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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


Hit a frustrating bug last night. Basically had a mission come up, assigned the squad and sent them out. They arrive and so I click "Begin Assault." Instead of beginning the assault it actually takes me back to mission control. The 5 soldiers I had sent on the mission are now forever on mission for some reason.

Losing a whole squad like this fucking sucks.

Nonetheless, I still am loving this game so far. Waited a long time for an update to classic X-Com and this one is coming through so far. May just start entirely over tonight cause I can't stand the sight of soldiers on my roster just locked in "On Mission" status for no reason.


Yea you can heal as long as you equip a soldier with a medkit, which you'll have to manufacture. The soldier can use it on his comrades too, you can heal a wound or stablize an unconscious soldier. Each medkit gets one use per mission though, so use wisely. Not sure if there are better future medkits that become available

You can upgrade your medkits to heal more HP, and one of the upgrade paths of your support class is to use it up to 3 times per mission.
So...this is basically the first game that has crippled my PC. What the fuck? During the Skyranger cut scene the frame rate drops to like 2 and it can't even complete playing it.

Is this a known issue? I have a GTX 570, just built the machine last year and have not yet had to lower any settings for any game.

Also, the demo ran like butter but this just fucking chugs. What gives!?

Same on a radeon 4890 I don't understand why the game runs at sub 30 most of the time.


Same on a radeon 4890 I don't understand why the game runs at sub 30 most of the time.

I'm on the latest beta drivers, I'm going to try rolling back to the latest ones and see if that fixes it when I get home. If not, I'm just gonna have to stick to Dishonored until it gets resolved. No way I'm suffering through that and ruining the experience.


Gold Member
You can upgrade your medkits to heal more HP, and one of the upgrade paths of your support class is to use it up to 3 times per mission.

Nice, If I can ever keep anyone alive long enough to get promoted that will be pretty usefull haha


Nice, If I can ever keep anyone alive long enough to get promoted that will be pretty usefull haha

Hehe. I had one of my veterans get crit down to 1hp. I immediately dashed him back to the end of the map and hunkered down for the rest of the mission. I wasn't going to lose him even if it meant doing the rest of the mission with 4 guys!
The one unit I've managed to keep alive across this classic playthrough is an assault class, and I'm very thankful that the high rank abilities turn assaults into tanks because this is the one thing I'd rage at losing at this point. But with 22 health and being immune to crits, if she dies it's because I did something really stupid.
Hehe. I had one of my veterans get crit down to 1hp. I immediately dashed him back to the end of the map and hunkered down for the rest of the mission. I wasn't going to lose him even if it meant doing the rest of the mission with 4 guys!

That is sound tactical advice, I"ve bugged out on missions because of that very fact.

Also, I had just gotten OTS, so if I lost the sargeant I wouldn't be able to do the 5 man upgrade which has been pretty key to turning the tide. It's also meant that more guys get exp and level up, which has kept me from the rookie barrage.

Until this most recent wipe, I'm pretty sure I'm fucked now.


Gold Member
I'm at the point where if I lose any of my A team I'm reloading saves. I'm just too damn attached to them. They're my babies.

That's exactly why I started my game with Ironman on, and in Classic difficulty (I'm guilty of doing that same stuff in the original games). These soldiers are Earth's last chance, and they're going to die trying defending us.

My first sniper to join the ranks, who was quickly showing promise by scoring a long range headshot, blown to pieces the next round by a shot passing through two windows of a building. The rookie who killed two aliens, got hit, panicked, and then while panicking destroyed the very alien who shot him, a tragic pile of dust on the ground shortly after.

It's my new favorite way to enjoy the game, probably part of the reason I found Kirkman's comics so interesting, the heroes make mistakes and fall. But everyone else presses on, until there's nothing left! :)

Hari Seldon

Yeah I'm going to join the Ironman crew I think. I was going to play just the tutorial on Normal, and then restart, but I kept playing. But yeah, I'd probably have more fun on Ironman.


So I need to restart my walkthrough due to not even know I had to manually save. But I liked the experience of no save so I want to start in Ironman now.

Is there a was to play Normal Iroman and skip tuorial on xbox ? I dont think Ive seen that option.

Also, is there any disavantage to recruit soldiers only when I need them ?
That's exactly why I started my game with Ironman on, and in Classic difficulty (I'm guilty of doing that same stuff in the original games). These soldiers are Earth's last chance, and they're going to die trying defending us.

My first sniper to join the ranks, who was quickly showing promise by scoring a long range headshot, blown to pieces the next round by a shot passing through two windows of a building. The rookie who killed two aliens, got hit, panicked, and then while panicking destroyed the very alien who shot him, a tragic pile of dust on the ground shortly after.

It's my new favorite way to enjoy the game, probably part of the reason I found Kirkman's comics so interesting, the heroes make mistakes and fall. But everyone else presses on, until there's nothing left! :)

Kinda wishing I hadnt just quit out earlier. I ende dup fighting something like 9 mutons at once and using various rockets I managed to take them out but I lost one of my best close range guys and my best healer (blew him up by accident).

Should have just toughed it out, its the first time ive reloaded in the whole game and Ive lost guys before.. no idea why I felt the need to do it now :\


Classic (as in the original) X-com players… is there anything you miss or changes you dislike?

Before going in, I really thought I would miss the inventory management in-mission. However, I think it was a wise choice to take this out as I used to spend so much time at the start of each mission equipping all my soldiers before even stepping out of the Skyranger / Avenger. I’m sure they could have improved on the inventory management system, but going with the simple system they went with is much more user-friendly. What I do miss is being able to pick up a dead soldiers weapon / item (or an alien weapon) when getting low on ammo or needing an item they had. I guess unlimited ammo helps with that a bit.

The other thing I think I will miss is the base attacks. One of my favorite moments of the original is that I didn’t know my base could be attacked, so all my soldiers were out on a mission except for one wounded soldier (my brother) that had to be left behind. When my base was attacked, I defended the base “Die Hard” style, taking out all the aliens one by one with that single soldier. Another great part of base attacks was playing the mission in a map that you assembled yourself. It was cool to suddenly be playing a mission in something that I created and that you used to run your entire operation. Again though, I see why they made this change since there is only one base and it would suck to lose your game that way.

Anyways, I’m loving this game so far and even though the original will always be in my Top 10, it feels good to play a 2012 version.
It's a shame they don't let you control class promotions, it makes it difficult to experiment with different combinations because they balance it out so you get close to an even amount of everything. I want to try out a squad of assaults and supports, but getting enough of those classes is more of a hassle than it should be.


I've been wrecking everything since rushing to lasers, but I know that isn't gonna last too long. Those Mutons are just around the corner I can FEEL it.

In the meantime I'm training up a bullet swarm/HEAT ammo heavy. I haven't lost any soldiers in a long time and I don't feel like having a Cyberdisc ruin my day when they start appearing.


It's my new favorite way to enjoy the game, probably part of the reason I found Kirkman's comics so interesting, the heroes make mistakes and fall. But everyone else presses on, until there's nothing left! :)

They're certainly a depressing read, that's for sure.

I have always liked games where once your character is gone then they're gone for good (e.g. Tactics Ogre) but the Ironman setting really makes it awesome since I can't go many missions back and do everything differently. Also, this game isn't fucking around.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So what's the situation with the inclusion of 1080p movies not being used by the game?

I can see very clearly that I'm only getting 720p videos on my system. I know there is a workaround but I'm wondering if the developers are aware of this bug? The 720p videos are quite hideous and there are a LOT of them. I can't believe how often they cut to video. :\
I think this is one of the first games Ive ever played where "everything going to shit" is a complete pleasure (not while it's happening though lol). Love reading everyone's stories about things going good.... going good.... going good..... team wipe!

Beaten quite a few missions, but may start over. Spent to much money to fast I think. Getting to a point where one person is living per mission, so every new mission filled with stronger enemies, Im sending out four rookies and a one mission vet.
I've been wrecking everything since rushing to lasers, but I know that isn't gonna last too long. Those Mutons are just around the corner I can FEEL it.

In the meantime I'm training up a bullet swarm/HEAT ammo heavy. I haven't lost any soldiers in a long time and I don't feel like having a Cyberdisc ruin my day when they start appearing.

These Mutons ain't so tough. *pets Scatter Laser*


Gold Member
Classic (as in the original) X-com players… is there anything you miss or changes you dislike?

Before going in, I really thought I would miss the inventory management in-mission. However, I think it was a wise choice to take this out as I used to spend so much time at the start of each mission equipping all my soldiers before even stepping out of the Skyranger / Avenger. I’m sure they could have improved on the inventory management system, but going with the simple system they went with is much more user-friendly. What I do miss is being able to pick up a dead soldiers weapon / item (or an alien weapon) when getting low on ammo or needing an item they had. I guess unlimited ammo helps with that a bit.

The other thing I think I will miss is the base attacks. One of my favorite moments of the original is that I didn’t know my base could be attacked, so all my soldiers were out on a mission except for one wounded soldier (my brother) that had to be left behind. When my base was attacked, I defended the base “Die Hard” style, taking out all the aliens one by one with that single soldier. Another great part of base attacks was playing the mission in a map that you assembled yourself. It was cool to suddenly be playing a mission in something that I created and that you used to run your entire operation. Again though, I see why they made this change since there is only one base and it would suck to lose your game that way.

Anyways, I’m loving this game so far and even though the original will always be in my Top 10, it feels good to play a 2012 version.

The only things I miss are the base invasions (both mine and theirs), free aim, and getting off the dropship ramp :p The Saving Private Ryan dropship moments were vintage XCOM so I miss them for nostalgia, but I can see how that would be incredibly discouraging to people if youre trying to reintroduce XCOM.

Really though most of the changes I dont mind or rather enjoy, and the ones I don't like are just minor gripes nothing big. The game is awesome :)


So I named my dudes after some real life friends of mine. Everything is going great, and I just unlocked +squad size from the officer training school... So, I decided to add my friends brother to the ranks.

First mission, he get's poisoned, panics and shoots a teammate... have him bringing up the rear and holding overwatch for the rest of that mission.

Next mission, new guy gets the arc thrower, time to redeem yourself John. Clear out the perimeter of the crash site... get inside... pop a smoke... John rushes in and hunkers down.

But Alien outsider don't give a fuck, and John gets vaporized. NOOOOOO! In comes his younger brother, the squad assault.. Run & Gun around the corner and sends that alien son of bitch straight to hell.


John Chess: 2 missions, 0 kills. Died in the line of duty, avenged by his younger brother. RIP


was capturing a landed ufo that was on its way to a terror mission, went inside the ship, killed everything, captured a berserker and a muton (for its plasma rifle) , and all that with no one dead, map didn't end though, so apparently i had some aliens left, I split my team up to look for them, and one side finds a cyber disk, the bastard continues to shoot two of my soldiers before he died, one a fully maxed out sniper! yet he was in critical condition, yet i was out of med kits... my solution? have someone run to the jet and run the fuck away! yet what do i find on the way back? 3 cryssalids! after having my support die as well, I manged to kill them, and a mission that was going perfectly ended with 3 dead, and 3 wounded...


Gold Member
There are alien bases in the game. Have you captured any outsiders

Not yet they keep asking me to but Im blowing them to hell to save my own skin. I'm about a month away from losing this playthough, I'll try to do it right on the next one though. But that is good to hear! I was under the impression
that alien base attacks ahd been removed


Rodent Whores
Just beat the game on normal ironman to get the spoilers out of the way so I can play multiplayer. Good shit, I enjoyed that a lot. Time for the real meat and bones with Classic.

I dunno what it is but I sorta miss the micromanagement of the original xcom's geoscape. The new one, while deeper in strategy, doesn't have the same feel of scouring the Earth for UFOs.


Well, I thought it was known pre-release. Sorry for spoiling it for you, I didn't realize people didn't know that.

That's okay... would have been more exciting to find out on my own though... I think I'm just about to discover that mission if what you mentioned is the pre-requirement.

Is my screenshot working up there? Doesn't seem to be showing up for me... but I'm using safari so It might just be my browser.


Is there any way to make game time progress without having to go on missions? I want to finish constructing my second uplink before heading out to this abduction mission, but it seems as if the only way to move forward is to just go on missions, which really sucks.


Time is always moving forward, and missions can pop up randomly at any time. You can speed up time progress by scanning for activity.... it's very likely that a mission will pop up, but it's not like you are guaranteed a mission every in game day or anything like that.

It's an alien invasion... there are no time outs or cease fires.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
If one of my guys gets poisoned, will he die from it? Does it only inflict a certain amount of damage then fade?


Is there any way to make game time progress without having to go on missions? I want to finish constructing my second uplink before heading out to this abduction mission, but it seems as if the only way to move forward is to just go on missions, which really sucks.

You can ignore the mission and just advance the time, but that's going to lead to panic.


If one of my guys gets poisoned, will he die from it? Does it only inflict a certain amount of damage then fade?

one damage per turn for 3 turns... Not sure if the 3 turns starts from when you initially get poisoned or the turn you leave the poison cloud.

Hit a frustrating bug last night. Basically had a mission come up, assigned the squad and sent them out. They arrive and so I click "Begin Assault." Instead of beginning the assault it actually takes me back to mission control. The 5 soldiers I had sent on the mission are now forever on mission for some reason.

Losing a whole squad like this fucking sucks.

Nonetheless, I still am loving this game so far. Waited a long time for an update to classic X-Com and this one is coming through so far. May just start entirely over tonight cause I can't stand the sight of soldiers on my roster just locked in "On Mission" status for no reason.

Maybe they're lost in the Jungle, like Arnold in Predator 1. Maybe they've gone rogue, or been assimilated? Maybe the secret last mission is to fight them in all their psionic hybrid glory. You'll never know if you start over now.
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