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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control

Whats the Shiv bug??

Theres a few bugs with the shiv, but the one I've had has been with the alloy and hover SHIV.

Basically it has no weapon and can't use abilities. But it can still move around and take damage.

I was using it to scare aliens into moving into other cover lol.


From my experience it seems to be using pRNG. have to test it with a save game. If a unit misses that round, then no matter who shoots who, it will miss.

technically if you have say,

a unit with 70% chance to kill, kills
a unit with 10% chance to kill, misses
a unit with 90% chance to kill, misses

then you reload, the first unit always kills in that turn.

a unit with 10% chance to kill, kills
a unit with 70% chance to kill, misses
a unit with 90% chance to kill, misses.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I played the demo last night and really enjoyed it. Never played XCOM before, and in general strayed away from these strategy games in general albeit really loving Valkyria Chronicles, but I managed to beat the mission after the tutorial without losing anyone so...hoorah.

I think I might be on board for an impulse buy of this, though I'm expecting to get wrecked later on.


Gold Member
Theres a few bugs with the shiv, but the one I've had has been with the alloy and hover SHIV.

Basically it has no weapon and can't use abilities. But it can still move around and take damage.

I was using it to scare aliens into moving into other cover lol.

Hahaha big metal piece of bait.


I used the batch file to rename the movies before the patch, can I leave this as-is after the patch or do I need to do something else now?


Status Report: Classic Ironman

It has been 2 months since the last status report, which detailed our situation as extremely dire. Egypt and Germany had surrendered, and repeated attempts to respond to alien incursions had been met with defeat and left the world in increasing panic. Funding was low and the ranks of our experienced operators had been decimated.

Immediately following the issuance of that report, India, Japan, and Russia withdrew from the project, seemingly sealing the fate of the project and perhaps the world. Then, in our moment of need, we managed to snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat.

Early yesterday morning, HQ received a priority distress call from the UK. With Lt Soto still in medbay and all other officers KIA, XCOM command staff had no option but to assign our last available operators to the strike team regardless of experience. 4 green rookies, with nothing but standard issue rifles and basic kevlar would be the only responders.

The strike team hit the ground and began a sweep of the perimeter in standard 2 by 2 cover formation. By edging along the perimeter, strike team was able to catch alien patrols unaware and neutralize them before they could retreat and alert their reinforcements. It was crucial to engage the enemy in small doses, as the strike team was outgunned and definitely outmanned. The battle climaxed as strike team breached a marketplace that had been garrisoned by sectoids and thin men. Gunfire and frag explosions rocked the interior of the building, but in the end all ET forces were destroyed. This was huge for our project, finally after so long we tasted victory again. 3 members of the strike team were promoted for their heroics, but the cost was dear. Rookie Martine took reaction fire from a sectoid while breaching the market building and bled out before he could receive medical attention. He will be remembered on the memorial wall with his brothers in arms.

This success led to increased funding and command staff immediately authorized completion of the training school and experimental weapons and armor. As of the date of this report laser rifles are rolling off the assembly line, carapace armor is being fitted to strike team members, and Lt "Raven" Soto has been approved for operational status by medical staff. The council of nations reconvened and approved XCOM for another month of funding, no doubt due to our late success in the UK. The XCOM project now has a 5 man strike team with experienced and newly equipped operaters standing by to respond to the next hostile action. Command is confident this could be the beginnig of a turning point in our defense of Earth.

Nicely written :) Love your updates lol.


I don't think so. =(

They probably wanted to avoid people turning X-Com into their own private manufacturing business.

That sucks! That was a big part of the original game. Keep those engineers busy and make some money at the same time.

I'm still pretty early on my game (probably a month past the tutorial if it ends when you get the free satellite), but I decided to keep going with Wimpy Classic. My original plan was to start a non-Wimpy (Ironman) Classic game with no tutorial but that will have to wait. My gaming time is pretty limited these days so it will probably take me a couple of months just to finish my current game (unless it goes too far south and I need to restart).

So far there has only been one mission where I abused the save system. The rest of my game has been pretty much an Ironman type game.


Prodigal Son
Hey everyone. I was planning on picking this up tomorrow but the feedback in here about the panic mechanic's really turning me off the game big time. Basically I want to play on classic or impossible for the challenging combat but those two modes giving every nation +1/2 panic at the start of the campaign screams fake difficulty.

Is panic not as overly difficult to control as it seems? I refuse to play this game on easy or normal, it would be slapping Firaxis in the face. Also the patch is a real let down, I'm buying this game on disc to avoid this shit.
Ran into my first trouble. Went after a UFO that landed instead of being shot down...terrible, terrible price to pay. So many floaters, thin men, and a new type of alien on top of that...not playing on Ironman, but had two total party wipes attempting the mission so far. Maybe third time's the charm?


Hey everyone. I was planning on picking this up tomorrow but the feedback in here about the panic mechanic's really turning me off the game big time. Basically I want to play on classic or impossible for the challenging combat but those two modes giving every nation +1/2 panic at the start of the campaign screams fake difficulty.

Is panic not as overly difficult to control as it seems? I refuse to play this game on easy or normal, it would be slapping Firaxis in the face.
Actually, I believe you can change difficulty while playing. Start on Normal, change to Classic while in combat, return the Normal when you're playing the strategy part. Should give you Classic combat (apart from your soldiers having one extra HP) and Normal geoscape.

Can someone with the game confirm this? I think I saw it on one of the pre-release livestreams.


Encountered my first bug. A support personnel of mine panicked and then became
mind controlled right afterwards. I managed to break the mind control by killing the sectoid commander.
Afterwards, the unit was left in the "panicked" state (heavy breathing, screaming when selected), but was able to be moved around. Only thing is for the rest of the mission she would be able to use support commands but everytime I went to fire she would only fire on friendlies (i.e. she would target only other X-com members).


Gold Member
I await his next status update.

Everyone is fucking dead.

Haha likely

Hey everyone. I was planning on picking this up tomorrow but the feedback in here about the panic mechanic's really turning me off the game big time. Basically I want to play on classic or impossible for the challenging combat but those two modes giving every nation +1/2 panic at the start of the campaign screams fake difficulty.

Is panic not as overly difficult to control as it seems? I refuse to play this game on easy or normal, it would be slapping Firaxis in the face. Also the patch is a real let down, I'm buying this game on disc to avoid this shit.

Im playing on classic and so far I think it's been well done. I have had several nations drop out due to panic becoming too extreme, but in every case I've had opportunities to curb it and I either failed or ignored it. I've also got several nations with 2 or less panic and pretty much in the green.

Nations wont drop out immediately, you'll have chances to get their panic down.

The meter is pretty controllable as long as youre responding to actions, providing satellite coverage, and winning a little haha. I haven't found it obnoxious. The only time I have lost countries due to panic is if I have failed repeated missions in the region and/or ignored assistance requests. Also satellite coverage helps a lot.
I managed to break the mind control by killing the sectoid commander.

Okay, you can do this. I was worried that it would be like
a Sectoid boosting another one, and your unit would die, so I set my sights on stunning him, leading to a few incredibly tense turns.
Luckily, I'd switched everyone over to pistols, so even when
my Sniper Colonel with 6 health left got up close to my Assault Colonel, who'd hunkered down rather than overwatched so as not to kill anyone, and triggered his auto-reaction fire, leading to me screaming "Noooooo!!" at my computer, they just dinged one another for 3 damage. And now I've interrogated a Sectoid Commander.

Mr Swine

Silly question, but are there infinite missions to do in the game or is it set like 20 mission to do? What about this distress calls from different countries? Do they fend off alien take overs if you help them or do they get attacked after a while?
But the priiiiiiiize.

I haven't said no to a ground mission yet, so even if I lose four of my men and only have one survivor, if I beat the mission I'm continuing.

I just wish my soldiers would stop missing on 75%+ shots.

Encountered my first bug.

My first bug was kind of hilarious in a terrible way. I set up a gun to run right behind a Thin Man to kill him, except I forgot to reload his gun, so in haste I sent him quickly to the nearest spot to hide: inside a truck. Pretty good cover...except the truck wasn't damaged, so for the rest of the match (only a few turns thank god) my guy was just stuck in the truck because he couldn't target any of the enemies and none of the enemies could target him. It kept him safe, I guess...


And totally unnecessary if you play like it's meant to be played ;)

except that my first game, i shut down the console 4 hours in, not knowing there was no autosave, being used to post 2003 game design.

lost everything but I just had my entire squad wipped out anyways so i didnt mind much


Hey China, you had a satellite and an interceptor. Why you gotta go crazy and withdraw in the second month? Now where am I going to get all my engineers? :(

Never even had an opportunity to lower their panic level with a mission.
One awesome thing the
Sectoid Commanders do is make it seem like sounds are coming from different places. That little guy had me going.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Is sometimes getting a recruit with 1 extra health a bug or is there just a random chance that might happen?
except that my first game, i shut down the console 4 hours in, not knowing there was no autosave, being used to post 2003 game design.

lost everything but I just had my entire squad wipped out anyways so i didnt mind much

never have to worry about saving if you have ironman turned on!


i should've left the pc on overnight but i valued my sleep more than playing xcom immediately

seriously though, a 1 gig patch for that little changes and you still didn't tweak the unending alien turns? ya'll be shitting me firaxis
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