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XCOM: Enemy Within |OT| Your Soldiers Never Asked For This


All content on disk. Bought it at midnight yesterday from Wal-Mart. Tee here.

Ahh nice... Walmart you say? That's US I take it. I hope its the same for Euro / Australian versions. Over here its called the 'XCOM Enemy Within Commander Edition'.


Yeah, he is "naked" with only 5 hp, but can he use cover? I mean a guy with a minigun and some cover could be actually useful while I'm repairing the MEC suit.

I actually never tried this. Give it a shot lol. Probably can't hold the minigun though


Awww, I had a really good Ironman Impossible run going. Then got totally wiped on a council mission and was in such a bad position it was game over. Anyone got any good advice for reliably getting past the first mission on impossible, that and the first council mission have caused almost all of my game overs. >.>


Just finished a normal game. Gotta say, if you know how that last level is set up you can really just walk straight through it.

I set up a sniper outside the final room with ghost armour and she basically just squad sighted the entire room with ITZ.
Just finished a normal game. Gotta say, if you know how that last level is set up you can really just walk straight through it.

I set up a sniper outside the final room with ghost armour and she basically just squad sighted the entire room with ITZ.

All you needed to do was double tap the super ethereal with a squad sight sniper.


Newfoundland is goddamn amazing on so many levels. Atmosphere, cinematic, gameplay.

Forgot to mention that. All the new maps are great. Had one that was entirely on a cargo ship and another where the UFO crashed on the top of a skyscraper. Great and inventive maps so far.


Man I thought MEC were cool, fielded my first one got trashed by 3 thin men in one turn =/, can you use a cyborg soldier without the MEC suit?

Man MEC are most certainly cool.

I made the exact same mistake as you with the first one I made, sent him too far ahead and he was melted the next turn by the 3 or so x-ray groups I had activated accidentally. Once you level them up once they can get a really big defense buff when on overwatch which I've been enjoying.

I wonder how far an all-Mec team could brute force their way through classic/ironman
I'm only a little over half way through May on Normal and it's insane how many missions I've gone on in a single month. Whoever decided to trigger so much stuff in that month is a devious person. Kind of makes me worried about the pacing of the following months.

That said, I did do the Slingshot missions when they first popped up in May. Is it possible to delay doing them or will I have to keep doing them in May in future playthroughs? I heard that if you pass on Slingshot's first mission, you might not see it again or something.
Maybe at thirty, definitely at twenty

I was going to pick this up yesterday but Gamestop was only going to give me a $5 credit for EU and that would still put EW at $35 which is still over the PC version. So I guess I'm waiting for a sale on the console version on Amazon or something before I can buy this.
I am so damn frustrated right now. In the middle of the base attack mission and just slaughtered everyone thus far. Killed six goddamn mectoids, 4 sectoid commanders and only lost 3 rookies. Going for the fifth and last cyber disk and the game fucking freezes!!!!


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Between the expansion and Slingshot there are an awful lot of rather difficult missions to tackle in just the first few months. I am currently storming a battleship with assault rifles.

How did it come to this.
Between the expansion and Slingshot there are an awful lot of rather difficult missions to tackle in just the first few months. I am currently storming a battleship with assault rifles.

How did it come to this.
I made three laser rifles and two laser pistols right before sending my team on that mission. Thank god I had Zhang as a mech trooper, because I only had three other fairly high ranked soldiers and none of them were heavies. Collateral Damage easily had its way with those power conduits.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
It's okay, Zhang's battleship blows chunks. Just skinnies and sectoids for the most part

Yeah, I'm handling it pretty easily so far. I'm mostly just salty that there was 1 day left on laser research when the council popped it up and I was all "Really, No Face? Really?"

I made three laser rifles and two laser pistols right before sending my team on that mission. Thank god I had Zhang as a mech trooper, because I only had three other fairly high ranked soldiers and none of them were heavies. Collateral Damage easily had its way with those power conduits.

Funny thing is that Zhang is missing out on the final two missions of his own DLC because he's in the process of getting genetic enhancements.

Dude's gonna be all sorts of pissed when he wakes up from getting his bits Meld-ed.
New council mission spoilers:

The Chryssalid hive mission was very fun and a nice change of pace, but, since as far as I'm aware it always appears early in the game judging by the previews, I'm not sure how I feel about having a mission where you're practically guaranteed to lose 1-2 (if you're lucky) soldiers only 2-3 months in the campaign. On Classic, I'm stuck with a Major, two Lieutenants, and a Squaddie now, and EXALT/tougher aliens and missions should be about to show up. And all of that, just for a Panic reduction? By how much you're crippled in Classic and beyond, I might skip on the mission even if it just outright caused you to lose Canada a few weeks later.

I still think Easy and Normal are too easy now, and Classic and Impossible are too hard, but I'll keep toughing through it. Wonder if Impossible is hard enough for Beaglerush now.
New council mission spoilers:

The Chryssalid hive mission was very fun and a nice change of pace, but, since as far as I'm aware it always appears early in the game judging by the previews, I'm not sure how I feel about having a mission where you're practically guaranteed to lose 1-2 (if you're lucky) soldiers only 2-3 months in the campaign. On Classic, I'm stuck with a Major, two Lieutenants, and a Squaddie now, and EXALT/tougher aliens and missions should be about to show up. And all of that, just for a Panic reduction? By how much you're crippled in Classic and beyond, I might skip on the mission even if it just outright caused you to lose Canada a few weeks later.

I still think Easy and Normal are too easy now, and Classic and Impossible are too hard, but I'll keep toughing through it. Wonder if Impossible is hard enough for Beaglerush now.
Yeah, I'm hoping the guys at the XCOM Nexus forum will figure out a way to tweak the Council missions so that there's only one or two per month and spread out some of these missions.
what difficulty is everyone playing on? Im just getting owned in Classic ironman, cant get past May :(

I find normal a bit on the easy side, i wish there was something inbetween
First mission on Slingshot DLC and a Thin Man drop right in front of my entire overwatching squad, nobody gets even a single shot in. I don't remember them being nearly as frustrating in EU. I think I'm gonna stop rushing satellites and go MEC rushing this time.
First mission on Slingshot DLC and a Thin Man drop right in front of my entire overwatching squad, nobody gets even a single shot in. I don't remember them being nearly as frustrating in EU. I think I'm gonna stop rushing satellites and go MEC rushing this time.
Really? Because I've had the opposite experience in EU and EW. I've noticed my guys making reaction shots when aliens drop in on them all the time in EW (to the point that I wish there was some sort of staggered overwatch system), while EU was a coin-flip on that front, especially with the teleporting bug.


I've had a single floater from a group of three go into overwatch when discovered. Weird, but it may not be a bug.


C/I, I'm in May now, haven't lost a country, got a squad of 6, and made a MEC. I recovered fairly well from a wipe during a crash site and losing my VIP
prisoner exalt
during the new council mission. I still don't know what happens when you suceed that one.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
So I know I'm mad late to the party on this since it's Slingshot stuff, but thanks to that final mission I've got a
Fusion Lance, Guided Fusion Launcher, and intact Plasma Rifle
to research. In the second month.

It's like Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa all rolled into one for Vahlen down here.


If you're smart about Zheng's second mission you can
get a muton prisoner in the second month and boost the shit out of your research efforts

Knowing where enemies spawn ahead of time is invaluable, as is an assault with an ARC thrower and lightning reflexes to burn enemy overwatch


what difficulty is everyone playing on? Im just getting owned in Classic ironman, cant get past May :(

I find normal a bit on the easy side, i wish there was something inbetween

Ironman Impossible. The run I'm doing now started out really well, didn't even get hit in the first two missions. But then I got sloppy on the first downed UFO mission, accidentally triggered the outsider and a sectiod pack at once, got the whole squad wiped. Got a council mission right afterwards that I had to not even do, no way to do it with just rookies. My lead sniper who was injured and thus not part of the squad wipe got to lead the new rookie squad on the next abduction mission. That ended with a full squad wipe to. Now it's early in the second month and 4 countries have left XCOM. I just finished my first MEC, and got a squadie heavy, and a bunch of terrible rookies. Hopefully some good missions can turn this around but it's looking grim.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
If you're smart about Zheng's second mission you can
get a muton prisoner in the second month and boost the shit out of your research efforts

Knowing where enemies spawn ahead of time is invaluable, as is an assault with an ARC thrower and lightning reflexes to burn enemy overwatch

I actually managed that in the third mission. Dude hopped down from that great monster closet in the sky straight into the middle of my whole overwatching squad and got dropped to 1 HP all of three steps from an Iron Reflexes Assault dude with an Arc Thrower.

It was a good mission.


So does the defenders metal not work? I got the power that said no panicking from allies getting shot or killed, but the MEC I gave it to just panicked after an ally got shot and panicked...


what difficulty is everyone playing on? Im just getting owned in Classic ironman, cant get past May :(

I find normal a bit on the easy side, i wish there was something inbetween

I'm also playing Classic/Ironman and pretty much end up rage-restarting after the first evacuation mission. So many thin men falling from the sky.
Not a fan of the training roulette second wave option. Fucks up snipers way too much -their perk tree is extremely linear- and the vanilla game design isn't really built around having more than a couple of squads, so having a dude on your team with a hodgepodge of weapons and not useful skills is pretty painful.

edit: Yeah. It's really bad. Wait for a modder to fix this, or play with it and just shitbin your snipers.


So should I make my assault troops carry a shotgun or assault rifle? I find shotgun way too situational at lower levels.


So should I make my assault troops carry a shotgun or assault rifle? I find shotgun way too situational at lower levels.

Shotgun assaults are incredibly clutch and gotten me out of a lot of sticky situations. The rifles are better for sitting behind cover and exchanging fire, but that's a pretty suicidal strategy on Impossible so I tend to stick to shotguns.


A good offence is much more valuable than a good defence imho. That said, the assault class benefits from survivability greatly so don't neglect your defence buff bonuses.

An assault with a plasma rifle can do as they like
So should I make my assault troops carry a shotgun or assault rifle? I find shotgun way too situational at lower levels.

Really depends on squad composition and enemy resistance. Early game shotguns are amazing against Sectoids, or example, because you almost always can run and gun for a double kill on mind linked aliens.

Dangerous maps like UFO landings (not crashes, which are much easier) and high threat abductions are probably going to be largely standoff affairs broken by cover-clearing explosives and long range firepower. Here you are going to likely be better off with assault rifles. You can always run and gun to flank the outsider and kill him even without the extra shotgun damage.

I would always go shotgun in terror missions. Enemies will often ignore you to kill civilians, and the melee enemies in the terror missions are extremely vulnerable to shotgun fire. You also kind of need the extra damage per turn as well.
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