Elma's 2nd heart-to-heart
I giggled :lol
I giggled :lol
Is there a good place to grind from 32 to somewhere 40. Got four heavy 30 Skells.
The spiders and bats in Sylvalum can be killed rather quickly with Skells (I farmed there because of the Chapter 9 battle). If you don't mind the horrible weather that may pop, that is.
I also heard about a nice place in Oblivia, but I don't remember where.
I will need to find the places I miss in Oblivia, to improve even more the money I'm getting there (seriously, the amount of money you can make is insane).
FN Site 217 in Noctilum
Who's grown by leaps and bounds? This girl.
Should I even bother buying anything from the armory, or are drops going to keep me up to date on equipment?
There are a lot of small missteps with this game...really dumb...
Sooo what do I have to do to unlock Ultra ground gear?
Interest piqued!
If you place the probes like in the image below, and if you discover the panoramas (you need to discover them: it will boost significantly the income), you can reach 130k easily from that area alone:
You can then improve even more the income with research probes combos (assuming you have the necessary probes). The crucial place is 2: once you discover the panoramas there (at the top of the highest mountain, and somewhere else I don't remember), you will win amazing amounts. Just be sure to respect the above probe layout.
1, 4, 5 and 6 are Research probes (the higher, the better).
2 is a Copy probe.
3 is a Booster II probe.
FN Site 217 in Noctilum
When I see the card on a hexagon that represents a normal mission, does that mean I have a mission on my list that goes there as an objective or is there a mission in that hexagon I can pick up? Because I've wandered around those areas for ages and haven't found any missions.
Oh wow, much appreciated! Gonna set that up now! Thanks mate!
I'm in chapter 5. am I close to getting my first skells yet?
Quick remark: iirc, the booster is best placed at 5, with two research probes next to it (north and south) in addition. Or put a second booster there nd keep the one on 3, I think that's even better.
Awesome! Thanks man!
I'm looking for the vistas/secret areas now. That's gonna take a while!
You'll need the flight module for most of them.
I think Cauldros is even better for this setup, because the revenue ratings are better. I'll have to test when I get back at my place next week.
Can party members not revive each other?
Weird then cuz no one is doing it for me. Lin has been dead for a good minute now and Elma ain't doing jack with her 3000 TP. I can't find a command it anything for it either.They can, I saw them do it lots of times (usually when I was in my skell and them on foot, I wasn't caring too much who lived or died)
Does know where I can find the AttributeDmg.Ether XX?
Ultra can be dropped form level 60+ enemies but apparently really you want to aim for over level 67 so they they are always infinite/boundless versions (level XV built-in augments, one manufacturer uses the term boundless instead) instead of Regal. So go through the spreadsheet linked in the OP and find such enemies. I think they are all tyrants though. Do note mechanoids tend to drop armour for skells instead and some enemies don't drop armour at all (e.g. Joker).Sooo what do I have to do to unlock Ultra ground gear? Because I just played online with someone who had 1100+ attack power with ground gear alone and was doing 2,000,000+ damage per overdrive total on the Global Nemesis Telethia. They had lots of Melee Attack Up and Potential Up augments, but were only able to do so because of all of the slots on their weapons.
I seriously could not believe my eyes. I need that gear ASAP!
Sorry, I wasn't being cleared with my post. I'm talking about where I can find the augment? I still don't have it yet on my AM Terminal. I wonder what I need to show up.craft it under skell frame augment option @ the AM terminal
Ultra can be dropped form level 60+ enemies but apparently really you want to aim for over level 67 so they they are always infinite/boundless versions (level XV built-in augments, one manufacturer uses the term boundless instead) instead of Regal. So go through the spreadsheet linked in the OP and find such enemies. I think they are all tyrants though. Do note mechanoids tend to drop armour for skells instead and some enemies don't drop armour at all (e.g. Joker).
There is an incomplete list of who drops what here which is also helpful for hunting (I like that manufacturers and weight are listed). The spreadsheet is starting to have have some of that info but the tyrants tab currently hasn't been updated.
Remember to fully level arms manufacturers too as otherwise you'll get broken gear (I wish I had kept some more broken headsets as using them as fashion gear to hide helmets is good) and possibly worse augments.
Difference between light/medium/heavy is heavy has better defence, worse gravity resist and less upgrades possible. If you're doing the dual gun/longsword overdrive build (i.e. decoy or ghost factory) I'd try to go light as infinite armour has 10 upgrades possible enough to turn two XV augments into XX augments (the upgrade costs might be as much as making XX for an empty slot though). Also while in overdrive accuracy augments have no effect as you always have 100% hit.
You might notice most easier to access enemies or ones that are farmed for augments anyway drop heavy armour though. If you're not planning to upgrade the augments on the armour there is little harm using those.
In terms of augments it is probably best to be realistic and not go for 3 augments you want on each piece. One or even two is plenty. Maybe if you are thinking of upgrading the built-in augments then you might want something more "perfect".
Sorry, I wasn't being cleared with my post. I'm talking about where I can find the augment? I still don't have it yet on my AM Terminal. I wonder what I need to show up.
Elma's 2nd heart-to-heart
I giggled :lol
Anyone know where I can get
Lava Fox
Prickley Crickets
in Cauldros at the insel in the south? According to the guide the items are there but after a hour I couldnt still find them. I finished the story and have about 65% in Cauldros so I think I was at many places and there is no other cave (except for the probe or anything).
Thats interesting.Elma's 2nd heart-to-heart
I giggled :lol
I have a bowcaster weapon.Is there a weapon that looks/acts like a bow?
Depends, are you more of a graphics person?I'm debating whether to pick this up or get Xenoblade on n3DS first.
I haven't played a hardcore jrpg since FF 12 :O
Depends, are you more of a graphics person?
Xenoblade 1 is portable so thats a plus too.
Xenoblade 1 also has better plot and characters, but its more linear.
Xenoblade X has mech and better combat and costumization, with a more "open world" structure based on missions, gorgeous graphics too, depends more on what you like.
Not a graphics person, art yes but I don't mind jaggies or pixels.
I like the sound of the gameplay in X but the open world aspect worries me a bit. It does sound like the side missions/exploring is actually rewarding though.
The open world should worry you, because you will much of your life to it. I would recommend both of them, but go for the ride that XCX is first. Xenoblade Chronicles is also very good (I like X more).. get both if you can?
144 hours later and I got my Ares 90 and I am wrecking shit now. Now for the super weapons and every affinity mission. Ares only took a hour cause I already had almost all things lol
I've been looking for a Duogill (Placid or any, really) for well over an hour now and it's really showing some of the limitations in the game.
The quest doesn't give you any hints, follow ball doesn't work, I've apparently never run into any of these creatures since they don't appear in my intel, and the map is awful at marking locations, even when zoomed in. In a game this big this means endless useless wandering, which isn't the same thing as exploring (I've been to all these locations before), and which isn't really fun.
I've visited every lake on Primordia and there are simply no Duoguills. Frustrating.
Seriously, though, the hexagon and probe parts of the map work fine, but the 'plain map' should be so much better than it is.
I have a bowcaster weapon.
Not a graphics person, art yes but I don't mind jaggies or pixels.
I like the sound of the gameplay in X but the open world aspect worries me a bit. It does sound like the side missions/exploring is actually rewarding though.
I think they're in Silent Mire.
But did you visit every lake on Primordia during every time of the day?I've been looking for a Duogill (Placid or any, really) for well over an hour now and it's really showing some of the limitations in the game.
The quest doesn't give you any hints, follow ball doesn't work, I've apparently never run into any of these creatures since they don't appear in my intel, and the map is awful at marking locations, even when zoomed in. In a game this big this means endless useless wandering, which isn't the same thing as exploring (I've been to all these locations before), and which isn't really fun.
I've visited every lake on Primordia and there are simply no Duoguills. Frustrating.
Seriously, though, the hexagon and probe parts of the map work fine, but the 'plain map' should be so much better than it is.