I took a break at the story fetch quest in
I think that's when I started to get really frustrated. This game has
so much going for it, but I feel like I'm ultimately just wheeling my characters through all these breathtaking areas to get to each new story sequence. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I'm not enjoying this journey as much as the next person, particularly when it comes to the battles. I'm also kind of sick at the moment, so maybe things are a little more irksome than usual.
The more I play, the more I think this is an RPG meant for new or lapsed fans of the genre. Being so easygoing isn't a bad thing, but it wasn't what I expected. I also feel like every time the game rewards the player, it does so with things that just make it easier and more boring. There's little room to challenge myself--it's possible to ignore sidequests and not grind, but this battle system cannot support doing anything it wasn't explicitly meant for. It's too haphazard, swishy, and one-dimensional. No alternate difficulty modes, no solo runs, no "no exp" playthroughs, no in-battle items, very little inter-battle resource management, no clear delineation or feedback when dealing with enemies, no formations, no explicit AI control, etc. This battle system only appears to understand brute force, not unlike Disgaea games. It's crude and unrefined. It lacks subtlety, nuance, technique, finesse, meaningful and applicable depth, strategy. Unless something serious changes, battles don't seem likely to evolve beyond basic dice-roll wars of attrition that you'll always win as long as your healer survives. Yggdra Union was particularly horrible because of this exact problem, but at least battle conditions changed once in a while. In Xenoblade, most battles seem so samey I feel like I'm playing Resonance of Fate or FFXIII all over again. Yikes! I did not expect this to be more monotonous than your average free-to-play Korean MMO.
I know it's up to me to determine if I can stick with the game to enjoy what I can. I'm hoping somewhere along the line I can let down my defenses and surrender myself to it. The audiovisual presentation is already arresting, the world has a clear sense of identity, and the story has me hooked. Those have to count for something, right? So why do I feel like I need to bend over backwards to accommodate everything else? =\
I don't hate this game. I'm just incredibly disappointed and feel duped by all the hype. That's all.