I mean we often wonder why games like P5 or Nier: Automata have done so much better than Yakuza 0. Well, those games do have pretty good dubs.Scamco needs to start taking risks if they want to get any big gains with One Piece games.
Labeling this game as unprecedented and enormous while not including English audio just to save money sounds contradictory.
There's plenty of people in the fandom who don't buy OP games due to a lack of English voiceovers. And there's a bigger market of gamers outside the fandom who would be more swayed into buying these type of games if it has the option for English, because as much as consumers are becoming more accustomed to JP audio w/ subs, there's still that bigger market who would like to enjoy the game without worrying about reading subs.
I definitely don't need or want an English dub for the series, but after reading this I have to agree that it could possibly be the thing that gets a lot of new people on board with the series:
I mean we often wonder why games like P5 or Nier: Automata have done so much better than Yakuza 0. Well, those games do have pretty good dubs.
Yeah definitely. Despite many hardcore fans saying they like subs only, there's nothing lost by having an option for English or Japanese voices.
Also gonna have to say, I like the English dub of Yakuza 1, I might be one of the few that do. But was it that bad at the time it came out? What Japanese game had a better english dub? Western games like GTA were definitely better. But I think this is at the same or close to the level of the Final Fantasy X dub (the Tidus laugh automatically loses a few points) and is way better than a Dynasty Warriors game.
You know, I'll actually stand up for the dubs on the DW games. I loved them, hammy and bad as they were. They cracked me up, I actually preferred the hilarious voice acting and butchering of the names to the Japanese voices and sub titles (I can't be reading sub titles in a DW game when I'm playing, I just end up missing so much).
It probably depends on numbers for Kiwami and 6. Zero's numbers were decent but not a breakout hit given the few sources we have on this (ZhugeEx tweet). But things could improve for Kiwami depending on if word of mouth gets around (and the lower price).
Koei Tecmo did a WW release on a pretty big game with Nioh, but that had a long development time 3-4 years vs Yakuza titles which seem to take 1-2 years. KT also spend a lot of time polishing up gameplay which might also give them time to work on the localization.
The other game to consider is of course Persona 5 where the English version came out 6 months after the Japanese game was done, but as fans have noted it wasn't the best localization possible most likely because they used more staff than normal which probably reduced the consistency somewhat.
At best I think Yakuza games will get down to about 6 months but I don't think it will be a simultaneous release unless they specifically held off the Japanese version, not that we'll know though. Would love it if that happened.
Ideally should I play Zero or Kiwami first? I know zero is first chronologically but Kiwami is technically first in the release order.
The Actual Title
*If the game has one
Couple of questions about Zero
1) Can someone explain mahjong a little more than the game does? I enjoy playing it, and get the basics, but at least 4 times I looked at a complete hand, but couldn't call "ron". I don't get why. Can I only call "ron" off a steal?
2) How important is it to do the cabaret club substory stuff? The minigame is pretty boring and I'm a little burnt after beating the 5 billionaires. Should I bother, or is there a way to speed it up?
You get the same kind of reward for Majima as you do for Kiryu if you stick with the club stuff, but its completely optional unless your going for 100% completion so why not leave it until later?
Regarding Mahjong, I'm too tired to type out some notes now but out of interest are you stealing tiles from opponents at all? As that makes things much harder to get a winning hand (and for the most part, I found me getting far smaller payouts on victory).
A easy-ish winning hand is having 4 sets of 3 sequential tiles (so for example 1, 2 and 3. Or 5, 6 and 7. Or 3, 3, 3 etc.) You also need one matching pair of duplicate tiles, doesn't matter which ones. Disregard the wind tiles (the ones with weird symbols on them) unless you have 2-3 of the same tile to help give you a winning hand and then focus on getting tiles between the range of 2-8. Why are 1 and 9 bad? Because if you are building a sequence of tiles and already have 1 and 2 you will absolutely need 3 to complete that sequence. Now if your mainly working with tiles 2-8 and you have a partial sequence (lets say 2 and 3) you have more leeway - you either need a 1 or a 4. So your odds of getting the tile you need have now doubled.
As mentioned above, don't steal tiles. You can wait until your just one tile away from winning and press the square button? (I think its that button) and you should then get the option to declare Riichi. This mode basically speeds the game up and you'll automatically disregard all tiles until you get the tile you need, or one of your opponents disregards the tile you need (its ok to steal the final tile you need).
Also in the options you can turn on something called Red Dora - basically this means you get normal numbered tiles that have the number/symbol all in red. If you can make a sequence or pair with this tile you get an extra bonus when you win which is always a good thing!
Hope that makes some semblance of sense (it does in my mind!). It took me from Yakuza 4 to Yakuza Ishin for me to actually click with Mahjong, now I can't get enough of it in the Yakuza series!
So now that I have Persona 5 and Zelda finished, I've finally got round to (re)playing Yakuza 0, now in English.
Only up to chapter 2 so far but I'm loving it, as I expected. The translation seems to be pretty good so far, though a couple of the bits of dialogue used (in side stories mainly) doesn't seem like its a proper translation of how the characters would talk, kinda feels like a few liberties were taking when translating it into English for a modern audience). But the main story cutscenes have been translated wonderfully so far, and its nice to play it through in English as I'm picking up on a few little bits here and there that I missed on my first go round.
Mini game wise I'm not putting too much effort into them yet, as I'm planning on running through until I hit chapter 5 - that way I can start earning serious money and start leveling the fighting styles up to have more (heat) moves, though I've just got beast mode and that's got plenty of grab related moves I can utilise (plus I just love the quick weapon grab action, so glad that was kept in for heat mode in Yakuza 6).
I've had some luck with the mini games I have played though. Done a couple of rounds on Mahjong and already mostly done on the challenge list requirements, lucked out and got Ippatsu earlier which is great, and I managed to get some awesome strong hands yesterday that cleared some of the harder goals.
Shogi I'm still bad at but I'm learning it, very slowly. I'm mainly just replaying the first challenge over and over, as I can now consistently clear that without needing to use any guides or anything (and honestly its way more fun just playing it rather than using a guide to follow a set path).
But what has taken roughly 50% of my game time so far is Outrun. I spent quite a bit of time on it in Yakuza 6 but that has an easy mode which gives you a ton of time, so you'd have to be really bad to not finish it in 6! But after some really, really close calls I finally finished Outrun properly... the scene was set perfectly - the Club Sega girl had just set a new high score and challenged Kiryu to beat it. I then proceeded to finish the game completely! Pity that those scores aren't recorded and neither is the footage![]()
Oh well, time to see if I can clear some more of the endings now.
I should have most of the game done by the time Kiwami has been released, though I doubt I'll get round to playing that for at least a couple of months at the earliest - I like to space my Yakuza runs out to avoid getting fatigued by the series. But on the other hand I love the characters and story of the first game so much...
Do you guys think the rest of Neogaf would be interested in some Yakuza Avatars? Kiwami is going to be released soon - so I though it would be a good idea to get some new Avatars out there so everybody on Gaf can get excited about Yakuza:Kiwami. It seemed to work pretty well last time with Yakuza Zero, guess we have Son of Sparda to thank for that!
If you guys think its a good idea I should be able to do these by the start of August.
As for custom avatars with the purple Yakuza Supporter banner - I suppose people who want to help out can do so in that thread too.
Oh and if you like these - can you hold off on claiming them until the avatar thread goes up.
this is awesome!Yes, this is an awesome idea. Let's do this!
I cannot express how salty I am about the fact that you've managed to get Ippatsu just by playing a few rounds lolSo now that I have Persona 5 and Zelda finished, I've finally got round to (re)playing Yakuza 0, now in English.
Only up to chapter 2 so far but I'm loving it, as I expected. The translation seems to be pretty good so far, though a couple of the bits of dialogue used (in side stories mainly) doesn't seem like its a proper translation of how the characters would talk, kinda feels like a few liberties were taking when translating it into English for a modern audience). But the main story cutscenes have been translated wonderfully so far, and its nice to play it through in English as I'm picking up on a few little bits here and there that I missed on my first go round.
Mini game wise I'm not putting too much effort into them yet, as I'm planning on running through until I hit chapter 5 - that way I can start earning serious money and start leveling the fighting styles up to have more (heat) moves, though I've just got beast mode and that's got plenty of grab related moves I can utilise (plus I just love the quick weapon grab action, so glad that was kept in for heat mode in Yakuza 6).
I've had some luck with the mini games I have played though. Done a couple of rounds on Mahjong and already mostly done on the challenge list requirements, lucked out and got Ippatsu earlier which is great, and I managed to get some awesome strong hands yesterday that cleared some of the harder goals.
Shogi I'm still bad at but I'm learning it, very slowly. I'm mainly just replaying the first challenge over and over, as I can now consistently clear that without needing to use any guides or anything (and honestly its way more fun just playing it rather than using a guide to follow a set path).
But what has taken roughly 50% of my game time so far is Outrun. I spent quite a bit of time on it in Yakuza 6 but that has an easy mode which gives you a ton of time, so you'd have to be really bad to not finish it in 6! But after some really, really close calls I finally finished Outrun properly... the scene was set perfectly - the Club Sega girl had just set a new high score and challenged Kiryu to beat it. I then proceeded to finish the game completely! Pity that those scores aren't recorded and neither is the footage![]()
Oh well, time to see if I can clear some more of the endings now.
I should have most of the game done by the time Kiwami has been released, though I doubt I'll get round to playing that for at least a couple of months at the earliest - I like to space my Yakuza runs out to avoid getting fatigued by the series. But on the other hand I love the characters and story of the first game so much...
Those look great and I'm definitely interested.Do you guys think the rest of Neogaf would be interested in some Yakuza Avatars? Kiwami is going to be released soon - so I though it would be a good idea to get some new Avatars out there so everybody on Gaf can get excited about Yakuza:Kiwami. It seemed to work pretty well last time with Yakuza Zero, guess we have Son of Sparda to thank for that!
If you guys think its a good idea I should be able to do these by the start of August.
As for custom avatars with the purple Yakuza Supporter banner - I suppose people who want to help out can do so in that thread too.
Oh and if you like these - can you hold off on claiming them until the avatar thread goes up.
I cannot express how salty I am about the fact that you've managed to get Ippatsu just by playing a few rounds lol
But it's great to know that you've finally started to localized version of Zero. The translation is really good. Also, you said you've finished Persona 5. Would love to know your thoughts on that.
Those look great and I'm definitely interested.
The Yakuza Gods are clearly on your side. Cause I literally spent over 15-20 hours playing Mahjong and I still couldn't get Ippatsu. That was the point that I decided to forget about getting the Platinum trophy lolI must have immense luck on the game, as I couldn't believe how quickly I got that particular bonus, I was expecting it to take far longer. I knew I get it sooner or later though, since I love the mini game so much there was no way I won't be spending hours on this mini game alone.
Tonight I only advanced the story a tiny bit, but got into a ton of fights and pulled off a whole ton more new heat moves for the completion list - well technically you don't have to pull all the heat moves off, but I'm going for as many as I can anyway for old times sake! Gotta love how you can go into a heat move from pretty much any situation with the beast mode grab wise though, the wealth of options is delicious.
As for Persona 5. I loved it, I don't play many RPG's but this is one I'm glad I did play. Its insanely stylish, amazing soundtrack and the story rocked. I thought the end level after theshould have been over a few days, as doing it in one go was a real pain but it made sense story wise in the end. The ending was ace as well, I was pleased how everything was wrapped up, definitely a contender for game of the year for me.last palace
Yes, this is an awesome idea. Let's do this!
I like the purple but maybe make it a little lighter? I feel like the red text is a bit difficult to read in the current version.
Don't mention it. And you are the one doing the actual works, so thank you.Ah yes that's exactly what it was I should have just made it lighter - I couldn't put my finger on it. Thanks SOS!
I made two more with a lighter purple and I think the lighter of the two makes the red lettering stand out more.
The Yakuza Gods are clearly on your side. Cause I literally spent over 15-20 hours playing Mahjong and I still couldn't get Ippatsu. That was the point that I decided to forget about getting the Platinum trophy lol
Beast is great! I initially didn't like it that much, but after buying the moves and investing in its abilities it becomes an extremely powerful style. Climax battles with Kiryu were a breeze thanks to Beast style.
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed Persona 5. I liked it overall, but was disappointed due to my expectations from it and being annoyed by some of its design choices like the constant IM messages. But I can see how someone can totally love the game. And yeah, not playing many JRPGs really helps you appreciate the game more. I think you said that you've played it, but if you haven't done so, then I recommend playing Persona 4 as well. That's my personal favorite in the series, and I think you'll enjoy that as well.
Not played P4 yet - 5 was my first Persona experience which probably helped me enjoy me the game even more, now I'm in love with the series and will definitely go back and at least play both 3 and 4 at some point once I've got my backlog in order a bit more!
I can't wait to have access to the later moves in the styles - I miss my parry attacks, I also really miss some of the heat moves you get from the upgrades (some of my favourites in the series). Plus I love the bear hug moves in Beast mode you can unlock, really makes you feel even more overpowered!
Wait what? A big Vita fan like yourself hasn't played P4?
From everything I've read 4 is universally praised.
If P5 was your first Persona then I completely understand you falling in love with it. And yeah, you should definitely give P4G a try. If you liked the cast in P5 then you are gonna love the characters in P4.Not played P4 yet - 5 was my first Persona experience which probably helped me enjoy me the game even more, now I'm in love with the series and will definitely go back and at least play both 3 and 4 at some point once I've got my backlog in order a bit more!
I can't wait to have access to the later moves in the styles - I miss my parry attacks, I also really miss some of the heat moves you get from the upgrades (some of my favourites in the series). Plus I love the bear hug moves in Beast mode you can unlock, really makes you feel even more overpowered!
If P5 was your first Persona then I completely understand you falling in love with it. And yeah, you should definitely give P4G a try. If you liked the cast in P5 then you are gonna love the characters in P4.
My personal favorite move from Beast style is this one. I just love how sudden and impactful it is.
Yeah, I completely agree. The combat is very decent in Yakuza 0, but the problem like you mentioned is that the enemies are too weak for you to even think about using different moves. You can beat regular enemies pretty quickly and some of bosses just break your combo whenever they want to, so the combat never really has the time to shine through. That's one of the things that I'm hoping for them to fix with future Yakuza titles.Playing around with Beast style and I'm reminded of why I love the combat - while it can be viewed as pretty shallow I think it has a nice layer of depth if you look at the variety of heat moves you can use. For beast style I've been playing around with the different normal moves and seeing which knock down the enemy and in what way - the standard grab to square attack is the perfect set up to grabbing the enemy by the legs which can lead to a whole host of heat moves from there. Or using the normal throw leads to you being able to pick him up (in a stunned state) and then combo/use certain heat moves from there... Not that you technically need to go through this much effort, most enemies are fairly weak, but I just love the variety of moves you get. Makes the combat way more fun for me as opposed to just spamming the same combo over and over.
Do you guys think the rest of Neogaf would be interested in some Yakuza Avatars? Kiwami is going to be released soon - so I though it would be a good idea to get some new Avatars out there so everybody on Gaf can get excited about Yakuza:Kiwami. It seemed to work pretty well last time with Yakuza Zero, guess we have Son of Sparda to thank for that!
If you guys think its a good idea I should be able to do these by the start of August.
As for custom avatars with the purple Yakuza Supporter banner - I suppose people who want to help out can do so in that thread too.
Oh and if you like these - can you hold off on claiming them until the avatar thread goes up.
So it just says they announce their new work and doesn't specify it is a video game. It could be a Ryu Ga Gotoku -the movie-!!!!!!! instead of RGG7 or whatever it's called.
Where are Akimoto and Mizuki avatars aka the most important characters in the first game.![]()
The fight is really dope tho.
And no Y6 don't fix that.