Stabilisation is Supersteady Shot, so whatever that means.
That's why it's better not to hang on every word in rumour threads, at least you should go in with the attitude that everything in them is probably wrong. Even I get stuff wrong from time to time, though I try not to, obviously!
Not sue about IR, haven't heard anything either way. I would guess not though, wasn't on the Z so probably won't be on i1.
It is Exmor R according to my source, so it should be good in medium light, but with the small sensor it will be terrible in darkness without a xenon flash to give good illumination.
as long as it is as good as normal point and shot, thats fine... right now, i am disappointed in all of them.
Galaxy Camera and Nokia all seem fine, but i dont really get a point if you have to compromise on anything, and you do.
I think I am pretty much set on Ultra + Handset myself... i got convinced when i used Tab2 7 to do some quick network setup and how much more useful it was than my 4.3" phone... Plus I could watch movies/shows on it, all I do on my ipad anyway, and since it is 16:9 device, it should be a plenty of space or rather, all the space will be fully used for media, unlike ipad where half of the screen is black... so kind of seems like 6.4" will be OK for that as well.
Still not sure though about this convergence of devices... you end up having even more devices at the end.
I was also planning to get Vaio Pro Duo possibly, as that seemed perfect for both work and media at the same time... but if I have 6.4" phone, why would i need 13" tablet for media?
So maybe:
- Ultra Z + Handset + Vaio Pro 13.3" (or other ultrabook with i7, whatever is rated the best at the time, right now Elitebook was fine but not as good as reviews say)
- Honami or XZ or S4/Iphone6 - 4.5"-5" phone + Vaio Pro Duo 13.3"
Tough choices... Smaller phone + convertible laptop OR larger phone/tablet + small bluetooth handset + larger laptop. Price should be about the same.