When do characters stop learning new Battle Arts? I've been holding off on leveling up anything because I'm worried that I might end up getting a new art that is just a better version of one I upgraded.
there aren't any similar arts which do the same thing as another one. they are all unique, and you really shouldn't hold of leveling them just because you might get something better. You definitely will get better stuff, but if you aren't willing to spend dozens of hours farming for art books, you won't get past stage 8? anyway.Which means, you have will have more than enough points to experiment with different arts.
I came across a sidequest where I was supposed to kill a named creature...Problem is I already killed it before the quest became available. Now the creature isn't up and I don't know if there's any way to spawn it. Am I screwed?
you can wait for it to respawn, which is kinda random, or you force it to respawn. there are more techniques:
- save once and reload untill it spawn.
- or just set the clock again and again, you don't even need to change the time. just open and confirm.
- warping around the map (which isn't very practical)