had fun.


This might not be the best thread for it but worth a shot.

So I loved the last XCOM game. And I ABSOLUTELY loved Shadowrun (getting HK when it releases).

What other games are in the same type of genre? PC only. Something not very old preferably.
The Silent Storm games should be right up your alley. They're pretty janky but they also have features that few other games have.

And of course, there's Xenonauts - it's pretty much a straight remake of the very first X-Com game, but with updated graphics and creature comforts.
If you enjoyed XCOM and Shadowrun, especially the sci-fi, technology, and both tactical gameplay and role playing management, Satellite Reign releases soon. It's real-time rather than turn-based, but I think with the cover system it's still tactical, and the unit management, upgrades, missions, and general cyberpunk setting should still appeal. It's the spiritual successor to Syndicate.

And, of course, Hong Kong for Shadowrun comes out soon, too.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Picked up Inv Inc. Absolutely loving it so far.

Gonna pick up Silent Storm as well. I remember wanting to get it back when I was playing Commanods 2 or 3 cause it sounded good. Never got around to it.

PoE and D OS were already on the list. Satellite Reign looks interesting too.

Should keep me busy for a while.
Any info or rumors on the price?

$49.99 would be my guess.

I'm kind of skeptical of that projected November release date tho. I know decent amount has been shown but I would expect to see a little bit more gameplay footage by now. Three months is not that long :/

Also from some interviews it seems like the devs aren't really commenting on committing to any time frame for release.
$49.99 would be my guess.

I'm kind of skeptical of that projected November release date tho. I know decent amount has been shown but I would expect to see a little bit more gameplay footage by now. Three months is not that long :/

Also from some interviews it seems like the devs aren't really commenting on committing to any time frame for release.

I hope it hits the Nov release date. This is the only game i'm looking forward to this year


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
This is the only game I've looked forward to in years.

Because I still feel "guilty" about getting XCOM for free when I preordered Bioshock Infinite, I'm willing to put up with any price they charge me. Hell, I even bought the Elite Soldier Pack to try to make amends.

I'm sceptical about the November release date as well. But this is more down to the last few years of the industry making me sceptical about release dates more than anything else.

Funky Papa

I haven't been this excited since the announcement of Diablo 3. Good thing XCOM2 is looking incredible, whereas I knew Diablo 3 was going to be a dog since the first screencaps popped up.
I'm sceptical about the November release date as well. But this is more down to the last few years of the industry making me sceptical about release dates more than anything else.

Firaxis is really good about making their dates when they are announced. I wouldn't worry about the game being delayed.
Mobile base movements and deciding which areas to liberate, the new staffing system, and the alien army having its own skill tree and more contextual or reactive Dark Events the deployments based on your actions all sound wiz.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I hope my laptop can run it. (i5-2450m, 8GB RAM, 540M)

It ran Enemy Unknown perfectly, but Enemy Within stutters during multi-layered maps.
Wow that was a great interview, it goes way beyond just base building. I haven't been following the game too closely so maybe it's been said before but there were a ton of things I learned from that.

Yeah, please give that interviewer a raise/job security. There's not enough nice things to be said about how huge (and painfully obvious) it is when the interviewer actually gives a fuck about the thing they're talking about rather than just drawing it randomly out of the Media Outlet Assignments Hat.


I'm currently neck deep in a Long War addiction, so I should be finished by about the time XCOM2 comes out. Not really worried about burnout. I for some reason never get tired of XCOM.


From everything they're saying, I think this game is going to do the impossible and be a better game than JA2.

Kind of unbelievable how much they've managed to add to this game.
Combat systems and tactical map would have to be overhauled for that to happen. No more jrpg-like attacks.
What do you mean by that? The close up camera shots? Those can be turned off.

Either that or they mean replacing the chance-based hit mechanic with something more "modern" (and I cannot put enough contempt and disdain in my voice when I use that word). This trend of modern games removing the distinction between player skill and character skill is obnoxious (I'm looking at you, Oblivion and Skyrim), and I will be sorely disappointed if XCOM 2 does anything of the sort.
Either that or they mean replacing the chance-based hit mechanic with something more "modern" (and I cannot put enough contempt and disdain in my voice when I use that word). This trend of modern games removing the distinction between player skill and character skill is obnoxious.

Player skill at XCOM is not tested at the character level, but at the squad level. Planning and sequencing your moves on the tactical layer such that you compensate for a wide set of RNG outcomes is the primary means of player skill testing under Firaxis' system.


Yeah, it bugs me when people complain about the hard percentages in XCOM's combat. The point of the game is to prepare for inevitable tragedy and take steps to minimize its impact. The all or nothing aiming system feeds directly into it.

I like that the player is expected to lose battles here and there and it's not the end of the world.
Player skill at XCOM is not tested at the character level, but at the squad level. Planning and sequencing your moves on the tactical layer such that you compensate for a wide set of RNG outcomes is the primary means of player skill testing under Firaxis' system.

Yes, I'm aware, and that's fine. I was following up on a response to the "no more jrpg-like attacks" comment, which may be complaining about the fact that hit is chance based. The modern trend is to remove anything that is purely character skill. See the trend in the mainline JRPGs, moving them from turn based to real time, and the many, many changes from Morrowind to Oblivion/Skyrim making it so player skill was emphasized and character skill was de-emphasized. I hate this change with a passion, and if, for some absurd reason, they decided to let player skill directly affect if your soldiers hit or not (by, say, having some momentary real-time section where you aim the shot, and if you get the crosshairs on the enemy, you hit), it would almost completely destroy my interest in this game. Fortunately, there's no evidence that these guys are stupid enough to make such a change.


Yeah, if you look at the left side of the bottom UI in targeting mode, there's a whole list of conditions that affect the character's aim, in glorious percentages. So, this game is all character skill for that.
Either that or they mean replacing the chance-based hit mechanic with something more "modern" (and I cannot put enough contempt and disdain in my voice when I use that word). This trend of modern games removing the distinction between player skill and character skill is obnoxious (I'm looking at you, Oblivion and Skyrim), and I will be sorely disappointed if XCOM 2 does anything of the sort.

This is why I think they made a good call ditching free aim. The incongruity of aiming directly at a target and missing (especially in a 3rd person view point) would really hurt them with some people; selecting a target has a very different connotation.

This is why Bethesda is increasing the player skill factor; because even if your character's supposed to be shit with a rifle, aiming in first or third person and having it miss regardless of your actions is just obnoxious. ME got much better when it dialed back the use of dice in combat as well.
This is why I think they made a good call ditching free aim. The incongruity of aiming directly at a target and missing (especially in a 3rd person view point) would really hurt them with some people; selecting a target has a very different connotation.

This is why Bethesda is increasing the player skill factor; because even if your character's supposed to be shit with a rifle, aiming in first or third person and having it miss regardless of your actions is just obnoxious. ME got much better when it dialed back the use of dice in combat as well.

I will begrudgingly give them the combat adjustments, even though I never found Morrowind's combat to be nearly as obnoxious as a lot of people, but crap like the stupid persuasion and lockpicking minigames were terrible. What does it matter if my character's skill is only at 5 if my skill lets me open basically any lock anyway?
I will begrudgingly give them the combat adjustments, even though I never found Morrowind's combat to be nearly as obnoxious as a lot of people, but crap like the stupid persuasion and lockpicking minigames were terrible. What does it matter if my character's skill is only at 5 if my skill lets me open basically any lock anyway?

Oh, yeah, no question about that. Fuck the minigames.


What do you mean by that? The close up camera shots? Those can be turned off.
No, the lack of decently modelled line of fire and ballistics. From that perspective XCOM: EW felt more like a jrpg than a fully fledged tactical game like JA2 and Silent Storm. Compared to those games XCOM's tactical combat model feels cheap. Feels like they took the easy route.

Also needs more targeting options and related effects.

Action Points need to make a return. Don't care what anyone says, the current system lacks depth and overly streamlines combat. No console audience, so they should return to a better system, IMO. Don't worry defense force, they won't do that, though.

No, it will take years of modding for XCOM 2 to come close to ja2. And only if the tools are capable and ja2 modders are on board.

Still excited for the game, though. Didn't care for vanilla EW and EU, but Long War made them into worthwhile tactical games.


I just saw this thread, how did I miss this (too much Smash 4 for me)... Really looking forward to this game, I just hope since it's PC exclusive, at least at first, that they'll have a fast forward button during enemy movement. Or that that can be modded in. I spent way too much time waiting for movement and animations, including the delay when activating overwatch. Mods kind of fixed that in the original version, but I want to play this when it comes out, not wait for it to get fixed.


I don't know if this already posted or not, but you can pre-purchase the game on steam now. Pre-Purchase Offer is resistance warrior pack (custom outfits)
and enemy within and shit is on sale so you can play long war for 10 dollars if you own nothing, or 7.50 if you just need the expansion

XCOM 2 was the only game I was looking forward to this year, but with the delay it gives me more time to get into TLW for the first time
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