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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control

Patch of the forever:

Fixed the camera handling on indoors
Fixed the free aiming (YES!)
Crazy performance optimization. Its running butter smooth now (60fps)

The performance really has been increased, night and day difference for me. Glad to see they're using system feedback.


I'm going to patch it right now. Great game. I'm on my first run - PC/Normal/22 hours of playtime - and I'm loving it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Does the second point means what I think it means?
It fixed all my issues free aiming rockets and grenades.

And really the performance improvement was huge for me.


New Ironman impossible from Beaglerush.


Best (worst?) episode yet.

NOOOOOOOOOO! Watched every episode and that game went from being absolutely in control to gone when 2 zombies and 2 cryssalids walked into range. Not even on the same turn! God, that's frustrating. And to think, he revived 2 soldiers there and had one that didn't bleed out and lost all 3 of them because he had to abort.

I guess he could have saved the rockets? It was a close call though. You got 3 heavies and he took an extra turn trying to save them... I would have fired the rockets too, probably earlier.


Currently clearing a supply ship with 6 alloy shivs. I don't know why I never tried that before. :D

This game needs shiv costumization and specialisation.
Can rifles now target cars?

Also, someone explain to me how tactical flanking works. When you fire and miss a target in one turn, does it lower the evasive rate of that target enough for a second player to land a hit?


What's tactical flanking? Just like regular flanking?

EDIT: got the game failed bug when finishing the game. It may have happened because I failed the mission just before the last one. Replaying the last stage is no use, I had to load a much older save, and the bug didn't occur at the end of the game.
What I meant was if there was any silverlining to failed attacks. If you fire at a target and miss, are your chances at hitting the same target in the same turn increased by another soldier if he is able to line up an attack?


What I meant was if there was any silverlining to failed attacks. If you fire at a target and miss, are your chances at hitting the same target in the same turn increased by another soldier if he is able to line up an attack?
Nope. Heavies can learn Holo-Targeting (shooting at or suppressing enemies also confers +10 Aim to any allies’ attacks on those enemies,) and Suppression (can fire a special shot that grants reaction fire at a single target. The target also suffers a -30 Aim penalty). Supports can learn Suppression, too.
Im still struggling on the first month. Right now, I'm able to access basic armor and medikits. Since I only have 4 soldiers in my unit, what should my loadout consist of? Should I have at least 1 medikit? My soldiers can't aim for shit, and I'm relying heavily on grenades.

It pisses me off that even at 60 percent, your soldiers can't aim worth shit.

Is it even worth making the move at 60 percent knowing that it opens you up to an attack?

Is basic armor worth the investment?

I fucking hate having to play so defensively. When can I begin playing more aggressively?

Also, I'm finding that levelling up is much slower on classic than it is on normal? Do grenade kills net you less xp than rifle kills?

Carapace Armor
Laser Firearms

Which are the most important investments early on in the game for those struggling with 4 man team?
Im still struggling on the first month. Right now, I'm able to access basic armor and medikits. Since I only have 4 soldiers in my unit, what should my loadout consist of? Should I have at least 1 medikit? My soldiers can't aim for shit, and I'm relying heavily on grenades.

It pisses me off that even at 60 percent, your soldiers can't aim worth shit.

Is it even worth making the move at 60 percent knowing that it opens you up to an attack?

Is basic armor worth the investment?

I fucking hate having to play so defensively. When can I begin playing more aggressively?

Also, I'm finding that levelling up is much slower on classic than it is on normal? Do grenade kills net you less xp than rifle kills?

Carapace Armor
Laser Firearms

Which are the most important investments early on in the game for those struggling with 4 man team?
I always go straight for scopes, and save armor for much later. Stick to full cover unless you absolutely can't, and you sure as hell shouldn't be taking those 60% shots from anything less than full cover.

Also, a comparison that I keep bringing up because it works for me: missing a lot at 60% seems like bullshit, but imagine if you had a 40% crit chance. It wouldn't surprise you at all to get a lot of crits then, would it?

You start with an Officer Training School in normal mode, right? This might be a bit of a stretch, but the seemingly reduced xp might be because you're accustomed to having the +XP upgrade much sooner.
I always go straight for scopes, and save armor for much later. Stick to full cover unless you absolutely can't, and you sure as hell shouldn't be taking those 60% shots from anything less than full cover.

How does the cover system work? I notice the shield icons, where they're either full or half full. I'm assuming that the full shields give you perfect covering.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking perfect cover behind trees and gated walls? Does it diminish your aim? Why have I been hit even when taking cover behind them?

Can you achieve perfect cover for half shielded terrain when you enter the command that increases your cover at the cost of your soldier's line of sight?

One other point to make in all of this is how posters have encourages me to flank the enemies. That's much easier said than done. In my experience, taking this tact rouses more aliens, gets my soldier cut down by an alien on overwatch, or there's simply not enough terrain on the map to effectively reach a desired position. What am I doing wrong?


Cover is simply a flat defense bonus. Low Cover, noted with the half shield is +20% Defense and High Cover, which is the full shield, is +40%. Being in the cover also lowers the chance of a critical hit significantly. If you Hunker Down, you double the cover defense bonus, making it +40%/+80% respectively.

You defense value is subtracted directly from the aliens' Aim stat when considering if they hit. Different aliens have different Aim stats, of course, but Hunkering Down behind High Cover inside smoke from a Smoke Grenade will make you nearly unhittable. So if you do that, expect the aliens to throw a grenade if they have one. They're clever like that...

You flank someone if you are on the same side of cover as they are. It's actually pretty complicated, but the rule of thumb is that if you draw a line along the cover and get on the same side of that line as the alien is, and have a clear line of sight to it, you'll be flanking it. Flanked units have a yellow shield icon and lose their cover defense bonus and critical hit defense towards the unit flanking them.
Patch of the forever:
  • Fixed the camera handling on indoors
  • Fixed the free aiming (YES!)
  • Crazy performance optimization. Its running butter smooth now (60fps)

Is this patch out for consoles as well?

*saw on the last page it is. Has anyone on console noticed improvements?
Cover just provides a flat % reduction to enemy's aim, so long as they aren't flanking you. High cover is 40%, low cover is 20%. Hunker Down doubles those values, iirc. What you hide behind doesn't matter -- whether it's a wall, a tree, a fence, whatever -- all that matters is the shield icon. Shooting from behind cover doesn't help or hinder your aim in any way.

Flanking is definitely something that I'd advise against. It can be really effective, but unless you know exactly what you're doing, you're probably just going to end up fucking yourself over.
Cover just provides a flat % reduction to enemy's aim, so long as they aren't flanking you. High cover is 40%, low cover is 20%. Hunker Down doubles those values, iirc. What you hide behind doesn't matter -- whether it's a wall, a tree, a fence, whatever -- all that matters is the shield icon. Shooting from behind cover doesn't help or hinder your aim in any way.

Flanking is definitely something that I'd advise against. It can be really effective, but unless you know exactly what you're doing, you're probably just going to end up fucking yourself over.

I understand playing defensively in this game is a given, but is this how it's going to be all throughout classic difficulty? I'd like to be able to play more aggressively as I progress.

An analogy I use is Halo's Legendary difficulty setting. It's not fun when playing without a sniper rifle and constantly taking cover to allow my shields to regenerate is not an option. Heroic is a fair middle ground.

Is classic a fair middle ground, in that it gets easier as I progress, or is the game obnoxiously cynical to the players with overpowered A.I. and cheap tactics? I love a challenge, but I don't want to waste my time playing against Deep Blue here.


The difficulty curve is much the same as it is on normal. Provided you have sufficient satellite coverage and your squad isn't made of of rookies (because you come home with half your squad or less each mission, or something) it will get easier. Carapace armor alone will help tremendously. Laser weapons will even the playing field further and once you can wield plasma weapons your guys are going to be just about as unstoppable as they are on normal.
The main thing the difficulty settings change is how difficult it is to get to that moment (with Impossible also being dependent on getting lucky here and there). Once the scales tip in your favour they tend to stay that way.
I understand playing defensively in this game is a given, but is this how it's going to be all throughout classic difficulty? I'd like to be able to play more aggressively as I progress.

An analogy I use is Halo's Legendary difficulty setting. It's not fun when playing without a sniper rifle and constantly taking cover to allow my shields to regenerate is not an option. Heroic is a fair middle ground.

Is classic a fair middle ground, in that it gets easier as I progress, or is the game obnoxiously cynical to the players with overpowered A.I. and cheap tactics? I love a challenge, but I don't want to waste my time playing against Deep Blue here.
You can be aggressive while sticking to full cover. Just don't be a dummy about it. The AI isn't really overpowered or cheap, especially on Classic.


Im still struggling on the first month. Right now, I'm able to access basic armor and medikits. Since I only have 4 soldiers in my unit, what should my loadout consist of? Should I have at least 1 medikit? My soldiers can't aim for shit, and I'm relying heavily on grenades.

It pisses me off that even at 60 percent, your soldiers can't aim worth shit.

Is it even worth making the move at 60 percent knowing that it opens you up to an attack?

Is basic armor worth the investment?

I fucking hate having to play so defensively. When can I begin playing more aggressively?

Also, I'm finding that levelling up is much slower on classic than it is on normal? Do grenade kills net you less xp than rifle kills?

Carapace Armor
Laser Firearms

Which are the most important investments early on in the game for those struggling with 4 man team?

I go scopes first (though i don't use them that much anymore) then laser and carapace last. One shotting aliens is important imo and laser weapons are cheap. There are no bad upgrades though, so it comes down to playstyle.

taking a 60% shot is situational, how is your cover, how many enemies are there, how many other soldiers can shoot after you take the shot? these are all things that determine if taking the shot is worth it or not, more often than not i take them if there are only one or two aliens on screen.

Also, while building satelites is your highest priority it is possible to build the officer training school in the first month/early second month. The upgrade to 5 soldiers is cheap, keeping a soldier alive to get to seargent is the difficult part.

Lastly playing aggressively is not a good idea early game and still pretty risky later on. Wait at least until you have lasers + better amor, a bigger squad, suppression, more smokes and upgraded assaults (lightning reflexes) and snipers.


So... am I the only one getting teleporting enemies? Like, a sectopod was inside the UFO one turn, the next it's right among my troops. Happened also with a sectoid commander...
Ok i'm back into my ironman Classic... May the lords of xcom have grace on me and my ps3.

God damn it :'(, playing on ironman is masochism and I don't think I like that.


So... am I the only one getting teleporting enemies? Like, a sectopod was inside the UFO one turn, the next it's right among my troops. Happened also with a sectoid commander...

it's pretty rare, happens most often with patroling enemies: floaters and mutons.


it's pretty rare, happens most often with patroling enemies: floaters and mutons.
It's a bitch, I can't imagine how pissed would I be if a sectopod teleports in ironman mode or something.

Also, I did a rookies mission but forgot to bring a single sniper. It wasn't pretty.


Finished the game on Normal last night. I feel this game. Best of the year.

Started Classic Ironman right after. How can anyone can complete that.....it's crazy.
Finished the game on Normal last night. I feel this game. Best of the year.

Started Classic Ironman right after. How can anyone can complete that.....it's crazy.

I finished normal about 2 weeks ago. It's been a good two weeks of trial and error to get to be reasonable at classic. The curve is tough but it's very rewarding. I was ready to give up for a while there but Im glad I didn't.
Does anyone know of a reason why the game would activate a 30fps lock at higher resolutions.

I'm finding this a bit strange to be honest, if I go to 2560x1600 the game gets locked at 30. Not, 28ish-32ish, just flat out 30. I thought at first that it was just my card that couldn't handle it but the fact that it doesn't fluctuate around makes me really suspicious it's not some hidden lock somewhere.


xcom enemy unknown - what starts out as a 'fuck yeah! i'm gonna kill all aliens' game soon turns into a resource management game where you are trying to balance finances to build weapons or facilities, research to take alien technology or biology and use it to your advantage, keeping each nation un-paniced and happy, and god knows what else. There is nothing quite like seeing your customized soldiers whom are family members that have leveled-up through previous missions get blown to smitherines, leaving you to face the next mission with a bunch of no-talent rookies. This game is going to consume me like nothing except for civilization, left4dead and 'caw mode' do. Go buy this game! If I wasn't poor I would gladly pay £30 right now on steam. And when Karl is willing to part with money, that tells ya how good it is.


Does anyone know of a reason why the game would activate a 30fps lock at higher resolutions.

I'm finding this a bit strange to be honest, if I go to 2560x1600 the game gets locked at 30. Not, 28ish-32ish, just flat out 30. I thought at first that it was just my card that couldn't handle it but the fact that it doesn't fluctuate around makes me really suspicious it's not some hidden lock somewhere.
If you have vsync enabled, the game will drop straight from 60 to 30 to 15 FPS with nothing in between.

Either disable vsync or use d3doverrider to enable vsync + triple buffering.
If you have vsync enabled, the game will drop straight from 60 to 30 to 15 FPS with nothing in between.

Either disable vsync or use d3doverrider to enable vsync + triple buffering.

Cheers! That was it.

Game is running at around 50-55 @ 2560*1600, didn't see much tearing.


Finished the game on Normal last night. I feel this game. Best of the year.

Started Classic Ironman right after. How can anyone can complete that.....it's crazy.

I beat it yesterday...

All about that luck in the beginning.

Oh and overwatch.


I haven't posted in a bit (since I completed Classic Ironman mode), but as a quick update - I am now on the last mission in Impossible Ironman with a save game right at the beginning of the assault... I haven't played the game in a couple of days, mostly because I know that this is going to end horribly, terribly wrong, but I've got 4 of the best beers in the world at my disposal and about 3 hours of free time. Wish me luck everyone - I'm going to need it.


Rodent Whores
I haven't posted in a bit (since I completed Classic Ironman mode), but as a quick update - I am now on the last mission in Impossible Ironman with a save game right at the beginning of the assault... I haven't played the game in a couple of days, mostly because I know that this is going to end horribly, terribly wrong, but I've got 4 of the best beers in the world at my disposal and about 3 hours of free time. Wish me luck everyone - I'm going to need it.

Beat it and I'll let you in on a little secret!


Squad sight nerfed. Overwatch will no longer let you shoot through solid geometry when triggering spawns. I think.

It's funny watching enemies "roam" with the battle scanner. I guess that explains teleport spawns.

I'm ready to finally finish classic ironman. First two months are hard, the rest is simple with only a few spikes.

All in all, game is good but simple and shallow.


Yeah, the squad sight thing is a huge fix.

I'm not sure if it's squad sight that was the bugged or if it was a larger LOS problem, but either way, you gotta move your snipers more now. :p
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