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Xenoblade 3D |OT| Is that a Monado in your pocket or are you just really feeling it?


Ah yes, the Windy Cave. Should have thought to revisit there.

You can also try crossing the platforms of Raguel Lake. Greed Gogols offer a good amount of exp, though it can be a bit of a challenge as they like to gang up with other Gogols.

You can also try high level monsters lurking at Satorl Marsh by night. I'm pretty sure they are doable now at your current level.


Anyone know some good areas to gain levels in post
Mechonis Core
? Most of the endgame quests are to fight extremely high level monsters and I'm only level 69 at the moment.

I basically pulled up a list of uniques and cleared it one by one. Also a good way to grab some of those Advanced art books! Though I think that was around the time I started more seriously messing around with gem crafting and skill linking and different party configurations so battles actually were more fun than ever. Plus I swear just running around
Tephra Cave
leveled my party up quite a bit.


Anyone know some good areas to gain levels in post
Mechonis Core
? Most of the endgame quests are to fight extremely high level monsters and I'm only level 69 at the moment.
When it came to my end game levelling I made use of the wiki which has a lovely index of monsters by level and I would just fast travel to whatever area had monsters 2-3 levels above my current level. It took a while but it worked.


I am having an absolute blast playing as Dunban. I really suggest experiementing with characters so you understand their strengths and weakness and discover some team pairings for yourself.

I have Dunban in center, Reyn to my left and Shulk to my right. We are plaowing through everything two levels above our own.

Just got to the forest and am so stoked. I loved it then and i love it even moreso now. Just hope i dont burn out as i did in my last wii playthrough

Topple-Locking is the best.


Is that toppling a toppled enemy to extend the topple?

With reyn, shulk and dunban having most if not all the break, topple and daze moves, keeping enemies down after a debuffer feels empowering

Yes. It's insanely satisfying to just leave an enemy on the ground while you continue to just slam into it with every topple and daze art known to man.


Yeah... I'm glad I'm not the only person who realized this. It's like the writers were so obsessed with it.

The entire story/game revolves around and was based off of Monads. It is not a made up word/concept for the game, there are both ancient, and modern contexts for the word Monad.



*spoilers, for replayer eyes only*:

But wait, theres more Monads:




monad visual gag.

Monadic bind operator symbol:

More late game related spoiler images, for some reason, there is not a single clean, decent sized shot of this in game on the entire internet.... But whoever did this got the design correct, of course, there are a lot more of the symbol, but doing every one would make the symbology indecipherable:

*Spoiler Replayers Only*
2.5 hours in and:

Seriously, got nothin'. I'm in the Tephra Cave with Reyn and Fiora, and I thought I had a handle on the combat right up until I died like five times in a row. It seems like I can either go straight in and get instantly killed by a giant spiky slug and its friends, or I can take the little bridge route off to the right and get killed slowly against a big rabbit dude. Is there a good beginner's guide out there? Like, beginner beginner, I mean. I've played a couple of JRPGs before, but never one with combat like this (and I've never played an MMO), so I've pretty much just been spamming all the Arts one after the other and hoping for the best. The idea of attacking automatically is really weird to me, and I have no idea if I should be running around trying to dodge attacks. Running into a battle and having my tiny screen instantly filled with all sorts of words I don't fully understand is incredibly overwhelming :p

I'm really looking forward to playing through this giant thing, but right now I just need to get my head above water for like half a second. I'll be going through this thread to see what you duders recommend.


2.5 hours in and:

Seriously, got nothin'. I'm in the Tephra Cave with Reyn and Fiora, and I thought I had a handle on the combat right up until I died like five times in a row. It seems like I can either go straight in and get instantly killed by a giant spiky slug and its friends, or I can take the little bridge route off to the right and get killed slowly against a big rabbit dude. Is there a good beginner's guide out there? Like, beginner beginner, I mean. I've played a couple of JRPGs before, but never one with combat like this (and I've never played an MMO), so I've pretty much just been spamming all the Arts one after the other and hoping for the best. The idea of attacking automatically is really weird to me, and I have no idea if I should be running around trying to dodge attacks. Running into a battle and having my tiny screen instantly filled with all sorts of words I don't fully understand is incredibly overwhelming :p

I'm really looking forward to playing through this giant thing, but right now I just need to get my head above water for like half a second. I'll be going through this thread to see what you duders recommend.

You are pissing off everything so they focus soley on you. The red ring around the character, means an enemy is focused on you. Spamming all your arts at once will get it extremely focused on you, so if it doesnt kill it, it just leaves you as a punching bag.

Take the detour and fight the bunny, by try to let Reyn retain the bunny's ire. If he starts focusing on you, back off until Reyn gets his attention again. If you have shadow arts yet it will help. Beat up surrounding whimpy enemies to build the team meter for revives and chain attacks.

Dont bother trying to dodge attacks by running around, the games not really real time at all, if you are in an area of effect when the attack is selected, it doesnt matter where you are when the animation happens, and same for enemies in relation to you. Its more like chrono trigger, except the atb is tied to actions/tecs/arts instead of the character, and the player can move as well as the enemies.


Man, I've been grinding Dark Hoxes for almost an hour trying to get them to drop Z Speed Boosters, I think I've got every other drop from them except that one haha.
Uhh that post is completely nonsense to me I've just got that agility Monado art.
Then I hope you didn't click any of the picture links, the spoiler tag was less strong before they edited it.
2.5 hours in and:

Seriously, got nothin'. I'm in the Tephra Cave with Reyn and Fiora, and I thought I had a handle on the combat right up until I died like five times in a row. It seems like I can either go straight in and get instantly killed by a giant spiky slug and its friends, or I can take the little bridge route off to the right and get killed slowly against a big rabbit dude. Is there a good beginner's guide out there? Like, beginner beginner, I mean. I've played a couple of JRPGs before, but never one with combat like this (and I've never played an MMO), so I've pretty much just been spamming all the Arts one after the other and hoping for the best. The idea of attacking automatically is really weird to me, and I have no idea if I should be running around trying to dodge attacks. Running into a battle and having my tiny screen instantly filled with all sorts of words I don't fully understand is incredibly overwhelming :p

I'm really looking forward to playing through this giant thing, but right now I just need to get my head above water for like half a second. I'll be going through this thread to see what you duders recommend.

That caterpillar was my archenemy when I started. I refused to take any path other than through him so I inadvertently leveled up through my failures until I killed him.

In battle, position is only really relevant when using Arts that benefit from attacking at certain angles. If an enemy is targeting you, your position won't matter as they will always hit you unless your agility / evade stat is high enough. Worse, they will look directly toward you which prevents you from taking full advantage of your position-specific arts. That's where Reyn comes in as his role is a tank to always draw enemies to him so Shulk can attack at his leisure with his position specific Arts.

To make this easier, use points to up the potency of Reyn's Arts that draw Aggro to him and focus on giving him equipment or skills to boost his defense so he can become a damage sponge. This way enemies focus on him and not you.

The next thing to focus on is doing the Break / Topple chain. If you hit enemies with certain arts, they get put into a status in a chain. It goes Break (pink) -> Topple (green) -> Daze (yellow). Shulk has two basic Arts that inflict Break, Stream Edge and Air Slash. You should have Stream Edge so try using that whenever you can. This should put the enemy in Break status as noted with a pink, wavey icon on the enemy name. This status does nothing by itself, but if someone hits that enemy with a Topple (green) art, they will be put into Topple status where they have fallen over and cannot attack while also taking slightly more damage and will be noted with a green circle shape by the enemy name. Reyn's Wild Down does this and the AI is smart enough to prioritize that Art if the enemy is in Break status. They won't be in this state for long however but the interruption helps considerably. If someone is in Topple status and they get hit by a Daze (yellow) art it puts them in Daze which is just Topple status but for slightly longer. Proper Art abuse can keep some enemies stuck in this loop, preventing them from attacking entirely.

You want to boost your Arts that make it easier to do this sequence as it makes battles easier but also fills the Chain Attack meter in the top left, which is needed to revive allies and do the Chain Attack.

For now, I'd suggest focus on improving Shulk's Stream Edge art, Reyn's Wild Down and Hammer Beat.
Enormously helpful information

Just as fantastically helpful information

Oh wow, thanks guys, that's exactly what I needed. I was pretty much just wading in with Reyn, spamming all my Arts and then having Shulk and Fiora die pretty quickly and leave me to be fairly ineffectual at actually dealing damage. I just tried again, playing as Shulk and hanging back, looking for opportunities to Backslash while occasionally healing anyone who needed it, and I beat the rabbit guy first try. Also didn't have any idea how to use the Chain Attack, so I looked at the tutorial and worked it out. I'll start trying to get used to Break/Topple-ing now, because that sounds pretty cool. And that red Aggro ring is a huge help; didn't notice it amongst all the other stuff on screen, but now I know what to look for.

And, yeah, I was pretty sure I couldn't really dodge attacks by running around, but I wasn't quite certain. Your explanations make much more sense than what I was thinking :p

Should I be worrying about Gems at this point in the game? I've pretty much just been equipping better gear as I find it, but I'm a bit reluctant to go using any Gems for fear of losing them if I want to upgrade my weapons (I'm no detective, but I'm pretty sure I might be replacing my 'Junk Sword' with the a certain red sword with a hole in it before long :p). Are they one-use things, or can I just pop them in and out?


2.5 hours in and:

Seriously, got nothin'. I'm in the Tephra Cave with Reyn and Fiora, and I thought I had a handle on the combat right up until I died like five times in a row. It seems like I can either go straight in and get instantly killed by a giant spiky slug and its friends, or I can take the little bridge route off to the right and get killed slowly against a big rabbit dude. Is there a good beginner's guide out there? Like, beginner beginner, I mean. I've played a couple of JRPGs before, but never one with combat like this (and I've never played an MMO), so I've pretty much just been spamming all the Arts one after the other and hoping for the best. The idea of attacking automatically is really weird to me, and I have no idea if I should be running around trying to dodge attacks. Running into a battle and having my tiny screen instantly filled with all sorts of words I don't fully understand is incredibly overwhelming :p

I'm really looking forward to playing through this giant thing, but right now I just need to get my head above water for like half a second. I'll be going through this thread to see what you duders recommend.

I dunno if this will help, but here is my "basic" explanation of how combat goes:

First, auto attacks are basically the "attack" command you usually execute in turn-based JRPGs. It will only execute when you are within the attack range, so basically melee or close to enemy for the most part. It will be executed in intervals as long as you are close to the target. You can improve the speed of your auto-attacks but that's for later parts of the game :p

When you and your party attack a target, it will choose amongst everyone the target of its own attacks. It will usually target the ones who deal the most damage among other things, and that is what you call "aggro". If you are using Shulk, you are at best avoiding being aggro'd or being the target of enemy's attention. That's where Reyn comes into play. His role is to draw the target's attention, get being attacked, and gives the others the opportunity to attack on blind spots. It is important to manage aggro in battles as that is one key to every strategy in this game. Let the tanks (the ones with great defense and durability) get being attacked and getting aggro'd while the others do their thing.

Arts are the special skills you can execute at anytime for as long as they are available to use. They vary in kind, use and range, but assume first that every art you use is also close range, since you are very early in the game. The kinds of arts you have are color coded in the following categories:

GRAY (Talent Art) - The art at the center of your arts menu. It is basically the specialty of each charater. This gets filled up when your auto-attack hits, so that's where the importance of auto-attacks takes place.
BLUE (heal.support) - Healing spells and Support arts. Shulk is the only one currently with healing art, but you'll get party members with healing arts as well. Blue arts are also buff spells, which have varied effects such as reduce aggro (Shulk), increase blocking rate and charge next attack (Reyn). You'll get to know more of these kinds later on.
RED (physical) - special physical attacks. Can inflict some effects to target if they have special effects, like "Bleed" or "Double Damage". Shulk's Back Slash has an effect of Double Damage when you use it at the back of the target.
PINK (break) - they are also physical attacks, but they inflict Break status. Break does not really do anything, but you need it in order to topple the target.
GREEN (topple) - they can be physical or ether ("magic"), but the effect is basically to topple the target. When the target is toppled, they can't attack and defend. So you get basically free hits on a non-moving foe and can land critical attacks with more frequency. You need first to inflict Break in order to Topple. There are ways to force topple, but that's a later tactic in the game, so don't think about it yet :p
YELLOW (daze) - You may not have these kinds of arts yet, but they inflict Daze status, which is similar to Topple. But Daze can also "reset" the target opponent. "Reset" means reset the aggro and the attack it is about to commit before getting Dazed. You need to inflict Topple first before Daze.

So basic tactic is: PINK (break) -> GREEN (topple) -> Daze (Yellow), or just PINK (break) -> GREEN (topple) while extending topple effect by using another GREEN.

You'll learn other colors as well, such as PURPLE (ether) and ORANGE (aura), but that's for the later part of the game.

Basic tactic when using Shulk: avoid getting aggro'd. Go behind the target and use Back Slash to deal greater damage. Also inflict Break using Air Slash so that Reyn can topple it with a Wild Down follow up from his AI and you can basically gang up and beat your opponent. If you get spotted, just auto attack and Reyn will help draw the enemy's attention away from you.

Basic tactic when using Reyn: just keep attacking and use his talent art (Taunt) on a regular basis to keep the enemy's attention to him. He's hard to get killed and Shulk will heal you if you are in trouble. If Shulk's AI inflicts break, follow it up with Wild Down.

Basic tactic when using Fiora: just play like you are using Shulk.

Another thing in battle is the tension. You see the character portrait change in battle? That's the work of tension. Higher tension will change their portraits from calm-looking to angry-looking, and this will make them perform well in battle. Lower tension will change their portraits to slumped-looking and they'll perform trash. To keep the tension high, you must:

- time those B-button prompts good. A perfectly-timed press will give the highest tension points, and will also improve affinity to your teammates (See those hearts appear?). The B prompts appear when anyone lands a critical hit, successfully dodged an attack, or misses an attack.
- get battle start affinity. If you initiate an attack, you will get a B prompt at the beginning. Time it correctly and you'll get increased tension right from the start.
- avoid missing attacks. Consecutive misses will drop the tension, that is why focus on your agility stat.
- avoid getting hit hard by status effects. Getting toppled or dazed drops tension too, but you can get it back when you assist a dazed or toppled, or when you get assisted by another party member.
- avoid getting killed. Being KO'd and revived drops tension to oblivion.
- "Encourage" depressed party members. Just approach them and a B button prompt appears to execute a cheer, or just get approached and cheer up when you are low in tension yourself.

That's the gist of the basics, sorry if it's too long lol. You'll eventually learn those by practice anyway :p


Ok so I just got to a merchant who sells the "Diver's" gear and it's weird that these damn swimsuits exist and also that they're basically on-par with the rest of my equipment...

I guess I understand why Shulk's alternate costume in Smash is a swimsuit. Or nah I don't understand. I know where it comes from anyway.
That's the gist of the basics, sorry if it's too long lol. You'll eventually learn those by practice anyway :p

lol, no that's awesome. Thanks a lot; I'd noticed a lot of those things but wasn't anywhere close to working out what they meant, so that really helps. I was seeing people's character portraits go fiery and getting the B button prompts but I had no idea what was going on. Definitely going to get to work learning to Break and Topple now.


2.5 hours in and:

Seriously, got nothin'. I'm in the Tephra Cave with Reyn and Fiora, and I thought I had a handle on the combat right up until I died like five times in a row. It seems like I can either go straight in and get instantly killed by a giant spiky slug and its friends, or I can take the little bridge route off to the right and get killed slowly against a big rabbit dude. Is there a good beginner's guide out there? Like, beginner beginner, I mean. I've played a couple of JRPGs before, but never one with combat like this (and I've never played an MMO), so I've pretty much just been spamming all the Arts one after the other and hoping for the best. The idea of attacking automatically is really weird to me, and I have no idea if I should be running around trying to dodge attacks. Running into a battle and having my tiny screen instantly filled with all sorts of words I don't fully understand is incredibly overwhelming :p

I'm really looking forward to playing through this giant thing, but right now I just need to get my head above water for like half a second. I'll be going through this thread to see what you duders recommend.

It sounds like you're getting killed by the only two Uniques in that area. Uniques are always stronger than all of the fodder enemies in the same area. There's no shame in getting you ass kicked by them on your first playthrough.
God knows that caterpillar took me more than a few tries.

In all honesty though, leveling up solves pretty much all problems in this game.


Should I be worrying about Gems at this point in the game? I've pretty much just been equipping better gear as I find it, but I'm a bit reluctant to go using any Gems for fear of losing them if I want to upgrade my weapons (I'm no detective, but I'm pretty sure I might be replacing my 'Junk Sword' with the a certain red sword with a hole in it before long :p). Are they one-use things, or can I just pop them in and out?

Gems can be removed to your equipment, except when the equipment is unique (the one with purple U symbol). Those have a non-removable gem/s that are essentially part of what makes them "unique". Other than that, you can swap gems as long as you have enough slots available to fit those things.

Just remember to remove the gems when you are changing equipment and plan to sell them. Can't remember, but if you don't remove the gems before you change equipment, they remain attached to that piece and you might forget to retrieve them.
If you don't mind cheesing the game,
you could go to the bridge on your way to Colony 6. There are some apes around 72, and one strategy would require a character with a knock back and push them into the lake. You'll get the experience but you might not get loot.

Spoiler tagged all that incase some want to do it the legit way.
You do get loot
the chests are floating in the water where they died

There are some other enemies you can do exploits on (note these are all Wii version so no idea if they still work); another in the same area (
with the white and dark hoxes, it is harder to do as there is some land they can hit in being knocked off the cliff
) and one which seems like the enemies themselves unload which instantly kills them in a different area (
in Satorl Marsh head to Glowing Obelisk and Soler Ruins, use Hypnosis on Indomitable Daulton; the other Gogols will head towards you, walk away and if you get the distance and timing right you should be able to unload at least one of them, apparently there is way for them to drop chests too
). All of these are used in a speedrun that is nearly 10 hours long (route here at least 2 hours is exclusively those 3 exploits) and that is the only footage I can find of the enemy unloading one (warning route splits may contain spoilers but if you're at at endgame like the person asking for advice was that shouldn't be a problem, here; about 3:47:00 in, if you're nearer to their level you'll get a lot more EXP, at level 37 as that video shows the game thinks you are a much higher level than them so gives you way less EXP).

As I said I'm not sure if enemy unloading works on the 3DS version as there might be different load distances.


So I'm about an hour in, just reached the first town and saw the story bits with Reyn grabbing the Manoto. I was just wondering how long till the game opens up and I can start exploring? Is there a long intro or am I pretty close to being able to just grind and explore?


So I'm about an hour in, just reached the first town and saw the story bits with Reyn grabbing the Manoto. I was just wondering how long till the game opens up and I can start exploring? Is there a long intro or am I pretty close to being able to just grind and explore?

You still have things to do before the game actually starts. Maybe two hours.


Did some more grinding to level 78 on those apes near Raguel Lake, that's enough for now. Got heaps of pieces for the Lancelot Set. Unfortunately no slotted versions of the armour and leggings yet.


Ether Mine
and I am now at the shop in
Satorl Marsh
(which looks really nice btw). The story seems to pick up pace now. The combat system also seems to finally click with me.
There are still a big amount of options, mechanics and playstyles I have to learn and explore. But it is a lot of fun to figure everything out on my own. This is quite a massive game and I'm taking my time with it.

Playing this for the first time also ignited my hype for Xenoblade Chronicles X later this year. :D
So I'm about an hour in, just reached the first town and saw the story bits with Reyn grabbing the Manoto. I was just wondering how long till the game opens up and I can start exploring?

If you didn't follow the story objectives up to that point, you already could have explored the area outside the Colony, which is pretty massive on its own.


Neo Member
So I'm about an hour in, just reached the first town and saw the story bits with Reyn grabbing the Manoto. I was just wondering how long till the game opens up and I can start exploring? Is there a long intro or am I pretty close to being able to just grind and explore?

You can explore right now. The game never restricts you about this unless it explicitly says you can't go anywhere. My favorite thing to do is find the gap in the railing of the bridge across town, and just jump off and swim to a random shore! The exploration is the thing for me that makes this game amazing.


Anyone know some good areas to gain levels in post
Mechonis Core
? Most of the endgame quests are to fight extremely high level monsters and I'm only level 69 at the moment.
I think
you can retake Alcamoth. You should get a bunch of quests at the end of the swamp area and in the reactor floating island in Eryth Sea. If you don't know what I'm talking about that means you haven't arrived there yet so nevermind :p


I think
you can retake Alcamoth. You should get a bunch of quests at the end of the swamp area and in the reactor floating island in Eryth Sea. If you don't know what I'm talking about that means you haven't arrived there yet so nevermind :p
Those are level 80+ iirc.


Those are level 80+ iirc.
Yeah you're right, didn't remember that well. I think I cleared the game around lv 69-70 on my first playthrough, but I don't remember where I leveled up at that point. I probably grinded on lv70-72 monsters hanging around in the first areas of the game, there are ostrichs and ants around that level in colony 9 area maybe?


I've just been grinding mobs around 4 levels above mine. Started with Dark Hoxes, moved onto those ape things near Raguel and now I'm grinding the level 82 Baelfael Gogol in Satorl Marsh. It's a slow process but I'm getting there haha.


Yeah you're right, didn't remember that well. I think I cleared the game around lv 69-70 on my first playthrough, but I don't remember where I leveled up at that point. I probably grinded on lv70-72 monsters hanging around in the first areas of the game, there are ostrichs and ants around that level in colony 9 area maybe?

Yeah, there are some fish by one coast, flamiis on another coast and there may be some antols elsewhere.
Question: Do you have to complete a battle to get experience or can you try and kill high level enemies and get experience whilst trying to kill it and if you die you still keep that experience right? I need to do a bit of grinding as I'm not good at the battle system in general so need to overlevel myself for a boss.


Unconfirmed Member
Question: Do you have to complete a battle to get experience or can you try and kill high level enemies and get experience whilst trying to kill it and if you die you still keep that experience right? I need to do a bit of grinding as I'm not good at the battle system in general so need to overlevel myself for a boss.

If you kill something, you get experience for it. So if you kill a "minion" enemy and then die, you will get the experience for that kill.
Question: Do you have to complete a battle to get experience or can you try and kill high level enemies and get experience whilst trying to kill it and if you die you still keep that experience right? I need to do a bit of grinding as I'm not good at the battle system in general so need to overlevel myself for a boss.

How far in are you?

If you need to level, do some of the quests in towns. They're much faster XP wise than grinding against jobbers that may provide minimal XP.


You can explore right now. The game never restricts you about this unless it explicitly says you can't go anywhere. My favorite thing to do is find the gap in the railing of the bridge across town, and just jump off and swim to a random shore! The exploration is the thing for me that makes this game amazing.

Yeah, exploring everything in a zone is great, even when you just go straight up against your death (at least you know it! I remember
shitting myself on the boss spider in Gaur Plains when attempting to grab the item :D


Question: Do you have to complete a battle to get experience or can you try and kill high level enemies and get experience whilst trying to kill it and if you die you still keep that experience right? I need to do a bit of grinding as I'm not good at the battle system in general so need to overlevel myself for a boss.
I'm pretty sure I have levelled up either while fighting a unique enemy or after dying to it. So I think some XP is awarded even if you do not defeat it.


I'm pretty sure I have levelled up either while fighting a unique enemy or after dying to it. So I think some XP is awarded even if you do not defeat it.
You would have got the EXP from you or one of the party members killing another monster that was part of the mob with the UM. You don't get EXP for just fighting a UM or dying to it.


So I got to the first real tough fight of the game, which I struggled with a lot in the Wii version, but I was able to win quite easily takes to a tip. It's the fight with
in Colony 6. The tip is
to leave one of his minions alive. You can still boost your meter by doing those useless attacks on him, so you don't need his minions to fill it.
I honestly can't believe I never thought of it, and it made the fight so easy.


So I'm about an hour in, just reached the first town and saw the story bits with Reyn grabbing the Manoto. I was just wondering how long till the game opens up and I can start exploring? Is there a long intro or am I pretty close to being able to just grind and explore?

You could have turned around and headed out the town the second you entered and Reyn left your party. :p


I've just been grinding mobs around 4 levels above mine. Started with Dark Hoxes, moved onto those ape things near Raguel and now I'm grinding the level 82 Baelfael Gogol in Satorl Marsh. It's a slow process but I'm getting there haha.

Next up will be
for mid to high 80s and then you should head to
Tephra Cave
for lows to mid 90s.


Unconfirmed Member
God damn it. Went through and did all the UMs through the point you leave Colony 9, checked my recording, and for some reason Shadowplay only recorded an empty desktop with Xenoblade sounds.

Worst part is, outside of some wonky play during one UM, I was doing good. Also got pretty lucky drop-wise. Beat Cellar Bugworm at level 10 on my second try (first one was uggggly and ended up having all the other enemies attack me too).

Guess I get to do it again tomorrow, and figure out how to get this stupid program to record right. Weird thing is that it worked fine when I tested it yesterday...
Should I be worrying about Gems at this point in the game? I've pretty much just been equipping better gear as I find it, but I'm a bit reluctant to go using any Gems for fear of losing them if I want to upgrade my weapons (I'm no detective, but I'm pretty sure I might be replacing my 'Junk Sword' with the a certain red sword with a hole in it before long :p). Are they one-use things, or can I just pop them in and out?

I went the entire game without even bothering with Gems until the very end so I think you'll be fine. Gems would help when fighting some Unique Monsters earlier, especially ones with Spike damage (really dumb feature, in my opinion) but just for traversing the map and beating the game I don't think they're that big of a deal-breaker.

Skill Trees are more important, but I forget if they're available at the start of the game or later. They are unique traits / skills that boost stats or grant unique features ranging from boosted defense to lowering prices at shops. What's great about these is that as soon as you earn one, it is active forever. If Skill Trees are available already, earn the top skill of all the different branches you can access since they need hardly any points to acquire them.

When using Skill Trees, the Tree you choose will channel your earned Skill Points into the skill on that Tree. Once you earn that skill, you can choose another tree to earn points into and that earlier unlocked skill will remain active regardless.


When using Skill Trees, the Tree you choose will channel your earned Skill Points into the skill on that Tree. Once you earn that skill, you can choose another tree to earn points into and that unlocked earlier unlocked skill will remain active regardless.

This is great info, did not know that you could do all the trees. I assumed you had to stay on the one tree to keep it active. Good stuff!
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