Grim Patron
Thanks for everything John
dont forget the ketchup
How's the framerate for the Yakuza 6 on OG PS4 like? Played the demo and its really jittery.
Hey YakuzaGAF - just wanted to say my goodbyes...I'm leaving the family to going to go start an orphanage or maybe drive a taxi, but it's been awesome getting Yakuza 0 launched with you all and having Kiwami and 6 announced for western releases.
Don't fret over charts - Yakuza 0 was incredible, and the outpouring of community support here was truly a wonder to behold.
Special shoutouts to everyone in the community, especially Irishninja and Son of Sparda for spreading the good word of Kamurocho around. Couldn't have done it without you all, kyodai.
May your heat gauge be forever filled!
Thank you for everything you've done for Yakuza 0 and the Yakuza community as a whole, John. I won't say goodbye cause I expect to see you in this and other Yakuza threads in the future.Hey YakuzaGAF - just wanted to say my goodbyes...I'm leaving the family to going to go start an orphanage or maybe drive a taxi, but it's been awesome getting Yakuza 0 launched with you all and having Kiwami and 6 announced for western releases.
Don't fret over charts - Yakuza 0 was incredible, and the outpouring of community support here was truly a wonder to behold.
Special shoutouts to everyone in the community, especially Irishninja and Son of Sparda for spreading the good word of Kamurocho around. Couldn't have done it without you all, kyodai.
May your heat gauge be forever filled!
Hey YakuzaGAF - just wanted to say my goodbyes...I'm leaving the family to going to go start an orphanage or maybe drive a taxi, but it's been awesome getting Yakuza 0 launched with you all and having Kiwami and 6 announced for western releases.
Don't fret over charts - Yakuza 0 was incredible, and the outpouring of community support here was truly a wonder to behold.
Special shoutouts to everyone in the community, especially Irishninja and Son of Sparda for spreading the good word of Kamurocho around. Couldn't have done it without you all, kyodai.
May your heat gauge be forever filled!
General question: How often do the games go on sale on PSN? Thinking of getting 4 and 5 when they're cheaper.
Once or twice a year from what I saw. I'd imagine they'll knock 33-50% price off both games if your patient enough, if there is another "Japanese games sale" type thing on PSN they'll more than likely be included.
When's Golden Week? They'll probably do a sale then.
You are correct.End of April I believe.
Yo what game should I play next?
I got 6, Isshin, and 4 on me right now.
And hows 6 on ps4 pro? Whats the difference between it and og ps4?
How does one in the west play Ishin? Mod their PS4? The concept is exactly what I want in a genre (feudal Japan) which is very underrepresented outside of Dynasty Warriors.Ishin is never getting released in English, so I'd recommend playing that (its excellent, and a nice change from the main numbered Yakuza games)
How does one in the west play Ishin? Mod their PS4? The concept is exactly what I want in a genre (feudal Japan) which is very underrepresented outside of Dynasty Warriors.
Just get a copy of the game and put in to your PS4 same as always!! Games aren't region locked on the PS4, only DLC is and there's no worry of DLC for this game. There's also an easy way around that even if there was.
The game is still entirely in Japanese so you will need to consult a guide but here is a VERY comprehensive and well-made guide that explains everything or as close as one can get:
You'll most likely have to import a copy of Ishin though as Western Retailers don't have it. Might I suggest
It's available digitally, so you can just make a Japanese PSN account and buy a Japanese PSN wallet code if you want.
Ishin is never getting released in English, so I'd recommend playing that (its excellent, and a nice change from the main numbered Yakuza games).
6 has minor Pro upgrades. I think there is a resolution boost from 900p to 1080p (but I'm not sure on this), the frame rate is almost a solid 30FPS all the time and the screen tearing has been eliminated.
Oh yes, also this. But I imagine you'd have to pay the full price while you can easily get a copy at a reduced price if you go physical.
Not entirely sure.
Huh. Then I guess I kinda goofed by going physical instead of digital lol. Still though, great game and worth getting whichever way is easiest.The PSN version is discounted just like the new printed physical copies on amazon.
I printed out the big mega guide and put it in a neat binder. 200 glorious double sided color pages.Oh yes, also this. But I imagine you'd have to pay the full price while you can easily get a copy at a reduced price if you go physical.
Not entirely sure.
I printed out the big mega guide and put it in a neat binder. 200 glorious double sided color pages.
Now I just need to buy the game
Will do!
Also remembered that I had a save from the Yakuza 6 demo so I booted me copy to fool around in the city a bit.
1.VF5 is nice!
2.Karaoke is still funthere's a song that's dedicated to Nishiki tho ;_;. It hits hard after playing 0 too
The PSN version is discounted just like the new printed physical copies on amazon.
You'll hit Seijima's city in chapter 4 of his story. His part was paced rather weirdly with two chapters being in prison, when cutting some of the bloat from it could have condensed it into 1, to give you two chapters in the city instead of 1 (as there is a shit ton of stuff to do in the city).
You'll be able to go back to the cities in the final part of the game, but yeah the pacing is nowhere near as tight as in 0 (which perfected the multi protagonist approach to the game).
Two words: Tiger DropFinally finished Yakuza 5 last night, clocking in at.114 hours
I'm really going to find it difficult to play Y0 after this. Obviously, I'll wait a good while, but there was something that bothered me really badly and has soured me on it.
Going under spoiler tags for the rest of this. Spoilers only for Y5:
It was the Jo Amon fight. Seriously the most frustrated I have ever been with a game. Totally failed to beat it even on Easy with 20 Staminan Sparks. I could slowly whittle him down using parries and grabs for a while, but when he starts with the fire, I'm totally unable to avoid damage and totally unable to hurt him further.
Eventually skipped it, and it's the only side-quest I didn't finish. It bummed me out so badly, I forgot to go and do the final hostess stuff afterwards. Then after finishing, I see there's no ability to go back and clean up quests post-game. I could have sworn that was in earlier games, but I must have been mistaken.
I feel totally useless. I even watched a youtube vid of someone defeating Jo Amon and it was like I was watching a different game. He just continually dodged and kicked, and the blows were largely getting through without being blocked. He only got caught once (I think) in the flames. I just don't understand how I failed so badly when the video makes it look so easy.
No other fight in the game gave me any issues at all.
I know I'm not particularly good at games, but this is insane. I finished 1-4 with no issues like this at all. I'm almost scared to play any other games now, because the whole experience of this fight was so frustrating I came close to just deleting the game. I'm pretty sure that if it had been physical, I would have snapped the disc.
Two words: Tiger Drop
Honestly it makes the fight an absolute joke. Just get the timing right and you'll wreck him with ease.Interesting. That might be what the guy was doing in the vid. Thanks - I'll give that a try.
Just realized the voice of Akiyama voices the protagonist in Catherine (JPN voice).
Out of curiosity, has Sonic ever made a cameo in the series? Since this is such a SEGA-laden game, one would expect their mascot to appear in some form.
Just realized the voice of Akiyama voices the protagonist in Catherine (JPN voice).
Just realized the voice of Akiyama voices the protagonist in Catherine (JPN voice).
Wow. Then I may have to go back and play that game with Japanese voices once more.Just realized the voice of Akiyama voices the protagonist in Catherine (JPN voice).
Two words: Tiger Drop
NiceNow grab the PSP games! (and a physical release of RGG5 just for completeness sake!)
Happy to helpJust did it. First attempt. Thanks so much!